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Community Event Mythic Dagger Giveaway

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by GaryIsAdopted, Oct 1, 2017.



  1. Larzlapiz dabs on haters

    80 vote(s)
  2. Larzlapiz doesn't dab on haters

    41 vote(s)
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  1. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    im too lazy to post ids but it's rlly bad inferno with no rerolls.

    To enter giveaway u must post this


    1. IGN
    2. A full fledged essay about global warming(not a sentence, atleast 12 sentences, the more detailed the better)
    3. Another essay about why dabbing is amazing (same rules as first essay)
    4. A different name for @LarzLapiz
    5. What @Major_Lue smells like
    6. Why u want mythic
    7. Favorite owner of server (grain slated jlamma)
    8. Another essay about why amadel is stupid(same rules as first one)
    9. A number 1-5000
    10. Are you gay
    11. Vote on poll
    12. An original drawing of larzlapiz or dab
    13. A haiku about larzlapiz pokeballs

    If u don't write essay u don't get entry in giveaway

    Ya hf
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2017
    Sku, Memoza, Glenncrafter and 10 others like this.
  2. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    1. IGN XX_FreeDHD_YT
    2. A full fledged essay about global warming(not a sentence, atleast 12 sentences, the more detailed the better)
    donald trump will turn red if global warning gets too bad

    3. Another essay about why dabbing is amazing (same rules as first essay) Dabbing makes people die inside

    4. A different name for @LarzLapiz
    5. What @Major_Lue smells like idk
    6. Why u want mythic so i can sell it
    7. Favorite owner no one
    8. Another essay about why amadel is stupid(same rules as first one) Breaks rule #3 and fucks up eco

    9. A number 1-5000 4999
    10. Are you gay no
    11. Vote on poll no
    12. An original drawing of larzlapiz or dab <o/
  3. Goosey

    Goosey I am a geese VIP+

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    1: renard_gris
    2: global warming is bad and should not exist I can stop it vote for me 2020
    3: dabbing should burn in hell
    4: LapizLarz
    5: he smells like Major_Lue
    6: I don't want it
    7: youtube
    8: amadel is broken and should not drop items
    9: 69
    10: only for Pepo
    11: voted
    12: bad
    Aya, Tisaun, KiliE2001 and 2 others like this.
  4. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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    1. WayvernX
    2. I. Think. Global. Warming. Is. Bad. I. Don't. Know. What. Else. To. Say.
    3. Dabbing. Is. Good. And. I. Always. Dab. On. The. Haters. Dab. Dab.
    4. @GayDude
    5. Gay
    6. Why not
    7. Salted
    8. Amadel. Is. Stupid. Because. It. Gives. Out. Too. Many. Mythics. And. Ruins. Prices.
    9. 1523
    10. Yes
    11. Ok
    12. image.png
    Obviously original and Piffley didn't make it at all
    Risu, KiliE2001 and LarzLapiz like this.
  5. cara

    cara umu spam VIP+

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    1. septxember
    2. hello 12 lines
    3. hello more than 12 lines
    4. ParzPapiz
    5. Bad
    6. It is cool and good
    7. Yes
    8. haiku for u
    max walk speed strati
    amadel is cool and bad
    i have no money
    9. 2501
    10. no
    11. yes
    12. <o/
    give me mythics and money
    Mouse :) and LarzLapiz like this.
  6. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    Creator Karma:
    2. Global warming isn't cool. There once was a sheep named Jeff. And his field got warmed up by global warming. Then he caught on fire cause global warming. Then he jumped into a river to cook off. Then the river evaporated. jeff then went to the north pole. Then it melted underneath him. Then jeff died. Then the planet exploded. Jeff then became a space sheep. Jeff then destroyed everything. The end
    3. Because <o/. <o/. <o/.<o/.<o/.<o/.<o/.<o/.<o/.<o/.<o/.<o/.<o/.
    4. Lapizdabboi_PVP_yt
    5. Smells of carrots
    6. I could use an inferno for a build I got
    7. Salted
    8. Hes a filthy villager. Villagers suck. They have ugly unibrows. THEY STEAL EMERALDSJDNKDDEJND. They smell of toasters. Amadel is also a CRYSTAL STEALING VILLAGER. We need to throw villagers in volcanos. Yes. This is the end of the essay. Oh wait it isnt. Let's burn down gavel. And make the villagers pay for it. :D.
    9. 1337
    10. nah
    11. Done

    |0 0|
    <| 0|/ dab
    /\ @LarzLapiz

    13. Larz is hot
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2017
  7. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    I wrote my essay in invisible ink, you have to shine a UV light on it to view it
    GaryIsAdopted likes this.
  8. LarzLapiz

