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Media Salted's Ama: All The Interesting Answers

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Jbip, Jan 14, 2018.

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  1. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    In case you somehow missed it, Salted hosted an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on the dead Wynncraft subreddit. In this thread, I'll show what I think were the most interesting questions with the most interesting answers. Let's get started!

    What was your big vision for Wynn? Is it anything like the Wynn we have today? (from Retifile)

    The big vision was actually much smaller at the beginning. We didn't expect it to go so well, and that actually came to bite us a bit after some time when we had to rework parts of the game. Like the old item system, it was too simple for what Wynncraft had became, so we had to spend some time reworking it.
    But yea, it's still quite similar to current Wynn. Even if our vision was smaller at the beginning, I always had some cool ideas in mind that I still really want to do.

    Favourite music? Do you still enjoy running Wynncraft? What are your thoughts about Minecraft dying as a game? (from RadiantReddit)

    Electro-swing and EDM in general are some of what I like most, mainly because it always puts me in a good mood when working. But I quite like good ol' 60s to 90s songs as well.
    And yea I still do! Working on a game in general is really something I enjoy doing, I'm quite lucky to have Wynncraft to allow me to do that.
    And as for Minecraft, well, it had to start going down at one time. I still think it will still live on for many years, but obviously not forever.

    Approximately how much money do you earn from Wynncraft? (from jerry2183)

    Well I ain't gonna give a number, but I'm able to live off of it. I'm not rich and just renting a small appartment, but I'm doing alright.

    What gave you the inspiration to move from CraftedMovie's Minecraft skits on YouTube to creating a MMORPG server? Did you ever think Wynncraft would still be here at this point in time, or did you expect it to not be successful? Do you have any plans past creating Wynncraft, perhaps once the server has reached the end of it's life? (from ajdude9)

    The transition was actually a bit more like YT -> CM Server -> Wynncraft. After working on the CraftedMovie server for some time I started to get a bit used to Minecraft and what it could roughly do. Then I realised we might be able to make something cool that hasn't been done before.

    At one point I did expect it to at least work for a few months, but not for years like it has.
    I'd love to keep working on games after Wynncraft, we'll see where life brings me! For now, I just hope I can keep doing what I'm doing for as long as I can.

    One of the questions I have, relating to the server, is the economy. [insert rant about bad economy] (from Flying_Golfbawl)
    Yea I'm well aware of that. I do have some ideas for it, but I don't want to spoil them just yet. Just know that we hear ya and do plan to improve the economy at one point.

    What's your favorite game from a design perspective? What's your favorite quest in Wynncraft? (from memelord Tantibus)
    1. There's so many games that are really good... but for a recent one I still think Rocket League has some great design in it. It's more subtle than in other games, but it's a really well polished game that stays very focused on what makes it fun.

    2. Are you asking me this in hopes I say one of your quest? ;D I have no favourites!
    Something that frustrates me about WynnCraft for a long time now is the limited sprinting, do you plan on improving that gameplay aspect in the future or do you think it's best as it is now (if yes, why)? (from Maniload)
    I don't want people to sprint too much, because if so, they could avoid mobs very easily all the time (I know high level peeps can spam spells to move, but I don't want to make it worse, especially if we ever change how spells work on day). I wouldn't be against improving it though. Maybe not by making it last longer, but by making the regen less frustrating to deal with.

    What inspired you to start Wynncraft? Did you do top-down design or bottom-top design? (Top-down = mechanics first, world later. Bottom-dop = world/characters first, mechanics later.) Are you happy with Wynncraft currently? If you could fix one thing in Wynncraft (ones that are out of your realm of possibility,) what would it be and why? Have you ever thought to make a stand-alone game of Wynncraft? Or maybe as a mod for more flexibility? (from RegularLightningRunn)
    I played a crap ton of MMORPG when I was younger, and I always wanted to make one. Wynn actually comes from another old idea for a MMO, that I rouuuughtly translated to Minecraft.
    I did top-down design. I've always prefered doing that kind of stuff. Before I was bilingual I could never understand what the hell was going on in games, as they were all english. So I mainly focused on the mechanics instead of stories, and I think that stayed. Yea, I am. I'm super proud of what we've done with it, but I also always see the problems with it. There's a lot I want to change with it, but that's always going to be the case. The day I think Wynncraft is perfect is the day I won't find any meaning into working on it.
    I wish I could fix lag 100%. That way, we could have gigantic servers with 100-200 players and it would feel a lot more alive.
    Not as a mod, but I have thought about stand-alone. Maybe one day! Making a real thing is much different than a server after all.

