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Bob Is A Frumian Prince? [quick Theory][most Likely False]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Wynncrab, Nov 24, 2017.

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  1. Wynncrab

    Wynncrab Wynncrab of the Wynnland

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    OK, upon reading up some stuff more from @SPYROHAWK
    Bob's mom is actually from Dern.
    And Bob is from Dern.
    Most likely Dern is the province already overtaken by corruption. EDIT: (Corruption is general term here. @SPYROHAWK suggests it be specifically DARKNESS, not corruption.)
    I remember reading an old outdated lore somewhere written up by some dev along long time ago,
    and(Outdated yes, but completely outdated? Maybe? Just saying.)
    Spear Exists: Lvl 10 - Called "Dern's Shadow:
    Spear Exists: Lvl 29 I'm using at as warrior rn XD called, "Dern's Desolation"
    Implies: Dern got D E S O L A T E D by S H A D O W S?
    Dern Emigrants used to live on enderman island. Emigrants are people who leave.
    Dern Emigrants (Now Dern Beasts - which makes more sense to the idea of being completely overtaken by corruption/darkness. Maybe darkness is what starts to overtake once corruption overtakes.) are endermen. Endermen have completely black skin.
    Darkness would make sense to make your skin black.
    Dern Beasts could have been people.
    That was a long time ago. (@SPYROHAWK got all times figured out.)
    Bob was born along time ago.
    Bob's mom could have been the last surviving emigrant from Dern.
    And Bob's skin was gray. Gray = White + Black.
    @SPYROHAWK mentioned this below.
    Why was bob's skin not black? Because he was born in Wynn away from Dern's darkness.
    Why was it grey? Because he was "Only exposed to Dern's darkness in the womb."
    FLAW: Does it mention anywhere that bob's mom had dark weird skin?
    Kinda. See it says in brackets. "(She C E R T A I N L Y wasn't one of Ragni's own.)

    -Text Below most likely FALSE- Alternate theory of Bob being Prince from Fruma.
    1. We know that Bob's true mother was not from Ragni.
    2. What's close to Ragni: Fruma.
    3. Why would she not tell her name: Because she's royalty in disguise.
    4. Why would she leave Fruma?
    -Perhaps she was exiled, or escaped due to unknown circumstances.
    -Was she a Queen, or a princess? Maybe a love affair of some monarchy member?

    5. We also know (Forgot to take screenshot) that Bob had grayish skin, and that
    other kids were racist to him.
    6. Pale/Grey Skin - Blue Blood -> Blue Blood is a term for royalty.
    7. Bob was the best of the best.
    8. In many fiction pieces royalty members posses much higher talent and ability than others.

    YEAH IK. I could have put more effort into this post. But watevs.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2017
  2. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    Well that looks good but i'm too dumb for wynn's lore soooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  3. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    we're all from fruma thoe
  4. Psychomentalist

    Psychomentalist Time is not on my side HERO

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    mind = blown
  5. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    SPYROHAWK likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I’m in the mall rn w/ just my ph e, so it’s hard to write a response. I will respond more theroughly once I get my computer, but, for now:

    To the best of my theory making ability, my deduction is that Bob is from Dern, not Frums

    See some of my old Bob theories for more info, until I can give a better response
    Pokextreme likes this.
  7. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    No, he's not from Dern. If his mother was from Dern, her skin would be pitch black as I remember once that things that spent a lot of time or come from Dern have black skin. He would inherit this too.

    also, replying to the OP.
    He was the best of the best because he was trained by the four masters of each art (that being, assassin, mage, warrior, and archer), not just because. If I were to be a ragni guard I could end up going to each one of them, training under them, and then be as powerful as Bob was.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    (Still not at my computer, forgive typing mistakes)

    My theory actually covers his skin color. The color, in this case, is not a genetic trait but a physical attribute gained by being in Dern. His mothers skin would be black from Dern exposure, but he would only have been in Dern in the womb. This results in only minor discoloration, his grey skin.
    ThomAnn100, Pokextreme and Wynncrab like this.
  9. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    There's a major difference in Wynncraft lore between darkness/shadow and corruption.
    Darkness is the fundamental opposing force to light, and is associated with Dern, and a purple and black colour scheme. Not all that much is known about it yet, but with the release of Dern things should clear up.
    Corruption is a force created by the combination of light and dark. It's associated with the Nether, the undead and the Wynn province. It's probably just as hostile to darkness as it is to light and severe corruption looks black and red, with fire and lava being common.