    LarzLapiz Avos Air Pen HERO

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    1. LarzLapiz
    2. sure
    3. of course
    4. pro
    5. intensities
    6. idk
    7. penguin7299
    8. sux dix
    9. like 118
    10. probably
    11. hmmmm
    Risu, Sku, Tisaun and 5 others like this.
  9. Penguin7922

    Penguin7922 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. xxx_XXX_Some_Noob_sableye420_69_XXX_xxx


    global warming
    1. a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants.
    3. DAbbing is the best because JP dabs and he is betetr than you because you are a dumb hater doesnt give you tHe RgihT tO diSs HiM cAUse he IS beTteR thaN yOu anD YUO JUST HATE CAUSE YOU ARE DUMB DUMB AND YOU DESERVE TO GET HATE CAUSE YOU HATE JAKE PAUL AND JP DOESNT DESERVE IT BECAUSE HE DABS WITH FIDGET SPINNERS.

    Yours sincerely,

    4. Carpus (he loves it)

    5. fidget spinners

    6. i want to make a really cool original build with inferno, stardust, bpa, vaward and gaea hewn

    7. Logan Paul

    8. amadel is stupid beacause i spend hours on end grinding and loot running with lb gear that i have spent le on and i still havent gotten a stupid mythic, meanwhile some guy just gets 2 mythics in 2 days for putting in 100% effort and amadel rules

    9. 7299

    10. I identify as a "jake_paulers"

    11. No fu

    12. https://imgur.com/arZ2fzV who did this???
    LarzLapiz and GaryIsAdopted like this.
  10. SlyamPoetry

    SlyamPoetry dedicated pikotaro fan!!!!! CHAMPION

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    1. IGN: xSlyam
    When people ask me what I think about global warming, this is what I tell them:

    I'm pro-global warming. That is, I'm for it - I think it should happen, and that we should accelerate it by any means necessary.

    I know that this is not what people typically believe about global warming. If you ask most people, they'll tell you that they're against it, or that it doesn't exist. I'm actually in favor of global warming - I am a global warming advocate.

    Anyone can tell you what the potential downsides of global warming are, but something almost nobody ever discusses are the potential benefits. I don't want to get too deep into this right now, but just off the top of my head: No more Los Angeles. No more Miami. No more New York City. Most of the big urban centers all over the world will be snuffed out, and the rest of us can finally live in peace.

    Oh, and there'll be a lot more beaches, I imagine. I don't know, I'm not really an expert on how the Earth works.

    But seriously, global warming is bad >:C

    The origins of dabbing were very shaky but it is credited to Skippa da Flippa, Peewee Longway, Jose Guapo, and Rich the Kid; which only takes one look at their appearance to tell that their SHINING, AWESOMENESS, AMAZINGPEOPLEIST, which is only fitting that they are the ones that spread such an AWESOME gesture. But that was only the tip of the iceberg.

    See how the "dabbing" gesture is made. It is made by putting both of your hands on the right side of your body and then hiding your face with your outstretched arms tilted a bit up. The gesture clearly depicts a man DABBING ON THOSE FILTHY HATERS, IT'S WONDERFUL.

    This also depicts this Scripture:

    Quote: Isaiah 59:2| But your inquiries have made a CONNECTION between you and your God, and your GOOD DEEDS have SHOWN his face to you so that he MAY HEAR.

    The man doing the "dab" clearly depicts A WORK OF ART, A WORK OF GOD HIMSELF. IT IS HOLY, MY DUDES.

    Isn't that enough evidence to show that "dabbing" is a way of showing allegiance to GOD? It may even rival that of the AWESOMENESS behind "Watch Me Whip, Watch Me Nae Nae." So remember, Demonstrating Christ's Bow is a good symbol disguised as another silly dance craze, do allow your children, or the fellow sons of Christ to DO THE DAB MY FRIENDS.

    To be honest though, instead of an unoriginal copypasta, the dab was probably some YouTuber with the majority of their fanbase being kids, so it might have been that way, they dabbed on camera, and bam, viral. But dabbing is still great, it expresses emotion and how much you want to shrug off the haters, or on how much you want to celebrate succeeding at something. Actually, it might make a good dance move. Just imagine doing a head spin while dabbing.

