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What's Confusing About Gavel?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Grian, Feb 25, 2018.

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  1. Grian

    Grian Map designer, Content MD & Wynncraft founder Media GM Builder

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    This isn't about which quests to change, that has already been decided. What we need to know is the lore that needs clearing up
  2. Aquila

    Aquila Freedom Specialist VIP+

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    Oh whoops.
  3. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    First off I think some of the quests involving orcs should be reworked. They all seem the same: Talk to some captain/general, sneak into some orc base, kill some orcs, kill a boss and then go back to the captain.

    Then there is Eye of the Storm and Star Thief, everything I wanted to say about that has already been said. Then there's the lack of lore on Molten Heights, but there was already an explanation for that: that'll be included with the main storyline, appparently.

    Finally there's the Sky Islands. Right now all the quests don't seem to have to do too much with the Sky Islands itself. For as far as I can remember we don't know much about what happened there, what caused the islands to be fractured, and we don't get to know much about the Wind Fortress either. (that's mentioned in Follow the Wind and Morrowind's item lore)
    Rhythmically, Aya, SgtClips and 5 others like this.
  4. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    As everyone has said, reclaiming the house, star thief, the eye of the storm and the orc quests are the worst.

    In my opinion, the orc’s need to be more fleshed out. We know they’re intelligent, they can speak, they can write (puzzle that asks fav food), they understand the concept of a ceasefire, and aren’t the generic dumb orcs we except.
    Therefore, why do they not understand the decay is evil and they need to fight it?
  5. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    Alright: Star thief speaks for it self, clearing the camps is very confusing with the camps from greenskinned trouble, the maiden tower doesn't fit in with the rest, crop failure is decent but could be done better, the masterpiece is bad but the dialoague saves it, death whistle is meh and could be done better. Worm holes is decent but you have to remove the sign saying that there are scratches on the wall goddamnit. Reclaiming the house has a good concept but it would be cool if there actually like a war with a battle between villagers and trolls. A fighting spiecies is meh. The headless hunt needs the dungeon to become actually good. From the mountains is meh. DO NOT CHANGE SHATTERED MINDS, IT'S PERFECT. Finding the light should actually be about light instead of helping random people in cinfras and calling Grian gay. Enough has been said about eye of the storm, Selvut made a post about it.

    Also add the dungeons please and PLEASE add molten hights quests.

    Edit: Oh you were asking for lore.

    Well them:
    Gavel is a mess, instead of being like Wynn which has a common enemy, gavel doesn't have this at all making it feel more like a bunch of different places threw together. In my opinion the best candidate for this common enemie is the decay. Cinfras should at least care. Llevigar should ignore it and act like nothing is happening so everyone can complain about them. It would be cool if the dwarves would be building reinforcements so they don't get struck.

    Make the decay an actual strong force that slowly kills of lands instead of this local problem only a few people care about.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  6. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I highlighted most of my thoughts about Gavel in my Gavel Revamp suggestion, but the biggest things are inconsistency and the whole Light vs. Darkness theme.

    Gavel has lots of interesting ideas, but it doesn't focus on some of them. Some quests are disjointed from the rest of the province, the two biggest being Eye of the Storm and Star Thief, and most quests besides the Realm of Light series don't link together. I won't get too much into those quests since I'm sure you're aware what Selvut and others said about them, but they really don't add that much to the province, like Wynn's old quests. And the quests that do matter such as Memory Paranoia, they don't get mentioned again or have very little impact on the end game storywise. Which I was kinda disappointed because I was interested in what was going on in Memory Paranoia, but since it didn't matter during the RoL series (which I assume is supposed to be the main questline), it didn't have any impact in the end.

    The biggest thing about Gavel though is that it tries to copy the corruption of Wynn, which I think it should try to stay as far away from. Wynn already does a great job at the corruption, and it's part of what it is. I didn't like the RoL series because what the player did in the quest was disjointed from what the quest was about and the whole "Light vs. Darkness" theme has been done a million times, and Wynn does it way better. I think Gavel should focus more upon the races and the gods, rather than some sort of force that just convenient and isn't that well explained. I was more interested in the item descriptions about Gavel's history such as Gavel's first king Remikas, the plague that Cancer talks about, or the Elvin god Entia than "Villagers are just greedy, light is good, darkness is bad." By tying the main conflict to just Villagers being greedy for no reason, it feels like a hamfisted moral lesson and the player's actions don't feel consequential because no matter what they do, Villagers are always going to be greedy. After I was done with the RoL questline, I just wasn't interested in what was going on because I felt like the player didn't really do anything. Quests that do give tidbits of lore just don't matter like in From the Mountains. Sure, you find out what a Fleris is, but all a Fleris does is just serve as a plot device and just becomes a generic lava monster in Molten Heights.

