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Lore/Story Gavel, 897 Bva (lore Of My Upcoming Forum Rp)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by sdkgjnio, Nov 12, 2017.

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  1. sdkgjnio

    sdkgjnio hod-SOH-nee-uhs

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    Hello Wynncraftians!
    I have decided to start an RP based in the world of Wynncraft. Since I sort of wanted to do my own thing while remaining within the lore of the game (if any of this contradicts existing lore, please let me know), so I’ve turned back the clock a lot. Here, I will outline the general situation in the Nine Regions of Gavel, where the RP will take place. It’s 997 years before the game proper, and Gavel has been plunged into chaos...

    Gavel at this time uses a calendar based on the starting year of the founding of Cinfras, 1568 years before the events of the game. They use BG (Before Gavel) to refer to dates before this and YC (Year of Cinfras) to refer to dates after it. The arrival of villagers in Wynn, the year 0 of the modern calendar, is 1468 YC.

    The RP takes place in the year 571 YC, three years after the beginning of the events known as ‘the Cataclysms’, a series of environmental and magical catastrophes that began when the Nether Portal was uncovered in Wynn. There is much debate among the people of Gavel over what these events mean, with the King and nobles insisting that they are a mere sequence of unfortunate accidents, but many believing it to be the beginning of the apocalypse.

    Outside of Gavel, a calamity of apocalyptic scale is unfolding. The Wynnic messenger bringing news of the undead to Fruma is met with closed doors and arrow-fire. Wynn has been taken by surprise as masses of invading undead swarm the province. Ancient Nemract has already fallen, and along with it most of the Wynnic army and diplomats. Ragni is facing a siege and Troms is straining under its attempts to control the outbreak and deal with the dead. Peasant villages litter the province, abandoned. The ocean is locked in a perpetual storm, waves battering the islands and coasts, and the Avos of Corkus cower in the valleys from high winds that could rip them apart. In Gavel itself, a multitude of disasters occur simultaneously, across the Nine Regions…

    The Nine Regions
    In 413 YC, King Remikas the Great was appointed the first King by the Villager nobles in Gavel, and over the next twenty years accomplished the remarkable feat of uniting the people of Gavel into nine administrative districts under his rule, with varying structure and autonomy.

    DUCHY OF OLUX - A Villager region, the Duchy of Olux is centred around the city of Olux, one of the oldest cities in Gavel. The area is ruled by a duke, who has absolute authority over the marshes of the Northwest and part of the Great Forest. Olux is the agricultural capital of Gavel, with the marshes being almost entirely farmland. Logging is another major source of income, with the town of Lezupret on the edge of the forest housing much of this trade. Olux is a wealthy region, with the Duke living in luxury in a great wooden palace in the marshes. The Duchy was the main victim of the most long-lasting of the Cataclysms- the Decay. the Mages of Gavel had their own problems, so the immediate effects of the parasitic curse are felt strongly across the region, with both of the major industries being badly hurt as all plants begin withering, strangling the economy with unrelenting persistence.

    ORCISH KINGDOM OF KAROC - This region is populated by the Greenskins, a family of races that includes orcs (the majority race, serving as the army and nobles) trolls (relegated to slaves due to their strength and stupidity), ogres (a small minority who mostly live as hermits) and goblins (very intelligent creatures that form the middle class and the only Greenskin race with magical abilities), who are all mostly happy to remain peaceful with the Villagers as long as they are left to their own devices. Tensions between them and the Villagers mostly revolve around Castle Lleviguard, the fortress that guards the main point of entry to Gavel from the seas. The castle is under direct control of the King of Gavel in Cinfras, but the Orcs claim it as their own, as it is on their land. They have anticipated hostile takeover, and built Fort Leadin in the the East to fortify the capital of Karoc in the highlands. The Cataclysms brought to them a disease that as well as being deadly to the smaller goblins has taken over the Orcs’ appetites, and made them crave the flesh of other sentient races. This has lead to a series of incidents along the border with Olux and Lleviguard, causing growing hatred of the Kingdom and its peoples amongst Villagers.

    THE FOREST COALITION - This loosely connected group of villages is one of the most diverse and interesting places in the Nine Regions. It is home to a variety of magical creatures, most notably wood elves and hobbits. The Coalition exists only as a council of the villages that represents the area in Cinfras, but it is headed by a democratically elected High Delegate and nominally the Guardian of the Forest, who at this time is a hobbit named Doushoins. The region is also home to the Forgery, a mysterious building atop a hill full of strange hooded figures. The Coalition recognises their right to be there, but they have no interest in communicating with anyone from the outside. Since the Cataclysms began, the hill has been slowly splitting open, and the Forgery floats into the sky. The Coalition is not considered a negotiating force in Cinfras, as their diverse nature makes them neutral on all issues not directly affecting them.

    MAGES’ DUCHY OF GYLIA - The magical centre of Gavel, this region spans from the Great Forest in the West to Lake Gylia and the edge of the Canyon of the Lost in the East. It is controlled by the High Mage, who rules the Duchy from the Grand Academy north of Cinfras. The Academy is renowned across Gavel for its Villager mages, who find employment throughout the Nine Regions in various civilian and military roles. Due to the magical nature of the Villagers, the Academy has always served as the centre of Gavel’s army, and thus the Duchy works more closely with Cinfras and the Monarchy than any other region. The Mages care little about the other beings in the region as far as the do not get in the way, but they are fiercely territorial, wishing to claim all powerful magical regions for the benefit of magic. Their dispute with Olux has been resolved by building a wall and a castle across the Great Forest, but they still set their sights on a den of spiders in the Canyon, and the Forgery, both of which the King is currently opposed to. The Gerts also inhabit the region, although they are content with their small territory. The Cataclysms have brought several meteor strikes on the area, one of which crashed straight into the Grand Academy, which has been mostly abandoned as mages fan out across the province to deal with various Cataclysms.