    4. Stag2001 x ImpulseLlama
    5. Purple glitter.
    6. Ampoor and I need something to sell also I need it to BURN THE WITCH AT THE STAKE
    7. Jumla, he said hi to me
    8. Amadel is stupid. Why? He's abused for filthy afk grinding. Think of the economy! It's broke asf, and you'll break it even more if you afk grind amadel. He wasn't even supposed to drop items!
    I'm legit serious about this one though. Amadel wasn't meant to be afk grindable. It's ruining the economy, and ruining amadel too.
    He worked hard to make those clones! >:C
    Also you ruined his mining activities like 3 times, and then you kill an innocent evil villain. Rude, smh.
    9. 1337
    10. Yes and I will report u for being homophobic if I dont win >:<
    11. I just did
    12. http://prntscr.com/gs4kru
    LarzLapiz is great
    The most op pokemanz

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2017
    Greeni, dead zeffe, Mouse :) and 6 others like this.
  11. Hephaestus

    Hephaestus Hypothetical Build Maker | Avos Air Arceus VIP+

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    1) summitwei

    2) How would you feel if you were told that your house would go under water in several years? You would probably feel outrage, or be upset. Maybe you would do anything you could to prevent or slow this action down.
    This is exactly the problem that faces many coastline communities - global warming. Global warming is a huge issue right now. There are several initiatives being made to slow global warming down, such as the Paris Climate Accords. This accord spans almost all countries in the world. One country which does not support the Climate Accords is America.
    Donald Trump dropped out of the Climate Accords, stating that he believed it was bad for America. In fact, however, the opposite is true; the Climate Accords can only help America battle against climate change, which is most definitely a thing. It pains me when my president refuses to believe as simple of a phenomenon such as climate change does not exist.

    3) Dabbing is an action that has existed for years, but has only recently gained a significant amount of popularity. This gain of popularity is one of the best things that has ever happened to the world. Now, instead of saying "i dont like you" to haters, one can simply dab on them. This simple action conveys a multitude of meanings. <o/
    Some experts claim that dabbing can be seen as a current "fad", something that will eventually pass. I sincerely hope that it never will. \o>
    The term "dab" carries a dual meaning: it also refers to a way to smoke marijuana (yes, I looked this up). So the phrase "smoke weed every day" can also mean "dab every day". I personally believe that this meaning is better. <o/
    Overall, dabbing is an amazing action and you should do it whenever possible. \o>

    4) The user with ID 153714363881095168 on Discord (just take my word for it)

    5) Major_Lue smells purple. (To someone with synesthesia.)

    6) I want this mythic to 1) Test out a certain Inferno build I made, 2) If it was Amadel grinded, throw it into lava, and 3) Sell it, I guess

    7) grain

    8) The question asks why Amadel grinding is stupid. However, I believe the exact opposite - that Amadel grinding is GREAT! In fact, here is a three-step process on how you can make your life grinding Amadel much better, and most importantly, guilt-free.
    Step one: Go to Amadel
    Step two: Type /kill
    Step three: Go lootrun or do something else that's actually within the groundrules of the game and not glitch abusive

    With this easy three-step process, you'll be getting Pures upon Pures in no time! But don't take my word for it: see for yourself! Call 1-800-273-8255 today to order our very own Amadel Grinding Pack™! If you order now, we'll also throw in our free Apoc Glitch Abuse Build Guide™, so that you can slaughter bosses just as effectively as you can slaughter Shadow Amadel. But don't wait, this offer expires soon™! Order now before it's too late!!!!!

    oops too late

    (Credits to me and not 0405)

    9) 405

    10) Yes

    11) Done

    12) [​IMG]

    13) I threw Poke balls
    One of them hit LarzLapiz
    Who's that Pokemon
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
  12. Yummy_Duck

