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Music Wynncraft Music Arrangement Hub

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Scorpio5, Jan 27, 2018.

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  1. Scorpio5

    Scorpio5 Usually sleeping when I should be working VIP+

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    My last sheet music hub died, so here is a new one for whenever I make a new Wynncraft arrangement. Good news is, I just (as of January 2018) complete a new score!

    Introducing . . . Remastered Icy Steps! (You can find it below)

    Over the past 2/3 years, I have learn a lot about music though trail, error, and pure luck. My first arrangements were my pride and joy, but as the years progressed, they start looking rather lackluster compared to my newer scores. To pay homage to my origins, Wynncraft, I have remastered one of my first scores. Without all of your support over the years, I wouldn't even be remotely close to where I am today. Thank you!

    Forest Dance - - - - - Simplified Version
    Icy Steps - - - - - - - Remastered Version
    Gavel Journey
    Nemract Theme
    Nether Lament
    The Legend Begins/Jungle Theme
    Olux Theme
    Stormy Seas

    I don't know when or if the next Wynncraft arrangement will come, but if you like what you see, I have 3 or 4 alt Musescore accounts dedicated to music from various games and TV shows: Scorpio5, Scorpio4, Scorp3, and Scorp5. Check them out if you want more.
    luckeyLuuk, Trash, PikaLegend and 6 others like this.
  2. quikjay

    quikjay Wynn Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I love this music! Sadly I can only play the violin one, as I don't know how to play the piano, I was wondering if in the future you could try and simplify some more for the violin? Thanks, and great work!
  3. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    It ain’t as good as the official OST, but still pretty good! Nice work
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