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Guide Crash Course Lore

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by seeksery, Jan 26, 2018.

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  1. seeksery

    seeksery Wybel Photographer HERO

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    (Accurate as of 1.17 DnD)
    Hi! I'm Seek, and today we'll talk about the wonderful world of Wynn.

    If you're anything like me (which is unlikely), when you first joined Wynn, there were some discussions about lore and theories on the forums. You might've felt excluded, considering you had no idea what the hell the people were talking about. Perchance, in a misguided attempt to sound intelligent, you started stating absolute nonsense.

    This thread is a collection of short, succinct summaries of the stately stories of this sort. If you need a quick debriefing on a subject so that you may cultivate your own theories, this is the right place.

    Without further ado, let's begin with the first thing you've encountered: Fruma!

    Fruma is a completely Human province, with no access permitted on pain of death. There are two known entrances: one through the Fruman Gate and one near the Ragni Outskirts. The government is essentially a monarchy with hints of an oligarchy; the queen and her servants use their magical prowess to appear godlike. The rest of the population is held oblivious to the nature of magic. There are two major groups of emigrants: Wynnians and Corkians. Wynnians leave to serve as a Ragni soldier, where Corkians were a group of people trying to escape the oppression. They originally ignored the war effort, but have provided support ever since.

    This leads to two provinces; I'll start with the easier one.

    This island had originally been inhabited by the Avos. These people are shown to be quite adept at magic, so much so that a necklace had to be locked away since it was too powerful. There were two distinct groups: those who welcomed the Corkians and those who resisted their introduction. Eventually, the latter group was sealed underground, killing every member except for the Phoenix King. The Phoenix King had the unfortunate curse of immortality, forcing him to stay trapped in eternal torment. The other group was entrusted with half of the key to the Factory should anybody be proven powerful enough to stop it. Originally, the Factory produced robots for convenience. However, after the Corkians sealed away the hostile Avos, the Antikythera Supercomputer started instructing the robots to kill. Since the Factory became very dangerous, it was locked up, with a key given to either race. To attempt to gain recognition, Corkus started inviting envoys. However, some "patriots" are attempting to sabotage negotiations.

    And now for:

    Wynn is a province that was colonized by emigrating Frumans. Eventually, a rudimentary society was developed, with two large forts connected by a Passage. Near the center of the region was a mine rich with emeralds. Though completely useless to Humans, this would become very important later on. After a group of miners encountered the Portal, they entered it to attempt to gain more of the shiny green rocks. Though the realm was pleasant enough, some barrier was broken, releasing the Corruption and the undead. The captain of the expedition turned and became the Corrupter of Worlds. Somehow, it managed to end up inside of a cave in Troms, but that was way after it slaughtered its own crew within minutes. Another entity was released, causing much more damage. They took the name "Bak'al", and became feared throughout all of Wynn. Sometime later, Villagers crashed near what is now Maltic. Though they wanted nothing to do with the war, after finding out that Wynnians had a steady supply of emeralds (which just so happened to be their currency), they taught Humans basic magic and traded supplies. In the year 880, a large corrupt horde started their march to Ragni, lead by none other than Bak'al. After burning down Nivla forest and driving farmers into an aqueduct, they approached the fort, which was left unguarded (all the soldiers were in the sewer) save for one man. His name was

    He was born in the sewer, and his mom perished immediately after his birth. She wasn't from Ragni, and @SPYROHAWK will be happy to give his argument on Bob's Dernic connections (though that's closer to theory than lore). Being adopted by a baker named Momo, he was (somehow) trained to be an adequate fighter. After an immense horde, he killed his mom at her request (she was dying from Corruption). With two black daggers in hand, he began his training at the hands of Chak. Three more masters ensued, being Mael, Ethe, and Fier. Returning to Ragni, he stood against Bak'al and was able to successfully fend him off. He adopted three animals as pets; they were Baab the sheep, Cluckles the chicken, and Mooington the cow. After hearing of a beast corrupting the province, he sought to fight it at the young age of 130+. Mortally wounded, he split his soul into his three pets and sent them across the ocean. His grave appeared shortly after, marking the place the master soul was trapped.