    Yummy_Duck Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. IGN: Yummy_Duck
    2. A full fledged essay about global warming: I believe that global warming is real. Global warning is a thing that most people do not believe.Global warming is exactly what it sounds like,the warming of the globe. Global warming is basically climate change, except global warming is rapidly changing, and unpredictably too. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that are capable of absorbing infrared radiation, which trap and hold heat in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are responsible for the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming. Humans are the cause of global warming. Humans have made factories, which pump out greenhouse gases. Global warming effects many things. Global warming effects the climate, plants, and animals. Global warming needs to be stopped.
    3. Another essay about why dabbing is amazing: Dabbing is amazing. Many celebrities like to dab. I bet the Kardashians dab, so since they do it you should too. Dabbing helps me feel like I'm on top of the world. Dabbing has made me go through the most toughest situations in my life. When my dog was on his death bed, I dabbed to make me feel happy. I dabbed to make everyone happy. Dabbing doesnt just help me emotionally, but it helped me physically. My arms get a real workout from dabbing. Dabbing has helped me lose 50 pounds. Dabbing has also cured my depression, and i reccomend it for everyone of all ages.
    4. A different name for @LarzLapiz: DabsDapiz
    5. What @Major_Lue smells like: YEAAAST
    6. Why u want mythic: Assasin is my 2nd favorite class and i want a mythic for it plz plz plz i dont have any mythics
    7. Favorite owner of server: jumla
    8. Another essay about why amadel is stupid: Amadel is so stupid. Amadel has given me stress, anxiety, and depression. Amadel is a part of the Wynnexcavation quests, which are terrible. People also like to abuse Amadel. People just go in his room, and start afk grinding. And when they afk grind, they can get a lot of mythics. I have never found a mythic in my life, and i blame Amadel for that. Amedel is so stupid that i can solo him in like 5 minutes. Amadel is as easy as my mom. Amedel deserves to be taken out of this game. Amadel is a cancerous toxic being. Amadel is stupid.
    9. A number 1-5000: 3478
    10. Are you gay: no
    11. Vote on poll: VOTED
    13: gotta catch them all
    larzlapiz pokeball is
    as fun as all heck

    LarzLapiz and GaryIsAdopted like this.
  13. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    1. IGN

    2. A full fledged essay about global warming(not a sentence, atleast 12 sentences, the more detailed the better)

    One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is having a heating effect on the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerous for human life. This essay will examine the problem of global warming and suggest some ways of solving the problem.

    Many problems could result from global warming. One of the biggest problems is rising sea level. This could result in the flooding of low lying coastal areas and cities, such as Egypt, the Netherlands, and Bangladesh. Some countries might even disappear completely! Another problem caused by global warming is changes in weather patterns. Many areas of the world are experiencing increased hurricanes, floods, and other unusual weather. A third problem associated with global warming is the effect on animals. Fish populations could be affected, while some insects which spread disease might become more common.

    There are several things we can do to solve the problem of global warming. One solution is to stop producing C02. We can do this by switching from oil, coal and gas to renewable energy. Another solution is to plant more trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which is not a greenhouse gas. A third solution is to use less energy and to recycle more products. Generating electricity is one of the main sources of carbon dioxide. If we use less electricity, we will produce less C02.

    In conclusion, if we make small changes now in the way we live, we can avoid huge changes in the future. Scientists, governments and individuals must work together to overcome this threat.

    3. Another essay about why dabbing is amazing (same rules as first essay)

    Dabbing, or the Dab, is a simple dance move in which a person drops the head into the bent crook of a slanted arm, often while raising the opposite arm in a parallel direction but out straight. Since 2015, it has also been used as a gesture of triumph or playfulness, becoming a youthful American cultural sensation and Internet meme.

    The Dab was used by Michael Jackson in 1987 as can clearly be seen at the 8:23 mark of the Smooth Criminal music video.

    The Dab was later popularized and named in the Atlanta hip-hop scene in the 2010s, but there was initially disagreement about who originated it as a named dance move. Artists initially mentioned as possible originators include Migos, Skippa Da Flippa, Peewee Longway, Jose Guapo and Rich The Kid. The controversy was cleared up when fellow QC labelmate OG Maco called out Migos for saying they were the creators when it was actually Skippa Da Flippa. Though Migos later agreed that Skippa was the originator of the dance, they were unhappy with the way Maco handled the situation.

    American rapper Bow Wow attempted to explain the origin of the Dab dance, saying it derived from the cannabis dabbers community, which started in about 2012, before the dance move. He was met with opposition from other rappers who immediately took to Twitter to insult and disprove his claims.

    In 2015, the Dab rose to national prominence in the United States. As XXL magazine reported in August 2015, "What started as a regional down South adlib is quickly becoming a masterful maneuver in clubs and on street corners. It’s called dabbin’." Jason Derulo taught James Corden how to Dab during the November 4, 2015 edition of "Carpool Karaoke" on The Late Late Show with James Corden.

