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Community Event 100 Stacks Giveaway (ended)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Dalarn, Feb 15, 2018.

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  1. Dalarn

    Dalarn Useless content

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    As alot of you might know I've been planning to do this for a while. I believe the time to do so has come regardless of my plans crazy plans to break the social and communal part of wynncraft leaving it a bare wasteland. (BECAUSE ITS AN ABSOLUTE ILLUSIONAL HANGOVER BRAINWASHING YA MINDS)

    This is how things are going to play out.
    The giveaway will be comprised by 3 sections.
    You can enter all 3 giveaways or just individual (your choice)

    1. 50 stack giveaway
    Write a 500+ word essay that contains a storyline or theory on a "What if humans evolved from another planet and somehow got here."
    You can add some basis on our current timeline. The multidimensional illusion we live in today? How it works, how it started (in short sense)

    *If it turns out near perfect I might add an extra reward to it.*

    Note - let your imagination go, 50 stacks Is alot ya people gotta earn it and make me say this or that guy deserves it so put some time in it.

    (Just do it and do not ask questions, you are able to use any online material but I'd prefer you be honest)

    This giveaway ends in 5 days.

    . 20 stack giveaway
    - Watch some of the videos you can find on this youtube channel and think about them.
    Click here ---> UCjt7bEwtlk6A6f_CiY2ZOlQ
    - Write the reason you want to win the giveaway and all the things you are grateful for.
    - Post a screenshot of a funny ingame conversation.

    Note: This giveaway will also last for 5 days.

    3rd Giveaway ended! Thanks for participating

    - You are free to convo me the specifics of the first and second giveaway if you are to shy or whatever to do so down below.

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
  2. Vaward

    Vaward First 100% Discoveries as of 12/19/17 22:42 CHAMPION

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    lets just skip the work and give it all to me kthx
  3. LordCompost86

    LordCompost86 Lord Of Gavel HERO

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    seeing that im first ill go for the 50


    the matrix and the human race are 1 overall great being know as sAlTeD. the matrix is the mental state and the tough process of this "salted" and the human race while decending from cows from planet wynn (oof bery creative ) make up salteds physcial form. the cows were once great beings of immense power able to ban anything from the planet, while the later dicandent hoomans did not have this power and only wanted mythics and rainbow slap. while the matrix was bale to make any item and any item on the planet of wynn. through combinbing this power salted gained the power of being the ultimate rular of WYnn and later earth when the hamoons move their. on his travails he meet Groin and Jumlaala who helped him in his conquests to ban all players and make mythics and hive tiems worthless. they had ulimate and unending reign over wynn and earth and corkus and gavel and the matrix and the homus. this isnt 300 words dont care it is funny.
    the matrix and the human race are 1 overall great being know as sAlTeD. the matrix is the mental state and the tough process of this "salted" and the human race while decending from cows from planet wynn (oof bery creative ) make up salteds physcial form. the cows were once great beings of immense power able to ban anything from the planet, while the later dicandent hoomans did not have this power and only wanted mythics and rainbow slap. while the matrix was bale to make any item and any item on the planet of wynn. through combinbing this power salted gained the power of being the ultimate rular of WYnn and later earth when the hamoons move their. on his travails he meet Groin and Jumlaala who helped him in his conquests to ban all players and make mythics and hive tiems worthless. they had ulimate and unending reign over wynn and earth and corkus and gavel and the matrix and the homus. this isnt 300 words dont care it is funny.
    the matrix and the human race are 1 overall great being know as sAlTeD. the matrix is the mental state and the tough process of this "salted" and the human race while decending from cows from planet wynn (oof bery creative ) make up salteds physcial form. the cows were once great beings of immense power able to ban anything from the planet, while the later dicandent hoomans did not have this power and only wanted mythics and rainbow slap. while the matrix was bale to make any item and any item on the planet of wynn. through combinbing this power salted gained the power of being the ultimate rular of WYnn and later earth when the hamoons move their. on his travails he meet Groin and Jumlaala who helped him in his conquests to ban all players and make mythics and hive tiems worthless. they had ulimate and unending reign over wynn and earth and corkus and gavel and the matrix and the homus. this isnt 300 words dont care it is funny.

