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Community Event [giveaway] Discoverer (mythic Armor) Over!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Tobulance, Nov 26, 2017.



  1. whats bofa

    20 vote(s)
  2. bofa deez nuts

    30 vote(s)
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  1. *EpicJay*

    *EpicJay* Newbie adventurer VIP+

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: epicjay
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 19370
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: you
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it): umm idk
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: I sold 3 51/52 loot jeras for like 6le a few weeks ago if I just waited a little bit I could have sold it for much more*cries*
    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking):
    7. (optional) Make a photoshop meme of this cat (if you do it you can pick two numbers from the first question)
    8. tell a random person that youappreciate them :) i appreciate you @insang2
  2. Hexorcism

    Hexorcism warrior class enjoyer CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Edited with a new number, ty for telling me.
  3. Goati

    Goati actually joeo HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    50227, 33696
    What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

    Goati, Goat. RIP: Authorized by the pope. Zambezia, 2018
    Once upon a time, there was a Goat. This goat decided to do a lootrun. After many grueling hours of this lootrun, the goat had finally found 3 emeralds. The goat then walked into a fire near Rodoroc and lost 10 emeralds as a result of this tragic and untimely demise. However, this fatal loss could have been avoided if the goat had been wearing a chestplate called discoverer. This chestplate would have caused the goat to find more loot on the loot run, and when the goat died, he would have made a net profit rather than a net loss (death to fire is unavoidable). The net loss due to the death caused a man named Gibme Discoverer, the owner of the in-game goat, to drown in the pond that he was reflecting the image of the screen onto, as he had no monitor on his mountain to play the game with. This caused a chain of events in the real world, leading to everyone dying because Gibme Discoverer was actually the guy who would have stopped WW3. The world could have been saved with the kind donation of a discoverer, so anybody who wants to help Gibme Discoverer save the would should donate a discoverer today (or on December 1st).
    Thank you,

    I appreciate you turtle and also @Aarontti
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  4. Thega

    Thega ```Interesting flavour text``` CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: Thega_
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 34455
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: NoEffort
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it):
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course:
    Well, quite simply, turtle.
    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking):
    7. (optional) Make a photoshop meme of this cat (if you do it you can pick two numbers from the first question) [​IMG] :
    I tried. It was not worthy of uploading.
    8. tell a random person that you appreciate them :)
    I appreciate @arandomperson
  5. Pvtsch

    Pvtsch mage & archer VIP

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: perhls
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 74893
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: Glitched Slayer
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it):
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: i like money, i need money. g r i n d i n '
  6. asdjkasdjl

    asdjkasdjl Well-Known Adventurer HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: kandakuu
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 69340
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: idk lol prob you, just gib disc
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it): whats jazz lol
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: u should just give it to me
    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking): ok
    7. tell a random person that you appreciate them :) @LarzLapiz please play club penguin with me
  7. Dottriggered

    Dottriggered Youtube.com/Dottriggered HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: DotTriggered
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 1422
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: ThugLeef
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it): Take five
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: i need a discoverer because i am poor and need more loot bonus for loot runs so i can make money
    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking): k
  8. Twin Lotus

    Twin Lotus Straw Hat VIP+

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. Twin_Lotus
    2. 87001, 28933
    3. CraftedMovie
    4. Kenny G's "The Moment"

    5. I need Discoverer more than anyone here so I can rule the world with the Mythic-tier items I find using it, obviously.
    6. @brainy rabbit man
    7. I call it "Selvut":
    8. @Dottriggered I appreciate you for reasons
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2017
    Tobulance likes this.
  9. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: Lexwomy
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 17170
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: eh, what's wynn utubers.
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it):
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course:

    November 27, 2017
    Community Event
    Mr. Tobushit

    The sob story
    i want free stuff. gimme. 10/10 essay

    8. @Random Randy i appweciate u
  10. Totum

    Totum watching mythics lose value HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: Totum
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 41,441 and 73, 792
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: seb we miss u man
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it): (cringe) sing sing sing
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: I once used a dxp bomb for a dcave grind party, and someone found a warp. I was done.
    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking): ok
    7. (optional) Make a photoshop meme of this cat (if you do it you can pick two numbers from the first question) : https://imgflip.com/i/203qsr
    8. tell a random person that you appreciate them: i appreciate the random named jpresent
  11. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: countburn
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 44
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: raw_fish
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it):
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: my account got beaned so I ate ice cream and watched lifetime movies then my entire bank and class invel fell out so I made this housing thread
    8. tell a random person that you appreciate them :) @TheRealIzzy you gave me that alka build that I cant use so thx m8
  12. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN:

    2. A number from 1-100,000:
    4210, 84001

    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber:
    GlitchedSlayer because i only know like 2 YTers

    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it):
    Does this count?

