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[guide?] The Unofficial And Mostly Complete Timeline Of The Wynncraft Server

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Sep 17, 2017.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Disclaimer: This is a timeline for the server's history, NOT for wynncraft's lore. You can find that thread here.

    Wynncraft has been around for almost five years. Its anniversary may be many months away, but I thought I would celebrate a bit early by making this timeline. It (roughly) shows all the major updates and events that have happened in Wynncraft from 2012 to 2017. As long as this thread and I are on the forums, I will continue to update this timeline.

    "Why did you make this thread though fish? You could have actually been productive with your time!"

    Well, there's a few reasons for this:
    - Nostalgia. Almost everyone here loves nostalgia.
    - This thread could serve as a very basic all-encompassing "what did I miss" response.
    - Could serve as an important reference for some really specific situation.
    - Why not?

    However, I need your help. I can't remember everything that happened, especially since I only started being active in the community in 2014. 9/7 didn't really help me in making this thread either. That's why I'm asking the community for any important dates, events, fixes, changes, and pretty much anything that you think can contribute. Post a reply of something you think should be included/changed in the timeline and I may or may not add it to this thread.

    By "may or may not" here's what I won't add.
    - Threads that aren't extremely popular and/or important. Lotem's book suggestion is probably the bare minimum for what I'll add.
    - Anything controversial. I'm still debating whether or not to add the CSST Ban Wave.
    - Anything Bloomi-related. Ever. Those are the devils. No Seriously. Ever.

    To actually read the timeline, just open the spoilers and enjoy.

    Sometime in MONTH:
    - This refers to an event that happened throughout multiple days in the month, or an event with an unknown date as of right now.

    Red text means I'm not 100% sure about a piece of info or date.



    Nov. 10: The creation of Wynn begins! The first area built is Ragni.


    Dec. 12: The first mob is added to Wynncraft. It is a common emerald trail zombie.

    Sometime/Throughout 2013:
    • A content contest is hosted on the forums, the first of many community events that will occur throughout Wynncraft’s history.


    Jan. 15: Salted makes his first draft of the in-game trade system that we all use today.


    Apr. 29: Wynncraft is released to public.


    May 7: 1.1 Released, coming with various minor changes.

    May 8: 1.2 Released with many small changes.

    May 16: 1.3 Released, adds the Zombie Dungeon and Pigball.

    May 28: 1.4 Released, adds the Silverfish Dungeon and Item Identifier.


    Jun. 29: 1.5, the Pet Update, is added, which features pets, many new items, and a new lobby.


    Jul. 2: 1.6 Released, comes with minor changes and fixes.

    Jul. 6: Official Craftedmovie trailer released, causing many new players to arrive.

    Jul. 31: 1.7 Released, featuring minor improvements to the archer.


    Aug. 8: 1.8 Added, featuring the town of Elkurn

    Aug. 9: 1.8.2 added with minor fixes.


    Sep. 13: The massive Quest Update (1.9) is released, featuring quests, the new city of Troms, and countless amounts of lag and bugs.

    Sep. 14: The Corrupter of Worlds is beaten for the first time by a team of six, leading to a buff in the next patch.


    Oct. 30: 1.10, aka the Ocean Update is launched, which included a large ocean and more importantly, a PvP environment in the Nether.


    Nov. 2: 1.10.1 was released. This was the update that added black horses to V.I.P town.

    Nov. 2: The Wynncraft Wiki was created, needless to say it has come a long way since then!

    Nov. 16: The Confused Farmer quest was released.

    Nov. 22: A promotional video for the ocean update is released.

    Nov. 24: Pets deal 2x damage from this point on.

    Nov. 25: The forums transfer from Vanilla Format to Xenforo format. Everything was pretty much reset, and the forums haven’t changed much since. (See 9/7/15)

    Nov. 26: The Spider Cave quest was released.

    Nov. 28: Grian posts the legend of Bob, one of the first major lore threads he would make.


    Dec. 9: Added a limited addition Snowman Pet and Craftmas quest.

    Dec. 24: The wiki cap is introduced as a way to get more people to join the wiki. I have no clue if this item actually exists in game.


    Jan. 14: 1.11 was announced, which would end up revamping all of the classes’ spells. Music would also be added.