    The Dab gained popularity in U.S. sports following an eight-second celebratory Dab by Cam Newton, football quarterback for the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League, during a game against the Tennessee Titans on November 15, 2015. According to a Sports Illustrated account of the incident, "hen two Titans players confronted about the celebration, he continued to dance in their faces, even as he backed away." Newton explained the incident by crediting a 16-year-old for instructing him to "Dab on them folks":

    I'm a firm believer that if you don't like me to do it then don't let me in ... I just like doing it, man. It's not to be boastful, and from the crowd's response they like seeing it. ... Tell me what to do "Dab on them folks," so I tried "Dab on them folks," in that tone too. "Dab on them folks." He's only like 16, but he's got an Adam's apple out of this world.

    It was later confirmed that the 16-year-old was Newton's younger brother Caylin. On June 9, 2016, Cam Newton announced that he would no longer perform the celebration. However, he dabbed again on November 13, 2016 after a touchdown against the Kansas City Chiefs, nearly a year after his initial Dab against the Titans.

    4. A different name for @LarzLapiz


    5. What @Major_Lue smells like

    like a new book that does not fold very well

    6. Why u want mythic

    I really want an inferno for my assassin build and I put a lot of effort into this haha, took me 50 minutes to write both essays.

    7. Favorite owner of server (grain slated jlamma)

    probably slated.

    8. Another essay about why amadel is stupid(same rules as first one)

    because kandakuu does it

    9. A number 1-5000


    10. Are you gay

    no u

    11. Vote on poll

    is that a question but ok

    12. An original drawing of larzlapiz or dab


    13. A haiku about larzlapiz pokeballs

    Dab - A Haiku
    by larzlapiz
    Cooling aurora
    A tiny, fat dab dab right
    by the pokeballs

    the end
  14. Totum

    Totum watching mythics lose value HERO

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    IGN: Totum
    I. Think. This. Will. Amount. To. 12. Sentences. About. Global. Warming. It. Is. Very. Bad.
    Dabbing. Is. Cool. Because. It. Is. A. Normie. Meme. But. No one. That. Is. Cool. Enough. To. Play. Wynn. Would. Do. It.
    larzlapiz more like LargeLapiz
    major_lue smells like a shoe
    I want this mythic because I’m just another piece of normie garbage that played since 2 months ago :(
    Amadeus. Sucks. Because. People. Get. 91. Startis. From. That. Shiz. It. Makes. Me. Rage.
    I wanted to be
    A normie lapis however
    A pokeball caught me
  15. CRE2525

    CRE2525 The trade market is a cruel place VIP

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    2.One of the biggest problems facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is having a heating effect on the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerous for human life. This essay will examine the problem of global warming and suggest some ways of solving the problem.

    Many problems could result from global warming. One of the biggest problems is rising sea level. This could result in the flooding of low lying coastal areas and cities, such as Egypt, the Netherlands, and Bangladesh. Some countries might even disappear completely! Another problem caused by global warming is changes in weather patterns. Many areas of the world are experiencing increased hurricanes, floods, and other unusual weather. A third problem associated with global warming is the effect on animals. Fish populations could be affected, while some insects which spread disease might become more common.

    There are several things we can do to solve the problem of global warming. One solution is to stop producing C02. We can do this by switching from oil, coal and gas to renewable energy. Another solution is to plant more trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, which is not a greenhouse gas. A third solution is to use less energy and to recycle more products. Generating electricity is one of the main sources of carbon dioxide. If we use less electricity, we will produce less C02.

    In conclusion, if we make small changes now in the way we live, we can avoid huge changes in the future. Scientists, governments and individuals must work together to overcome this threat.
    3. very good da da komrade
    4. A different name for @LarzLapiz
    5. Maple syrup, salt and Pepper ships, assorted herbs
    6. So after 100 hours of playing this server, I can say "hooray!"
    7. Salted
    Одна из самых больших проблем, стоящих сегодня перед миром, - глобальное потепление. Многие ученые считают, что наше производство углекислого газа и других парниковых газов оказывает тепловое воздействие на атмосферу, и это может быть очень опасно для жизни человека. В этом эссе будет рассмотрена проблема глобального потепления и предложены некоторые способы решения проблемы.

