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Guild ☀ Visitors Of Light [vsl] ☀ | Level 11 | Recruiting Lvl 20+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by RainbowLegend, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. RainbowLegend

    RainbowLegend Well-Known Adventurer

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    »»------------- Info -------------««
    Visitors of Light:
    Founded 3rd August 2017
    Level 11
    Populated with 3/15 members

    Hello, and welcome to the Visitors of Light! We are a small guild, who seek to help each other out. We hope to provide others with a nice place to be a part of.

    If you'd like to join us, visit the 'Recruiting' section below.

    Guild Stats

    »»------------- Discord -------------««

    The Discord is for everyone to view, but there are member-only channels.

    »»------------- Staff -------------««
    Leader: @ALonelyCookie
    Chief: @RainbowLegend

    »»------------- Rank Requirements -------------««
    Chief: Be appointed by the Leader
    Captain: Be appointed by Chiefs + Leader, normally at least 750k EXP or 30k Emeralds
    Recruiter: Donate at least 500k XP or 25k Emeralds if over Level 70, if not then 275k XP or 12.5k Emeralds OR 1.5 months of activity
    Recruit: Well this is obvious... just get accepted
    »»------------- Rules -------------««
    1. Be respectful to others, let's keep this a nice place.
    2. Use your common sense - don't spam us or use swears in excess.
    3. Don't change your IGN while in the guild without letting us know.

    These rules are subject to change at anytime.

    »»------------- Recruiting -------------««
    So ya wanna join, huh? Well it ain't gonna be too difficult, just fill out this application. If you get denied, don't worry! You can apply again in 1 week.

    Note: Discord is required. We'll be using it for important communications. Head over to discordapp.com to get Discord.

    Minecraft username:
    Discord username (i.e. saltednoob#9001):
    Highest level:
    Age (range is also acceptable):

    Timezone (include summer times if applicable):
    Average activity on the server, per week:
    Previous Guild(s) (if applicable):

    Why do you want to join Visitors of Light?:
    Would you rather contribute via XP, War, etc.:
    Anything else you'd want us to know:

    If you've been accepted, welcome to the party! Ask a staff member to invite you, once we're online.
    If not, fear not! You can apply again in one week.

    »»------------- Alliances -------------««

    None right now because we're lonely (._.), become an ally by PM'ing a chief or above on the forums or in-game!

    China likes this.
  2. China

    China you used to call me on ur banana VIP+

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    Awesome gl Rainbow!
  3. RainbowLegend

    RainbowLegend Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thanks for the luck even though this is gonna never work :p
    China likes this.
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