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Featured Wynncraftian Fw S5e2 - Spyrohawk

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, Mar 25, 2018.

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  1. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    Season 5, Episode 2:


    Hosted by @Pepinho!
    Suggested by @pseudocraul!

    If you have been outside of the planet Earth for some years now and don't know what Featured Wynncraftian is, let me explain it.
    We feature people from the community who have done something relevant or are somewhat interesting and peculiar. We interview those people here every 2 weeks!
    They aren't always a popular member, they might be someone who we can do an interesting interview with.

    If you think someone deserves Featured Wynncraftian, please nominate them: Here.
    As the season is only beginning you still have time to nominate people.

    Now, who's the person getting Featured Wynncraftian? @SPYROHAWK is the creator of the Dungeons & Dragons Campaign and posts multiple theories around the forums! You will know more about him in the interview which is about to begin.​
    Let's start the interview! The Dungeons And Dragons’ Campaign thread has more than 1k pages! It is a huge number. Your thread is probably one of the biggest in the whole forums, the Price Check thread has less replies than your thread. Can you talk a bit about the campaign and how it works?
    Sure. I didn’t even know we surpassed the price check thread, that’s huge for me!
    This is the first dungeons and dragons campaign on the forums, but it’s worth noting that it’s not the only one. The concept behind it was fairly simple. “How can I find a way to have fun with people playing DnD without having to set up real life sessions?”. As an active member of the forums, I saw other forums RPs and thought it might work.

    I thought a fairly simple concept that new players could handle would be a scourge of Undead spreading across the land. We started with that and a simple world map, and went on from there. This system is great since it’s easy for people to reply at their own pace while still being fairly active.

    The system we use is the 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons system, which is based off of the 20 sided dice. Each player has a race (human, dwarf, etc), a class (wizard, fighter, rogue, etc), and a background (sage, soldier, sailor, etc). After that, the players made up their own intricate backstories which I work into the campaign.

    It seems only right to mention the players at this point.
    @Florfy5 @Aarakocra @AlexisPlay @Linwood Welheart @Paradoxical @Nem @bluepenguin1002 @Enhanced_Human
    They are all amazing people with unique playing styles and character personalities
    Wow! Even though I've never played Dungeons and Dragons or participated in a roleplay that sounds amazing!
    Can you tell us a little synopsys of the story and you mentioned that each person plays a character but can new characters be introduced?

    The story is based in an unnamed continent in a region called the Nore North. The story started on the east side of this region, and basically an unknown threat all the way to the west of the map has started producing an undead army that’s slowly advancing to the rest of the region. Throughout the story the party has faced a whole load of challenges including assassins, evil fairy creatures, cultists, dragons, demons, devils, bounty hunters, elemental, trapped cities, an avatar of death itself, and most recently a murder attic. And of course, Undead.

    Introducing new characters is actually a big problem for us. A typical DnD party has 4 players (plus the DM), and as such everything in the game is balanced for a party of 4. I enjoy bigger groups so I put a soft cap of 6 players on the campaign. That eventually got expanded to a hard cap of 8 (a multiple of 4), which we currently fill. Any more would be impossible to handle.

    Due to this, and new players wanting to join, @Aarakocra made an overflow campaign for more players who want to join but can’t because my campaign (what we call the “main” campaign when discussing this topic) is full. His campaign is run by him as the DM and takes place in the same world, as he references the Nore North in several of his NPCs. The idea is maybe at some point we may do we “cross-over episode” type thing where both groups meet for a brief time. But that’s still just talk for now. The timelines may not even be the same.

    We have also discussed a third campaign, as Aarakoraca’s is getting full, but that’s also just talk at this point. If more players are interested in DnD, this is something we can definitely try to make happen.

    People can always start their own forums campaigns and DM it themselves. The system is easy to learn! I would hate to imply that only someone from our group is able to start a campaign, I encourage other people trying.
    Awesome! The story is huge and the thread is really well designed, but the DnD campaign isn't your only well thought thread, you also have many theory threads! What theory you like the most and believe has more chance to be real?
    Ah, theories. It’s actually been a while since I’ve done one...

