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Discussion in 'Your Services' started by Sku, Mar 13, 2017.

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  1. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    I'm not sure at all how this is going to work because I have very little experience on the new update, but right now I'd probably try a PvE spell Monster like this:

    Third Eye (mana+int)
    Hetusol (mana + defense + high health for Qira)
    Vaward (high health, sp)
    Memento/Virgo (mana+damage OR mana+cactus)
    2x Summa (still good enough to be honest)
    Diamond Solar Necklace

    15 000 health
    80ish int + 45ish agility OR 106 int + 15ish agility
    13/4s mana regen
    good raw defense
    ok ele defense in fire/water, crappy ele defense in earth/thunder, dead zero in air
    5.2-11k meteors I believe, should crack Qira with Courage easily. Very Slow attack speed is annoying when casting, but there is not much to be done about it.

    Or you could always use the same build I use with Inferno (the buff made me happy c: )

    Stardust (it was nerfed yeah I know, still good enough)
    Hephaestus-Forged Greaves
    Virgo (or Gaea-Hewn if you think the mana is enough)

    I'd give it a try if I had a Monster but unfortunately I do not.
    valvoid likes this.
  2. Elephat

    Elephat hi HERO

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    I know this is pretty much one of the most basic and widely debated things related to wynncraft,
    and i know people already have made sort of guides. But, you obviously have a lot of experience in wynncraft, and i wanted to get your opinion on the matter.
    I've been playing wynncraft for almost 4 years now, and i've been pretty poor throughout all of it, being at my peak of 68 le about a month or two ago.
    But, it takes forever to make money and so many people do it so easily! :(
    Also, i recently lost like 25 or so LE to the new bank. I was so hyped about new bank space and i didnt realize it would take my money from inside my bank, (i was thinking it would stop when the 2 or 3 LE in my inv ran out) so i kinda just spammed on "Buy next page" or whatever it says. After i got page 11 i went to page one and saw i only had 35 le left... I realized what i did, facepalmed and quit 4 the day.
    Tons of things like this happen to me, and i never have much money.
    What's the best way 2 make money? Grinding? Going for a mythic in loot runs? Questing?
    Please, please help :P :(

    Im poor how do I make money

    Sku likes this.
  3. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Sorry to hear about your loss. For getting money in wynncraft you basically have two options nowdays. Either you loot a mythic (by loot running or from a mob when grinding, I got all three of mine from chests myself) or grind tons of classes to high level. Quests give tons of LE and you should be able to save for the semi-budget mythic of your choise that way. After that you just go for a reselling spree and hope for the best.

    Earlier you could actually lootrun and sell legendaries, but nowdays their demand is super low and only the godliest ones sell.

    Long story short; there is no shortcut and it either takes hard work grinding classes or hard work AND crazy luck loot running.

    And remember, do not exhaust yourself. Only play when you enjoy it, wynncraft can really get anti-fun if you turn it into too hard work.

    Good luck.
    Elephat likes this.
  4. Elephat

    Elephat hi HERO

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    tysm <3
    Sku likes this.
  5. X5oINFERNOo5X

    X5oINFERNOo5X I am a weeb and a fuckin memelord VIP+

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    hey, so I have 2 things to ask: First, wynncraft is boring to me now and i used to love it so idk what i should do abou that and i even stopped playing for about a year to try and fix that but it did nothing so i wanted to see if you knew what i should do. now second, my main is a warrior and i have no preferences so what is the best warrior build for all around damage. what i mean by that is to have a decent amount of damage on all elemental fronts.
    id like to thank you in advance if you get to me on this bcaus this would help alot so thank you very much
    hey, so I have 2 things to ask: First, wynncraft is boring to me now and i used to love it so idk what i should do abou that and i even stopped playing for about a year to try and fix that but it did nothing so i wanted to see if you knew what i should do. now second, my main is a warrior and i have no preferences so what is the best warrior build for all around damage. what i mean by that is to have a decent amount of damage on all elemental fronts and neutral damage. also id like to have a pretty good chunk of health. so actually i lied i did have a few preferences XD.
    id like to thank you in advance if you get to me on this bcaus this would help alot so thank you very much
    ps: sorry for posting this twice i just wanted it to send you a notification
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
    Sku likes this.
  6. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    I just came back from a break from wynn as well and for me, time usually does the trick. If it doesn't, I just do something else until I feel like playing wynncraft again. This might be very different for me though, as I have completed the game multiple times on all the different classes and I do not really have much to accomplish on wynncraft anymore other than chatting with people and experimenting with builds. But what I'd advice you is play when you finally feel like it. Do not force it, you might or might not get the spark to grind and do quests again and it is fine either way. For some reason I just keep coming back all the time, mostly because I like to see what the game and the community are developing into.