    LOrdypoo out
    -- PS succ im wasnt first
    -- PPS now its 300
  4. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Will write essay when I get home
    NITEHAWKX and LordCompost86 like this.
  5. SgtClips

    SgtClips Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Same. I need practice anyways, because of an English exam tomorrow...
  6. enecks

    enecks Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Atleast the 30stacks are easy to get .-.
  7. ProbablyCheats

    ProbablyCheats ProbablyCheats HERO

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    Ok can I have 1 stack for freee bc I’m poor ty
  8. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    whats the keybind to take a screenshot? and jeez 100 stacks
    and im already an author so this 300 words essay shouldnt be that bad
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
  9. boykisser

    boykisser i will kill again HERO

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    The reason why I want to win:
    Should be quite obvious. After all, I do need to get my drug meme money somewhere, right?

    Funny pic:
    Roses are red,
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
    NicBOMB, euouae, Pom and 3 others like this.
  10. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word
    (legit 301 words)
    (give me money i'm poor kthxbye)
    efilim elf likes this.
  11. Reti

    Reti Marquis of the Foxes, King of Memes VIP+

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    Sweet essays

    Gonna write this in a few hours
  12. _Kaasblokje_

    _Kaasblokje_ Master of the void biome HERO

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    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I think I won this giveaway.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
    Eula likes this.
  13. Blizzardgale

    Blizzardgale Famous Adventurer VIP

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    Wow... That's a lot of le
  14. PatrickIsAdopted

    PatrickIsAdopted My name is jeff HERO

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    I'm new to matlab and just attempting to get my head around how matrix \ vector division works.

    Below is an example.

    Assume we have :-

    A = [a1 a2]; B = [b1 b2]; C = [c1 c2];

    X = [x1 x2]; Y = [y1 y2]; Z = [z1 z2];

    m1 = [A B C; 1 1 1]; m2 = [X Y Z; 1 1 1];

    result = (m1 / m2);

    The part I'm trying to break down is the actual division i.e. m1 / m2.

    This breaks down as follows :-

    m1 / m2;

    [A B C; 1 1 1] / [X Y Z; 1 1 1];

    [[a1 a2] [b1 b2] [c1 c2]; 1 1 1] / [[x1 x2] [y1 y2] [z1 z2]; 1 1 1];

    So what I'm trying to understand is what is actually going on in the division here :-

    [[a1 a2] [b1 b2] [c1 c2]; 1 1 1] / [[x1 x2] [y1 y2] [z1 z2]; 1 1 1]

    Math is always better
  15. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Ok so I have to shut this down until the second give-away is changed. The issue here is that this is spamming (and at this amount harassment). I have highlighted it in orange for you. Msg me once it is changed.
    PikaPrince, Diero, Pom and 1 other person like this.
  16. TitanZERØ

    TitanZERØ Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    i want to win the giveaway for: [insert sad story about dead dog here]

    now for real, i want to win because of a reason everybody agrees with: it is free money, who doesn't want that?
    just as i said above, you can write a sad story about how your dog died or how your mother is in coma(idk), but that won't help. if you just tell the truth you get much further then saying that your life sucks and you can only be good in a game if you have money(doesn't work like that).