    Многие проблемы могут возникнуть в результате глобального потепления. Одной из самых больших проблем является повышение уровня моря. Это может привести к затоплению низменных прибрежных районов и городов, таких как Египет, Нидерланды и Бангладеш. Некоторые страны могут даже полностью исчезнуть! Другой проблемой, вызванной глобальным потеплением, являются изменения в погодных условиях. Многие районы мира испытывают повышенные ураганы, наводнения и другие необычные погодные условия. Третьей проблемой, связанной с глобальным потеплением, является воздействие на животных. Население рыбы может быть затронуто, в то время как некоторые насекомые, которые распространяют болезни, могут стать более распространенными.

    Есть несколько вещей, которые мы можем сделать для решения проблемы глобального потепления. Одним из решений является прекращение производств2. Мы можем это сделать, переключаясь с нефтью, углем и газом на возобновляемые источники энергии. Другое решение - посадить больше деревьев. Деревья поглощают углекислый газ и производят кислород, который не является парниковым газом. Третье решение - использовать меньше энергии и перерабатывать больше продуктов. Выработка электроэнергии является одним из основных источников углекислого газа. Если мы будем использовать меньше электроэнергии, мы будем производить меньше .

    В заключение, если мы сейчас сделаем небольшие изменения в том, как мы живем, мы можем избежать больших изменений в будущем. Ученые, правительства и отдельные лица должны работать вместе, чтобы преодолеть эту угрозу.
    9. 3141
    10. no
    11. #2
    13. Pokeballs: amazing.
    Why is Lapis a meme lol?
    Soviet Russia!
    GaryIsAdopted likes this.
  16. Diero

    Diero Diero HERO

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    1. Diero
    2. Global warming is the global getting warmer because i'm too hot
    3. dabbing is very amazing, larz has made me believe in dabism, dabbing is where you put your hands on a dab formation where ou dab
    4. JakePaul
    6.i like mythics, they satisfy me
    8.amadel isn't stupid, but amadel grinding is, it abooses the poor amadels #SaveShadowAmadel
    9. 4999
    10. No, i'm not larz
    11. larz dabs on haters
    12. https://imgur.com/a/X2yKC
    13. i love larz (poke)balls
  17. DerVillager

    DerVillager Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Yea that are totally 169% true facts.
    dead zeffe likes this.
  18. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

    Likes Received:
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    • MegaCoquin
    • Global. Warming. Is. Bad. For. Many. Reasons. Like. Polar. Bears. Dying. We. Should. Torture. Donald. Trump.
    • I. Don't. Know. Why. People. Love. Dabbing. It. Is. One. Of. The. Most. Cancerous. Things.
    • PizLarzip
    • Human
    • Haven't got a mythic in a year
    • Salted
    • Amadel. Breaks. The. Economy. Because. He. Gives. Too. Many. Mythics. And. Makes. People. Richer.
    • 374
    • No
    • I hate dabbing but (┌・。・)┌
    • LarzLapiz ain't gen 1
    • I only know the gen 1s
    • So I won't catch larz
  19. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    1. Celsonic
    2. Gay
    3. Gay
    4. Gay
    5. Gay
    6. Gay
    7. Gay
    8. Gay
    9. Gay
    10. Gay
    11. Gay
    12. Gay
    13. Gay
    GaryIsAdopted likes this.
  20. Tomix

    Tomix og HERO

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    1. Starcry
    Global warming
    Introduction and meaning: The rise in earth’s surface temperature as a consequence of greenhouse effect is called Global Warming.

    The greenhouse gases such as carbon-dioxide and other pollutants absorbs more heat from the sun then it radiates back. This causes an increase in the intensity of heat in atmosphere.

    The thickening of earth atmosphere because of presence of increased carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is called greenhouse effect.

    What causes Global Warming?
    1. Deforestation and industrial emissions result to an increase greenhouse gases (such as carbon-dioxide) around earth’s atmosphere.

    2. These greenhouse gases traps and absorbs atmospheric heat and ultimately causes Global warming (an increase earth’s surface temperature).

    Effects / Impact of Global Warming
    If Global warming continues the world would be in danger. The major effects and impacts of Global Warming are:

    1. Climate Change: Global warming is causing climate change. The world’s is becoming warmer and warmer. There is also prediction of regional climate changes along the ecosystem.

