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Featured Wynncraftian Fw S4e8 - Hippiecrafting & Solosnuggles - Finale

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pretzule, Nov 30, 2017.

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  1. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Season 4, Episode 8:
    HippieCrafting and SoloSnuggles!

    Hosted by @Pretzule and the always pretty @Pretty Princess

    Greetings one and all to the eighth and final interview of Featured Wynncraftian for this season!

    For anyone that has no clue what in the world I'm going on about, let me sit ya right down and explain it.
    Basically, we feature people from the community that have done something that I can ask questions about or are pretty cool and have something to feature.
    They don't always have to be a popular member, just as long as I can ask them about things that make them unique.

    If you think you know someone that might be good to be interviewed or is crazy interesting or someone that is a standout member of the community feel free to suggest them here.
    Seriously please suggest some, I really can't find them all on my own, and it never hurts to suggest people.

    This next interview is a tag team group of people that I am sure everyone that's involved in Wynn knows about...

    They're none other than @Hippie and @SoloSnuggles the two cool cat YouTubers that do cool cat things I think... yeah...

    And without further ado let's get right into the longest interview ever that definitely needs a part 2.​
    So this question is to hippie, but uh bre you can just say whatever or something if you wanna, what made you decide to start creating videos for Wynncraft?
    Oh right on so I was playing for quite a while and I had gotten stuck on the Mummys Tomb quest trying to find pink wool, and everybody was like sheeet man I don't even know what that is. So when I eventually found it I think from the wiki I was like hey I have a Yt channel and theres no video about this why don't I make one see if I can help some people out?​

    Sheeet man that's really handy dandy and cool of you to do. It's a shame nothing ever came of you making that video, like a whole Youtube channel dedicated to Wynncraft tutorials and playthroughs that can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/AdventuresWithHippie

    So Bre, on the topic of the YouTube channel that may or may not exist, how did you get involved in it? I know you've talked about it before but like uh could you do it again... pretty please?
    Oh boi, It's really a weird freaking story but for the sake of pretty princess pretz, I'll tell ya. It was the beginning of 2016 I believe and I was *cough* with an ex-friend of mine when I stumbled upon a username that was pretty FAMILIAR. I basically fan-girled and so did my ex-friend and the ex-friend gave Hippie VIP+. Heep then made a video about it and we got each other's Skypes. (The video got deleted because yeah) Yadda yadda yadda, goodbye ex-friend and hello to Skyping a Hippie 24/7. After we were already recording everything together, he asked me to officially be apart of the channel.​

    So what you're saying is you bought Heep's friendship with VIP+?
    Well, my ex-friend did basically. RIP
    I see... So when do you plan on taking over Heep's channel then?

    Whenever I get the consent to make it 90% Roblox and Webkinz play-throughs. Then, it shall begin....
    So, Hippie, how do you feel about doing Roblox and Webkinz play-throughs, they've got to be your favorite right?
    That's the spirit!

    In all reality, what videos do you two like making the most?
    Oh man I love making the top 5 and 10 vids, I can just chill out go all around the map and collect some nice shots, then I can be as creative as I want with the editing and script. Its a combination of all my favorite things so its great I love it

    For me, I love making the skits. Mostly because I laugh at our own weird humor throughout the whole video. My personal favorite is Wynncraft Extreme Cheapskates.
    So then what exactly is your favorite part of making videos, you can't just have all 3 be your favorite part... Right?
    Bre, what is your favorite part about making videos as well?

    Your skits are also amazing, speaking of which, Bre, when is the next one coming?
    Ah man of course, I guess it's changed over the years, when I started making videos years ago my favorite was the recording and planning. That was because my pc sucked and I knew it would take a long time to upload and render. Over the years I have started to love editing more and more though so now I guess probably uploading just putting the thumbnail in and tagging the video stuff like that. I just find it really boring xD So thats the part that I let Bre do

    I'm just gonna ignore what Heep said, frick your tags.
    My favorite part with making videos is putting my creativity and humor into our videos and seeings how our viewers react. I loved how we made a little community within the Wynncraft community because of our videos.

    Also, we have a few skits in mind right now hopefully we can get one out soon!
    Oof, poor Bre, good thing that'll change when she takes over.

    So for editing you typically do your standard editing, have you ever thought about doing complex things?
    I know playthroughs aren't really a great place to do complex editing but things such as skits can be done really creatively with cuts and transitions.

    Yeah Bre, I can see you being the more fun one of the two.
    Oh ye actually I have been thinking about that, THANKS FOR SPOILING IT PRETZ. But ye you're right for the playthrough I just kinda gotta go with a simpler editing style but with some future skits and lists I want to start doing a bit more creative editing :D
    Well I for one, welcome the new creative editing.

