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Lore/Story Lost Light - Chapter 1 - 6

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Caldie, Aug 27, 2017.


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  1. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    I got bored so I decided to run another story alongside "The Magic of Gavel".
    Hope u like it!

    The Magic of Gavel: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-magic-of-gavel-chapters-1-3.201100/



    The man stumbled up to Aldorei’s gates. Lush green grasses enclosed the wall of elven brick, ancient runes, intricately carved into the white stone. The man was dying, and did not notice that the walls were unguarded, he just stumbled through, his hand clutching at his chest. He wore long, dark flowing robes, with red lining. Blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, bright against his ghostly pale skin.

    “Please, help me!” He gasped.

    He then fell to the ground in a spasm and cried out in pain, blood exploding from his mouth. There was no reply.

    “You must heal me!” He begged, in desperation.

    When the silence persisted the man gave up hope.

    The elves are gone, there is no-one who can heal me

    He plunged his shaky hand into his robe, and pulled out a small piece of paper, and using his blood as ink, and finger as a pen, he wrote.



    He pinned the paper down with a knife and let out his last breath. Coming to lay in the rich soils of Aldorei, the elves’ beautiful city rising up before his corpse. He had been poisoned, by a man with dark grey skin.

    Two Weeks Later

    Jaaron had been searching for weeks, he had travelled all throughout the land surrounding Cinfras but found nothing.

    Near the point of giving up hope, he found a trail, the footprints were that of an injured man, and there was the odd splatter of blood, his eyes missed nothing.

    He had left the elves many years ago, but was still of there blood, his eyes were as sharp as any other’s. His grip on his bow tightened, as the trail led further South, steadily making it’s way towards Aldorei.

    Jaaron’s pace quickened to a sprint, as he came out of the forest and to the cliffs. He leaped up onto the path, letting his purple aura follow, tears streaked his cheeks as he ran, the lush cliff face blurring past, until he came to the gates.

    They were unmanned, the elves were nowhere to be seen, Jaaron slowed to a walk, invisible feelers probing his surroundings for any sign of enemies. He continued on, following the footprints until he came to the body.

    He slowly approached his walk becoming a shuffle, he recognised the robes, but wanted it to be a coincidence, in fact, maybe it was a question best left unanswered, no. He forced the fear out of his mind. He had come looking for him, he needed to know the truth.

    He edged forward, and slowly turned the body over. Jaaron let out a gasp, Seric.

    Seric’s skin was clinging tightly to his skull, he was least a week dead. Jaaron let out a cry of anger, his purple aura exploding out with the ferocity of his rage. When the smoke cleared, and Jaaron’s breathing steadied, he looked at the ground in front of the body, a piece of paper had been left on the rich, elven soil, a small knife keeping it in place.

    The elves have vanished

    Beware the grey skins

    Jaaron picked up the paper, recognising it's significance, and slipped it into his bag. He then picked up the body of his dead friend and left.
    Seric deserved a proper burial, in the forest the man had loved all his life.

    Chapter I
    The Guardian

    Jaaron descended the cliff face, Seric’s shrivelled, pale body hanging limply in his arms. His short brown hair was blown back by the wind, hints of blonde coming through the dye at the hair's tips. His bow was hooked around his shoulder, alongside his quiver. His clothing darkened by tear drops.

    He came into the forest, embracing the light warm feeling it gave, letting the Guardian’s magic enshroud him in warm feelings. He walked toward the spirit without realising, coming up before the tree that the Guardian resided within.

    I know how he died.

    The Guardian said into Jaaron's head,

    “I figured as much, I came here to bury him.” Replied Jaaron moving back a dozen steps, and looking down at the ground, he slowly put Seric’s body down, then he took his bow from his shoulder. The Guardian watched in silence as Jaaron fired a bomb arrow into the ground, and laid his dead friend into the hole the explosion had created. Then the Guardian rebuilt the earth over Seric, as if it had never been turned.

