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Guide Guide To Wynncraft Words

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by euouae, Nov 25, 2017.

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  1. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP Item Team

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    NOTE: Experienced players, please read in LIGHT THEME.

    I've seen lots of people that don't understand words the community uses, so I was like, "hey, why not make a guide about it?" So, I guess I'll start now.

    NOTE: I will be updating this depending on what the replies say.

    Wynncraft Words Table of Contents
    1: Wynncraft Words
    2: Item Abbreviations
    3: ID Abbreviations
    4: Misleading Wynncraft Words

    1: Wynncraft Words (Provided by Many People)

    1. Lootrun: Most people know this by now, but if you don't, a lootrun is where you go a specific place and explore the area thoroughly, loot chests, and kill monsters for loot.

    2. ToA: ToA stands for "Tower of Ascension", which is a level 40 quest that is pretty hard. Most people use this term when getting help. It can also stand for "Tower of Amnesia", but I rarely ever hear this (See Entry 4: Misleading Wynncraft Words).

    3. ToL: ToL stands for "Temple of Legends", and is about the Temple of Legends unlocked in the jungle biome during a level 68 quest.

    4. CSST: CSST stands for Corrupted Sand Swept Tomb, which is a popular high-leveled grinding spot. There are many parties each week, so this term is common. Will be nerfed when 1.17 is released due to how OP it is.

    5. Necropost/Necro: A forum word which means a post that is posted over a month after the last recent post on a thread. It's also against the rules, so don't do it.

    6. ???: The name of a level 80 quest that many people are still having trouble on. You require a party, so this word is heard a TON. There's even a whole forum section on it, ??? Hunt.

    7. E/EB/LE: The names of the main currency. E is for Emeralds, EB is for Emerald Blocks, and LE is for Liquefied Emeralds. 64 E are in 1 EB, and 64 EB are in a LE.

    8: IDs: Stands for "Identification", which means the powers a weapon/armor/accessory has (explored in Entry 3: ID Abbreviations).

    9: Item Abbreviations: For widely-used items and trades, people use item abbreviations, like Cata for Cataclysm (explored in Entry 2: Item Abbreviations). @an avos

    10: Hive and Hive Items: The hive is an area in Gavel similar to ToA, except levels 80-100. Hive Items are the rewards you can choose from if you finish the divisions of the Hive. @Nuggets

    11: EotS: Eye of the Storm, a high level quest which many people hate because of the lack of lore and it being fairly difficult. @DrX2345

    12: IB: Item buyer, which is a type of merchant (well not really) that you sell stuff to. @DerVillager

    13: Stack: This means a stack of LE, or 64 LE. @Samulander

    14: FF: Stands for Fallen Factory, the dungeon in Corkus, and the highest level non-corrupted dungeon. @IceResistance

    15: Bump: A reply to a thread (most often by the person who wrote it) to prevent a necro, and return a thread back to a recent one. @ChocoBrawler

    16: 10char: A word used in forums meant to cheat the 10 character rule. Mostly used in short replies, for example, amazing 10char @ChocoBrawler

    17: CoTL: Canyon of the Lost, a level 80-85 area in the province Gavel. It is very hard to traverse, and you end up getting lost, so this word is commonly used. @SPYROHAWK

    18: Runes: Runes that look like circular stone tablets in game, that help create Corrupted Dungeon Keys for corrupted dungeons. There are two, Nii and Uth. Nii are found by guardian, Uth by shrine. @SPYROHAWK

    19: Keys: Keys are like entrance tickets to dungeons. Without keys, you cannot enter a dungeon. Every key is found by a guardian in an area near the dungeon and/or related to the dungeon (but the corrupted dungeons require extra steps to make the keys useful). @SPYROHAWK

    20: RoL: Stands for either the Realm of Light, or the Realm of Light Quest. The realm of light is a special area like the nether, accessed by portal and by a quest. The quest is not liked by most of the community. @SPYROHAWK

    21: LI: Legendary Island, a challenge similar to the Hive and ToA. However, this one is currently the most annoying to most players, and it is highly requested in help. A lot of people

    22: DCave: Demon Cave, which used to be a famous grinding spot before CSST. It is very rare now. @YYGAYMER

    23: LoTC: Lord of the Clock, a low-level quest which was deleted in 1.17.

