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Community Event Mythic Dagger Giveaway

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by GaryIsAdopted, Oct 1, 2017.



  1. Larzlapiz dabs on haters

    80 vote(s)
  2. Larzlapiz doesn't dab on haters

    41 vote(s)
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  1. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Is that copied and pasted? Since there are tons of blue link looking stuff? I cannot even tell
  2. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    Yummy_Duck likes this.
  3. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    1. IGN: IceResistance
    2. A full fledged essay about global warming(not a sentence, atleast 12 sentences, the more detailed the better)
    Global Warming? I personally feel like global warming isn't a good thing. First off, the Earth is getting warmer, and as it gets warmer, the ocean level will rise. If this happens, many cities will be at risk, and that isn't good. Also, it would melt lots of glaciers, and the world would lose more land due to it becoming part of the ocean?!? I'm trying to remember 8th grade science, wish me luck. Also, global warming is bad, because it affects our ozone lair, and our atmosphere. Also, if global warming gets worse, everyone will be hot and sweaty, and no one likes that. Therefore, we need to protect the Earth, and limit stuff that cause global warming. (I wouldn't be surprised if you put this as a question in the giveaway so that you can choose the best answer, and turn it in as an atleast 12 sentence essay, since you also said the more detailed the better, although I'm still working on the theory about the dabbing one though.)
    3. Another essay about why dabbing is amazing (same rules as first essay)
    Why is dabbing amazing? First off, it is a dance move, and dance is cool. Second trends are cool (most of the time.) Also, dabbing is amazing, because it gives you a way to "accidently" hit someone in the face, which probably hurts (and of course I havn't done that before. . .) Also dabbing is amazing, because it is very old, and old things are cool. Why is dabbing also amazing? It is also amazing because you don't need to always say dabb, you can say dabbing as well. Cool right? Well, I never really understood dabbing, although I did it anyways. Welp. . . next question.
    4. A different name for @LarzLapiz
    This one is perfect! Instead of LarzLapiz, it should be LapizLarz.
    5. What @Major_Lue smells like
    Probably like a dried out apricot. Although I cannot really tell. Again, you cannot expect me to be able to smell someone through a laptop screen, although don't lose hope, a device in the future will probably be invented so you can answer these questions easily (of course not, this device wouldn't ever be legal is it existed)
    6. Why u want mythic
    Why do I want a mythic? I want the mythic because you said it is crappy, and I like crappy weapons. I don't know why, although I am in the process of figuring out. Although, who wouldn't want a mythic? So maybe that is why, probably. Also, it is a dagger, and daggers are cool, I guess. . . this is a hard question for me to answer. . . I don't have a reason why I want it really, besides the fact I really really really want it. Although does that qualify as a reason? Maybe, maybe not, the world will never know.
    7. Favorite owner of server (grain slated jlamma)
    Grian is my favorite owner of the server, because I am inspired by his builds, and tried some of his builds myself. Also, he is very creative with builds, so therefore he is my favorite owner of the server, because I like the builds he makes.
    8. Another essay about why amadel is stupid(same rules as first one)
    I think amadel is from a quest I did a long time ago, although I don't really like villagers. First off, you got the elfs, the dwarfs, Helioluxes or something, humans and other really cool creatures in Wynncraft, and then you got the ordinary Minecraft villagers? Amadel is also a villains in a quest, and no one likes a villain. Villains are bad, and I do not like them. Bad villains. If Amadel is a villain, I don't like him. NO VILLAINS. I don't like villains, because every quest in the game pretty much revolves around one, not all of them, but still a lot. If they weren't all like Amadel, we wouldn't have to go through Wynn and Gavel fighting them off.
    9. A number 1-5000
    10. Are you gay
    11. Vote on poll
    12. An original drawing of larzlapiz or dab
    What do you mean? Is one of the choices that I can dab instead of drawing you a picture. Sounds good with me. I dabbed. Done. If that is not the case, your fault for not clarifying the specific rules of that.
    13. A haiku about larzlapiz pokeballs
    I had one
    Although I threw it
    And now its gone.
  4. LarzLapiz