    “No, undo that, he will be buried properly, not by a poisonous magic”

    But the magic will protect him. Replied the Guardian.

    “The whole god damn forest is a death trap to anyone with malicious intent!” Jaaron shouted back, angrily.

    The earth covering Serid then receded, and Jaaron thanked the Guardian half heartedly.

    He then began to fill the hole with the surrounding soil, watching blankly as his friend's body, as it disappeared beneath the dark earth.

    Why do you reject the light magic Jaaron?

    “No, I'm asking the questions here, and don't start giving me riddles either! How did he die?”

    There was a long pause, the sounds of the forest ringing in Jaaron's ears.

    It was a grey skinned man.

    “Yes I figured that much, but who or what is a grey skin?”

    The grey skins are from Dern, they wield Dark Magic.

    “Dark magic? What's that, is it like light magic?”

    In a sense, dark magic is an anti magic. Much like Light Magic takes it's power from the earth's magics, however Dark magic derives from a land of evil, and when used it acts as an opposite to light magic, a counter. When a dark magic is stronger than a light magic it is confronting, then it will act as a poison towards the wielder of light magic, the same would happen for the dark magic wielder if the roles were flipped.

    “Just as I thought, light magic is a poison, just as bad as Dark magic!” Jaaron exclaimed in anger. “I should never have taught it to Serid!”

    No Jaaron, Serid’s mastery of the light magic has given the armies of Wynn great hope and strength, it allowed him to make breakthroughs in magic, and you know this is so.

    “But it is the light magic that killed him!”

    No! Do not be a fool, it is the dark magic that killed him.

    “But it is because of his light magic that he was killed!” Cried Jaaron.

    That is true, he was attacked because the Dernic people didn't want humans to gain the light magic, there are too many and they could overrun the province of Dern. But this shows just how important Serid was.

    “You talk of him as if he were a pawn in your games! He truly cared for you and this forest, and this is how you repay him?”

    No, he is no pawn. But his breakthroughs were worth the price, and I believe he accepted that, and you should too.

    “That is something I cannot do, but arguing will get us nowhere. Where did the Dernics originate?” Asked Jaaron, calming his voice.

    There was another pause, a cold breeze blew through the trees, chilling Jaaron's spine.

    The Dernics are elven descendents, the elves who attempted to master the light magic but failed, that were overcome by greed for power. Over generations the magic evolved into Dark magic, and it caused Dern to decay. With the magic they created the eye, a spirit much like myself, but it is much stronger than I.

    A wave of anger rushed through Jaaron's body, “And just who are you 'Guardian’?”

    I am an elven spirit, I fought in the great war, and was one of the three who emerged alive. Me, my brother and his wife. I gave my body to the forest, as to look over the world for the times to come, and my brother along with his wife began to rebuild the elven race. You, Jaaron, are one of their direct descendents.

    “But surely all of the elves are? Aren't they?”

    Yes, however there were very few Elves with mastery of light magic after the war, you was born under one before he left for Dern, and his death.

    “Okay, whatever. Tell me of the Great War, tell me the full truth.”

    Very well.

    Chapter II

    It all began around fourty-thousand years ago when the elves first came to the four lands. I do not know where they came from specifically but they travelled from another area of the planet. In this time the human civilization was very primitive, and dwelled within the borders of Fruma, and the dwarves and villagers settled in the mountains, also being of a uncivilized nature. When the elves came they decided to split, half came to live in Gavel, and the other in both Wynn and Dern. It was decided to leave the dwarves and humans to progress by themselves. Over time the elves began to develop a knowledge of magic, harnessing the elemental powers of the earth in order to manipulate it to their will. However it was learned the hard way that what is taken must be given back, so over time land began to decay through the use of the magic. Therefore the elves were forced to find a solution, there answer was frowned upon by many, but held a majority. It was mana. It meant that the use of the earth’s magic would take an equal measure of power from your body, refueling it. Over time the lands decay was healed, and in many areas the land thrived more than was natural because of the elves magic. However it came at a cost, being forced to give up bodily energy in return for power greatly decreased the power of the elven magic. They were forced to train their bodies to hold more magic which took thousands of years. However around twenty-thousand years after their first arrival, the light realm opened up onto their civilisation, it’s door opening onto gavel. They came because they had sensed the selfless use of magic being performed by the elves, and decided to come and train them in the art of Light Magic. The elves were stunned but agreed. The light beings stated it’s dangers…”

    “Yes and what are the dangers?” Jaaron interrupted, all of a sudden enthusiastic.