    Jan. 20: V.I.P only beta testing began for the new update.

    Jan. 24: 1.11 is made public, along with controversial nether changes. In the present day, many members agree that it was the most balanced after said changes.

    Jan. 26: Gold Coins are now given out as Nether rewards. Thanks to the EULA, this is no longer a feature.

    Sometime in January:
    • The Craftmas Quest was removed. It has not been seen since.
    • AMAs (Ask me anythings) become popular on the forums, leading to the addition of the ask-permission-for-amas rule.


    Feb. 10: Grian posts another Wynn tales thread. This one is about the Noble House of Twain.

    Sometime in February:
    • The servers have a few issues. Only 9 of the 18 servers can be accessed, and there seem to be more crashes and lag.


    Mar. 5: 1.11.1 adds the infamous Gavel door. From this point forward, production on Gavel begins.

    Mar. 13: Missions are added to the game.

    Sometime in March:
    • Wynn has a massive surge in popularity as several famous Minecraft youtubers start playing on the server.


    Apr. 1: Wynncraft has its first April Fools joke, with an update adding an unremovable pet called Squiggles the Squid.

    Apr. 2: Squiggles is removed.

    Apr. 5: A patch for 1.11 is added, featuring the addition of Loot Chest Tiers. A Loot Chest V has still never been found.

    Apr. 14: Grian posts a “Gavel Hype Train” thread which contained various updates on the progress of Gavel for over a year.

    Apr. 16: The Wynncraft OST is released.

    Apr. 23: Wynncraft gets a new lobby, and its the one we have today.

    Sometime in April:
    • Grian opens up builder applications, leading to many people applying and general update hype.
    • rmb938 is hired as an administrator and developer. Our “more available servers if there are more people” is credited to him.


    May 3: Wynncraft reaches a player count milestone: 4500 people online at once.

    May 9: 7 people are promoted to moderator in the span of 3 days; a server record.

    Sometime in May:
    • Salted opens up GM applications. Most people didn’t even know of the rank until now and very few GMs were even accepted at first.
    • Wynncraft has its first Double XP Weekend. It provided 4x XP to donators. Needless to say it was really OP, and another weekend didn’t occur for many more months.


    Jun. 2: MrTwiggy is announced as a new admin. I have no idea what he even did.

    Jun. 17: A teaser on the forums is posted by an account known as the King of Ragni. This is the first of many immersive teasers for the new 1.12 update.

    Sometime in June:
    • The Forum Games section is added to the Wynncraft Forums. It is still one of the most popular parts of the forums to this day.


    Jul. 7: Featured Wynncraftian begins, with the first episode run by moderators Acer and Chbar. Other mods would take on later episodes.

    Jul. 14: The 1.12 Beta is made public for all donators. It is very buggy, hence why said beta was needed. (See 8/1/14)


    Aug. 1: Wynncraft releases 1.12 (The Mob Update), which is its biggest update yet. It revamped countless mobs and builds, and added VIP+ to the store.

    Aug. 1: Minecraft changes its EULA, causing the donator system of wynncraft to drastically change.

    Aug. 4: Wynncraft hosts its second Content Contest.

    Aug. 27: 1.12.1 released with various minor improvements.

    Sometime in August:
    • Swarms got completely revamped and despite some issues, were considered pretty successful
    • /fixquests is added as a command, finally allowing you to regain your lost quest items.


    Sep. 10: The forums receive a massive update, adding new sections such as the Planning Parlor, Other games, and Introduce Yourself, as well as a way to view new profile posts.

    Sometime in September:
    • Swarms are removed due to an unknown issue involved immense lag. They have not been truly re-added since.


    Oct. 27: Wynncraft releases its first Hallowynn quest. It can be played today under the name “Macabre Masquerade”.

    Oct. 31: Wynncraft adds a minigame known as Wizard Fortress to the server. People are shocked at its addition at first but discover it’s pretty fun.

    Sometime in October:
    • A massive event known as “Gavel Week” occurs on the forums. It consists of a Gavel screenshot and stream for each of seven days. This was meant to celebrate Gavel being 50% done. Hilarious!


    Dec. 4: The King Ragni returns for 1.13, with more cryptic teasers than ever!

