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Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by Incompressible, Mar 17, 2018.

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  1. Incompressible

    Incompressible Newbie Adventurer

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    My name is Incompressible, call me Incomp for short. I used to play grian.net pretty frequently and was number 1 on their discord leveling system. A good friend of mine (Drazzely) told me that the server was shutting down. Naturally I migrated with the rest of the crowd to, well, here. So yeah - enough backstory.

    I enjoy numerous things when it comes to Minecraft and life in general, these include (but are not limited to):

    PVP, no matter the type I enjoy the experience of a fight between two players in pretty much any situation.

    Building, I enjoy building (though I’m not the best) because it relaxes me and really brings me down to earth when life gets stressful.

    Talking and joking around, I find myself memeing around with the people on Grian and hope I’ll be able to do the same here.

    Well that’s pretty much me, you’ll either hear from me frequently or not at all, hopefully the former.
    Narilune, zunidet and T-Flex like this.
  2. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    Hello Incompressible. I like that name a lot, reminds me fluids, even tho they aren't technically incompressible.

    I'm T-Flex, member of the CT and kind of veteran around this parts. Unsure if you are going to play the game, but anyhow, a quick few tips for you.
    • Game wise - unbind your drop key from Q to something else. If you drop something in the hopper, or lose anything, Wynncraft can't and won't refund it.
    • Forums are currently over saturated with housing, potato and big white letters in the corner of the map threads. If possible, try not to make those.
    • If you deadlift and squat on the same day, do squat 1st, cause your lower back will suffer otherwise.
    • Have fun!
    If you have questions of any kind, you can ask them here - click me!
    If you are looking for guides or some sort of general information, you can visit the Library - click me!

    I'm really sorry for what happened to Grian.net. I hope the situation gets better for you guys.
    Hope to see you around, cheerio!
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