    “The dangers where that if the light magic was used by someone who was not pure of heart used the magic, then the magic would evolve and corrupt both it’s user and the land around it.”

    “Pah, no wonder the elves were forced to leave.” Jaaron retorted.

    “You misjudge your race Jaaron, just listen. It was at this time that I was born. I came into a world of discovery, where the elves developed under the teachings of the light beings. However, over time it became apparent that the Elves of Gavel were developing faster because of the Light Realm opening onto their land, and the Elves that had come to live to the South became jealous. This jealousy soon began to transform their magic, which only fueled their anger more, to the point that it became hate. After ten-thousand years of learning under the light beings, the Southern elves attacked. They raced across the great ocean, turning it’s waters into a destructive force with the darkness and hate of their magic. The elves of Gavel were unprepared, and the light beings were against fighting, so we were forced to stand alone and unprepared, in smaller numbers. We were forced back towards the provinces mountains, and we were forced into hiding. They had gained possession of the door to the light realm, however it remained closed. We were forced to hide for a thousand years, but we did not give in to the evil desires. We labelled the Southern elves as Dark Elves, and we vowed to never fall down to their level. Instead we developed our light magic, and reflected on what the light beings had taught us. When we were ready, we charged out in a counter attack and with the element of surprise we forced the Dark Elves out of Gavel, but we were unable to follow over the sea, as it had been heavily corrupted by dark magic over the years of the Dark Elves’ dominance over the three elven lands, but first we searched for the dwarves, and after years of searching we found them, hidden deep within the mountains. It seemed that the Dark Elves hadn’t cared for them in the slightest. Once we were satisfied we turned to healing the waters and land. After a thousand years of extensive work we finally calmed the waters enough for crossing.

    We came across the water now more prepared and waged war on the dark elves. The battle waged for eight thousand years, the repeated pressure of light and dark magic colliding for such a long time caused the land to rupture and a new realm was formed, the nether. During this time the humans ventured into the Western borders of Wynn, and began to build up two great stone cities: Ragni and Troms, unaware of the battle going on miles to their East. But after eight thousand years of conflict the Dark Elves were finally driven out into Dern. But the land there was already heavily corrupted, and the land fueled their power greatly, making battle in Dern suicide for the light elves. Therefore and small group of elves stayed behind to guard the province from the Nivla Forest. The rest of the greatly decreased civilisation returned to gavel to find the villagers split from the dwarves, and creating their own cities. The elves, with a now small civilisation chose to settle in a single city in the mountains bordering the light forest, in respect for the Light Realm and it’s inhabitants. I decided to give my soul to the forest, in order to eternally protect it, and maybe even aid in reopening the gateway to the Light Realm. In time a group of the strongest elves went to Dern in an attempt to assassinate the leader of the Dark Elves, but they never returned. The new generations were less developed in light magic, and none knew of me, you being the first to find me since the old generation died off, and so they were forced to relearn from old scriptures with missing information. Recently the Dark Elves are sending out particularly skilled warriors to kill off any who become a threat, especially those who are humans. One of these killed your friend Seric. The truth is that the time of the elves is nearing it’s end, the humans are developing much faster and posses much more potential, the elves left to fight the Dark Elves, a final battle for the future of the humans. After all, it is the humans who reopened the door to the Light Realm.”

    Jaaron stared at The Guardian’s tree, dumbfounded.

    “I’m going to find the Elves.”