    LarzLapiz Avos Air Pen HERO

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  5. Glenncrafter

    Glenncrafter A Collector & Proud Veteran CHAMPION

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    I apparently forgot step 12, I added my picture
  6. Mmikke

    Mmikke Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. AlexBaronCrespi
    What is global warming? Global warming is the average temperature of Earth has increases since 1950 until now the temperature continuing increasing. Global warming can also refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average of temperature. However global warming are causes by natural events and human that are believed to be contribute to increase in average temperatures.
    Global warming is a serious issue and is not a single issue but a number of environmental issues. Global warming is a rise in the surface temperature of the earth that has changed various life forms on the earth. The issues that cause global warming are divided into two categories include "natural" and "human influences" of global warming.
    The climate has continuously changing for centuries. The global warming happens because the natural rotation of the sun that changes the intensity of sunlight and moving closer to the earth.
    another cause of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide it trap the solar heats rays and prevent it from escaping from the surface of the earth. This has cause the temperature of the earth increase.
    Volcanic eruptions are another issue that causes global warming. For instance, a single volcanic eruption will release amount of carbon dioxide and ash to the atmosphere. Once carbon dioxide increase, the temperature of earth increase and greenhouse trap the solar radiations in the earth.
    Finally, methane is another issue that causes global warming. Methane is also a greenhouse gas. Methane is more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere that carbon dioxide by 20 times. Usually methane gas can release from many areas. For instance, it can be from cattle, landfill, natural gas, petroleum systems, coal mining, mobile explosion, or industrial waste process.
    Human influence has been a very serious issue now because human do not take care the earth. Human that cause global warming are more than natural causes global warming. The earth has been changing for many years until now it is still changing because of modern lifestyle of human. Human activities include industrial production, burning fossil fuel, mining, cattle rearing or deforestation.
    First issue is industrial revolution. Industrial have been using fossil fuels for power machines. Everything that we use is involved in fossil fuel. For example, when we buy a mobile phone, the process of making mobile phone have involve machines and machines uses fossil fuels, during the process carbon dioxide is releasing to the atmosphere. Besides industrial, transportation such as cars is also releasing carbon dioxide from exhaust.
    Another issue is mining. During the process of mining, the methane will trap below the earth. Besides, rearing cattle will also cause methane because cattle released the form of manure. However, cattle is important because it make the latter equally responsible for the occurrence of global warming
    Next is the most common issue that is deforestation. Deforestation is a human influence because human have been cutting down trees to produce papers, wood, build houses or more. If human continuing deforestation, carbon dioxide will concentrate in the atmosphere because trees can absorb carbon dioxide from atmosphere. Besides, human also release carbon dioxide when breathe. Therefore the amounts of millions of people breath have release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. If human continue deforestation, human breathing that release carbon dioxide will stay at the atmosphere.
    The greenhouse gases will stay in the atmosphere for many years since hundreds years ago. However, the effect that global warming will cause on earth are extremely serious. There are many effects that will happen in the future if global warming continues. That includes polar ice caps melting, economic consequences, warmer waters and more hurricanes, spread of diseases and earthquake
    First effect is polar ice caps melting. As the temperature increase, the ice at the North Pole will melt. Once the ice melt the first effect will be raise on sea levels because the melting glaciers become oceans. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center "if the ice melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet". It affects many low lying areas such as the Netherlands. In future, the Netherlands will be cover by water once the North Pole is melted. However, it is not going to happen so fast but the sea level will continue rise.
    Another effect is the species loss of habitat. Species that include polar bears and tropical frogs will be extinct due to climate change. Besides, various birds will migrate to other places because animals are not like humans. They cannot adapt the habitat that changes their living or temperature.
    Next effect is more hurricanes will occur and economic consequences still affect as well. Hurricane causes damage to houses and government need to spend billions of dollars in damage and people need places to stay or have been killed. Once a disaster happens many people have died and diseases happen. Diseases are more serious because it can spread to other people very fast and more people will get the disease and the disease maybe come more serious because of different weather.
    Now there are solutions that we can stop global warming. However we human and governments need to move forward to implement the global warming solutions. To reduce global warming we can do to reduce the contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Therefore, the solutions that we can reduce global warming are reducing gasoline, electricity and our activities that cause global warming.
    To reduce gasoline mean we have a choice to choose a hybrid car that reduce using gasoline. Besides, petrol price are increasing. If a person everyday drives to work they need to pump petrol after 3 days and causes carbon dioxide. Another way to reduce gasoline is take public transport or carpool to work. It can help reduce carbon dioxide and save cost.
    Another way to reduce global warming is recycle. Recycle can reduce garbage by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers or glass. For instance, when we buy foods, we can use our own containers instead of plastic bags. Another example is after finish drinking the water from the bottle; we can reuse it or use our own bottle. If all this is being reuse, human can reduce deforestation and help save environment. Besides, turn off electricity if unused. It can save thousands of carbon dioxide and buy product that have energy saving because it saves cost and save environment.
    Finally, human should stop open burning such as burning dry leafs or burning garbage. It will release carbon dioxide and toxic if burning garbage with plastic. Besides, government should reduce deforestation because the earth temperatures are increasing. Trees will help to improve the temperature on earth.
    Overall of this assignment, I have understood that our earth is "sick". We humans need to "heal" the earth. Global Warming have causes many problem for human but we human who make global warming happens. Many people have died because of disease or disaster. It also affects the economics of the country. However, we need to be reduce the global warming by using less gasoline, recycle and human should help to reduce global warming instead of making the earth temperature increased. Our generation should start taking care of the earth because in the next generation they will suffer if we do not do reduce global warming. Therefore, global warming is a serious issue now. As a business student we are learning it because we need to understand the effect of climate change that will affect us when we have our business and we can start saving the earth.