    Dec. 21: Beta for 1.13, aka the Wynnter update, Begins. Guilds are officially added to the game.

    Dec. 23: Wynnter is made public and its quests are released.

    Dec. 27: Armor skins are added to the game with mixed reviews.

    Sometime in December:
    • Admins Crunkle and rmb938 try to get 3D glasses added to the game via a petition. It sadly never reaches its goal of 1000 supporters.

    Sometime/Throughout 2015:
    • HiMyNameIsAJ becomes known for hosting various events in the Wynncraft lobby, likely as a way to satisfy the community’s boredom.
    • Two suggestions are added to suggestions section; “Better Questbooks” by member Lotem and “Item Locks” by thatswhatido. Both suggestions have not been added but have received hundreds of likes, thousands of “Yes” votes, and admin support.
    • Various Guild alliances rise and fall.
    • Armor skins start and stop working throughout the year.
    • Gavel hype fluctuates.
    • Wizard Fortress meets its demise.


    Jan. 1: Grian posts a video about how to build trees on the forums. This doesn’t really have to do with Wynn but rather the beginnings of Grian’s youtube career.

    Jan. 17: The first Monthly Gavel showcase is posted. This is a timelapse of Aldorei’s construction, and the first time anything elvish was revealed to the public.

    Jan. 20: Relics officially are added to the game, albeit a month later than expected. Many players had already figured out their locations.


    Feb. 7: The ability to change your forums name is added to the forums. The cooldown is 90 days, which leads to minimal questionable name changes. Minecraft name changes were implemented earlier that week, which was the reason behind this new forums addition.


    Mar. 3: The next Gavel showcase comes out. This time it features a new gavel quest: The Iron Heart.


    Jun. 1: An update is released, adding the conclusion to the WynnExcavation questline. Also adds the notorious Thieving Rodents quest.


    Sometime in July:
    • The admins of Wynncraft attend Minecon and hand out special wynncraft badges.


    Sep. 3: A Gavel trailer is released, revealing lots of new info about Gavel.

    Sep. 6: Wynncraft speaks at a Minecraft convention known as Cubedcon. They reveal many things about the new update and talk MC MMORPGs with upcoming server Mythros.

    Sep. 7: An event known as 9/7 wipes all content from the forums and deletes the admins’ profiles. The source of 9/7 is still unknown, and the forums have bounced back ever since.

    Sep. 8: The Forums Name Change cooldown is decreased from 90 to 30 days.

    Sep. 13: Salted tries to recruit some 3d modelers. I have no idea who got accepted.

    Sep. 29: A new rule is added to the forums. “Do not cheat the character limit.” No one follows this rule. If you can’t tell by now, this post has way more than 10 characters.


    Oct. 17: Wynncraft has some sort of server meltdwon? I don’t even remember it, but there’s definitely an old INFO thread about it somewhere.


    Dec. 10: The map of Gavel is finally completed.

    Dec. 14: 5 days of Gavel countdown posters are posted on twitter, igniting hype in the community and revealing parts of the lore.

    Dec. 15: Salted hosts a pre-gavel AMA.

    Dec. 18: A massive Gavel Hype Stream occurs a few days before the update’s release. It reveals many things to the community for the first time, such as the Decay.

    Dec. 20: Gavel is released. I’m not going to bother explaining everything it added, we have a wiki for that.

    Dec. 25: Wynncraft has its first Double XP WEEK. There has not been another DXP week since because this one was absolutely insane. Merry Christmas!

    Sometime/Throughout 2016:
    • Administrator Tama departs to work on other projects.
    • Guilds slowly deteriorate more and more and more and more…


    Jan. 1: Featured Wynncraftian begins its second season but has only one episode. The Wynncraftian interviewed is Energyxxer.

    Jan. 1: Sovereigner/Zuikaku_/J6 becomes the first player to reach level 100 in any class.

    Jan. 6: The Clock Merchant is added to the game, thus concluding the huge clock scavenger hunt that had been going on during the past few weeks.

    Jan. 18: GM Selvut283 posts an information thread about Gale and Ohms, two characters in Wynn's lore. This thread kicks off a massive scavenger hunt for Gale's Tomb.