    Speaking of videos you two somewhat moved on from Wynn and you're starting to expand into other things such as SMP and minigame stuff. Was there ever a reason for this or did you guys just want to try to expand your audience for wynn Wynn falls and blows up?
    Ye we have been expanding in ways, Its not that we are preparing for a wynn fall as I dont think that will happen any time soon, I suppose we are trying to create content for the people that have been on the channel for years but dont really play wynn anymore. Some of the things like Oakenstone SMP and such I think we have been uploading a ton just because of the passion we have for them right now, I have always loved building in MC and SMP is a way that I can do that and also create some content for our subs
    Well as long as your uploading and you're happy with the content you're creating then you should keep doing it!

    Alright so we're going to be moving onto community asked questions which will be in a separate post, probably right under this one, since it would be too long to all be in one post.


    Coragon42, pUmUp, NITEHAWKX and 18 others like this.
  2. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Make sure you read the first one above!​

    Alright we're going to move onto community asked questions.
    For the first one, this is from @Stag2001 and he asks, "What are your future plans for videos on Wynncraft?"

    Now you've somewhat hinted at what you're going to do with your skits but would you two care to dive in deeper with it?
    Yep more skits for sure, the playthrough I know will continue. I know we are planning some colabs with some other YTers on wynn. Other than that all I can say is we have some really big videos planned ;D​

    Well that's good to hear, can't wait to see them!

    Okay so @Nepeta Leijon asks you two, "How did you two meet each other?"
    Bre, you've somewhat mentioned that you bought Heep VIP+ and that's kind of how you started, but could you elaborate more on how you two got to know each other and become close?
    Well, once Heep and I started to talk on Skype we kinda started talking without a group of people and more one on one. One of the major things that brought us closer together is we found out we both have depression and anxiety issues along with crazy families. We both helped each other with our mental illnesses and from there we became each other's rock and met in person June 13th 2017 (and then again December 2nd).​

    That's really awesome, it's always nice to be able to find that someone that helps out with everything.

    On the topic of relationships, @Ender889 asks "How do you get the courage to have a good, cute relationship?"
    Oh sheet, uh well thats actually a good question because I'm like one of those more private dudes that like isnt overly sharing about their relationship. However bre is like the opposite she likes to post about anniversarys and take selfies and stuff. So ye like I had to actually get the courage to show you guys are relationship. I guess at one point I was just like screw it, it shouldn't matter what people think or say as long as we are happy with our relationship. So ye thats the answer don't care about anything be dead inside, but at the same time care about somethings, but not all things, only the important things I'm sure you'll understand
    Yeeee as long as you're happy in your relationship you really shouldn't worry about what other people think.
    Somewhat relating to relationship stufffff... @Zepic asks, "If you didn't meet each other would you had quit Wynn?"
    Ohhh dang thats really intense, I dont know man xD its really hard to say, tbh I think me and bre meeting and dating have given us times when we wanted to quit more. There was a really salty group of people that gave us so much crap for being together they almost made us quit wynn. Bre got a ton of crap just being a girl so I mean, i dont know I suppose us being together gave us more crap to deal with, but it gave us each other to deal with the crap. So there I have talked a lot and given you no direct answer​
    Thank you for talking a lot without giving me a direct answer, Bre?
    yeye Before I met Heep all of my friends had quit playing Wynn, but I kept playing *solo*. So I think even if I didn't meet Heep I'd still be playing. This sounds kinda terrible but before joining the channel I was flying under the radar and it was kinda nice. Being unknown makes Wynn a lot easier and magical to play. It's weird people might look at our channel and wish they had our views or our subs but there's times that we wish we could trade places with them and be able to play Wynn normally.
    So when you had friends you were just "Snuggles"?
    Jokes aside, I get what you mean completely the game is truly nice when you're either in a small group or by yourself just exploring everything.

    The next question comes from @AetherArising and they ask "What are some strange facts about you?"
    This is a question for both of you (I expect some never before heard things from ya)
    Oh man, alright heres something that probably only like a few of our discord people will know. Youtube actually isn't like my dream job theres actually one thing that I'm even more passionate about and its wood working xD I love building things and making furniture and shelves and shet ye know what I mean. Oh oh and another thing pretz you already know this i might be the only person on wynn that pronounces Lament right (lay-ment) right pretz? ;D
    You're horrible, completely horrible. I just can't even with you anymore.
    O god. One strange fact about me is that I have oddly shaped thumbs so whenever Heep and I hold hands, my thumb goes straight into his freaking pocket. That and we both get really clammy hands so we hardly ever hold hands.​

    Instead of holding hands what you two should do is link arms and skip.

    I actually just remembered something, you two are seeing each other again on December 2nd, do ya guys have anything excited planned while you see each other or are y'all just gonna sit around in snuggies watching Christmas movies?
    That's an amazing idea. His arms are huge compared to mine though.
    We have so many plans for December! We're hoping to vlog all of our exciting-ness thingies. Christmas movies is a given though, fricken love Christmas.

    but ye vlog erryday in december hopefully maybe​

    Oh man, I better see one of you two just skipping for half a block.

