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Shop %-% Ree's Five Store %-%

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by Reefive, Jan 2, 2018.


Is this good?

  1. Awesome

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  2. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  3. Rehre

    1 vote(s)
  4. Where is the "no" option?

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  1. Reefive

    Reefive Do you hate the assassin? VIP+

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    Hello, and welcome to Ree's Five Store.
    Quick Disclaimer: If you think the title means everything cost's 5Eb/Le, your wrong :)
    Use Starry Night Theme.

    +=----- Rules/Terms/Info -----=+

    - We may meet at Detlas or Ragni
    - Offer, Offer, Offer!
    - On every purchase over 25LE you get 1LE back. (50 LE = 2LE back, 75 = 3, etc.)

    - You may reserve an item, but I can take off the reservation at ANYTIME
    - If I don't remove an item after it is bought, I will hastily remove it.

    Now, to the items.
    Click here to check if I'm online.

    +=----- Armour -----=+

    +=---- Helmets ----=+

    Aries x3
    20% Walk Speed, 6 Agility
    23% Walk Speed, 4 Agility
    19% Walk Speed, 4 Agility

    Spectrum x3
    10% Fire Dmg, 8% Thunder Dmg, 14% Earth Dmg, 14% Water Dmg, 9% Air Dmg, (-549 HP)
    10% Fire Dmg, 6% Thunder Dmg, 12% Earth Dmg, 12% Water Dmg, 13% Air Dmg, (-531 HP)
    7% Fire Dmg, 12% Thunder Dmg, 13% Earth Dmg, 8% Water Dmg, 4% Air Dmg, (-328 HP)

    Cancer x2
    1/4 Mana Steal, -960% Melee Dmg, 282/4 Life Steal, 10 Attack Tier, 2800/3 Poison, -1280% Spell Dmg (Kill Streak, Dmg: 3%, Over: 5s)
    1/4 Mana Steal, -1050% Melee Dmg, 303/4 Life Steal, 6 Attack Tier, 3640/3 Poison, -1200% Spell Dmg

    Morph-Stardust x1
    1/4 Mana Regen, 26 Skill Points (6 Def, 4 Str, 5 Dex, 3 Agi, 8 Int)

    +=---- Chestplates ----=+
    Hetusol x1
    81% Health Regen, 17% Soul Point Regen, 1/4 Mana Regen, 298 Health Regen (Raw), 5 Def

    Soarfae x2
    10% Walk Speed, 7% Reflection, 5% Air Def, 5 Agi, 6% Air Dmg
    10% Walk Speed, 3% Reflection, 11% Air Def, 3 Agi, 9% Air Dmg

    Soul Signal x1
    19% SP Regen, 325 Spell Dmg (Raw)

    Puppeteer x1
    27% Walk Speed, 64% Melee Dmg, 6 Agi (Rage, % HP Missing, +0.3% Dmg)

    Diamond Dust x1
    27% Loot Bonus

    Chestplate of Ineptitude x1
    1 Tier Attack Speed

    Sawdust x2
    10% Walk Speed, 11% Exploding, 35% Thorns
    8% Walk Speed, 10 Agi

    Dujgon Warrior Chestplate x1
    10% Health Regen, 10% Stealing, 8 Agility, 5% Melee Damage, 10% Air Dmg, 10% Thunder Dmg, 20% Air Def, 20% Thunder Def

    Adamantite x1
    49% Health Regen, 2379 Health, 8 Def, 5 Str

    Katoa's Warmth x1
    31% Health Regen, 8 Def

    +=---- Leggings ----=+
    Lemon Legs (Legendary), Nipun (Rare), First person to say "I want LL and N" gets them. (Level 18 and 7 Leggings)

    Electrocharge Greaves x3
    1 Attack Tier, 6 Dex
    1 Attack Tier, 6 Dex
    1 Attack Tier, 5 Dex

    Gemini x2
    170% Elemental Def
    121% Elemental Def

    Dionaea x1
    65/4 Life Steal

    Sagittarius x1
    6% Walk Speed, 27% Air Dmg

    Vaward x2
    18 Skill Points, 37% Health Regen, (Endurance, Hits Taken, +2% Dmg, Over 8sec)
    25 Skill Points, 20% Health Regen

    Philophilia x1
    37% Health Regen, 700 Health

    The Golem x1
    25% Fire Def

    Leggings of Restoration x1
    42% Health Regen, 1/4 Mana Regen

    Bridge of the Divide x1
    16% XP Bonus, 1/4 Mana Regen, 24% Water Def

    +=---- Boots ----=+
    Virgo x1
    75% Reflection, 2/4 Mana Regen, 22% Exploding, 38% Thorns