    Overall, I want Gavel to focus other aspects such as the government, the gods, religion, and other races instead of "Light vs. Darkness" because it's what makes Gavel unique and interesting. It would be cool to learn more about the government of Gavel and the Elvin god Entia or other gods or just other characters in general. Especially religion, which I find a bit odd given this is a fantasy, and Gavel does allude to religion in some quests.

    Most importantly, quests should link together. Good stories are where events happen BECAUSE of other events, not just out of nowhere.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
    Tealy, ParkourTNT, Aya and 15 others like this.
  7. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    coolname2034 likes this.
  8. Endertricity

    Endertricity Assorted Mini Quiche VIP

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    Sky Islands have no quests that actually talk about the fracturing of Ahms.

    Molten Heights has no quests and almost no lore.

    Canyon of the Lost is great.

    Gylia region is fine.

    Aldorei and the Elves are great. I think that's because they focus on the greed of the villagers, which was supposedly one of the main themes for Gavel as a whole and which didn't have many implications outside of said quests.

    More history should be given on the Cinfras area - although that may have been added in the D&D Update, I haven't played much recently.

    Kinder Forest is sort of... dull. But I'm sure you've heard enough complaints about Hollow Serene and EOtS. However, I love the concept that Forbidden Prison brings as a quest- more circumstantial by the player themselves, and not coming from an outside source needing a hero.

    Light Forest could have more content in general outside of being home to the Light Realm.

    Dark Forest is dull, just like Kander. A few days ago, I forgot what Gelibord was called.

    Olux Swamp is actually decent. There are plenty of quests, some of them are pretty good. I don't get why a lot of people don't like this region.

    Llevigar Plains certainly needs work - the introduction to Gavel shouldn't seem light repetitive kill-fetch quests. The quests inside Llevigar are fine though.
    That_Chudley and Stag2001 like this.
  9. SnakyOmnivore

    SnakyOmnivore actually fan of DC comics CHAMPION

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    Oh and, I wish that I want to see more lore about Qira and her hive, beside some dialogues from Yansur during Qira's Hive. Having obsession with war is not enough, I want to see reason why she have this obsession to begin with.
    Rhythmically, Aya, Stag2001 and 4 others like this.
  10. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    How about the statue infront of Kandon-Beda and the Eye of the storm quest. The quest seems like mostly a filler quest, and statue, like the unfinished dungeons, just seems to have no purpose.

    Also will more potatoes be added?
    Rhythmically, SgtClips and ThomAnn100 like this.
  11. WynnChairman

    WynnChairman Chairman of Wynn HERO

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    well i mean everything east of like cinfras seems to have nothing to do with the rest of the province lol
    Aya, SgtClips, MOOOSH and 12 others like this.
  12. Knuckles4212

    Knuckles4212 The Guy Dealing Mashed Up Biscuits As Cocaine HERO

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    I never understood forbidden prison. We go there because the quest book tells us, but from i know, we're never told to go there. It's sort of one of those quests where you're like "oh okay, that just happened" but when I look into it, I question WHY we go there? It never seems to be mentioned.

    EDIT: It says something looks suspicious. But why do we think that, we also learn by the end of the quest, pretty much nothing was bad. Looking at the quest, I just never liked it. It's a matter of look for "suspicious activity" in an area you don't come from, which in itself makes me confused, but also, all we do is escape. Then bam, we get XP? How? Why?
    That_Chudley and Rixium like this.
  13. Stupid Steelpid

    Stupid Steelpid Searches for a Fermion, gets a Stardew instead CHAMPION

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    things i dont understand about gavel:
    molten heights and its doguns and the history of siegfried

    quests that IN MY OPINION need to be removed/reworked
    1: all the “the realm of light” questline (just rework)
    good lore but the quests are a bit
    2: star thief because it really has no sense
    3: an iron heart part 1. (just rework)
    i think that it really needs a rework, part 2 is fine
    4: eye of the storm (just rework)
    i think that by reworking this quest, it can be one of the bests on wc
    *the current eotm is a bit boring for me*

    i hope i helped
    and also
    ples rework tower amnesia
    why am i thinking about dern?

