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Media This Is Beginning To Trigger Me.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by xKar, Oct 5, 2017.

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  1. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    And what would that accomplish? Refactoring configs will only make them run smoother.
    Stag2001 likes this.
  2. xKar

    xKar hello wants up CHAMPION

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    why would it slow things down tho? a patchwork team would work only on fixing what is in the live servers, you cant work on something if its broken, + it would stall some time for the mass update team to build, and continue creating the storyline. But what i find weird is when you said the configuration files cant allow you to fix or put some files in the live servers separately, because I have played hundreds of minecraft servers that can insert and fix files separately. So is there no way possible to make the game's config files to make them adapt with the system I've suggested?
  3. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    I think the quest buildup, early to endgame, is shit on its own
  4. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    That means there's only part of the team working on the main updates. We already -have- a QA team to fix things like the 1x1 holes or barriers that's separate from the GMs, the issue is that once the main team starts their work the QA's work won't be seen until the next update unless we erase the main team's work. From what I've heard about the refactor, it only is smoothing out the code, not separating configs.
  5. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    I hate to agree. I've been playing for 4 years and whilst waiting for updates is inevitable, waiting for 6 months and knowing next to nothing about the next update is really annoying.
    I don't know how replayability could be improved unless more classes are added, but that's very difficult to do and extremely unlikely to happen.
    One of the most fun things for me in Wynncraft is exploring new places and finding their secrets and doing the quests in that area to find out even more about the place; unfortunately, Wynncraft have build a huge area of land, which is good, but it means that when quests are added in Molten Heights and Sky Islands years after Gavel, I'm not going anywhere new.

    The biggest worry I have is that they have a "set map" in mind, and will "finish" the map and then fill it with content later on (this is far into the future anyway) and then people will totally lose interest if updates just become a few new quests and a new re-vamped quest. Powders were fantastic and added a huge new element to the game, so things like them help keep it fresh and not stagnate later on hopefully though.
  6. Villageacules

    Villageacules Famous Adventurer HERO

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    2 content teams? How are we supposed to split grian into 2 different people?
  7. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    With a chainsaw
  8. Grian

    Grian Map designer, Content MD & Wynncraft founder Media GM Builder

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    I agree. The game is stale.

    There are reasons for that - and it's not anything we're not aware of.
    We'll hopefully have some more news for you very soon about this very topic, but i'm not sure when.

    Please don't blame the content team for this, they are the reason Wynn's had any content at all over the past year.

    Sorry I can't say more at this point, but know your opinions are not unfounded and not unrecognized and we'll hopefully be able to explain in more detail in the future.

  9. Totum

    Totum watching mythics lose value HERO

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    hype train yesss
    GaryIsAdopted and ThomAnn100 like this.
  10. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    my problem in general is the lack of things to do
    end game... i never enjoyed late game quests to be honest, they all looked pretty much the same to me:
    -Hey you ur high lvl pick this item and give it to this boi
    -Hey ty for getting it for me but its not the right item so go find the rite one
    -Hey fite against this strong mob friendo, u got dis if u got patience
    -Noice, now get your 2M XP and your 3LE and disappear from here
    thats how i feel most quests are

    about gameplay... the thing is, classes rarely are fun because:
    1. the spells arent specially WOAH, and its hard to make an entertaining combo with them
    2. without mana, it is the most boring thing ever, because no mana = no spells = no combos = boring click spam gameplay

    about grinding... trust me, i have come to frozen heights like 3 times overhyped for stuff and after 10 minutes i quit the grinding because of how boring and time consuming it was
    grinding can be fun, but it needs a bit of variability and not costing 5 years of your life

    if we talk about replayability, the main problem is that your first class feels like a magic experience, just like the rest of games
    yet after completing it once, you feel how it became a lot more boring because you already found a good part of the stuff out, meaning the magic is lost
    examples of games where i felt that? Cave Story, any pokemon/M&L game, Undertale, Terraria, Spore, Starbound...
    in general, the replayability depends on if you can feel the magic still in the next run, something games like terraria or starbound lose until a new update comes

    also guilds... eh... uhm... we already know the situation of this

    tl;dr these are my problems quests are all the same basically, gameplay lacks movement and the possibility of combos, grinding lacks rewarding and makes you feel like you are wasting your time after 10 minutes, and the magic of the game is lost after the first time you reach lvl 100, and guilds are just a buggy mess that can only be useful as a permanent global party
    SwampyWillis and GaryIsAdopted like this.
  11. Flyingfrogs

    Flyingfrogs Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    But the problem i don't get is that if you understand that the game is stale why do you keep releasing the same content? Sometimes the simple things are the best for example guild war system with pvp or maybe a pvp arena of any sort!. Its time to stop with PVE this isn't a single player game!
  12. Psychomentalist

    Psychomentalist Time is not on my side HERO

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    These long posts are the first two that I didn't tl;dr because of their high quality.
    T-Flex likes this.
  13. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    Well that's good that there is a level of understanding that you guys have, but why, every single time, must these things be shrouded in mystery?