    We've covered most of Wynn. Let's take a trip across the ocean all the way to

    Though the Villagers were secluded to the rest of the world, eventually, the Jofash and Llevigar gates were opened. Despite the open doors, Human settlements remained strictly illegal. Many Wynnian royals originate from Gavel, having been descended from Remikas. In Gavel is the Ahms reigion, which was once a normal plain. However, an event led to it shattering, creating an endless void and floating islands. Gavel is plagued by the Decay, which is caused by Corruption in the Realm of Light. Though the Elves imply that greed is the main catalyst for this corruption, they themselves mention that they are unsure what is the root of the problem is. Caritat Manor was built on top of the spot the Decay started (in Gavel), and that worked out splendidly in the shape of everybody but a young child dying in flames. However, the Decay could've been (but wasn't) cured by

    Not much is known about her. She created an army of 49 monster types (Gale doesn't count) in order to prepare for the "darkness". She is the most powerful sorceress in the world, with enough magical knowledge to eradicate an entire natural force. Her Hive is a challenge for the strongest of warriors; she hopes to enlist the victors into her army. To pass, one must defeat all 230 soldiers (5 of each non-general as well as 5 generals) and Qira herself. The Darkness she is fighting is likely

    There is literally almost nothing in the game about this, but I'll try my best to describe it. The Eye is a very important part of this puzzle. There are two known entrances: one on Gateway Island and one in the Abandoned Mines. This force is capable of converting literally anything and is even more powerful than Corruption or Decay.
    DarkestDread, Khaps, MOOOSH and 7 others like this.
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Please set colors to none for us Dark theme users 0_0
  3. Solarcat_

    Solarcat_ Skilled Adventurer

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    Screw gale
    euouae, NicBOMB, coolname2034 and 3 others like this.
  4. Zepic

    Zepic I Don’t Know What to Put HERO

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    Filthy light theme
    NicBOMB, coolname2034 and Moss like this.
  5. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    coolname2034 likes this.
  6. Moukassi

    Moukassi I Gues i'll get hyped for fruma #2085

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    Cud u explain the bovemist churches
    MajorMiner likes this.
  7. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Someones salty about dark themers' inherent coolness.
  8. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Me trying to read the post with dark theme be like
    Khaps, (Meric), satbyccdoerfe and 4 others like this.
  9. Wynn: The Anime

    Wynn: The Anime Does not like anime VIP+

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    [memes lol]
    Khaps, (Meric), euouae and 1 other person like this.
  10. GrumpsMo

    GrumpsMo MonksGrump

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    thanks for this. This was really interesting
  11. GoodNermss

    GoodNermss Your friendly neighborhood robot

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    Bumpu, I really needed this to get into the lore.
  12. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    make it dark theme friendly pls
    Khaps likes this.
  13. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    There's not that much to go on. They worship Salted, but probably hold cows in general sacred as well. Their beliefs are nowhere near universal, they are openly mocked in Tunnel Trouble. The religion probably originates from the Wynn Province, given the prevalence of churches there and the lack of any in Gavel except for Cinfras, the main area of contact with Wynn.
    Moukassi likes this.
  14. Moukassi

    Moukassi I Gues i'll get hyped for fruma #2085

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    Thanks m8 :D
  15. Zepic

    Zepic I Don’t Know What to Put HERO

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    Seeing how you won't make it Best theme friendly I'll do it

    (Accurate as of 1.17 DnD)
    Hi! I'm Seek, and today we'll talk about the wonderful world of Wynn.

    If you're anything like me (which is unlikely), when you first joined Wynn, there were some discussions about lore and theories on the forums. You might've felt excluded, considering you had no idea what the hell the people were talking about. Perchance, in a misguided attempt to sound intelligent, you started stating absolute nonsense.

    This thread is a collection of short, succinct summaries of the stately stories of this sort. If you need a quick debriefing on a subject so that you may cultivate your own theories, this is the right place.

    Without further ado, let's begin with the first thing you've encountered: Fruma!

    Fruma is a completely Human province, with no access permitted on pain of death. There are two known entrances: one through the Fruman Gate and one near the Ragni Outskirts. The government is essentially a monarchy with hints of an oligarchy; the queen and her servants use their magical prowess to appear godlike. The rest of the population is held oblivious to the nature of magic. There are two major groups of emigrants: Wynnians and Corkians. Wynnians leave to serve as a Ragni soldier, where Corkians were a group of people trying to escape the oppression. They originally ignored the war effort, but have provided support ever since.

    This leads to two provinces; I'll start with the easier one.

