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Community Event Mythic Giveaway (discoverer)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Chigo_, Jan 5, 2018.

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  1. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1) IGN: Hyco
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @LazyCarrot
    3) Why do you want discoverer: For loot running
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: @Salkasm
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: @jpresent
    7) Favorite Fruit: Apple
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: I will make a screen of it, print it and hang it on my wall in my room
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: @Maarcus
    Maarcus and Salkasm like this.
  2. What29

    What29 Not A savage VIP+

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    1) IGN: What29
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Hyco
    3) Why do you want discoverer: To help boost my loot find
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 1
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: @xSlyam
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Grain
    7) Favorite Fruit: Apples :"D
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: Add it to my nonexistant loot set
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: @no_one im not on here enough to have a favorite ;/
    Hyco likes this.
  3. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    1) IGN: Dwicey
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Gort
    3) Why do you want discoverer: I've been in an economic crisis after I donated all of my LE to my guild
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: A really bad Warchief a couple days ago
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: @xSlyam because he's a cool dude
    6)Favorite Wynn Admin: Salted because of how huge of a meme he is
    7) Favorite Fruit: Oranges
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: Probably use it to lootrun until I manage to get enough money that I am satisfied
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: @Gort because he sells apples
  4. Supertaster

    Supertaster Will single-Handedly crash wynncraft economy HERO

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    Trophy Points:
    1) IGN: FightMeScrub
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: Chewie300
    3) Why do you want discoverer: to find more discoverers then profit
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Iqbar
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Red
    7) Favorite Fruit: vegetable
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: do a discoverer giveaway
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: myself (;
  5. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    Creator Karma:
    1) IGN: ___Bob___
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Chigo_ (I am actually ur friend so is it ok? :P)
    3) Why do you want discoverer: I've been meaning to get into Mythics, but I can't find one, this would really help
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Selvut
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Salted
    7) Favorite Fruit: Apple
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: Most likely either keep it as a treasure, or sell it when it's price inflates (if it does)
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: Either @SPYROHAWK or Selvut
    SPYROHAWK and Chigo_ like this.
  6. jafthekiller

    jafthekiller Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn:@shmexy
    3)Why do you want discoverer: for loot runs and grinding
    4)How many mythics have you found:2 guardian and cata (lost most of my money)
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod:stag2001
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Salted
    7) Favorite Fruit: banana
    8)What will you do with this discoverer if you win:mostly loot run and sometimes grind
    9)Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: i dont have any
    Stag2001 likes this.
  7. HardBoiledYoshi

    HardBoiledYoshi Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    1) IGN: HardBoiledYoshi
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @NoHaxJustBabyPug
    3) Why do you want discoverer: I want Discoverer because it would be my first ever Mythic in my time playing Wynn. I am an avid loot hunter, and even though I don't find much, this might prove very useful to me in my loot runs. It would be amazing to have such a powerful item!
    4) How many mythics have you found: 0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Lord_He1mchen
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Grian
    7) Favorite Fruit: Grapefruits! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) p.s. yeah i'm that guy that likes grapefruits
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: I can assure you it will not be sold EVER! I will utilize this amazing gift from the Gods to boost my loot runs and have fun with it!
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: jpresent (the bug fixes are strong with this one)
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
  8. sonicilsung

    sonicilsung The Super Sonic from SA2 VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    1)IGN: sonicilsung
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: All of my friends that i know are not playing Wynncraft
    3)Why do you want discoverer: I just want to run all of the Wynncraft world with Discoverer
    4)How many mythics have you found: Idol only
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: I don't know
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Jumla
    7) Favorite Fruit: Watermelon
    8)What will you do with this discoverer if you win: I will running all of the Wynncraft world
    9)Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: @YYGAYMER (Because he is funny xD)
    YYGAYMER likes this.
  9. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    1) IGN: Stormarend
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @xipp2001
    3) Why do you want discoverer: Resell probably/Lootrun
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Stag2001
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Jpresent
    7) Favorite Fruit: Melon
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: Resell it because I'm really that dirty/Lootrun
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: @Stormarend @Yuno F Gasai for being dedicated as fuck.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
    Yuno F Gasai and Stag2001 like this.
  10. calinmatGDF

    calinmatGDF I suck at wynn VIP

    Likes Received:
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    1) IGN: calinmatGDF
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: no friends on the forums
    3) Why do you want discoverer: for loot runs
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 1
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: @Stag2001
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Grian
    7) Favorite Fruit: banana
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: use it for loot runs
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: captainganon
    Stag2001 likes this.
  11. Mushtie