    It's understandable when its a gameplay element that you want to be a mystery, like the ??? quest... but when it's about the satisfaction of the playerbase and letting them know that a game's flaws have been addressed, its going to work out and things will be worked on... why does it have to be like a one-way glass wall every time?
    And it's not like this is the first time a thread like this has been made, and the same card is always played, "Yes, we know. We are working on it." Yes, but how? And when will it be ready for presentation? Those answers, at least for me, are way worse than silence. Because, when these threads have popped up, NOTHING has really happened to change the game for the better. Actually no, for the last sneak-peak there was an image of an updated Troms build. Oh cool, we can look at it and say wow they updated the building for a solid 5 seconds before getting bored of it. I just wish updates of updates and sneak peaks had a bit more meat in them.

    Why can't you guys just explain in detail now? What have you guys been doing? Surely plans to solve issues have been addressed for a good while now if you literally agree the game is stale. There's always a soon, a later, an 'in the future' anouncement. And almost every time there really isn't anything to follow up that promise.

    I just really hope that this announcement is a real one this time, and that you guys have some rabbits left in your magic hats...
  14. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    What I think they could do to get some hype, not leave us in the dark completely and take some of the boredom out of the community while still not spoiling the updates is giving us a few enigmatic pictures or messages.

    For example, since I think they're reworking troms, then they could do something like this:

    Salted: Man, I really enjoy spending my aftrtnoon drinking tea and playing my rom of Rework.

    Then people would probably react like this:

    Community: Wait.. tea.. rom.. trom.. rework.. TROMS IS GETTING REWORKED OMG HYPE HYPE.

    Or maybe posting a picture of a block of mycelium with a sign that says "D" and bellow the picture say something like 'it's dark here'.

    Then the community would react like this:

    Community: D.. dark.. Dern is dark.. D E R N C O N F I R M E D.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
    Gegaba likes this.
  15. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Agree, having teasers once in a while would be nice, just like what they did for Halloween last year and also the few weeks before Gavel's release.
    Gegaba likes this.
  16. Ice Guy

    Ice Guy I'm a little too icy for you VIP

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    well, for one that hype will last for pretty much a day at max, and for two I'm more talking about gameplay updates, not build reworks and new areas.
  17. Grian

    Grian Map designer, Content MD & Wynncraft founder Media GM Builder

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    Have you ever considered that we know something you don't? I don't mean that in an off-standish way, but we are clearly acting with reason.

    We try to learn from our mistakes best we can. You keep saying stuff like "Why don't you just tell us when it will be ready?"

    Well how long is a piece of string? We don't know. Its an arbitrary question. We could make an entire update without a single issue, and it still take a month longer than predicted. We could have every issue in the book, accidentally delete everything on the build server and still make it on time. There is no way to predict how long these things take because we can not foresee all the problems that come with it.

    Why don't we release more teasers? Because of the no mans sky scenario. We had a similar problem with Gavel. It was over hyped. We did frequent streams, progress reports, talked about everything coming out. And hey guess what - updates sound a lot better on paper than in practice. So when people play, there is disappointment. It's far better that there are no expectations, so you cant be disappointed if something we talk about isn't there.

    In answer to why theres a "future announcement" have you even considered that we've not settled things behind the scenes? that there IS no announcement at this time. That some information is sensitive and not appropriate for public or will be seen the wrong way? Of course you didn't consider that, because from an outsiders perspective, every solution is so easy. "Just do this, just do that". Well, we KNOW the solutions to the games problems and for one reason or another, we cant implement it yet. There is also good reason not to make it all public too.

    You want to know whats coming in the new update? More quests and some lore trinkets. That's it. No new gameplay features. I've actually previously talked about the reasoning briefly in threads, about this refactor. Theres obviously more to it, but I'm not saying more at this point because there is no more information that is appropriate for the public yet. Again, there will be an announcement to come to put everything on the table, but until we know what that thing is to put on the table, we'll be working behind the scenes.


    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
  18. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    eh, you forgot the lore of wynn is that everyone works together to stop corruption so it makes sense its all about PVE

    i also like PVE stuff tho
    SwampyWillis likes this.
  19. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Is it possible for you to confirm any fixes/balancing in the update? Particularly that of Mythic items? Do not get me wrong, I'm looking forward to this update, but me and other people have been wanting balance changes to Mythic items for a long time.
    BuffAirSpear and Pokextreme like this.
  20. Grian

    Grian Map designer, Content MD & Wynncraft founder Media GM Builder

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    I'm genuinely the wrong person to ask about this.. I know as much about the items in this game as i know about rocket science. Best person to bring this up with and discuss is @Selvut283
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