    But just a quick disclaimer; the majority of cool things in wynn is still ahead of you. c; Countless immersive questlines and interesting build ideas (you can check out youtube for those, some builds I saw there were the thing that got me back to wynn in mid 2016 just after Gavel) are still left for you to experience and that alone is enough reason to grind a few levels once in a while. c;

    About the warrior build,
    it is very difficult to do an overlord build that'd deal good damage on all elements, especially before level 100. It is way better to focus on two elements that work well together and maybe get secondary weapons for other elemental damages. What I'd advice you to do is get exactly 68 intelligence, no more, no less (to exactly halve your spell costs) and then try to get some mana regen items. That'll make your playing experience infinitely better, you can charge around the map easily and you'll have a much easier time fighting mobs as well when you can cast to your heart's content. Pair the intelligence up with a second element of your liking. I'd personally suggest air for the added survivability and the access to walk speed items. I had the best experience going through wynncraft using water-air, but that might be just my personal preference. There are tons of items with good water-air synergy out there, most notably stuff like Crystal and Capricorn for the later levels. For now, on your level, the exact items do not matter too much. Try to get some mana regen and the best water-based weapon you can find. In the endgame, meaning level 90+ try to get your hands on items like Tidebinder, Idol, Crystal, Third Eye, Memento, Aquarius, Vaward, Capricorn, Suppression, Raging Wind etc, those have really good synergy for a water air-build. You can browse for different items here.

    I hope any of this was useful for you! If you have any other questions, you know where to find me. :p
    Good luck on your path.
    X5oINFERNOo5X likes this.
  7. X5oINFERNOo5X

    X5oINFERNOo5X I am a weeb and a fuckin memelord VIP+

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    honestly all of it was helpful thank you sooo much dude like you dont understand how much this helped but i have one question cuz honestly i dont really understand elements all that well. why not more intelligence i mean wouldnt it be better to make my spells cost even less than half, and also one thing that annoys me with that is some items add to your skill points so even if i had at 68 if i wore or used an item that added to it then that would mess it up. oh and also since i just want the best could you tell me what items you use on your water and air warrior build, like your set armor , weapons and rings, necklace and bracelet so that when i am lvl 100 i can maybe like wynn again cuz i have something to work towards getting. also let me know the skill point levels
    Sku likes this.
  8. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    I'm happy to be able to help.
    Because mana in wynncraft works that way. It is a bit difficult to explain, but because the intervals are so big the effective amounts of intelligence that actually affect spell costs are 34, 47, 68, 106 and 129. Anything between those does not matter for mana costs, because your spell cannot cost 4.37 mana etc, you get the point.
    Later in the game you can aim for 106 int, but at your level it is not very practical yet. 68 is the amount you need to halve your spell costs, which is usually enough for most builds except intelligence late game builds.
    A pretty basic endgame water-air build would be:

    Third Eye
    Boreal-Patterned Aegis
    (most likely the best chestplate in the game, it is from the Hive Master shop so make sure you get this one because you can only get one item from there)

    Moon Pool Circlet
    Raging Wind / another Moon Pool Circlet
    Diamond Hydro Bracelet (from LI, replaceable with Squid Anklet)
    Diamond Hydro Necklace (from LI, replaceable with Royal Stormy Amulet or Raindrop)
    Idol (replaceable with Tidebinder)

    Your skill points should end up being around 0/40/120/0/90 + the extra that Vaward gives you.

    This build is rather expensive if you want to get the mythic weapon Idol, but you can get similar performance using a Tidebinder as well so that is not a problem really. This build is very well balanced all-around and one of my all-time favourites. It is also easy to modify so you can add your own touch to it. Here is a link to the build stats if you're interested.
    NITEHAWKX and X5oINFERNOo5X like this.
  9. X5oINFERNOo5X

    X5oINFERNOo5X I am a weeb and a fuckin memelord VIP+

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    hey sorry ive been bothering you so much but this has really helped and sorry but im gonna have to bother you once more. 2 things, should i start working on making my build now even if the things i use wont be permanent or should i wait for a higher level and also can you help me with some quests, i mean i can do them on my own but it kinda bores me when i do stuff alone so i like to have company but its fine if you dont wanna cuz i mean ik you probably have better stuff to do and youve already helped me this much
    Sku likes this.
  10. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    If I was you I'd probably start building towards it with any items available. Try to get some mana regen and put your skill points to int until you reach 68, then put the rest to agility or other stuff you need to wear your armour. It does not matter a lot though as you'll need to reset everything many more times as you progress.