    “Remember Jaaron, don’t reject the light magic”

    Jaaron agreed half heartedly as he began to run West towards Llevigar.

    Chapter III


    Jaaron ran West as fast as he could, the details of what had just been relayed to him rushing around in his head like a whirlpool. How could The Guardian have never told him any of this? All The Guardian did was nominate him to train Seric light magic, some plan that turned out to be. He let out his anger with a sharp puff. But still, he had known the spirit his whole life and received nothing but vague comments regarding the past, why now? He shook his head violently, too many questions, he should answer them later when he has time. He ran on, the forest a blur of green and brown around him, only conscious of the sharp wind in his face he ran on. After an hour of nonstop running he emerged from the forest, which was something only achievable after the corruption was forced out of Gavel. After another six hours of running Jaaron stumbled through the gates of Llevigar. Around him the mass of colours danced, human and villager alike. He stumbled forward a wave of dizziness rushing through him, only to be caught by a human soldier. Jaaron looked up, his face a picture of exhaustion.

    “Are you okay?” The human asked, clear concern in his expression.

    “I… I’m foine.” Slurred Jaaron, a tad of dribble making it’s way down his sharp chin.

    The human sighed, “You seem to have overexerted yourself a bit, I’ll bring you to my hotel to rest up.”

    Jaaron was too tired to refute so just collapsed into the man’s arms.

    Jaaron woke in a bed, seemingly high up in the city judging by the air thickness. He looked around the room and locked eyes with the man who had helped him.

    “Who are you?” Asked Jaaron, wiping sleep from his eyes. “And how long was I sleeping?”

    The other smiled, “My name is Daelon, I’m a mage from Wynn. Oh and you was asleep for a good five hours.”

    “Five hours!” Cried Jaaron, leaping from the bed, “I’ve got to go, I’m sorry, thanks for your hospitality but I’m in a rush.”

    Jaaron ran out of the room, ignoring Daelon’s surprised face.

    “Wait up! I don’t even know your name!” Replied the mage, sprinting after Jaaron down the bright quartz hallway, his boots screeching on the floor. Jaaron slid to a stop, turning to face Daelon. “My name is Jaaron, can I go now?”

    “No, take me with you.” Replied Daelon.

    “Why would you say that? I’m just going to Wynn!”

    “Are you now, so what’s the rush?” Questioned Daelo, smirking.

    Jaaron paused, “I… have a deal to go through with there.”

    “I’m going back to Wynn too, I’ll just tag along.” Said Daelon, with a sense of joy in his voice.

    Jaaron rolled his eyes, “Fine, we’ll part ways at Nemract.” Then continued to sprint down the hallway.

    Jaaron came out of the Llevgar gates, closely followed by Daelon. The beach came up to them, and they ran through it, feet sinking into sand, by the time they reached the docks Daelon was panting, staring with horror at Jaaron’s calm and unaffected state

    “How aren’t you tired? Are you a… no you can’t be.” Rhasped Daelon through deep breaths.

    “A what?” Asked Jaaron.

    “An elf, come on show me your ears.” He puffed.

    Jaaron reluctantly lifted the hair away from his ear.

    “Well that explains your stamina, but why would an elf be making deals in Wynn?” Asked Daelon, starting to get his breath back.

    “Don’t worry about it, let’s just get into a ship” Replied Jaaron with a tad of fear in his voice.

    “Okay, but one question” Jaaron looked over at Daelon inquisitively, “Why isn’t your hair blonde?”

    “You don’t need to know!” Replied Jaaron with a flush of anger.

    “Maybe later?” asked Daelon hopefully, twiddling his fingers.

    “Let’s just go.” Said Jaaron, and he walked toward a ship stiffly.

    Chapter IV
    Links to the Past

    The pair climbed aboard the boat, fighting for balance on the rough seas. The sky was grey, and it was dark, despite the fact that it was midday.

    “What’s up with the weather?” Asked Daelon, mirroring Jaaron’s thoughts.

    The Captain turned to look him, a young adult, with windswept skin and long hair.