    2. Sea Level Change: One major consequence of global warming arising out of greenhouse effect is the rise in sea level. Four major changes take place prior to this. They are: Thermal expansion, mountain glacier melting, Greenland ice sheet melting and Polar (Arctic and Antarctic) ice sheet melting. Thus, the coastal cities and ports may be submerged under sea-water. Many islands may vanish from the earth surface as well as from the world map.

    3. Water Balance: Although changes in sea-level have received much publicity, problems of water availability are likely to be more serious and perhaps more expensive to solve. In future, warmer world will face water crisis in some parts while in other regions it will be wetter than it is now.

    There is uncertainty regarding regional forecasts of future precipitation as warming of globe makes it difficult to predict. Also, pattern of agricultural changes, or effects on ecosystems in general are fairly unpredictable.

    4. Human Health: The human health is put at risk because of Global warming. In recent years, there have been newer reports of spread of major tropical diseases with changing climate. As the earth becomes warmer, more and more people are likely to be affected by tropical diseases.

    How to prevent Global Warming?
    The problem of Global Warming can be controlled by minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment. The following preventive steps would help save the earth from the harmful effects of Global Warming.

    1. Laws. The Laws that governs pollution and greenhouse gases should be followed.
    2. Reduction in thermal power generating stations. Reduced dependence on thermal power for our electricity need would help towards reducing the quantity if carbon dioxide in the environment. The use of fossil fuels for generating conventional energy is a major of greenhouse gases.
    3. We should not waste paper. We can save paper by keeping documents in electronic format and by not printing emails.
    4. Planting Trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Trees are helpful in reducing the problem of global warming.
    5. Sharing our car. We can share our car while going to office or performing other scheduled activities. On one hand, we will save money, and on the other, we will emit less greenhouse gases.
    On November 15, 2015, the by then no longer exclusive world of memes was fully introduced to a new, partially hated, partially loved meme, a dance move called the "dab." Upon scoring against the Tennessee Titans, the Carolina Panthers' quarterback, Cam Newton, engaged in a post touchdown dance move that would grow in popularity through the internet for the rest of 2015, and into 2016. Newton, however, was not the true originator of the move. Originally, the dab was created for the Atlanta hip-hop scene in 2013. It is executed when an individual places their head into the inside of the elbow of one arm, while simultaneously raising the other arm into the air, as if to cover a sneeze or cough. Though many may see the dab as a useless, idiotic product of the millennial's use of the internet, I see the dab as a case study on what exactly it means to experience life, not just as a millennial, but as a regular, functional member of the human race.

    To start, the phenomenon and popularity of dabbing can be viewed as a clear indicator as to what entertains and excites the general masses of modern society, giving large groups of people something they can all relate to, which, in turn, allows common ground and acceptance to permeate those large groups of people. Celebrities from all walks of entertainment, from film to television to sports arena, have been seen partaking in the act. Tom Hanks, Russell Westbrook, Stevie Wonder and so many others have been seen, "hittin' 'em with that dab." In response, hundreds of thousands of people, young and old, have found entertainment in the dab through videos, Vines, and picture memes. To answer why and how the phenomena spread so quickly, one must simply take into consideration the fact that, if large groups of influential people begin to take part in one, recognizable action, the people influenced by them will begin emulating that action. It may stem from the idea that the average person wants to be accepted, not just by their peers in society, but by the people in higher positions than they find themselves in. Further, to address the former, the average member of society will emulate their peers if they see that doing the same thing as everyone else results in the acceptance so many clamor for. To put it briefly, a majority of normally functioning members of society desire acceptance in one way or the other. Through the shared knowledge of, and the partaking in, the recognizable action of dabbing, many find exactly what they are looking for: common ground and acceptance.

    To tell the truth, (and that, as I said, is the purpose of this blog), dabbing is this: simple, easy to execute, and just plain fun, which are three things that are constantly sought after in the every day happenings of life. Unlike so many dance moves before it, the dab is not reserved specifically for those with an education in hip hop dance, or any dance, for that matter. Though the demographic that the dab is centered on is seemingly millennials and most young people, with most videos recorded of the dab done by the aforementioned group, individuals of all ages have been seen having fun with the dab. To quantify further how broad the audience of the dab is, my thoughts go to the lyrics of artist Macklemore's 2013 contemporary classic, Thrift Shop, ". . . Your grammy, your aunty, your momma, your mammy. . ." Further than this, the dab can be hit during such a HUGE variety of songs that many can claim that it is one of the most dynamic, flexible dance move of all time. Some (though not many) may even claim that it is "timeless." To find reasoning behind this, one must simply take a look at the societal trends that have been taking place over the past few years. Modern society has given way to a mentality that things must be easy and convenient (a thought that I'll discuss in a later post), which is easily seen through not just our memes, but through all our living commodities. Given these points, it can easily be claimed that the dab is a clear illustration of what humans in modern society strive for, that is: simplicity.