    Alrighty, back into the submitted questions, @SomeNumbers asks, "What gave you guys the motivation to make such elaborate Wynn videos?"
    Hmm I'm assuming they are talking about some of the crazier wynn videos like the skits or leveling guides maybe? Its kinda like what bre said earlier those are the things we get the most creative freedom with so those are things that we go bigger with, the choose your own adventure is probably the first one that I went elaborate with and that came from pure delirium I think i had stayed up like 20 hours before I started writing and then went and worked another 15-20 on it xD So it was basically like I was so tired I made it bigger than it had to be
    So what you're saying is you work on your videos while you're sleeping. And that your motivation comes from being creative.

    Alright so here's two questions, for ya. One is from @SpringVibes and she asks, "Is mayonnaise an instrument?"
    The other is from @MyEx and they ask, "Why is LarzLapiz so hot?"
    For the first one it depends on if you are slapping it to the beat of all star then yes, for the second I don't know who that is but I assume it has to be because of their personality
    Oh yes, that video is the best video ever.
    Larz is a pretty cool fella you should take a looksie at him some time.

    Alright, so this FW has been the longest FW ever and I think I went past the picture limit so it will need to be split up into two parts... So I'm going to ask the last question.

    What are your favorite things about each other?
    Oh shit XD sorry we talk a lot. My favorite things about bre, she is like no other person I have ever met she can make me laugh at her stupid inside jokes. And make me smile with awkward faces. She is just the only person I have ever met that made me feel like more of a person then when I am alone, if that makes sense. She's my favorite person everything about her is my favorite :D
    Awwww! What a kawaii question. There are so many things I love about Heep. (this is frickin lame i'm sorry) There's a bunch of stuff people really don't know about him personally that are the best. Some of my favorites is he's actually very down to earth and a hopeless romantic. I think one of the most ALL TIME favorite things about him is his humor. He will make me laugh my ass off dude. um um um I could go on and on but I'm pretty sure I'd get beaten up. As we would say in grade school, I "like" "like" him.
    You guys are so fucking adorable.
    Thank you for taking your time and letting me interview you.
    Ye man thanks a ton for doing it :D


    Thank you so much! We appreciate this a ton. c:

    Anyway, that's the end of this interview and the final Featured Wynncraftian for this year!

    If you want to check out the last Featured Wynncraftian where I ask @ectoplasmaticgoo questions check it out here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/208303/

    This interview also turned into a sort of colab as well; if you want to check out Hippie and Solo and their podcast/interview of me then check it out here:

    Thank you once again for letting me interview you!​
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  3. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Watch out here come the people mad about jpresent not being FW this time.

    But seriously jpresent is a god
  4. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    I plan on having him be interviewed laaterrr.
    Elephat, Hexorcism, Geckeos and 11 others like this.
  5. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    aight but people already know who god is, ya gotta spread the word of jesus

    this is a terrible analogy
    Stag2001 likes this.
  6. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    "Larz is a pretty cool fella"

    He's a noobei purple mouse
    Tisaun, satbyccdoerfe, bloww and 4 others like this.
  7. SoloSnuggles

    SoloSnuggles Mama Bean VIP+

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    Ohboi this is groovy
    pUmUp, Kaelan~, Poiu429 and 2 others like this.
  8. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Guess I have to put my pitchfork down...
    Elephat, Lemon, BuffAirSpear and 3 others like this.
  9. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    intervieww of the sb lurkers wwhen
  10. ploo

    ploo Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I love those siblings!
    SoloSnuggles likes this.
  11. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Daily vlogs?
    Heck yeaa

    You two are so cute together <3
    ploo, SoloSnuggles and Pretzule like this.
  12. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Finale? When is the next season coming?
  13. China

    China you used to call me on ur banana VIP+

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    ploo likes this.
  14. Zepic

    Zepic I Don’t Know What to Put HERO

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    Look my question was asked. #FeelsGoodMan
    SoloSnuggles likes this.
  15. Mrs Sara

    Mrs Sara Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I'm so happy ahhh Bre and you y all heckin did it you kawaii beans ;w; ilysm bre ♡ am proud of you both ahhh
    SoloSnuggles likes this.
  16. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    best part
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
    Mrs Sara likes this.
  17. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Jumpies are life
    SoloSnuggles likes this.
  18. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    Why is jp not featured wynncraftian?
  19. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    These two were announced before jp did his updates. Plus it seems he will be in another one later... not the next one it seems.
  20. J0nSn0w

    J0nSn0w Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    How can you not know who @LarzLapiz is???? Delete your account!

    also i hope tobulance gets next fw
    LarzLapiz and Khaps like this.
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