    funny picture:
    Schermafbeelding 2018-01-22 om 19.38.59.png
    thanks @TheWynnWizard
  17. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    What if you had done something differently? Would you be a nicer person today? The Matrix is an alternate dimension, part of the multiverse theorem. It is where all the other things you could have done go. For instance, if evil dictators had decided not to try and eliminate an entire religion, somewhere, out in the Matrix, a new world would be born, in which everyone is much happier and more peaceful.
    The human race is ancient. Firstly, gases such as Helium and Hydrogen compressed together, due to gravity, and formed stars. These stars exploded into crazy shit, like Nitrogen or Oxygen. These compressed together, made stars, and made crazier shit. Eventually, the world was born. It was a barren wasteland. It was hot, and dry. The world was uninhabitable. Eventually, it rained, and flooded the land with water. Land grew out of the water.
    Microorganisms formed at the bottom of the ocean. They adapted to use sunlight as energy. However, they could not go on land. The sun was deadly. Overtime, the ozone layer in the stratosphere formed. It protected the world from the sun. Plants developed on the land. The microorganisms evolved. They ate plants. They evolved into dinosaurs. Oh shit, the Permian Extinction happened. But what if it hadn't happened? Would humans never exist? Hardly anything survived in this version of reality. But the things that did, they survived well. They evolved into primitive humans. They made tools and conquered fire. But what if they hadn't? They evolved into modern humans. They made advanced tools and robots. They started World Wars. They persecuted people based on their religion. But what if they hadn't? Eventually, they sent people into space, to conquer celestial bodies. But what if they hadn't? World leaders banned conquering of celestial bodies. But what if they hadn't? Eventually, humans will delve into space again. But what if they don't?
    Maybe, in another universe, somewhere, our alternate selves will learn. We will meet other sentient beings, from other planets. But what if we don't? What if we all die?
    Maybe we will, maybe we won't. But out there, different realities are constantly being made, based on everyone's choices. Another reality will become perfect. Another will not. We are already screwed.
  18. Mmikke

    Mmikke Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    -The main reason that I would want to win this giveaway is because of an event that transpired just a few days ago. This was when I lost 20+ stacks of le because of a /class glitch, now im pretty poor and could use the money back. Through all this tho, I am grateful for my friends for helping me through this time and trying to make me feel better about the events.
    Funny Picture:
  19. RemRin

    RemRin Goddess of Air HERO

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    - Why is the guys nose so big? Also he talks about Marijuana so i like him.
    - I've spent all my savings on a warp and i need some liquid beauties again so i can water my Marijuana plants with it. I am very greatful for my friends, family and ofc pizza, mmmmm pizza...
    Xykeal likes this.
  20. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Entering for giveaway no. 1

    Keeping it short: the world is a computer simulation. We are in a computer simulation stored in someone or something's hard drive. The Fibonacci numbers, the value of pi, the Golden Ratio, complex, natural, the laws of science and mathematics - are all part of a programming language that is incomprehensible for us to understand.
    For example, Romanesco cauliflower and a huge variety of flowers and plants are the results of the Fibonacci sequence. Mathematics, sound, velocity, and other physical elements are critically interconnected. The temperature that water boils, the speed of sound, the radioactivity of heavy elements etc, are just data values inputted into the system for the simulation. In fact, we have not even understood a tiny bit the virtual environment we are in. But the more we study about the cosmos, we start to realize our very own mathematical laws are reflected by the functions of the universe.
    Whatever higher being that set up this simulation (or 'created' us, in fact), is to study a controllable amount of matter, bound together by equations in a well-defined environment. The creation of time and space, the evolution of intelligent species, the history and near future, are all the results of said 'simulation'. The death of a star is just going to be ignored by them. The annihilation of a civilization simply makes a bullet point in their notes. Going back to what we know, there is a big gap between the our intelligence and that of primates and chimpanzees, even though our DNA is vastly similar. Perhaps somewhere in the universe above us, we are just simply created as entertainment, programmed like a video game. But in the end, we do not know who or what is studying us, or why, but all we know is that we're being watched by something.


    Before human history on Earth, we were a more technologically advanced civilization living in a distant galaxy located inside the Virgo Supercluster. We were pretty much a Type II Civilization on the Kardashev scale, that is, being able to harness the energy output from our entire stellar system. There was not any less difference back then - everyone was on good terms with each other (seems legit), we developed powerful weapons albeit we haven't found any need to use them. We knew we weren't alone though, for all the while we were observing another civilization living in a neighboring galaxy. Said entities didn't show any hostility at first, but one day humanity was caught by surprise as the entities launched a massive offensive at us. Slowly, our lands were besieged and we slowly fell to the invaders, partly due to their forces and weapons which were more advanced then ours, derived from a war and weapons development program they were carrying out in secrecy. As the war raged to almost 200 years and humanity saw its impending extinction, a last resort was made: two single-seat hyperspace fighters, each carrying one newborn male and newborn female and flanked by all of Earth's remaining land, sea, and air forces, took to interstellar space on a long journey towards a new planet where humanity can start anew, while our home planet faced annihilation. And the newborns’ names? Adam and Eve.
    Minkashev likes this.
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