    3. Another essay about why dabbing is amazing (same rules as first essay)
    4. A different name for @LarzLapiz- LapizLazr
    5. What @Major_Lue smells like- fruit pebbles
    6. Why u want mythic- am broke bitch
    7. Favorite owner of server (grain slated jlamma) - grain - he unbanned me
    8. Another essay about why amadel is stupid(same rules as first one) amadel machine broke
    9. A number 1-5000 4200
    10. Are you gay very
    11. Vote on poll
    12. An original drawing of larzlapiz or dab
    13. A haiku about larzlapiz pokeballs
    What is global warming? Global warming is the average temperature of Earth has increases since 1950 until now the temperature continuing increasing. Global warming can also refers to climate change that causes an increase in the average of temperature. However global warming are causes by natural events and human that are believed to be contribute to increase in average temperatures.

    Causes of Global Warming
    Global warming is a serious issue and is not a single issue but a number of environmental issues. Global warming is a rise in the surface temperature of the earth that has changed various life forms on the earth. The issues that cause global warming are divided into two categories include "natural" and "human influences" of global warming.

    Natural Causes of Global Warming
    The climate has continuously changing for centuries. The global warming happens because the natural rotation of the sun that changes the intensity of sunlight and moving closer to the earth.

    Another cause of global warming is greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide it trap the solar heats rays and prevent it from escaping from the surface of the earth. This has cause the temperature of the earth increase.

    Volcanic eruptions are another issue that causes global warming. For instance, a single volcanic eruption will release amount of carbon dioxide and ash to the atmosphere. Once carbon dioxide increase, the temperature of earth increase and greenhouse trap the solar radiations in the earth.

