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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application has been accepted, contact a Recruiter or higher for an invite
  2. Stoyalz

    Stoyalz Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: Flattest
    Age: 14
    Highest class and level: 100 on a couple (Hunter, Mage and Assassin)
    Your curent build: My hunter is running an old build for mana and could solo orange wybel havent got round to updating it bcs i just started playing Wynncraft again.
    Why you want to join the guild: I want to join an active guild.
    Which role do you prefer?: i prefer to loot run and wouldn't mind doing anything else.
    Timezone: GMT
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Im pretty active, usually on all day most days at least a couple hours a day depends if im having fun.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I haven't got much experience doing Wars but i pick up things pretty fast
    Guild War Experience(1-10): haven't really done any wars but it pick up things pretty fast.
    Previous Guild(s): Some random guild i was stuck in until they fixed it. (Cant remember the name)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: They had stopping playing and spoke another language.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 158 Hours so far
    Have you completed all of these quests? Yup i should have them all done
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: page 101 #2007
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Yea of course!
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as i can if my help is needed
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): Flattest #2315
    Have you joined our discord : Yeah.
  3. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application has been accepted, contact a Recruiter or higher for an invite
    Stoyalz likes this.
  4. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Still recruiting! Don't be afraid to apply.
  5. Avidify

    Avidify 10 > 50 stacks of LE in 1 month || Pricechecker CHAMPION

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    IGN: Avidify
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: 100 x3 (Mage, Archer, Warrior, Assasin 1-100 coming soon just lazy)
    Your current build: Stratiformis build on my archer for lootrunning and a Tidebinder build on my warrior, no build on my dark mage. Nothing too special atm, but both can certainly handle wars.
    Why you want to join the guild: bored
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain): Idk, I guess warring?
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Active daily for multiple hours
    Anything else we should know about you?: No
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 5? I haven't played wars in a super long time, pre-guild revamp
    Previous Guild(s): Wynn Theory from a loooong time ago
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: idk
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 213, though the stats page is not accurate in terms of playtime.
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): ye
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: 2111
    Are you willing to war when told so?: If im busy no, i'd like to war when i feel like warring
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: a few idk
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): Funny#7813
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): Yes
  6. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application has been accepted, contact a Recruiter or higher for an invite
    Avidify likes this.
  7. FallenImpact

    FallenImpact Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: Gxmm
    Age: 11-13
    Highest class and level: Archer and mage : lvl 100
    Your curent build: Archer: torrential tide spell spam. Mage: not complete build yet.
    Why you want to join the guild: Because I had 2 very bad guilds. (I was owner of the first) and the second was barely active and I know I can trust that there is many active players in this guild
    Which role do you prefer?: XP/Emerald Farming
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Usually a few hours everyday. Every other weekend I cannot play because I have to spend time with my family
    Anything else we should know about you?: I take my games pretty seriously. I'm not really one of those "hardcore gamers" though.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 5 (Like I said my guilds were all extremely inactive. I got to do a few wars before though in wynn.)
    Previous Guild(s): Wynn Expeditions (I was the original owner), sonic employees (was a friend's guild.)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: The guilds were both EXTREMELY inactive
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: The stats are buggy right now so I want to say around 100 hours.
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): All except for "A Marauder's Dues"
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID:
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Yes
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: 1 or 2 (3 sometimes)
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim):Gxmm#6113
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): I guess I did now.
  8. ProbablyCheats

    ProbablyCheats ProbablyCheats HERO

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    IGN: ProbablyCheats
    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: 101 Warrior
    Your curent build: https://wynndata.tk/builder/index.p...nd+Fusion+Necklace&weapon=Tidebinder&powders= (weapon has 2 tier 6 water powders, wouldn't let me assign the powders on the weapon for some reason(
    Why you want to join the guild: Because of the frequent warring that happens in the Hax guild.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain) Warring, as it is the most enjoyable thing for me right now.
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours. I usually play daily, what may keep me offline is that I'm travelling.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I like video games, and I have a level 95 archer I'm trying to level up.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 9
    Previous Guild(s): Boom (YAA)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Wanted to be in a more active war guild
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 57 hours
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): Yes, I have completed all of the quests noted on the list.
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: Last page number: 101, Previous applicants post ID: 2013.
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Yes
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as I can make
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): #OGStrafes#7003
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): Yes
  9. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    I'm sorry to inform you that your application have been denied. if you wish to reapply in 2 weeks with a revised application please feel free to do so or we can provide you a list of other wonderful guilds that are currently recruiting.
  10. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    I'm sorry to inform you that your application have been denied. if you wish to reapply in 2 weeks with a revised application please feel free to do so or we can provide you a list of other wonderful guilds that are currently recruiting.
  11. optic_grizzy

    optic_grizzy Wynner for Lyfe VIP+

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    IGN: Optic_grizzy
    Age: 20
    Highest class and level: 98 Archer.
    Your curent build: Ski Mask. Booster Plate. Dark channeler. Steamjet Walkers Torrential Tide.
    Why you want to join the guild: because I don't like playing with my self. I want to be part of an active guild where I can play and chat with people.
    Which role do you prefer?: Loot running Wars.
    Timezone: (ACST; UTC+09:30)
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I work but after that, I'm normally on I don't go offline for more than 30 hours.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I love to chill with other people.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 3-6
    Previous Guild(s): TheFallenOnes
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: there inactivity I was online most of the time by myself :/
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 60
    Have you completed all of these quests? Yes.
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID:
    Are you willing to war when told so?: YES!
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: 8 is minimum. 30 is max.
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): MrOptic#9347
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): Yes.
  12. Loity

