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What Is With This Boss?!?!

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Sythe_ofDeath, Nov 10, 2017.

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  1. Sythe_ofDeath

    Sythe_ofDeath I will come to get you eventually.

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    I am doing the desperate metal quest and i am at the final boss. AND HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!! (Idk if i can swear on this site) WHAT IS THIS BOSS!?!?! The better question is WHAT IS WITH THIS BOSS?!?!?! I am a level 93 Assassin with a life-steal/explosion build. I am using flameshot hilt, for obvious reason, and my defense stat is at max. I CANT BEAT THIS BOSS!!!!! Is it just me???? I cant get close enough to him to hit him without him using that stupid explosion attack that knocks off 80% of my health. I try to use my smoke bomb attack to do damage to him from afar while getting life from the minions, but then he teleports right next to me and does the explosion attack, sometimes he does it 2-3 times BACK TO BACK!!! Or at least it seems like he does. Because i have a max health of 7876, and once i finally get away from his explosions im left with 1900-2100 health!!!! WTF!!!!

    And i know i can probably ask a friend to help me, but i like to complete quests on my own, exceptions being bobs tomb and ???. But those are different because the entire quest required multiple people to complete, so it would be understandable that the final boss would most likely require multiple people. BUT, Desperate Metal only requires ONE player to get to the final boss. Why should i have get multiple people to help me because im an Assassin, while Warrior, Archer, and Mage can do it BY THEM SELVES! A boss shouldn't be near impossible for one class while being piss easy for another. What can i do to beat this guy? Without having to rely on other people.
  2. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    You know 8k hp is not a lot for 93 lvl so his explosion attack is not that bad for other builds with 11k for example
    coolname2034 likes this.
  3. Sythe_ofDeath

    Sythe_ofDeath I will come to get you eventually.

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    OK give me a life steal/explosion build for assassin that gives me 11k health. I know that 8k health isn't that good for a lvl 93. But its the life steal that keeps me alive in 99% of my fights. Unfortunately when i make a life steal build it turns me into almost a glass cannon.

    My build is

    Executioner Helm - Helm
    Dragon Hide Plate - Chest
    Post Ultima - Leggings
    Exhaustion - Boots

    Flame-shot hilt or Rewind - Dagger

    I don't really care about accessories, i don't find them that much and there's not a lot of good life-steal or explosion accessories. So if you have good suggestions for accessories i'm all ears.

    Also i know there is the Earth Breaker that's better than Post Ultima, but i haven't found one that has better a better explosion stat. And there is also Tinder Box which is better than Dragon Hide, but lvl 93, cant get it.
  4. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Well I can kind of see your problem right there. You have absolutely no mana.
    Also your elemental defense is trash, resulting in crippling damage from some elements
    coolname2034 likes this.
  5. Sythe_ofDeath

    Sythe_ofDeath I will come to get you eventually.

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    Ok so give me a Life-Steal/Exploding build. I havent found a good build for my level with good elemental defense and good mana ALONG with everything else. when you gain one thing you lose another.
  6. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Tip #1: Don't use lifesteal and exploding. Instead, use a water build, it should help you defeat the boss.
    Here's a generic water build: https://wynndata.tk/s/FUhmE3
    Note: I only put the accessories in there as filler placements, it really doesn't matter what you use for them.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  7. Sythe_ofDeath

    Sythe_ofDeath I will come to get you eventually.

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    The reason i use Life-steal exploding is because the exploding damage procs life steal keeping me at full health or near full health as long as im fighting multiple enemies. Which usually i am. I dont want to waste space with pots when im doing a dungeon, farming, or doing quests. (I bring at least 1-2 pots with me just incase but i dont stock up on pots.) I'll try a different build but i've played the entire game with my lifesteal/eploding.
  8. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    That strategy might have worked for earlier bosses, but it won't for this one as you already know. Having no mana regen for a boss like this one on assassin is basically a death wish, as you need mana to vanish and cast the rest of your spells.
    coolname2034 likes this.
  9. Sythe_ofDeath

    Sythe_ofDeath I will come to get you eventually.

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    OK i get that, ill try it out. Thanks. And sorry if i came off as a dick. I was irratated.
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