    This island had originally been inhabited by the Avos. These people are shown to be quite adept at magic, so much so that a necklace had to be locked away since it was too powerful. There were two distinct groups: those who welcomed the Corkians and those who resisted their introduction. Eventually, the latter group was sealed underground, killing every member except for the Phoenix King. The Phoenix King had the unfortunate curse of immortality, forcing him to stay trapped in eternal torment. The other group was entrusted with half of the key to the Factory should anybody be proven powerful enough to stop it. Originally, the Factory produced robots for convenience. However, after the Corkians sealed away the hostile Avos, the Antikythera Supercomputer started instructing the robots to kill. Since the Factory became very dangerous, it was locked up, with a key given to either race. To attempt to gain recognition, Corkus started inviting envoys. However, some "patriots" are attempting to sabotage negotiations.

    And now for:

    Wynn is a province that was colonized by emigrating Frumans. Eventually, a rudimentary society was developed, with two large forts connected by a Passage. Near the center of the region was a mine rich with emeralds. Though completely useless to Humans, this would become very important later on. After a group of miners encountered the Portal, they entered it to attempt to gain more of the shiny green rocks. Though the realm was pleasant enough, some barrier was broken, releasing the Corruption and the undead. The captain of the expedition turned and became the Corrupter of Worlds. Somehow, it managed to end up inside of a cave in Troms, but that was way after it slaughtered its own crew within minutes. Another entity was released, causing much more damage. They took the name "Bak'al", and became feared throughout all of Wynn. Sometime later, Villagers crashed near what is now Maltic. Though they wanted nothing to do with the war, after finding out that Wynnians had a steady supply of emeralds (which just so happened to be their currency), they taught Humans basic magic and traded supplies. In the year 880, a large corrupt horde started their march to Ragni, lead by none other than Bak'al. After burning down Nivla forest and driving farmers into an aqueduct, they approached the fort, which was left unguarded (all the soldiers were in the sewer) save for one man. His name was

    He was born in the sewer, and his mom perished immediately after his birth. She wasn't from Ragni, and @SPYROHAWK will be happy to give his argument on Bob's Dernic connections (though that's closer to theory than lore). Being adopted by a baker named Momo, he was (somehow) trained to be an adequate fighter. After an immense horde, he killed his mom at her request (she was dying from Corruption). With two black daggers in hand, he began his training at the hands of Chak. Three more masters ensued, being Mael, Ethe, and Fier. Returning to Ragni, he stood against Bak'al and was able to successfully fend him off. He adopted three animals as pets; they were Baab the sheep, Cluckles the chicken, and Mooington the cow. After hearing of a beast corrupting the province, he sought to fight it at the young age of 130+. Mortally wounded, he split his soul into his three pets and sent them across the ocean. His grave appeared shortly after, marking the place the master soul was trapped.

    We've covered most of Wynn. Let's take a trip across the ocean all the way to

    Though the Villagers were secluded to the rest of the world, eventually, the Jofash and Llevigar gates were opened. Despite the open doors, Human settlements remained strictly illegal. Many Wynnian royals originate from Gavel, having been descended from Remikas. In Gavel is the Ahms reigion, which was once a normal plain. However, an event led to it shattering, creating an endless void and floating islands. Gavel is plagued by the Decay, which is caused by Corruption in the Realm of Light. Though the Elves imply that greed is the main catalyst for this corruption, they themselves mention that they are unsure what is the root of the problem is. Caritat Manor was built on top of the spot the Decay started (in Gavel), and that worked out splendidly in the shape of everybody but a young child dying in flames. However, the Decay could've been (but wasn't) cured by

    Not much is known about her. She created an army of 49 monster types (Gale doesn't count) in order to prepare for the "darkness". She is the most powerful sorceress in the world, with enough magical knowledge to eradicate an entire natural force. Her Hive is a challenge for the strongest of warriors; she hopes to enlist the victors into her army. To pass, one must defeat all 230 soldiers (5 of each non-general as well as 5 generals) and Qira herself. The Darkness she is fighting is likely

    There is literally almost nothing in the game about this, but I'll try my best to describe it. The Eye is a very important part of this puzzle. There are two known entrances: one on Gateway Island and one in the Abandoned Mines. This force is capable of converting literally anything and is even more powerful than Corruption or Decay.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2018
    seeksery likes this.
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