    “It’s been like this for a couple of weeks, as soon as you leave Llevigar the land becomes dark, and the seas are far rougher than I’ve ever experienced before.”

    Jaaron nodded absent mindedly, swaying with the boat.

    “It’s as if there is some magical barrier protecting the land from some dark force.”

    All of a sudden Jaaron went pale, his face that of horror.

    “Jaaron; what are you hiding?” Asked Daelon, looking at his new found friend inquisitively.

    “There is a dark force, and you are right to fear it Captain.” Said Jaaron, his voice monoton. He was staring South toward Wynn, all anyone else could see was fog, but Jaaron was an elf, and for him the shore was within sight. And it scared him.

    “Let’s just go Captain.” Said Jaaron.

    The man nodded, and walked over to the stern, unfazed by the rough seas, but clearly disturbed by Jaaron’s words.

    The boat edged out to sea, hissing of spray from the sea was loud below deck, and many of the passengers flinched, but Jaaron seemed detached from everything, he just stared at the wooden hull as he was tossed about by the sea. Daelon sat opposite him, clearly concerned by Jaaron’s discomfort.

    “What could scare you some much?” He asked, making sure he wasn’t overheard by other passengers. “I mean, you’re an elf! You’re strength in the three-lands is unrivalled by even the strongest Wynnic warriors.”

    Jaaron smirked, “Are you forgetting Selric?”

    Daelon became bitter for a second, before hiding it behind a smile yet again. “My dad is gone, I haven’t heard from him for a week, he writes every day, or did.”

    Jaaron stared into the man’s eyes, as if searching. And he found what he was looking for, his eyes were the same blue as Selric’s, his jaw had the same sharp incline. His robes had the same markings. How had he missed it beforehand?

    “I’m sorry but we can’t be friends, go live your life.” Jaaron said, getting up, and shouldering his bow.

    “Wait up!” Cried Daelon, “What do you know about my dad?”

    “I’m sorry, you don’t want to know, leave me be.”

    “No! I need to know!”

    “He’s dead okay? Are you happy?” Jaaron shouted, turning the heads of the fellow passengers.

    A tear fell down Daelon’s cheek, as he slumped over in despair. “It’s that dark power isn’t it, the one that scares you. Only something that powerful could have killed my dad.”

    Jaaron nodded, “This isn’t something I can let you get involved with, your dad paid the price for working with me.”

    “Wait, you knew my dad? Are you…” Daelon’s face lit up, his tear ridden cheeks rose in glee. “His master.”

    Jaaron looked away, “I can’t let you get caught up in this, I won’t be the one to cause the death of another human.” And with that he went to walk away.

    But then Daelon knelt down, and bowed his head toward to Jaaron.

    “Jaaron, master of the light. Teach me like you did my father.”

    And with that he stopped his walk.

    Remember Jaaron, don’t reject the light magic.

    Do not be a fool, it is the dark magic that killed him.

    “Very well,” He said, turning to face Daelon. “I will teach you.”

    Chapter V

    The two sat opposite each-other, ignoring the stares from the other passengers. A while passed before conversation began again.

    “What was my dad like?” Asked Daelon, staring blankly at the wooden hull beind Jaaron.

    “He was determined, and he wouldn't take no for an answer. It was only through perseverance that he became as strong as he did.” Jaaron replied, letting a slight smile creep onto his face.

    “No offence, but aren't you a bit young? I thought you would be older than my dad, and he was fifty. You look like you're the same age as me!” Exclaimed Daelon his smooth face lined with confusion.

    Jaaron laughed, “I may not look it, but I'm in my late fifties. Elves have much longer life spans than men.”

    Daelon’s face then turned to concern, “So why are there so few?”

    Jaaron's laughter ceased, “The same reason you're father is now dead.”

    Daelon looked over at Jaaron, “You're not going to Wynn because of some deal, are you.” He said it as a statement, not a question.

    Jaaron didn't reply.