    i also never understood the big statue behind kandon-beda
  14. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    Personally i feel the Lore of the canyon of the lost needs to be more expansive, it's a massive area yet the only lore is focused around its main city's, might be just me tho
    Same for sky islands....
    Aya, Aradia Megido, euouae and 9 others like this.
  15. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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    Right now there's not much lore on the Fleris. We've seen them in From the Mountains, and we know that they become scared/angered when they leave their native land (molten heights). But how did they get to the area in From the Mountains? What are they? That might have been explained in the quest, but since I don't know I'm putting it here.

    Also, the Doguns. There is an NPC called Dogun Delg and he explains some Dogun lore if I recall correctly. But who were the Doguns? Why are they critically endangered? Why did their civilization fall? In general, molten heights lore should be fleshed out more (if not already planned to be in the main storyline release).

    Not on the topic of molten heights: The "Decay" lore needs to be explained more. I remember on the Gavel livestream that Grian mentioned a "distinct line splitting the dark and light side of Gavel", what is this separation? I don't know if this is a part of the Decay, but it's a question that needs clearing up.
    Endertricity likes this.
  16. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    My understanding of the gavel lore:

    At the time of the great cataclysm the sky islands broke apart, the mountains erupted, the decay began, and the portal in Wynn opened. As seen in Taproot some worm comes from... where? Magic, underground, the sky, I'm not really sure, but it has some negative impact and is possibly part of the cause of decay? Also the villager's greed negatively affects the realm of light weakening it since they're linked, which in turn allowed Sucorru parasites to corrupt the realm? Maybe? And then those Sucorru parasites ALSO negatively affected gavel somehow since they're linked?

    Really for me the most confusing part is what the true cause of the decay is, cause right now it seems like there's too many sources (portal opening, Sucorru in realm of light, what even is Orphion, Sucorru/weird worm that appears in taproot, villagers greed, etc, Dern/Realm of Darkness? etc) , conflicting times and dates, and it's just a big mess.

    Eye of the Storm and Memory Paranoia are just a huge mess in general I feel.

    Also I'm very confused about the general concept of the afterlife. Based on Twain lore it has to do with spirits and dark soul magic, but then the corruption can also cause souls / bodies to stay in our world without passing on, which seems to be a big part of Dullahan's story which I still don't understand at all.

    I love the story of Wynncraft, and it really is the only reason I play it, I love writing and the quests and all that lovely jazz, and even though it is a little confusing at the moment I can't wait to see how it grows. ~ Theeef
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  17. ghasttt

    ghasttt Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Most of the builds in gavel are good except for some places in llevigar plains and the pre light forest.
    I think the realm of light should have loot chests so there would be a reason to go there.
    The light realm also needs more of a variety of mobs instead of the same six.
    The places that have relics in gavel could be replaced with a t3 or 4 chest.
    The quest black whistle definitely needs a revamp. No one mentions this quest because everyone forgets it exists.
    The caves that have nothing in them near cinfras should have stuff in them.
    The mountains to the north and west of gavel, and the mountains between the orc fortress and the light forest look unnatural.
    The lore of gavel isn't bad, but it also has a ton of areas that are confusing.
    The most confusing part for me is why the decay just stops at the Kander forest and doesn't exist in lake gylia, cotl, and molten heights
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  18. HueTheColors

    HueTheColors This journey is for you Adomorn HERO

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    Remove or rework the swamp quests, they really tend to get annoying at some points where as, they're annoying. Thanks bb Grian
    MlecznyHuxel99, Aya and Dr Zed like this.
  19. dbleo

    dbleo Dream Crusher HERO

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    yeah, this is just something sort of related, but what happened to those 3d rendered bosses? Like in the Gavel trailer that was release 2 1/2 years ago, it showed an animated Grootslang boss. Also, what happened to the Grootslang cave that was available after the Worm Holes quest?
  20. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Also, how come we never hear about Wynn excavation in Gavel? Didn’t they also control Gavel or something?
    ParkourTNT, Aya, Tsuneo and 5 others like this.
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