    This theory relies on them being the same, which they aren't. Dern is dark, not corrupted. Also, all evidence we have points to Frumans looking like normal humans. The player is Fruman, many Frumans have been coming through Ragni by the time Bob's mother arrived. If she looked Fruman, it would be unremarkable. She's clearly not a normal human, so she's probably not Fruman.
    100klemonreimu likes this.
  10. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Well first off, if she was royalty, why did she flee into the sewers to give birth
    And, couldn't his father been fruma descent? I mean he's not mentioned in the lore, maybe he went to get some milk from the shops, and the shops are a long way away.
    Lexwomy likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Since you have now changed the thread to him being from Dern, I'll avoid the Fruma part like the plague.

    But, since I'm now tagged in it, I get to nitpick the hell out of it!

    Ok so you are taking an already established theory and regurgitating it? Ok, carry on...

    But... Corruption is the clash of Darkness and Light. It was only formed about 1000 years ago, AFTER Dern basically died. And, considering LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE WE KNOW ABOUT Dern (minus EotS, which I still hate), why would Dern not be destroyed by Darkness? Why does corrutpion make more sense than Darkness? If you don't know why Darkness = Dern, oh boy, let me pull up the powerpoint...

    Outdated aint canon no more. Sorry

    I can deal with this

    Although this is REALLY good evidence that Dern =/= Wynn, which should be rather obvious, once again outdated stuff no longer flies

    Fair enough.

    But... why? The corruption color scheme has Red as it's primary, and Black as it's secondary. All the Darkness/Dern stuff has Black as it's primary and Purple as it's secondary. So once again, why would corruption be the cause of this?

    I can deal with these both

    Let's see...

    We know the Twains were old when the Corruption began, around 1000 years ago. So let's say, idk, 80. Which is still generous given medieval standards of life. Anyway, let's Mael used his spirit magic to extend his life, I would still give that, like, MAX 300 years. That puts us 700 years to present. As we know, Mael trained Bob. But, it's never clear if Bob's tutors are exactly "alive". If so, that puts Bob being alive ar around 700-600 years ago, which fits your bill. BUT...

    Our friend on Dead Island was alive when Bob was, as he killed that beast. He's currently alive, and to be generous with ages, let's say he;s around 80 again. He was an adult when the egg was brougt over, so let's say that's like 50 years ago that Bob fought the beast there, right? Let's say Bob did that RIGHT before he left for Dern (which, is valid under some theories), where he is 73 (74? I forget the exact number. In his 70s). That puts his birth at AROUND 125-150 years ago, if my maths are correct.

    The second situation is far more likley than the first, but they both fit. So, I guess I can abide...

    Other than, you know, the Ancients in the jungle... But still, fair enough, they came through 1000 years ago where she came through whenever Bob was born.

    ...kind of...

    The darkness in Dern draws the color out of everything, darkening everything to Black. This is not an instantaneous effect, nor genetic, but an effect that happens slowly from Dern exposure. Bob was only in Dern while in his mother's Womb, giving a very small effect, his skin only being a light grey instead of the darkness you would see form someone who was born and raised in Dern.

    I will admit, this part REALLY bugs me. In theory, her mom should have jet-black skin. We know the people of Ragni have fair skin, and we know she was different, but I feel like they would have mentioned it...

    Also, you can argue she should be tall and lanky like an Enderman. And I WOULD agree, except for the existance of Dark Skeletons in the "Dern" section of Gateway Island, which proves that not only Endermen live in Dern (but, still proves the things fading to black part).
    In my defense, you tagged me in a theory. That means I get to be as critical as I want XD
  12. Wynncrab

    Wynncrab Wynncrab of the Wynnland

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    Welp. Will edit my theory to fit your standards.
    Mistake on my part, I was using "Corruption" as a general term for bad overtaking the province. lol will fix.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Hey, no, it's ok. You don't need to fit MY standards. My standards are going to be yelling at anything that isn't word-for-word my theories, and then yelling at you for copying my theories XD.

    I just really do think the best way to improve is for someone to pick out your tiny errors. It helps you to look over every detail, making you theories stronger.

    And, I'm gonna be honest, I like picking at other people's theories. It's fun!


    But I am happy you didn't ACTUALLY mean Corruption. I have heard A LOT of theories where Dern was overtaken by the same Corruption that plagues Wynn, and it really annoys me
    Wynncrab likes this.
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