    Most importantly, dabbing allows us to laugh, not just at the act itself, but at ourselves, and, in turn, modern society. The very concept of dabbing is somewhat moronic when put under a magnifying glass. In popular culture, "dabbing" originally referred to the process of smoking a very concentrated form of cannabis, an act not generally associated with deep levels of thinking and highly intelligent people (though, bear in mind that there are people who achieve high levels of thinking that regularly smoke weed. I'm not saying there aren't, I just haven't met many). After this, the most recognized meaning of the "dab" among the general populace became a dance move even a child could carry out with ease. It is most commonly used in a joking matter, with very few people using it on the internet to show off actual dancing skill. It has become a typical joke to see those you would not associate with the hip hop dance community, hitting the proverbial dab. The most easily explainable reasoning behind this is that humans enjoy laughter in one way or the other. In this case, laughter is found by partaking in something an individual wouldn't usually associate themselves with, thus experiencing a walk of life they wouldn't otherwise experience. By viewing another walk of life as an outsider, an individual may come to recognize the sometimes idiotic, often inane daily happenings of modern society. At any rate, it is important to laugh at our own society. It allows us to appreciate the lives we live and the little, meaningless things that make up our lives. It is important to enjoy those things. In a sense, the old adage is true: it is important to enjoy the little things.

    In summation, dabbing is just another internet trend. In reality, I could have replaced dabbing with anything from "Damn Daniel," to the new(ish), highly favored Harambe memes. Regardless, the point still stands: to experience the things that modern society holds as exciting, fun, and interesting is important, if not just for acceptance, for the purpose of laughing at our own condition. The condition that sees us assigning meaning and importance behind the most menial of actions. The condition that sees millions finding common ground in something so inane and pointless as internet memes. That's all they are: pointless internet memes. It's the importance we as a civilization assign to them that gives them external meaning. Just as I so deeply look into the meaning behind the popularity of these trends, many put time and effort into reading deeply into things that may not matter in the grand scheme of this thing we call life.

    4. Lapis Lazuli
    5. Peanut butter
    6. Im not rich enough
    7. Jammal
    Its stupid cuz I said so.Its stupid cuz I dont like to fight him.Itz stupid cuz hes mean.Its stupid cuz it has too many forms.Itz stupid cuz kids aboose it and Im too lazy to do that.Itz stupid cuz its on wynn and wynn is boring.Itz stupid cuz Im smart af.Its stupid cuz u dont like it.Its stupid cuz I said so.Its stupid cuz I dont like to fight him.Itz stupid cuz hes mean.Its stupid cuz it has too many forms.Itz stupid cuz kids aboose it and Im too lazy to do that.Itz stupid cuz its on wynn and wynn is boring.Itz stupid cuz Im smart af.Its stupid cuz u dont like it.Its stupid cuz I said so.Its stupid cuz I dont like to fight him.Itz stupid cuz hes mean.Its stupid cuz it has too many forms.Itz stupid cuz kids aboose it and Im too lazy to do that.Itz stupid cuz its on wynn and wynn is boring.Itz stupid cuz Im smart af.Its stupid cuz u dont like it.Its stupid cuz I said so.Its stupid cuz I dont like to fight him.Itz stupid cuz hes mean.Its stupid cuz it has too many forms.Itz stupid cuz kids aboose it and Im too lazy to do that.Itz stupid cuz its on wynn and wynn is boring.Itz stupid cuz Im smart af.Its stupid cuz u dont like it.Its stupid cuz I said so.Its stupid cuz I dont like to fight him.Itz stupid cuz hes mean.Its stupid cuz it has too many forms.Itz stupid cuz kids aboose it and Im too lazy to do that.Itz stupid cuz its on wynn and wynn is boring.Itz stupid cuz Im smart af.Its stupid cuz u dont like it.
    9. 4341
    10. No but @Putrid is
    11. did
    12. its larz dabbing http://prntscr.com/gsb1p4
    13. sorry sir im not weeb idk what haieku is
    orange0404 likes this.
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