    Finally, methane is another issue that causes global warming. Methane is also a greenhouse gas. Methane is more effective in trapping heat in the atmosphere that carbon dioxide by 20 times. Usually methane gas can release from many areas. For instance, it can be from cattle, landfill, natural gas, petroleum systems, coal mining, mobile explosion, or industrial waste process.

    Human Influences on Global Warming
    Human influence has been a very serious issue now because human do not take care the earth. Human that cause global warming are more than natural causes global warming. The earth has been changing for many years until now it is still changing because of modern lifestyle of human. Human activities include industrial production, burning fossil fuel, mining, cattle rearing or deforestation.

    First issue is industrial revolution. Industrial have been using fossil fuels for power machines. Everything that we use is involved in fossil fuel. For example, when we buy a mobile phone, the process of making mobile phone have involve machines and machines uses fossil fuels, during the process carbon dioxide is releasing to the atmosphere. Besides industrial, transportation such as cars is also releasing carbon dioxide from exhaust.

    Another issue is mining. During the process of mining, the methane will trap below the earth. Besides, rearing cattle will also cause methane because cattle released the form of manure. However, cattle is important because it make the latter equally responsible for the occurrence of global warming

    Next is the most common issue that is deforestation. Deforestation is a human influence because human have been cutting down trees to produce papers, wood, build houses or more. If human continuing deforestation, carbon dioxide will concentrate in the atmosphere because trees can absorb carbon dioxide from atmosphere. Besides, human also release carbon dioxide when breathe. Therefore the amounts of millions of people breath have release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. If human continue deforestation, human breathing that release carbon dioxide will stay at the atmosphere.

    The Effect of Global Warming
    The greenhouse gases will stay in the atmosphere for many years since hundreds years ago. However, the effect that global warming will cause on earth are extremely serious. There are many effects that will happen in the future if global warming continues. That includes polar ice caps melting, economic consequences, warmer waters and more hurricanes, spread of diseases and earthquake

    First effect is polar ice caps melting. As the temperature increase, the ice at the North Pole will melt. Once the ice melt the first effect will be raise on sea levels because the melting glaciers become oceans. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center "if the ice melted today the seas would rise about 230 feet". It affects many low lying areas such as the Netherlands. In future, the Netherlands will be cover by water once the North Pole is melted. However, it is not going to happen so fast but the sea level will continue rise.

    Another effect is the species loss of habitat. Species that include polar bears and tropical frogs will be extinct due to climate change. Besides, various birds will migrate to other places because animals are not like humans. They cannot adapt the habitat that changes their living or temperature.

    Next effect is more hurricanes will occur and economic consequences still affect as well. Hurricane causes damage to houses and government need to spend billions of dollars in damage and people need places to stay or have been killed. Once a disaster happens many people have died and diseases happen. Diseases are more serious because it can spread to other people very fast and more people will get the disease and the disease maybe come more serious because of different weather.

    Solution to Stop Global Warming
    Now there are solutions that we can stop global warming. However we human and governments need to move forward to implement the global warming solutions. To reduce global warming we can do to reduce the contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Therefore, the solutions that we can reduce global warming are reducing gasoline, electricity and our activities that cause global warming.

    To reduce gasoline mean we have a choice to choose a hybrid car that reduce using gasoline. Besides, petrol price are increasing. If a person everyday drives to work they need to pump petrol after 3 days and causes carbon dioxide. Another way to reduce gasoline is take public transport or carpool to work. It can help reduce carbon dioxide and save cost.

    Another way to reduce global warming is recycle. Recycle can reduce garbage by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers or glass. For instance, when we buy foods, we can use our own containers instead of plastic bags. Another example is after finish drinking the water from the bottle; we can reuse it or use our own bottle. If all this is being reuse, human can reduce deforestation and help save environment. Besides, turn off electricity if unused. It can save thousands of carbon dioxide and buy product that have energy saving because it saves cost and save environment.