    Loity Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: JowiAwi
    Age: 11-13
    Highest class and level: Mage 100
    Your curent build: Water Spell
    Why you want to join the guild: I Want to be a part of something in the server that i love
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring and XP/Emerald Farming.
    Timezone: GMT +7
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: I Will active all day in Friday, Saturday, Sunday because i need to go to school in other days
    Anything else we should know about you?: I'm From indonesia
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 8
    Previous Guild(s): I forgot what guild i was in
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Because at that guild only me the one who is active
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 8-13
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): I Have
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: 101
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Yes
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: 5-10
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): I Don't have Discord
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): I Don't have Discord
  13. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Your application has been accepted, contact a Recruiter+ for invite.
    Your application is incomplete and you don't meet the minimum hours needed to apply. You can reapply when you reach 30+ hours.
  14. NothingHere

    NothingHere Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: IdentityMad
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: Mage - 100
    Your curent build: Mana Build (Mage). Tank Build (Warrior). Speed (Archer). Cataclysm (Ninja) (I use my classes on a daily basis)
    Why you want to join the guild: I want to get more involved with the community
    Which role do you prefer?: Any is fine, I can easily do any of these.
    Timezone: UTC + 0
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Every day.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I attacked your territories along with @Jaka to prove that we both can do Guild wars (Note: I attacked other guilds and it was just me and Jaka, taking territory after territory) - Can solo Qira. Orange Wybell and Legendary Island.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): Do I need experience? Me and Jaka literally just kinda took several territories out of boredom.
    Previous Guild(s): Small private guilds.
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: I am looking into being in bigger guilds and doing stuffs, since I just got my 6th level 100
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 252
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): Yes
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Sure
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: How many it needed
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): IdentityMad#3343
    Have you joined our discord: No

    Extra: Me and Jaka are a package deal, you can get 2 pretty darn good players, or neither. We both have 3 Mythics, I own Strati, Cata and Grim. Jaka owns Freedom, Guardian and Spring.
    Extra: Leaving bellow my stat page and the builds for my main classes:

  15. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    I'm confused about your application due to a private message application being sent previously.
  16. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Please fill out the full formula from page 1 in your application
  17. LagZa

    LagZa Skilled Adventurer

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    IGN: LagZa
    Age: 16-20
    Highest class and level: Warrior 100
    Your current build: A super secret solo war build.
    Why you want to join the guild: I want to find an active community to play with.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP Farming
    Timezone: GMT
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Almost everyday, if not everyday.
    Anything else we should know about you?: no
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 8
    Previous Guild(s): Divine Swords
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: They are inactive.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 42
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): Yes
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: 102
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Yes
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as I have time for.
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): LagZa #5640
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): Yes
  18. Jaka

    Jaka Apparently not a brit (according to lily and iden) HERO

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    she reapplied with a better one because the one i made sucked. she also tried out wars and they didnt seem that difficult to do
  19. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    Your application has been accepted, contact a Recruiter or higher for an invite
  20. night

    night Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: nightthemoon
    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: Level 99.9 Warrior
    Your current build: "Custom" spell build a.k.a me wearing some random items with spell buffs.
    Why you want to join the guild: There are multiple reasons as to why I'd like to join this guild so, I'll list them
    1. I want to join a guild and this guild is really awesome. (plus it's like the best lol)
    2. I believe I can contribute greatly to haxforumz since I can put a lot of time every day into grinding and donating lots of xp/emeralds to the guild.
    3. I've met a few hax in-game before and they were some of the most chill players on the servers.

    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain): I mainly farm nii runes but I sometimes also grind for xp or emeralds and I'd definitely agree to go to war if I'm wanted and if I wouldn't cause any disturbance or any problems.
    Timezone: UTC+2 / EET
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours. I'm very active and I'm usually online for 3-24 hours per day (I can stay up for 24 hours sometimes lol). And the only reason I'd be offline for more than 72 hours would be a serious emergency or losing my laptop, I can usually go online for at least an hour per day during finals so I will be active even during exams.
    Anything else we should know about you?: I'm from Egypt (not sure if this is important anyway lol) I have multiple alts on minecraft if needed for some reason.

    Guild War Experience(1-10): 2-3 (read the stuff about it but never actually experienced it fully)
    Previous Guild(s): Spirit Rogues (I think just that one)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Not enough active players to play with and we don't fight wars.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 66 Hours.
    Have you completed all of these quests?(listed here): I've completed all the quests listed except: A Marauder's Dues and The Qira Hive (I'm stuck at the air boss in The Qira Hive because I'm a warrior and Its' attacks are strong against me and my attacks are weak against it.)
    Add up this thread's last page number and the previous applicant's post ID: I don't really understand what you mean but I guess 102 + 2025 = 2127
    Are you willing to war when told so?: Yes.
    How many successful wars are you willing to do per day?: Depends on how much time I have but I can do as many as you want if I have time.
    Whats you discord ID(Name#discrim): night#4970
    Have you joined our discord(discord.io/hacks): Yes.
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