    GREATER ALDOREI - The home of the Elves is unique among the regions as it is the only one not so far directly affected by the Cataclysms. This has caused suspicion of the Elves throughout the region, and many believe them to have caused them as part of a takeover of Gavel. Facing growing hostilities, many Elves have retreated back to Aldorei Valley, where the Sol Embassy rule the region under Togak. Others remain in the plains, afraid to lose the rest of Greater Aldorei to the Villagers. Villagers are mostly banned from Greater Aldorei, although there are some exceptions. The Sol Embassy plan, half in secret, to cut themselves of from the rest of Gavel, seeing their lands outside the Valley as a liability, with the expectation that the Forest Coalition takes the area. However, given their lack of diplomatic power, it is considered far more likely that it will fall under the Cinfras crown.

    - Spanning most of the Canyon of the Lost, this area is controlled by the monks of Bantisu, who, though allied to the Villagers in Olux, Gylia and the Ahms, are pacifists who seek only the protection of their holy land. Bantisuism has been the dominant religion of the Villagers since the founding of Cinfras, but their failure to predict or offer any guidance in the Cataclysms, their numbers have fallen greatly. They hole up in their temple while the mountains around them shift and weave a maze out of the canyons, destroying all roads and cutting the regions villages away from civilisation. With the loss of the sacred Wind Fortress in the Ahms Fracture, the religion and the region seem set to withdraw from Gavel entirely, while other regions seek to claim parts of their region for themselves. Both the Dwarves and the Doguns want a control of the Northwestern part of the region, and the new city of Thanos, initially protected under Bantisu to maintain Dwarf-Villager relations, is causing concern among many Villager and Dogun leaders. Gylia has claims of the Northwestern mountains and the Duchy of Ahms claims the region behind Kandon-Alpha.

    - The Molten Heights are divided into two regions, one for each of the major races in the region, the Dwarves and the Doguns. Tensions have always been high between the two, with each claiming ownership of the entire region, but the Cataclysms have only complicated matters. The Dwarves have suffered heavily at the hands of a series of volcanic eruptions from the areas long-dormant volcanoes, and most of the above-ground section of the capital Rodoroc has been destroyed. The Doguns, however, used to living underground, saw an increase in the potential for Dogun life on the surface, are setting up settlements across the molten landscape, to the annoyance of the dwarves. There has also been dispute over the pass into Bantisu, until now controlled by the three regions cooperatively. However, the Bantisu guards have mysteriously disappeared, and Rodoroc has assumed control of the area, seeking to connect their city of Thanos (still technically under Bantisu rule) to their main territory. The cold war in Molten Heights seems to all to be at a fierce climax, with both sides considering direct action.

    - The Doguns have long remained peacefully trapped living in their capital city of Garah, the hot temperatures here being one of the only places in Gavel hospitable to them. The Cataclysms have ushered in an age of hope for the Dogun race; they see them as the start of the fall of the Dwarves and Villagers and the rise of the Doguns. They have not been an entirely beneficial event, however. Above the Dogun Nation lie dragon breeding grounds. The dragons, being fairly intelligent but naturally suspicious creatures, blame the Doguns for the destruction, ending their peaceful coexistence. Worse, some dragons have left for the Duchy of Ahms, only making their already catastrophic situation more perilous. This is seen by both Ahms and Cinfras as a breach of a longstanding treaty to contain them, and has led to an alliance being formed between the Villagers of Ahms and the Dwarves of Rodoroc. Nevertheless, the new surface is proving an excellent area for the species to settle, with the settlements there already outnumbering those below.

    DUCHY OF AHMS - This Villager region suffers from one of the worst of all of the Cataclysms. Before the Fracture, the region was home to a booming mining industry, the unique landscape of a flat plane dotted with mineral- and metal-rich mountains proving perfect for such operations. The Wind Fortress stood proud on the Western mountain range, a testament to the origins of Bantisuism, and the town of Kandon-Alpha maintained a strong connection to the rest of Gavel, being a trade post between them and the Bantisu Region. However, two months after the start of the cataclysms, cracks began to spread across the landscape, revealing a bottomless void below. Parts of the region began crumpling into the Void, including parts of Ahmsanc, capital. The Wind Fortress soon crumbled straight down the sides of the mountains and into the Void, and communities were isolated, trapped on their own sky islands. The loss of life in both Ahmsanc and the Wind Fortress was colossal, and was only escalates when survivors find they had nowhere to flee. Many get lost among the mountains of Bantisu, and those fleeing to the North contend with gargantuan volcanic eruptions. None of those that attempt to leave by sea though Jofash are seen again. Kandon-Alpha is bursting at its seams, perched precariously on unstable ground. Many try to build into the cliffside above, and the community there has come to be known as Kandon-Beta.


    This map shows Gavel as it was just before the Cataclysms, showing the region boundaries and major locations.​

    euouae, CraterHater, Marco and 7 others like this.
  2. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  3. BackSet

    BackSet You Could Use Some Imagination

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    Well color me interested.
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