    Finally, human should stop open burning such as burning dry leafs or burning garbage. It will release carbon dioxide and toxic if burning garbage with plastic. Besides, government should reduce deforestation because the earth temperatures are increasing. Trees will help to improve the temperature on earth.

    Overall of this assignment, I have understood that our earth is "sick". We humans need to "heal" the earth. Global Warming have causes many problem for human but we human who make global warming happens. Many people have died because of disease or disaster. It also affects the economics of the country. However, we need to be reduce the global warming by using less gasoline, recycle and human should help to reduce global warming instead of making the earth temperature increased. Our generation should start taking care of the earth because in the next generation they will suffer if we do not do reduce global warming. Therefore, global warming is a serious issue now. As a business student we are learning it because we need to understand the effect of climate change that will affect us when we have our business and we can start saving the earth.
    oneredbill64 likes this.
  7. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    U need to type it urself and be original, sryy no entry
    Glenncrafter likes this.
  8. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    1. IGN MarcosSegon
    2. "Global warm is a chinese tale" -Donut Trumpet 2017
    3. because shrooms
    4. yahya the final form
    5. @Major_Lue smells like rotten lues
    6. im poor plez ;n;
    7. slatud and grion, also jamla
    8. because i dont give a fuck
    9. 2924
    10. no u
    11. sure
    12. dab because im too lazy to draw a lapiz larz
    potato. A haiku about larzlapiz pokeballs that are way too colorful
  9. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    No not complete
  10. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    wat how
  11. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    12+ sentence per essay and original I need good homework grades
    Glenncrafter likes this.
  12. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    *links wikipedia images with 30 memes in each picture*
    does this count?
  13. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    No u need very original and 12 sentence essays ty
  14. PotatoShaga

    PotatoShaga Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    can you check my new global warming essay? and approve that its correct pls ty
  15. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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  16. oneredbill64

    oneredbill64 I'm not a traveled adventurer... VIP+

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    I seriously cannot believe this... over 2.5k words
  17. Tsunderes

    Tsunderes A2 <3

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    It doesn't even have good grammar lmao
  18. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    It's just copy and paste it doesn't count
  19. Tsunderes

    Tsunderes A2 <3

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    GaryIsAdopted likes this.
  20. tedandsteve

    tedandsteve WWW| Wynncraft Wooper Warrior.

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    1. tedandsteve
    2. Global warming is how the world is getting warming every minute. Global warming is mainly caused by pollution and humans. It happens because of the greenhouse effect in our ozone layer. Soon our glaciers will be melted because of global warming. Plus humans suck because were dying cause of global warming. Global warming also can kill our plants. Kill oxygen. Rip H2O. we will become extinct as well. Fossil fuels equals trash we die. burning wood makes us die faster no leave. too much CO2. To finish it off every where prob like 70 degrees at least right now. Global warming is bad
    3. Dabbing is amazing cause u show off the dance moves. Easy dab make 100 points. dabbing make your teachers dab. I made my English teacher dab. Its also makes you more famous. Dab more equals more likes. also my math teacher showed me a dab equation. dabbing make you look good. awesome. amazing. You also look like a nerd but who cares dabbing makes you smarter. Dabbing is awesome and nice. Plus dab is a fish so that's also nice
    4. LapisLazuli
    5. bad
    6. money
    7. Grain
    8. Amadel a person that is a retard and wanted to give us free mythics. PEople are being fat and getting free mythics from this guy/gal/thing(don't know its gender).He is super dumb because amadel is suppost to be a hard boss for level 70s. There are fat level 100 tho seating at amadel. Amadel. is. very. dumb. giving. mythics. that. are. suppost. to. be. earn. by. loot. runs. and. legit. mobs.
    9. A number 2189(slap my face on the numpad)
    10. probably
    11. did
    12. https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1T6ilaTsXilK4IW03Mj_N89rzDUxkkuQY7VnuLbM8EdY/edit?usp=sharing
    13. larzlapiz needs those good pokeballs.
    you should get in my pokeball.
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