    If I had to choose a single theory for being the most likely, it would probobly be the one about Bob being from Dern. A lot of my theories got messed up during the Twain lore change, but I think the Bob one made it through mostly intact. The idea of Bob being from Dern would put a fascinating twist on it, and seems to have evidence to support it. This theory is definitely the #1 theory that I would expect to actually be in the game.

    Another theory I really like is a smaller theory I made about the King of Ragni being evil and working with Wynn Excavation. Although it’s a smaller theory, it answers the question of how the King of Ragni is a villager (I think he still is after the most recent update, I may be wrong) and comes to some interesting conclusions, with little to no counter arguments.

    And, of course, this is not mentioning theories that most of the community seems to agree on, like The Eye controlling Dern and all that stuff, which the community more or less accepts.​

    Those theories are really promising, we will talk a bit more about Dern later ;D
    Do you have any new theories coming soon based on the new discoveries, such as the abandoned mines one?
    Due to a problem with my computer not being able to load up the resource pack (we literally cleared my computer and remade it from scratch, the problem persisted) I’ve not been on Wynn enough recently for a full theory. However, I have been toying with some ideas.

    Although I have still not gotten around to unlocking it, the Abandoned Mines discovery just goes to show that Dern is in fact a closer threat than once thought, and also helps strengthen evidence connecting Dernic stuff with the abandoned mines, as if that connection was not clear enough. Darkness is spreading, the war of the realms is not looking well for the side of light.

    But personally, I have been half-working in a theory with the desert and time valley discoveries. I’ve always liked time valley, and now this makes things a lot more interesting. Who exactly are the olm, or who/what is the olm, is a topic I want to delve into. If the olm are the race of the creature you see in the time valley discovery, could it connect to the ancient kingdom in the desert who had magic before humans showed up? I think this could be a connection worth noting. I don’t believe it’s explained why this kingdom of sand died out. We know they had magic, which humans did not have in Wynn before the villagers did.

    Also, could this also tie into the ancients and ruins in the jungle? That would then also imply Dern connections, which causes a whole other set of problems and connections. If this kingdom of sand and the olm are old enough to have known the people of Dern before The Eye became a threat, it could explain why The Ancients (according to theory) fled from Dern to Wynn in the first place. But really, the whole problem revolves around the fact that we don’t know if “the olm” is the “it” mentioned in the discovery, or if “it” is coming for “the olm”
    Wow, I'm looking forward to see that theory.
    There are many questions and holes in the lore, we got more links about the lore this update, but do you think the lore is still under development and there are many changes to it that have to come for it to be completely "stable"?
    This last update has taught us that the lore is anything but “stable”. The lore is definitely being expanded upon and giving us more to work with, as this update showed us with the dungeon quests And Bak’kal. However, I look back at the Twain lore and see how much it was changed in this update, which I know killed a lot of stuff various theories were using for evidence (And I just liked the old lore better).
    So I would say it’s really still under development. That’s not to say it can’t be worked with, it’s of course still possible to make theories with it, but what happened with the Twain lore shows that some of the lore fundamentals can still be changed.
    Hopefully we will see more of the lore in the next update, Road to Dern, we also saw Grian saying on the "What's confusing about Gavel" thread that there will be some [SPOILER ALERT] Gavel quest remakes that hopefully will make Gavel's decay lore easier to understand.
    What do you expect the Road to Dern update to reveal? A portal to Dern? The actual province or something else?
    I missed that thread. The decay is kinda confusing at this point, I’m glad it’s wetting cleared up.

    What do I expect from The Road to Dern? Certainly not the actual province. It’s rather a small area in my opinion and it would be disappointing if all the Dern content was shoved into there. I figure Dern would be as large as the other provinces, not what we see on the map.

