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Lore/Story Lost - Endgame - Part 5

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by SkellySniper, Nov 12, 2017.

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  1. SkellySniper

    SkellySniper In a permanent state of necro

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    Starting to think that just mayyyybe there's a bit too much to post here. We're still 35 pages away from the end as of this post. And I tried putting it all in one post but it EXCEEDED THE EIGHTY THOUSAND CHARACTER LIMIT.

    Authors: @xKindredKinesis (lead), @ Captain Undead (also lead but I don't know what his current forums name is), @Lev (Inactive), @XavierEXE, @SkellySniper (me), and @Zuikaku_.
    Previous chapters: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

    “That… no… can it be?” Aeon took a half-step back in disbelief. Her velvet hair was tied up neatly into a ponytail. Her glimmering eyes shone brightly, as if made from rubies. She had a small yet strong figure, just as he had remembered. The girl was kneeling before two graves, while a black and crimson-red bow rest by her side, along with a quiver full of arrows. These held the same designs of those that purged the monsters swarming the town. There was no doubt about it. Aeon reached out to her with a loud call with a smile on his face.


    “Pso-what now?” Dante and Azul replied in confusion, not sure of what was happening. Immediately, the figure jumped, upon hearing her name be called. None had known her name except for her deceased friends and her family.

    “... Who’s there?” The girl beckoned. Her left hand picked up the bow on the ground, while her right hand instinctively reached for the top of her quiver.

    “Psoralea, it’s me! Don’t you recognize me?” Aeon spoke out, uncovering his hood.

    “Who are you? How do you know my name?!” The girl asked again. For some reason, she had a lingering feeling of nostalgia. She put an arrow to her string anyway. Couldn’t be too careful.

    “It’s me, your brother!”

    “Wait, brother?”

    The others were confused. They had assumed that Aeon was an orphan, just like them.

    “No… that’s not possible… my brother wouldn’t have survived… he was never that strong.” Psoralea shook her head. As the bladesinger stepped forward, she was able to get a better look, and lowered her bow.

    “I’m still alive, Psoralea! See?”

    When she had gotten a good look at him, her eyes widened.

    “... It is you.”


    "Blood... My blood..." Menin mumbled for a second, before growling out loud like a mad beast. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS. I WILL CRUSH EVERY SINGLE BONE IN YOUR BODY UNTIL YOU ARE NOTHING BUT DUST!" The growls echoed not only through the valley, but the whole area. With twice the speed he had before provoked, he dashed for Will and slammed his hand as hard as possible down onto the ground. The ground shook as if the punch had been an explosion. Will barely made it out alive, as Menin charged passed him and slammed onto the mountain. Before he could continue his onslaught, Sol smirked, her irises morphing to red with two comma-like marks lazily circling the pupil. She brought up her hands into a strange position in front of her mouth, before taking in a deep breath.

    “Dragon Breath!” she shouted, breathing outwards before said breath turned into a gout of flame. As it approached Menin, the blast suddenly expanded until a veritable wall of fire began approaching him. As soon as the technique left her hands, Sol immediately summoned a sword in her left hand, before stabbing it into the ground to use as a support.

    “Damn... still..exhausts me to use that…” she thought, having used quite a large portion of her energy to perform that move.

    Before Menin could recover, William was already on top of him again. The Warrior in Silver dashed forward, his sword drawn back, readied for a strike. Menin raised his gauntlets up to block the incoming attack, while the other hand corked backward, ready for a finishing blow. However, his attack was slow, and William faster. He quickly ducked aside, his hand held tight onto the blade, turning the sword around and bashed the giant behemoth in the head with the cross guard of his weapon. The attack was enough to daze the monster, forcing it onto the ground. Will stood on top, his leg pinning the giant down, sword raised high, prepared to deliver a heavy blow toward the monster’s throat.

    Kuraia had casted a spell amidst the blizzard shroud, creating a replica of herself to distract the Aspect of Chaos, all the while trying to help Menin from fending off the Silver Warrior. Akyro delivered a devastating blow onto the decoy, only for it to froze over, trapping her hand underneath the ice. The Glacial monster seemed to melt into the ground before reforming little way away. From her hand glowed a bright blue light, before Kuraia hurled a lance made of ice flew toward William, aimed for his heart. Will saw from the corner of his eye a glimpse of shining light before the icicle shard flew toward him. The warrior raised his sword to block the incoming attack. The lance glanced off of his blade, but still managed to connect with his shoulder. Falling onto his back, he squirmed in pain as he tried his best to pull the the lance out with his hand. The padded armor helped reduced the wound created, but the attack still dealt a massive amount of damage. With all his strength, he managed to pull the lance out of his shoulder, leaving a large gaping hole in his shoulder. Using the diversion, Kuraia used an ice spell to grab Menin and escape before anyone else could catch up.
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