    24: Discoveries: Special areas or lines of travel that indicate part of Wynncraft's history. Most were added in 1.17.

    25: Dern: The upcoming area that will come out in 1.19. It is a main area of darkness, as opposed to light. I'm not going to go deep into lore, or this explanation will be huge.

    26: Fruma: The province the protagonist (YOU!) came from. Will come out after 1.19 Dern.

    27: Buff/Nerf: A buff is making something better in quality. A nerf is the opposite of a buff, therefore making something's quality worse.

    28: The Wipe: Also known as 9/7 or the great crash of 9/7, this happened on the seventh of September, 2015. The entire forum was wiped. The forum was shaken by this for a long time even though some of the posts were recovered. Some people took it as a fresh start. The forum has recovered as it has already been over two years, but all the damage can never fully be repaired. This was possibly the worst day for Wynncraft, and the forums. @Nuggets

    29: Jumla's Beverages: The Wipe (see above) has also started a trend that still lives onto this day: Jumla and his beverages. Salted posted that he ”told Jumla not to put his coffee so close to the delete everything button”. This soon caught on and everyone knew it. This day this has taken a different form as today people often call the beverage tea. @Nuggets

    30: SoonTM: This is a very well-known meme in the Wynncraft community. Anytime something is coming out soon, or someone asks when it will, the natural response is SoonTM.

    31: Pool: When making a suggestion on the forums, you may encounter people saying: "add a pool". Most people new to the forums may get confused by this, this just means to add a poll to your suggestion with things like, "I like it! +1" or "I don't support this idea, +0).

    32: Dark Theme: A theme that most websites have, it allows the player to view the web page in a dark background, viewing bright and unreadable words.

    33: PC: This simple abbreviation means "price check". It is when someone wants to know the price of something. @Frozenman

    34: CoW: The boss in the quest, Temple of the Legends. Also known as Corrupter of Worlds. @Khaps

    35: AP: AP means After Portal, which, in 1.17, turned into the official way of counting time in Wynn.

    2: Item Abbreviations (Provided by @Nuggets , Inspired by @an avos )

    Disco (discoverer, mythic chestplate, highest Lootbonus in the game)
    Strati (stratiformis, a stupendously expensive air mythic bow)
    Apoc (apocalypse, fire mythic spear)
    Alka (alkatraz, mythic earth spear)
    Grandma or GMA (grandmother, an mythic earth bow)
    Cata (cataclysm, a powerful endgame Thunder mythic dagger)
    Conc (concentration, a manaregen Ring)
    Dia Fusion neck/brace/Ring (items obtained from the legendary island Diamond merchants, specializes in all elements)
    Giga (gigabyte, a powerful legendary necklace)
    OKR (Old Keepers Ring, important ring in builds)

    3: ID Abbreviations (Provided by @Nuggets and @Shitposting 101 )
    Mr (manaregen in 4 seconds)
    Lb (lootbonus)
    Sd (spell damage %)
    Raw spell (raw spell damage)
    Melee (melee damage %)
    Raw melee (raw melee damage)
    Tier (+ attack speed tier)
    Sp (skillpoints)
    WS (walkspeed)
    LS (lifesteal)

    4: Misleading Wynncraft Words (Inspired by @NicBOMB )
    1: ToA: Tower of Ascension and Tower of Amnesia
    When using ToA, you most likely think of Tower of Ascension. However, I was in a scenario where I had to help someone. They said they needed help with ToA. So I went to the Tower of Ascension, but there was no one there! Turns out they meant Tower of Amnesia.
    Solution: Try not to use ToA for Tower of Amnesia, just use the word instead.