    I would also try to stay away from a portal. Simply put, it would make more sense (in my opinion) to have it a normal (although distorted via darkness) province that has a portal within it to the Realm of Darkness (or Realm of Shadow, depending on the source). It would be something you can physically walk into. Making Dern have a portal leading to it would make it feel more like a Realm. (Although it would pose a clearer connection with gateway island)

    What I’m expecting is a road, a long twisty road. On this road we would get more information about Dern and our purpose there. And of corse, all roads need to come to an end. As such, to mimic Fruma and Gavel, it I am expecting the road to end with a Gate. A big, giant, sealed door. If we unseal it or find our way around it, I don’t know. But that’s what I’m expecting, or rather hoping for. A big gate. “Welcome to Dern, keep out.”

    Perhaps that could explain some things like the Dern Beasts and Andients getting into wynn and how Bob (in theory) went to Dern to fight The Eye, or how Bob’s Mom (once again, in theory) got to Wynn. Some kind of door that explains how things get through to Dern. Obviously, it would need to be sealed in such a way that The Eye, or whatever evil entity resides in Dern can’t open either, otherwise it would have already entered Wynn.
    Do you believe that this update will be completely dedicated to Dern's road and that we won't see much about the province itself?
    Because if there are Dern Beasts around Wynn it doesn't look like the "entrance" is closed.
    The area on the map is definitely too small to be all of Dern. Maybe an intro portion akin to the Llevigar Plains, but not a full province. If so, it would just be disappointing.

    And you make a good point, the enterence may not be fully sealed. Dernic things CAN be found in Wynn. Dern Beasts, Ex-Dern Emmigrents, The black egg that hatched into the big beast on Dead Island, Abyssal Golashes, Dern Minions, The Ancients, and if theory holds, Bob himself. However, we need to think of timeline.

    The barrier keeping The Eye contained in Dernwas sealed by Bob (if the lore from the sealed letters is still canon). We don’t know if that’s the door to Dern or something else. But before then, it was certainly possible for Dern stuff to go into Wynn. But it seems that post-Bob, it was sealed up tight using his own life force.
    Hopefully there will be a lot of content for us to enjoy in the upcoming 1.18 update.

    Let's talk a bit about Gavel, so on top of Molten Heights there's this huge portal (https://imgur.com/uGt4Bs8) that currently has no purpose. Do you have any theories? It is probably going to be revealed with the Molten Heights story though.
    So back when there were elemental mini dungeons, I assumed there would be full elemental dungeons in Gavel. The big door near Olux being water, the statue behind Kadon-Beda being earth, etc. I figured that portal would be for the Fire dungeon. But since it no longer seems like elemental dungeons are even an idea worth discussion with the removal of the mini dungeons, that explanation seems unlikely.

    Now, the location of it is interesting. Aside from the fact that we don’t know much about the surface of the molten heights, the portal does seem to be in a temple-like structure with the burning horse statues and whatnot. Given the frequency of Doguns on the surface, one could make an argument that the portal/temple is where they summoned their demon-god. However, we also know Doguns only exist above ground because they were forced up there AFTER the Dogun war, IIRC, making the Dogun explanation for the portal also not possible.

    Frankly, I simply don’t know. But, it’s obviously something big that will likely be of importance.
    Let's talk a bit about you! What do you do during the week, are you currently studying, working and what are your hobbies?
    Oh. I was not expecting that.

    I’m a high school student, at a STEM academy (Science, Technology, Engeneering, Mathematics). Furthermore I am part of a schooling system not common in America but common everywhere else called the International Bacclalaureate system (IB) that’s essentially AP but worse. Needless to say, I basically have no life.

    My hobbies include Dungeons and Dragons (obviously) and Robotics. I’m on a FIRST FRC robotics team and am one of the welders on the team.

    I also love traveling. I lived over seas in the Middle East for two years, go to Berlin every year, and to-date have been to 21 countries.