    Burnout x1
    1 Tier Attack Speed

    Leadlights x1
    43% Elemental Defs, 50% Elemental Dmgs,

    Battleground Dancer x1
    21% Walk Speed

    Bad Wolf x2
    34% XP Bonus
    26% XP Bonus

    Scorpio x1
    1278/3 Poison

    Seismosoul x1
    32% Soul Point Regen

    Paradox x1
    6 Str, 46% Thunder Def, 20% Water Def,

    Shaggy Boots x1
    8 Dex

    Mesosphere x1
    5 Agi, 16% Thunder Dmg

    Nether's Scar x1
    182% Health Regen

    Sodeta Boots x1
    25% Xp Bonus

    +=----- Weapons -----=+
    +=---- Daggers ----=+
    Influence x1

    24% XP Bonus

    Dislocater x1
    10% Melee Dmg

    Silver x1
    31% Air Def, 8% Walk Speed

    Bob's Mythic Daggers x1
    Has Curse, Duration: 7s, Damage Boost +90%

    +=---- Wands ----=+

    Manablast x1
    3/4 Mana Regen

    Ohms' Wish x1
    24% Air Dmg, 14% Spell Dmg

    Glare x2
    11% XP Bonus, 22% Reflection
    5% XP Bonus, 45% Reflection (Chain Lightning)

    +=---- Spears ----=+
    Clash Hook x1

    13% Melee Dmg, 26% Thorns

    Poison Ivy x2
    405/3 Poison
    940/3 Poison

    Remikas' Righteousness x2
    87 Elemental Defs, 15% XP Bonus
    86 Elemental Defs, 19% XP Bonus

    +=---- Bows ----=+
    Ensa's Resolve x1
    1/4 Mana Regen

    Cluster x1
    86% Exploding

    Petrified Horror x1
    13 Str, 8 Dex

    +=----- Accessories -----=+
    +=---- Rings ----=+
    Worship x1
    8% Loot Bonus

    +=---- Bracelets ----=+
    Knucklebones x1

    30% XP Bonus, 32% Melee Dmg, 33% Thunder Dmg

    Tear of Pirate Cove x1
    1/4 Mana Regen

    Great Brace x1
    16% Health Regen

    Bovine Cuff x1
    5 Str, 4% Melee Dmg

    +=---- Necklaces ----=+
    Shatterglass x1
    6 Str, 8% Melee Dmg

    Gernald's Amulet x1
    14% Loot Bonus

    Oyster x2
    2% Water Def, 6% Loot Bonus, 4% Water Dmg
    4% Water Def, 7% Loot Bonus, 4% Water Dmg

    Trom's Kid Badge x1
    3% XP Bonus, 5% SP Regen

    Crash x1
    8% Spell Dmg, 7% Melee Dmg

    +=----- Other/Keys/Powders -----=+
    T1: 5EB, T2: 8EB, T3: 15EB, T4: 32LE

    Water 2/2/3/1/0/0
    Fire 2/4/4/0/0/0
    Air 4/0/0/2/0/0
    Earth 4/1/4/0/0/0
    Thunder 3/5/4/2/0/0
    9 Fallen Factory - 23EB for 1

    5 Galleon's Graveyard - 20EB for 1
    8 Undergrowth Ruins - 15EB for 1
    2 Ice Barrows - 10EB for 1
    1 Underworld Crypt - 5EB for 1
    1 Lost Sanctuary - 5EB for 1
    2 Infested Pit - 5EB for 1
    3 Random Keys for 25EB
    3 Keys of Choice for 59 EB

    - 2 Pink Wool, 5Eb for 1

    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
  2. _InNOut

    _InNOut Skilled Adventurer

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    How much for a Bad Wolf?
  3. Reefive

    Reefive Do you hate the assassin? VIP+

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    It's almost max
    Prob about 2,5LE?
    Or less I don't know
  4. _InNOut

    _InNOut Skilled Adventurer

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    Either is fine. But I guess the second one? If it's cheaper.
  5. Reefive

    Reefive Do you hate the assassin? VIP+

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    Yep 1.5LE I'm online currently
    Detlas Server 10
  6. akajumpman

    akajumpman Skilled Adventurer

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    Tier 4 powders for 1.5 le LOL
  7. _InNOut

    _InNOut Skilled Adventurer

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    Alright. I'll speed over.
  8. Reefive

    Reefive Do you hate the assassin? VIP+

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    Ya online?
    Too expencive?
    Now it's cheaper :D
  9. AwesomeQuinton

    AwesomeQuinton Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    you still have the knuckles?
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