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Any Class Ultimate Tank Build

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by samsungplay, Jan 16, 2018.

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  1. samsungplay

    samsungplay Cataclysm Warchief Ninja VIP+

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    Hello, everyone I'm samsung and today I'll showcase you people the build with one of the most impenetrable defence, yet decent damage , mobility, and mana stability. It just has it all. I currently have this build on my ninja (My only 100, and Im no person who can power level up other classes) and it is great in duels.

    Reason why I am sharing this build is to also hear from you guys to truly master this build. Here we go! Make sure you read the full article before you comment! Also, it is my first ever build showcase, please understand the disharmony happening in texts and images.

    Helmet: Morph-Stardust

    Morph-stardust gives us a decent amount of defence and the skill point necessary to complete this build. And that 1/4s is an extra.

    Chestplate: Boreal-Patterened Aegis

    Great replacement for gravity. Not only we cannot use gravity for sp concerns, but boreal gives several advantages over gravity too, such as no -tier attack speed, 2/4s mr, and 20% walkspeed, as well as concentrated defence on thunder, air, and water.

    Leggings: Gemini

    Core part of this build. Gemini provides the main source for +% elemental defences as well as another massive defence boost on air, and thunder.

    Boots: Paradox

    Now some might debate about this, I'll start with eliminating some of people's main concepts.

    1). Why don't you use hive boots?
    Hive boots isn't too bad after all, however through wynndata calculations i found out that simultaneous usage of hive boots and chestpiece can result in nullification of their ids and can eliminate considerable amount of +% element id. That being sad, overall elemental defence drops. And melee%, etc, the other special ids on hive boots is unnecessary for this build.

    2). Why not fermion/determination?
    Determination diminishes LARGE amount of spell damage, which will just boost us to become normal tank, not the true 'ultimate' versatile tank.
    Fermion is unable to be equipped because of its sp req.

    3). Why not statue?
    Again, statue steals the entirety of our mobility, which is also the main focus of this build to have a mobile tank. But if you are a mage, this is also an option for it increases your heal. Something to stay away for warrior, or asssassin, or even archer.

    4). Why not achilles?
    Achilles does boost massively on earth def which is the def that is going to be relatively left out, and it is certainly supportive, but can make us extremely vulnerable to water damage.

    5). Why paradox?
    Despite the - raw def on thunder and water, its massive +% elemental defence can compensate this and even further improve it, as wynndata calculations approve. It also has 4 powder slots, and gives opportunity for control.

    Alternative: Silt of Seafloor
    I do not have water hive voucher, so thats why I could not use this. However, this boots is equally great in terms of it boosting fire/earth defence that are relatively left out due to usage of gemini/boreal chestplate and also this boots can give you insane immunity to water defence. -Thunder can be nullifeid using powders.
    And for -air, your air def is already beyond amazing without any boots.


    Ring: Prism x2
    No questions. Diamond fusion ring is also an option, however prism is the best for elemental defence.

    Bracelet : Diamond Fusion Bracelet
    You know it! Just insane ids and defence bonusses, and even loot bonus, making the versatility of this build amazing. Some people say why not prowess, but again, prowess does nothing with our elemental defences... and it is tough for someone to get more than 1 master voucher, and I just don't see any point equpping prowess here other than trying to use gravity.

    Necklace: Clock Amulet
    The best defence necklace ever! Again, no diamond fusion necklaces unless you wanna equip gravity for same reason as prowess.

    I use my ninja class, so I use these weps. Make sure to use wynndata.tk to find out for your class.

    Ivory - mana regen, damage. 39% Fire def, 39% Thunder def.

    Silver - 39% Air def. To counter strat archers.

    Slider- +20 ag, making you become 95+ agility and yet you are still largely tanky, and +52% walkspeed resulting up to max of 72% walkspeed with boreal chestplate. And also an option for neutral damage.

    Alazarin - +1300 hp, +20% in all elemental defence. To counter multiple element dealing enemies, esp. freedom archers.

    Thrice - water damage, +22% water defence. Nothing more to say.

    Bull - only in emergency. +33% Earth defence.

    Overall conclusion:
    This build has up to 7/4s mana regen with ivory, and 41 int.

    You have amazing water/thunder/air defence, (As of me, I took 100+ meteors from fatal to die, and 10+ spins from cata to die, 15+ spins from weathered to die, 8+ bombs from spring to die, not counting agility.)

    Earth defence and fire defence would be left out, make sure to use powders to compensate their unbalanced defence in relevance to other defences.

    up to 72% walkspeed and 100 agility with nice ids. Yet you are still extremely tanky.

    With t6 3/3 ivory , you can deal 6k+ spins and 12k+ multihit. Amazing for tank. Not sure about other classes, though.

    Use warrior for more tankiness.

    Use mage for more unkillability.

    With this build, you will never be afraid to duel someone. For earth damagers who could actually kill you, use ivory as they are super weak to air. Feel free to powder alazarin in your way to counter others, such as fire damagers. Use thrice to counter poison builds.

    Basically, the only build that can really make you inferior is raw spell build. But again, powder alazarin to deal their weak element. Nothing can stop you.

    Thanks for reading!
    Jacquie, China, YYGAYMER and 2 others like this.
  2. Mikuya

    Mikuya Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I have gemini, dm me if anyone want to buy it xddd. Great thread btw
  3. Droger

    Droger Self proclaimed "Dungeon Master" VIP+

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  4. Mikuya

    Mikuya Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    later im helping someone do ??? quest rn

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    O it's samsung

    But you died by Matrojan Idol by single charge
    (Picture of your best friend)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  6. samsungplay

    samsungplay Cataclysm Warchief Ninja VIP+

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    But again, this tank is ele tank, not neutral tank. That was a bugged multiple charges + it was fully neutral damage. LI bosses generally deal minimum of more than 3k neutrals. Better option is to use warrior or 150 def build for this. Although, such build won't be as effective as ele tank on duels.
    China and YYGAYMER like this.
  7. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    add a wynndata.tk link to check the complete build/stats ;)

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Here reeee
    (Used Alazarin)
    NITEHAWKX likes this.
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