    Mushtie Skilled Adventurer VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    1) IGN: Mushtie
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Brutal_Desires
    3) Why do you want discoverer: Why not
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: I've found 5 but I own 1rn and all 5 I found are pures
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Stag
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: jpresent
    7) Favorite Fruit: Pomegranate
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: loot run for ever
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: :thonk: hmm @NorwegianGB
  12. SenorConejo

    SenorConejo Well-Known Adventurer

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    1) IGN: SenorConejo
    2) A friend who plays Wynn: @SomeRandomguy329
    3) Why do you want a discoverer: So I can stop crying every night before sleep about how I got no mythics.
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none: 0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Lord_He1mchen
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: Grian
    7) Favorite Fruit: Pinon
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: Discover stuff? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    9) Who is your favourite person on the Wynn Forums: Those who give me free mythics Cough Chigo_ Cough
  13. NihonGenji

    NihonGenji Harry Potter Nurdo VIP+

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1) IGN: NihonGenji
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Nem
    3) Why do you want discoverer: For my loot bonus set (loot runs)
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Pepinho
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: jpresent
    7) Favorite Fruit: Mango
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: I want to do my loot runs and if its rlly good... i might resell :P
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: @dukioooo
  14. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

    Likes Received:
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    1) IGN: James_Mont
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Gameshot_65 <3
    3) Why do you want discoverer: Cause i never had a mythic armor piece
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 2 ---> Grimtrap & Thrunda !
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Selvut283
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: JP !
    7) Favorite Fruit: Pomegranate
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: LOOT ALL DAY&NIGHT
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: dukioooo <3
  15. Swimming_Pool

    Swimming_Pool ate a pineapple, tastes like pinecones and apples

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    biggest ego crush of 2018
  16. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
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    1) IGN: 69420hahahahblazeit
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: I have no friends
    3) Why do you want discoverer: Replace my diamond dust and increase my net worth (lol)
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 2
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Expansion
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: JP
    7) Favorite Fruit: Mango
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: Lootrun
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: JP
  17. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
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    1) IGN: _g_money_
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Tealy
    3) Why do you want discoverer: C R I T I C A L to my loot bonus build. And I really need to get my game up in terms of having loot and shit, + it'll help me get a better defense + offense build
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: i got 1 from a giveaway, but other than that none
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: xSlyam
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: jpresent
    7) Favorite Fruit: grapes
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: I will lootrun myself to death.
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: @Stag2001

    u better give me that mythic boi.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  18. Lil_Shiznit

    Lil_Shiznit Travelled Adventurer VIP+

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1) IGN: Colossal_Titan11
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Toy
    3) Why do you want discoverer: I am currently making a lb (Loot bonus) set and I heard that it can go up to 150% lb (Loot Bonus).
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*: 0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: Headset_O
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin: jpresent
    7) Favorite Fruit: Oranges
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: I will wear it for a lb (Loot bonus) build, So I have better chances of getting my first ever mythic.
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums: @jpresent is my favorite person in game and on fourms because he fixed the guild glitch, which allowed me to leave my guild after 2 years.
  19. DrakeM1

    DrakeM1 101 Archer / Made RPRT / Mayor of Tree Island HERO

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    Hello! My name is DrakeM1 (I got into Wynncraft thanks to @Cyber_Plays (he doesn't use forums)). I would like a Discoverer due to the incredibly broken Wynncraft economy. You see, a Discoverer would make grinding for items for my build so much less painful so I don't need to worry about satisfying the whims of shopkeepers. I've never found a mythic before. My favorite Wynncraft moderator (this seems like a loaded question) is Stag2001 (cause cats) (unless you mean modification in which case it would be Wynn Expansion). My favorite admin is Jpresent because of all the fixes he's brought to the game and the features he's made possible. My favorite fruit is watermelon (although a cucumber is technically a fruit which makes it a valid response). If I get a Discoverer, I'm going to do a lot of grinding (for the first time in a while). My favorite person on the Wynn Forums is probably captainganon.

    Thank you!
    // DrakeM1
  20. ____________birb

    ____________birb not borpus Staff Member Discord Moderator VIP+ QA Item Team

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1) IGN: Birb____________ [12 underscores]
    2) Tag a friend who plays Wynn: @Goosey
    3) Why do you want discoverer: lootrun
    4) How many mythics have you found *put 0 if you found none*:0
    5) Favorite Wynn Mod: sylam
    6) Favorite Wynn Admin:tantibus
    7) Favorite Fruit:dragon fruit
    8) What will you do with this discoverer if you win: lootrun
    9) Who is your favorite person on the Wynn forums:tantibus
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