    2: Use of "Stack"
    Sometimes, during trading, common errors may happen. For example, a stack is a stack of LE, but some new players might think of it as stacks of emeralds or stacks of EB. For example, if you say, "Two stacks," A new player could easily think of it as two stacks of emeralds, or two stacks of emerald blocks. This is rare, but could happen.
    Solution: In trading, try to say something like, "Two stacks of LE" instead of just "Two stacks".

    3: RoL: Realm of Light or Realm of Light Quest?
    Sometimes, when communicating and saying RoL, it may be confusing to wonder if it's the Realm of Light or the quest associated with it.
    Solution: Try not to use this as much. Just say, "Realm of Light" or "Quest in the Realm of Light".

    4: Melee Damage and Raw Melee Damage
    I used to mix this up a ton in my first 50 levels of Wynncraft. It was until a long time I realized Melee Damage and Raw Melee Damage were different.
    Solution: I can't really think of a solution. I recommend just asking questions about the difference, and just hope you will be able to find the difference.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2017
  2. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    the term for emerald isn't exactly used much
    also, there are some shortened names for certain items, like cata for cataclysm or gma for grandmother
    SUPER M likes this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    LI : Tank build abuse spot
  4. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    They fixed Warrior's invincible, rekt Warrior Tank Builds
    YYGAYMER likes this.
  5. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Hive: the qira hive, both a place and a quest. Pretty much ToA expect levels 80-100. Split to segments Thunder, air, earth, water, fire, and master.
    Hive item: a powerful one-per-class item that is obtained by defeating the hive.
  6. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    I thought there was only 1 Corrupted Sand Swept Tomb?
    dunt hurt me plos
  7. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    EotS: Eye of the Storm, a high level quest which many people hate because of the lack of lore and it being fairly difficult.
    Just corrected that, as it wasn't quite right.
    Can't think of any more that haven't been mentioned.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Nukewarmachine, (O_0), Dr Zed and 2 others like this.
  9. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    JoshLegacy, coolname2034, e! and 3 others like this.
  10. DerVillager

    DerVillager Famous Adventurer HERO

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    IB aka Item Buyer (?)
  11. Samulander

    Samulander Teleport is the best spell

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    Stack: 64 LE
  12. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Fallen Factory = FF
  13. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Here are some ids to spice things up:
    Mr (manaregen in 4 secends)
    Lb (lootbonus)
    Sd (spell damage %)
    Raw spell (raw spell damage)
    Melee (melee damage %)
    Raw melee (raw melee damage)
    Tier (+ attack speed tier)
    Sp (skillpoints)
    WS (walkspeed)
    Isabeau37 likes this.
  14. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Common IDs:
    MS - Either Movespeed or Mana Steal
    MR - Mana Regen
    LS - Lifesteal
    LB - Loot Bomus
    ###/3s - Poison
  15. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    And some items to fill the rest of the textwall
    Disco (discoverer, mythic chestplate, highest Lootbonus in the game)
    Strati (stratiformis, a stupendosly expensive air mythic bow, higest walkspeed bonus in game)
    Apoc (apocalypse, fire mythic spear)
    Alka (alkatraz, mythic earth spear)
    Grandma (grandmother, an mythic earth bow)
    Cata (cataclysm, a powerful endgame Thunder mythic dagger)
    Conc (concertration, a manaregen Ring)
    Dia Fusion neck/brace/Ring (items obtained from the legendary island Diamond merchants, specializes in all elements)
    Giga (gigabyte, a powerful legendary necklace)
  16. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    pure shit: poison and thorns combined in 1 build
    Bramblesthatcat likes this.
  17. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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    never seen this used
  18. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    You should add a "Build Section Jargon" Area:
    Spell Spam = Solely Using Spells for Damage (Melee is useless in this build)
    +Attack Tier Build = Uses the Attack Tier Mechanic to make a Super Slow into a Super Fast weapon for high damage
    People use it, and I get annoyed cause Disco is this: upload_2017-11-29_17-24-56.png Not:
  19. Nihilego36

    Nihilego36 Avos Air Avos

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  20. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    Also often called "gma"
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