    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course:
    Shitposting 101. “i bought a diamond dust for 48LE before they were cheap.” 17-11-27

    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking):

    7. (optional) Make a photoshop meme of this cat (if you do it you can pick two numbers from the first question) :

    8. tell a random person that you appreciate them :)
    i appreciate @Selvut283 because i want him to get another notification for being tagged
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
    Supertaster likes this.
  13. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: WonderBat1
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 1
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: Glitchedslayer
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it): no.
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: my dog died
    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking): ok
  14. Assassin4Lyfe

    Assassin4Lyfe That guy who somehow got into Hax, Lir, and Eco. VIP

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: BobbyTaylor
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 34592
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: MrSebbelonien
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it): Take Five
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course:

    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking): Ok
  15. tedandsteve

    tedandsteve WWW| Wynncraft Wooper Warrior.

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: tedandsteve
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 829
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: Glitched(use to at least.) if dosent count hippie
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it): Take Five
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: I need discoverer because I got no mythic and I'm poor as af
    8. tell a random person that you appreciate them :) I appreciate a guy name forsakenblizzard
  16. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: young_meme
    2. A number from 1-100,000: 33,333, 66,666
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber: Lordmuttonchops because stupid edits
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it):
    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course: i was farming at the skyraider base and a mythic fell into the void
    Edit: turns out The mythic was probably warp so that makers it even more depressing
    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking): k
    7. (optional) Make a photoshop meme of this cat (if you do it you can pick two numbers from the first question):
    please that took 1 hour to make
    8. @God Sheepith I appreciate you. You loyal.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
  17. Tobulance

    Tobulance Famous Adventurer Media HERO

    Likes Received:
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    that edit actually made me fucking laugh lmao
    Twin Lotus likes this.
  18. Uglyness

    Uglyness stupid CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN:
    2. A number from 1-100,000:
    1st Number: 72,821
    2nd Number: 90,681
    3. Your favorite wynncraft youtuber:
    4. Favorite Jazz song (i dont care if you dont listen to jazz find one damn it):

    5. A sob story about why you need discoverer more than anyone here, in MLA format of course:
    Compared to other people's sob stories on this thread, this one probably wouldn't be as sad, but I want to be honest about everything that is written in this story. When I see everybody in Detlas with all of these cool mythics and overpowered builds using those mythics, it inspired me to want to create strong, overpowered builds with mythics. So I had been trying a very long time to get a certain mythic called "Guardian" for a tank build my friend recommended me to use. But I had been struggling very badly to gain enough money with the values of items rising up and lowering down all the time and many other changes in the economy. It makes it very confusing and frustrating for me to keep up and make money from selling items I have. Sometimes, I feel very depressed and hopeless that I cannot find or gain enough money for mythics I want to have while it seems like everybody else is getting mythics easily. I am not saying I am the only one who isn't getting mythics, there are probably already hundreds of other people going through the same thing I am. I also had been participating in many giveaways but I never win, which doesn't make my situation any better. So it would really make me feel so much better and happy if I can get something as valuable as a "Discoverer." It would instantly take off all of the burden I am feeling right now and I will be able to finally get the mythics that I had dreamed of obtaining.
    6. Send a PM to @Selvut283 asking him to make pure a melee weapon (dont do this please im joking):
    Ok, I won't then.
    7. (optional) Make a photoshop meme of this cat (if you do it you can pick two numbers from the first question)
    I'm not really good at making memes but here is one:


    8. tell a random person that you appreciate them :)
    @xEmila, I thank you for helping me sell stuff by adding my items into your shop and stuff. Really helpful and I really appreciate it.
    I also thank @Punch_A_Cookie for being a very good friend to me and helping me through many troubles I had. She doesn't really play Wynncraft anymore, but I still wanted to thank her for what she had done for me while she was playing.
    Mettymagic likes this.
  19. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: StabNandDabN
    Number: 27 (second number cause meme is 42,069)
    YFWCYT: good ol' glitchy pie
    Favorite Jazz song: Freddie freeloader (i don't listen to jazz)
    Sob Story: my cat died and i want a mythic gimme
  20. TherapueticLiz

    TherapueticLiz Azure Demon of SDU / DsQ/ CEO of Idol Airlines. CHAMPION

    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    1. IGN: The Lizardon841
    2. 2, 99998
    3. (If Former count) Mr. Sebbelonien
    4. Seinfeld Theme Recreated From Barry Benson Saying "jazz"
    5. I had to sell my Pelier I had since Day one to survive, with the money i got i re-rolled the first Old Keeper I've ever found 3 times and am stuck with 15lb. I don't have a Jera, I'm stuck with Shameful and I don't have a grinding Chestplate at all ;D. And now here I am, Praying (with low chances) I can even have my first mythic to begin with. Regardless of who wins, hopefully no one complains they didn't win, cause I wont since I can just keep grinding for several years and still hope. T-T
    6. Message Received.
    7. 404notfound (DEFAULT GATEWAY) Humancat.jpg

    8. @orange0402 you better get a mythic with my pelier xd
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
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