    I listen to a lot of music (Pop, Punk, Rock, and Alt) and like SciFi and Fantasy stuff. And... yeah, there’s not much else to say.
    Awesome! Thank you for this interview and for being an awesome member of the Wynncraft community with so many threads and this campaign!
    No problem! Since I started making theories I always dreamed about getting FW, so I’m so honored to have been selected!​

    This concludes the second interview of the 5th season of Featured Wynncraftian!
    Message me if you have any feedback to give.
    The next interview should be in around 2 weeks!
    Here you can find previous Featured Wynncraftian interviews: Interviews.​
    NothingHere, NicBOMB, Sar and 22 others like this.
  2. McDerp123

    McDerp123 I ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) people VIP

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    FIRST, WHERE'S JP'S!?!??!

    peace lads im joking
    NicBOMB, (Meric), Poiu429 and 5 others like this.
  3. NubPotato

    NubPotato broke af HERO

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    Grats to spyro
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  4. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    Wow. That's pretty cool. Nice job, Spyro!

    Also, thanks for mentioning me.
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  5. ploo

    ploo Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Oof, a well deserved FW. Grats! but where's pret??
    NicBOMB, Poiu429, SPYROHAWK and 2 others like this.
  6. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    That's me !
    GG too !
    SPYROHAWK and ThomAnn100 like this.
  7. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    You also should have mentioned the guy that's also kind of there and says stuff but doesn't really do anything.
  8. Moukassi

    Moukassi I Gues i'll get hyped for fruma #2085

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    he also helps alot , BUT JP THO
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  9. dbleo

    dbleo Dream Crusher HERO

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    Just this dude talking about Dern is getting me hyped
    Stratiformis and SPYROHAWK like this.
  10. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Congratulations Spyro!
    Your avatar still looks great after I brightened it up
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  11. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Well deserved FW! I used to read all the the theories and be up-to-date on the lore, but then i took a real life to the brain. The RP does sound interesting, shame i wasn't fast enough to get in there.
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  12. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    Congratulations dear Spyro! :) You deserve this.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
    SPYROHAWK likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    SOrry for a late response, I have been at a robotics competition all day.

    This is such a huge honor for me. I’ve always dreamed of getting FW and to actually get this award is amazing.

    I plan on putting out more community content when able, and I hope you all enjoy!
    Right, sorry. I can confirm, this guy exists.
    Same. The questions got me really excited
    You did a great job
    You can ask @Aarakocra about joining his, it should be too late for that
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
    ThomAnn100, yotamdin, Zitrine and 2 others like this.
  14. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    *shouldn't ?
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  15. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    CONGRATULATIONS Spyro!!! Im your fan since 2016 and I like all of your theories of Dern! The only thing I want to add there is my opinion on Road To Dern. You know many people want Dern to be a Province and many people want it to be a Realm. I think CT should make Dern as Province in a Realm, this will please everyone.

    P.S Gratz again! :)
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  16. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    I did check DnD at one point and found the idea fascinating. It's the map mostly that caught my attention. I liked the art style, even tho it wasn't anything super fancy.

    Regarding lore, is it strange I have no idea about it? Like literally, NO IDEA. I just wanted to kill shit so I never invested time into learning any of it no do I have any interested about it.
    I know there is this Bob dude who made bad decisions in his life, and instead of dealing with them like a real man, he's crying all over Ragni like a sissy pants. That's it, my entire knowledge of the lore.

    You say you listen to Rock. Do you have any recommendations? I need something to pump me up during my last reps.
    For example, something like animal I have become. I love that kind of stuff. I know about skillet, disturbed has some rock/metal stuff, sabaton...anything else you think I should know about?
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  17. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    I think that's the point of the Dern tho ;-;
    Stratiformis likes this.
  18. Stratiformis

    Stratiformis Banned 5 years ago. Hoping to come back...

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    I can recommendate you. Architects - Doomsday.
    T-Flex and SPYROHAWK like this.
  19. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    Holy shit! I exist.
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  20. bluepenguin1002

    bluepenguin1002 Waddling penguin

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    Good job spyro!

    Ready for RTD to drop can't wait.
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
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