    With Grian now putting a lot of his time into YT, does he still work just as hard on Wynncraft? Will he continue to? (from Thega_)
    He did spend a little bit less time on Wynn, but he's still working on it! Every new quests, lore and content very likely went through him at one point. And yea, he still plans to. I think he likes making content in general, if in a games or videos. It's just that he now has to spend his time carefully between YT and Wynn, as both are doing well and requiring attention.

    Are you planning on making other gamemodes on wynn? (from waxiemaxie)
    You know what's something I always thought might be cool? A hardcore version of Wynncraft where you only have 1 life. That's the kind of different gamemodes that I think could fit well on Wynn if we ever want to try something different.

    How did you, Grian & Jumla meet the first time? What's the story behind your friendship? (from James_Mont)
    During CraftedMovie, one dude in the comment section of one of our videos told us we should make a CM server. I replied that it would be cool but I have no idea how to do that. I then received a random PM from Jumla saying "hey kid, want some servers?" and we worked together on the CraftedMovie server.
    Then one day this random guy named Grian joined our server and he was pretty good at building, so we asked him if he could build stuff for our videos and that's how it all happened.

    Do you actually play Minecraft -besides Wynncraft-? If yes, what do you like to play? (from Jbip)
    I always only play one game at a time. It used to be Rocket League, now it's Overwatch. Nothing else, not even Minecraft. But I do go on minigames servers from time to time during our gamenights with the CT!

    What's your opinion about those modpacks that "enhance" Wynncraft? Are you planning on implementing some of the features into the game? (from Yakumi)
    I like them. I wouldn't be against anything that improves the Wynncraft experience, in the end we benefit from people having more fun while playing. Just as long as people know and are aware ofthe risks of modding, there's no issues. Some mods features are actually just impossible to replicate on our side, as we can only modify the servers and not client. But there are definitely nice things in them that we could add into the vanilla game, it could happen some day!

    Are you guys planning on revamping Gavel or the game itself at 2.0? And are we expecting a quality of life update soon? (from TheWildTester_)
    We're looking more and more at Gavel recently. At one point we're likely to start reworking some stuff there that didn't pass the test of time. And as for the next update, no spoilers, but if it works out well, it should be something that impacts everyone from level 1 to 101.

    What was your favorite WynnCraft update? What's your favorite city? (from Gray12king)
    Gavel is still one of my favourites because of how significant it was. It was a big deal to add that many quests and redo the whole item system, on top of adding the new resource pack. It shaped what Wynncraft has become.
    And yea, I know it has my name, but I like Detlas because of how populated it is. It feels a bit more alive than the others. Though design-wise, I'm a fan of the new Ragni and Corkus City.

    Do you guys have any plans about a new class, or even reworking the classes as a whole? (from Jbip)
    I have plans for a few new classes, we just didn't get to it yet. Adding new classes isn't just making the class itself, it's also adding items from level 1 to 101, so it can take some work.
    I don't think we'll ever completely redo a class from scratch, but we could at one point rework on some things about them. It's been a while after all!


    Other interesting information:

    The map is not getting updated because they're scared of spoiling some new stuff by updating the map. He's not against increasing the level cap, and if he ever does, level 101 won't break (you'll level up to 102). There's a high chance he won't release any new videos on CraftedMovies.
    They probably won't ever be short on ideas, there's still a long way to go. Salted also thinks CSST is way too short, he wouldn't mind parties if it was longer.

    The next update should somehow affect everyone if it works out well.


    If I forgot stuff, tell me and I'll try to add it there.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
  2. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    what have you done waxiemaxie
  3. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    SgtClips, Lotem, xSuper_Jx and 43 others like this.
  4. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    how the fuck did you make that so fast
  5. alcoholic femboy

    alcoholic femboy i will kill again HERO

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    I made it like half an hour ago, but it only took me like 30 seconds to make
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    you forgot one

    Why do you have more forum trophy points than everyone else?
    (from captainganon)
    (i hear he's cool and asks good questions)
    "Because I'm obviously much cooler than everyone else.
    But honestly I have no idea, maybe I screwed something up in admin panel at one point years ago and never noticed."

    after so many years even the greatest of mysteries has been unveiled
  7. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    Honestly, when I posted the thread, I was wondering how much time it would take until you post this
  8. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Better hope you dont get stuck!
    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  9. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP Item Team

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    cough cough
    corkus robots?
  10. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    CheesePrince13 likes this.
  11. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    It was when they transferred the admin accounts to a new user code
  12. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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  13. RandomAdventurer

    RandomAdventurer Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Salted has good taste :ok hand:
  14. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    Bumping, in case people missed the thread!
  15. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Affects everyone from 1-101.... hmm....
    Skill point perks?
  16. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    Merci pour le condensé! :D
    Jbip likes this.
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