    And for most quests in the game I wouldn't really be much of help as they are pretty straight forward, however, when you get to the final bossfights of Temple Of Legends, Tower Of Ascension, The Qira Hive etc I'm happy to help out as those boss fights can be quite difficult. Let me know if you get stuck at them and I'll help you.
    X5oINFERNOo5X likes this.
  11. X5oINFERNOo5X

    X5oINFERNOo5X I am a weeb and a fuckin memelord VIP+

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    lol ok, thank you for all your help dude and its kinda a funny cuz ive been hearing alot about this qira. sounds like that boss is a real handful well ill let you know if i need help when i get to those places and thanks again dude.
    Sku likes this.
  12. X5oINFERNOo5X

    X5oINFERNOo5X I am a weeb and a fuckin memelord VIP+

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    hey id like to thank you once more because working on this build has motivated me and made wynn fun again. but id like to ask another favor. so you know iboju village near troms, well im trying to get one of the masks that the merchant sells so i need to kill the boss there a few times but i can only kill six of his stages, and thats with tons of potions so could you help me?
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
  13. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    How much does a Mama Zomble's Memory go for?
  14. Elblob

    Elblob hi

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    Is this a good Thunder archer build for level 80? Should I replace spiritshock with the Az that got nerfed to a pulp? If not I would sell it, but for how much?
    ^^Barrage of questions ^-^
  15. RafaBron

    RafaBron Well-Known Adventurer

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    Can u help me at temple of the legends boss?
  16. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    This was asked a few pages back but I cannot blame you for not checking those. It has ultra low demand and I have not seen a single one being sold for a long time, they just get ignored. People simply want to spend their money on mythics and other stuff.
    You really need some mana regen for it. I'd recommend switching the rings to Suppressions, that should be enough for starters. Archer should not be meleeing at all so the life- and mana steals on Suppression do not matter. Also, Tophet and Ossuary have some antisynergy with their str buffs and debuffs, I think you would be better off using somehting even as radical as Thunder Sanctuary for leggings. At your level max health is not a massive deal and you cannot solo Qira anyways so you should not worry about that.

    Where Spiritshock does 6-10k with bomb arrows, Az does 2-16k. Spiritshock has infinitely better value, but Az is still about 20% stronger. If you get a decent price for the Az you should be fine selling it, otherwise just use it until you find something truly better and then sell the Az.

    I can, sorry that I answered so late. For some reason I was not getting alerts for this thread, I'll try to fix it if I can. It's quite late rn where I live but I can help you tomorrow, just tell reply to this and tell me when you usually play. My time zone is GMT+2h and you are most likely to find me online somewhere between 3pm and 12am my time.
    Sorry, I was not getting notifications for this thread for some reason or then I missed them completely. If you're still having trouble with it, message me tomorrow and I'll come to help you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    X5oINFERNOo5X likes this.
  17. X5oINFERNOo5X

    X5oINFERNOo5X I am a weeb and a fuckin memelord VIP+

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    [/QUOTE]Sorry, I was not getting notifications for this thread for some reason or then I missed them completely. If you're still having trouble with it, message me tomorrow and I'll come to help you. Sorry for the inconvenience.[/QUOTE]
    oh its fine i mean we all have our own lives right XD. but id still need those antic beads so i can grab the water mask for my build but i realized i was killing the wrong boss XD. so i need you help killing the boss at the boss alter thats near iboju village you know the one for the passage quest cuz he drops the antic beads and i need to finish that quest anyways.
  18. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    I'll get on as swiftly as possible.
    X5oINFERNOo5X likes this.
  19. X5oINFERNOo5X

    X5oINFERNOo5X I am a weeb and a fuckin memelord VIP+

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    thank you so much for all you help dude and im on world 14
  20. X5oINFERNOo5X

    X5oINFERNOo5X I am a weeb and a fuckin memelord VIP+

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    hey sorry my computer died im getting back on now
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