    The two sat awkwardly, letting the sway of the boat control their movements. It isn’t the light that’s the problem, it’s the mentality of the user, Jaaron told himself. If he was going to train Daelon he had to know if he was pure enough to wield light magic. Humans hung in the balance, and Selric was only able wield the power because of intervention in the light realm.

    “Daelon, I need to see if you have the ability to wield light magic before I train you in it.” Jaaron said, sitting forward. “Bow your head and close your eyes.”

    Daelon did as he was asked and Jaaron placed his hand on the other’s head. All of a sudden a paper thin film of magic radiated from Jaaron’s hand, completely enveloping Daelon. The two sat statue still, as if they were on solid ground, eyes closed with a slight light surrounding them, barely visible.

    Jaaron saw Daelon’s life flash before his eyes, how Selric left the boy alone with his mother, in answer to The Guardian’s calls. How the boy’s mother died soon after of a fever, then how Daelon migrated from his small village in the canyon to Ragni, where he trained under the cities army. How he quickly became one of the city’s strongest mages, and spearheaded Wynn’s counter attack to eradicate the corruption, then how he began to recieve letters from Selric. Then to Selric’s last letter, telling Daelon of the danger he now faced, and how Daelon then crossed the seas to Gavel in desperation. Then finally to his meeting with Jaaron, where he dragged the unconscious elf high into Llevigar’s towers to where he had been staying. It was then that Jaaron found the man’s soul, he could see the light in it, inherited from his father, a natural affiliation with light magic. And Jaaron smiled, Daelon was truly his father’s son. The man had raw potential to match his father’s, although still nothing compared to Jaaron’s, much to his dismay.

    Jaaron release his hold on Daelon, and the two remerged into the swaying boat that was reality. Daelon seemed groggy, as if he had just woken from a deep sleep.

    “What just happened?” He asked, slurring his words slightly.

    “I looked into your mind and soul.” Replied Jaaron, as if it was obvious.

    “Aand?” Asked Daelon, quickly recovering his senses.

    “You are truly your father’s son.” Replied Jaaron, smiling.

    Daelon laughed in answer, “Too right I am! Could I be stronger than you one day?”

    Jaaron’s smile quickly fell from his face. “Technically yes, your father was in the end. But if I wished it I could become far stronger than even I can imagine.”

    Daelon’s eyes narrowed in curiosity, “What do you mean?”

    Jaaron sighed, “When my potential was first read, the Elves found it to be that of legend, exponentially strong. They feared me, and said that if I let my power free then my pure soul would become tarnished with vanity, and I would quickly become a threat to the Elven race, no, the world. The Guardian argued against them, saying I was destined to save the races, but he was alone in his retorts. I soon ran from the Elven land in fear of myself, and instead turned to protecting the forest, it was then that I met your dad. Although now I feel my power will be needed, the Elves are facing a dark power, and I realize now after Selric’s death, that this is a power that they cannot defeat alone.”

    “Soo, you’re going to Wynn to help them?” Asked Daelon, seemingly unafraid despite what he had just been told.

    “Yes, I guess I am.” Replied Jaaron, telling himself so just as much as he was telling Daelon.

    “I look forward to my training; Master.” Said Daelon, bowing his head.

    “There is no need for such formalities, I shall train you as I trained your father, as a friend.” And with that he rose, heading towards the upper deck, motioning for Daelon to follow.

    They climbed the steps, confident in their ascent despite the rough shaking of the boat. They emerged into a spray of water, drenching their hair and leaving the taste of salt in their mouths.

    “Where are the birds?” Asked Daelon, looking at the empty, dark sky above Nemract in the distance.

    From behind them the Captain replied, “The birds disappeared with the sun.”

    The words were muffled but decipherable, and Daelon nodded absent mindedly.

    “I thought the villagers had control of the sea.” Said Daelon to Jaaron.

    “This is a power even the villagers can’t control, it’s dark magic, the magic powerful enough to topple the strongest mage in history.”

    “What happened to my home?” Asked Daelon, his voice that of desperation.