    Sometime in January:
    • Admins Crunkle and HiMyNameIsAJ depart, presumably due to their work on Gavel being complete.
    • Countless Gavel buffs/nerfs/fixes occur.


    Feb. 18: Gale's Tomb is finally discovered by member Beefandleather.

    Sometime in February:
    • Even MORE Gavel buffs/nerfs/fixes occur.


    Mar. 25: Raw spell damage gets fixed, which leads to the demise of everyones favorite mythic wand: Pure.


    Apr. 1: Former mod Broettinger reaches level 101 due to some quest reset error, shocking the community. This ridiculous level becomes known to the public and a few people begin the quest to reach it.

    Apr. 1: Ex-Moderator Tantibus posts an April Fools changelog about the Corkus release. No one knew however that Corkus was actually underway, although the changelog itself is fake.

    Apr. 24: Jumla asks the community if they should make the switch from Teamspeak to Discord. Teamspeak ultimately decides to stay, but this isn’t the end of the debate… (see 12/24/16)


    May 8: Current mod Motoki1 becomes the first legit (See 4/1/16) level 101.

    May 16: Grian makes a thread asking for more command blockers. The CMD rank has already existed for a while, but now people can apply for the rank.


    Jul. 16: Featured Wynncraftian begins again, with the first episode centering on the creators of Wynncon. Episodes in the third season are not confined to any sort of schedule this time around. The featured wynncrafian nomination section is actually used this time around.

    Jul. 22: The first Changeblog for the new update is released. The community becomes hyped once again.


    Aug. 3: The Class Builds section is added to the forums. Believe it or not, it was implemented due to a player’s suggestion.

    Aug. 6: Pretzule hosts a massive hide-and-seek event with the other moderators. Other grand events follow in subsequent months.

    Aug. 20: Pretzule becomes Wynncraft’s first community manager.

    Aug. 23: Beta testing for 1.14.1 begins.

    Aug. 28: The Gameplay Update (1.14.1) is released to all. It features too many changes and additions to list but I’ll mention that it added Wybels and the new ??? quest.


    Sep. 3: The first clue of the ??? quest, the Red Meteor, is discovered.

    Sep. 11: The new ??? is completed for the first time.

    Sep. 17: /forum is finally fixed, leading to the revival of the VIP section’s popularity.

    Sep. 22: The Corrupted Infested Pit is added. We’re approaching everyone’s favorite dungeon soon!

    Sep. 23: Feat. Wynn season 3 ends with a three-part interview with various content team members.

    Sep. 27: The Feedback section is added to the forums, helping the community express their opinions about parts of Wynncraft.


    Oct. 7: Teasers for the next update are posted on twitter in the form of amazing artwork and cryptic messages.

    Oct. 27: Wynncraft has its second Hallowynn Update, which come with Wybels for most and other store changes.


    Nov. 3: Wynncraft opens up composer applications, allowing one person to gain the rare Composer rank and make music for Wynn. The “winner” was XavierEXE.

    Nov. 5: Nerfed totems and how they worked for parties. At this point in time the Demon Cave was extremely popular and tons of people were getting level 101.

    Nov. 20: Grian streams various Corkus teasers, confirming that the island is the next expansion. Countless threads about said stream were posted on the forums, since people were actually allowed to talk about it for once.

    Nov. 25: Totems are nerfed even more. Demon Cave still remains popular though. At this point level 101 had lost all of its value.


    Dec. 13: Assassin gets a “long-awaited buff” which includes vanish-jumping, and Warrior gets a “Nerf” to Uppercut that no one asked for.

    Dec. 19: A minor update, 1.15, adds the Wynnter Fair and an improved western coastline.

    Dec. 24: Wynncraft gets an official discord channel thanks to support on Twitter.

    Dec. 28: Grian posts his first lore thread in a long time; The Isle of Industry.

    Sometime in December:
    • An influx of “scambots” appear on the server, msging players about free Minecon capes and whatnot. As of right now this isn’t really and issue anymore

    Sometime/Throughout 2017:
    • Guilds begin to resemble a bunch of toothpicks held together by glue. (See 2016)


    Jan. 16: A “hidden patch” is added, featuring the horse fixes for 1.9 users!

    Sometime in January:
    • The threat of duping returns, this time with Mythics as the primary victim.


    Mar. 24: A trailer for the Corkus update is posted.


    Apr. 1: Salted makes an April Fools post saying that Corkus has been delayed by a year. Gievn Wynn’s history with delays, some people actually could think this was true.

    Apr. 7: Wynncraft has another big update in the form of 1.16. It adds the Corrupted Sandswept tomb. It also added Corkus, but who cares about that?

    Apr. 10: GM Selvut283 makes a thread titled “Special Warning” where he announces which items he’s going to nerf.

    Apr. 14: Wynncraft finally opens up moderator applications, so far they seem to have been successful!

    Apr. 29: The Dungeon Bomb is added to the store.


    Jun. 26: Grian posts the first 1.17 teaser.

    Jun. 30: Feat Wynn begins again with a fourth season that generally releases every 2 weeks. This time it is run by Pretzule and Pretzule.


    Jul. 14: Wynncraft’s Wiki moves to Gamepedia. Many community members are annoyed about this, mainly due to the fact that the wiki now has ads.


    Aug. 12: Wynncraft enters the Guinness World Records as the World’s Largest Minecraft MMORPG.


    Sep. 4: Selvut announces that the best helmet in the game, Morph-Stardust, is getting a major nerf.

    Sep. 10: The Bug Report section moves from GitHub to the forums.


    Oct. 2: Due to the community's request, grinding Amadel/Cybel/AFK Grinding is now bannable.

    • The Wynncraft Wiki.
    • The Wynncraft Twitter.
    • The Forums News Section.
    • INFO posts in the Wynncraft section.
    • The Wayback Machine.
    • The Admins for actually making this server.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
  2. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    God I feel old...
    Dr Zed, Gort, Aya and 1 other person like this.
  3. Reti

    Reti Marquis of the Foxes, King of Memes VIP+

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    nice meme dude

    but really good work
    WithTheFish likes this.
  4. munky

    munky Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Cool, nice job :)
    WithTheFish likes this.
  5. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I know for sure Gavel was released on December 21, me and a friend stared long at hard at these forums while we waited for the server to come back up after it went down for a few hours to prepare for the update. Gavel released somewhere around 9 PM PST on that day.

    While yes, it is used to announce more major nerfs and/or nerfs to popular items, in actuality, the point of that thread is to announce if any items are getting any changes in skill point requirements as to warn people to make room in their inventory.

    I don't.

    Despite that, this thread still looks well made to me, pretty good job if I do say so myself.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  6. ReneCZ

    ReneCZ Rene Media CHAMPION

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    What is Wizzard fortess BTW?
  7. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    December 31st 2014 user yoav joins the forum and becomes one of the most influential players in the game
  8. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Wizard Fortress was a capture the flag game-mode outside of Wynn where everyone was forced to play as mage class, but with different power-ups scattered throughout the map such as different wands and armor.
  9. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Yeah ! The thread I own ! (And that I will maybe update a day because it's outdated...)
    Better hunt than ???, it was not the run of who find what first. :D
    I felt old when I saw that the Ocean Update was in 2013.
  10. saltii

    saltii Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    yay wynncraft was released to the public on meh b-day
    hmm i played a few months after the release
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    it was an old capture the flag minigame where there were some spots that spawned wands you could get to kill the enemy team and raid it for the flag

    very fun minigame overall, reminded me of quakecraft but with wands and not insta kills
  12. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    Doesn't really makes sense, soloing is when a player does something alone and without any help.
    CookedPelvis likes this.
  13. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    Jeez I remember this stuff from back in late 2014
  14. DrakeM1

    DrakeM1 101 Archer / Made RPRT / Mayor of Tree Island HERO

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    Ah, the good old days when we got regular updates.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  15. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Added something on the new AFK rule. I am definitely not using this as an excuse to bump this thread.
  16. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    I remember you had different save files on different servers, for example you could be lvl 75 on server 1 but a lvl 1 on server 2
    Also archer was broken, leap wouldn't glide down and it would be used for flying
  17. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    This is cool, although is VIP Plaza mentioned in here? That is old. I was too lazy to read every detail and find out.
  18. LTMS

    LTMS Ninja Water Frog

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    The work you mare to gather all the informations is massive :O
    Good work, this was really needed imho.
    WithTheFish likes this.
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