    Jaaron knew not to answer.

    Chapter VI

    The boat came into the dock, groaning as the anchor brought it to a stop. The group jumped out onto the port, making the leap over the dark, almost black, water beneath. Jaaron could see the Daelon was scared, but the man was hiding it well. As they walked, the group whispered among themselves, staring in disbelief at the town before them. Nemract seemed deserted, it had an eerie feel to it. The buildings seemed untouched, at least for a week, the streets were empty. Jaaron knew better than to assume, he could feel eyes on him, could see shadows moving in the dark corners and alleys.

    “Come out, I know you’re there!” He called, his eyes darting back and forth, surveying his surroundings. Everyone looked at him in fear, worried that his voice had stirred up something bad, everyone except Daelon. Out of the shadows cept a man, his face was ash stricken, and eyes wide.

    “You shouldn’t be here.” The man whispered harshly, gesturing with his hand for them to follow him. Everyone did as asked, except for two, who were too proud to take orders from a stranger. Seconds after they had passed from sight, Jaaron sensed something near. Dark elves…

    He ushered everyone down, noticing the stranger seemed just as acute as him to the danger. They looked out through cracks in the wall, everyone suppressing their breathing as best they could. It wasn’t long until the dark elves came into sight. The two men from the boat sat hunched in the street, looking over a map, oblivious to what was coming. They noticed far too late. The pair leapt up just in time to see three dark elves lunging at them, moving at unbelievable speeds. The two fell to the ground as quickly as they rose, cut lean in half.

    One of the spectators began to whimper, but Daelon covered his mouth before anything audible attracted the dark elves attention. With that the dark elves disappeared from sight in a puff of smoke.

    The stranger looked over at the group as if to say I told you so.

    “All coastal towns have been over by those things” He said, “Me and some others just stay to save as many travellers as I can, everyone else has fled.”

    “Jaaron, we need to get out of hear.” Said Daelon, Jaaron nodded in agreement, bidding the stranger goodby.

    They left the building, staying low and in the shadows, still shaken greatly from what they had just seen,

    “We can’t train here, we’ll go to Detlas which is on route to Dern, the land of the dark elves. “

    Daelon nodded, not able to place words into his mouth.

    “Let’s pick up the pace, but be sure to stay out of sight.” He added.

    They soon made their way out of Nemract, and were heading south to Detlas, unaware that they were being watched.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2017
    HalfCat_ and Ascended Kitten like this.
  2. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    Chapter I added, enjoy and plz vote in poll :3
  3. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    I added Chapter II, it is heavily law based and is probably going to end up being false in the future when the true law of Wynncraft is released. So this is kind of speculating what would happen in the future of Wynncraft if this was true. Just enjoy it :3
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  4. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    Added Chapter III - Please say what you think because it really helps me push myself to put more time into my writing, and improve it.
    Enjoy :3
  5. Dark5010

    Dark5010 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Noice! (Bump)
    Caldie likes this.
  6. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    Added Chapter IV - I didn't even expect this to happen, my story-boarding was very vague anyway. It's fun to go on a journey with my characters I guess. Hope you enjoy :3
  7. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    Added chapter V - Enjoy!
  8. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    Phew, I haven't added anything for a while, but hey, better late than never.
    Hope you like it, the new chapter's a bit shorter than others but time is a bit of an issue, that being the main reason I haven't been writing :P
    Enjoy Chapter VI!
  9. HalfCat_

    HalfCat_ Supporter of Catania HERO GM Builder

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    This is actually very good! I really like it. They way you describe is amazing and I really want to read the continuation.
    Caldie likes this.
  10. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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    I've fractured my right hand, so writing will take a lot of time, I'll try my best to get more out asap.
    HalfCat_ likes this.
  11. HalfCat_

    HalfCat_ Supporter of Catania HERO GM Builder

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    That doesn’t sound too fun. Hope you get better soon!
  12. Caldie

    Caldie The World is Dead I Guess VIP+

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