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Wynncon's Lag

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by PotatoShaga, Aug 12, 2017.

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  1. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Do not send shockbyte hate mail. It will not help the Wynncon team in anyway and might worsen the situation. Just let them handle it professionally.
  2. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    inb4 they ddos you all
    Jaymon likes this.
  3. PotatoShaga

    PotatoShaga Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    shockbyte would obvsouly prepare for that. when they sold the 400 server, they weren't thinking, hey, the players are totally going to join one by one and slowly move into a chunk. no. they probably prepared for that and if they didn't, the plugins did
  4. Nesaak

    Nesaak Good boy HERO

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    Where are you getting 400? I believe the plan they purchased only recommended 250 slots. Maybe it was shockbytes fault but 400 was never promised lmao.
    View my above reply
  5. Golurk_

    Golurk_ In Golurk We Trust

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    parkour race wasnt on first day. this mightve just been a bad transition tho
  6. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    yeah one that jumla spilt his coffee on
  7. yosteric5

    yosteric5 The Builder of walls VIP+

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    Not to mention that my hardware was no where near its limits we were running 45% on my cpu and 50% on my ram and 30% on my HDD(hard drive) it was only my upload bandwidth it what caused the lag
    i eat bees likes this.
  8. MitchSmith

    MitchSmith Newbie Adventurer

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    I'm from Shockbyte - I just wanted to pitch in here as there's a lot of incorrect information and skewed opinions floating around. I'm going to address some points individually below.
    • Shockbyte claimed they could handle 400 players, but it didn't
      • We have never stated or made any guarantees that the server could handle 400 players - this depends on too many factors that isn't dependant on our hardware alone. With the correct optimisations and configurations, this is absolutely possible and we do host individual servers that handle this amount of players. The 400 figure that I believe is being referenced here is the maximum amount we recommend for the size plan that was in use - this in no way means the server won't have issues with this many players.
      • Now, also to be clear - these recommendations are in correlation to the server's memory. The lag issues were not due to a lack of memory.
    • Even after adding lag reducing plugins, it didn't help
      • This would not have helped, because this really is not how lag or lag reducing plugins work. Most lag reducing plugins will typically just clear up excess entities on the server - this won't have any effect on the server if entities aren't an issue in the first place.
    • We offered our assistance in less than a minute of the issue being reported
      • We were never contacted through one of our official support options regarding this issue. yosteric5 came to me regarding the lag issue via Discord, which is not one our support options. Despite this, I responded in less than a minute of the original message and immediately began providing help.
      • yosteric5 was concerned that the server was running out of memory. I look into this and was able to confirm that this was not an issue related to memory and that the server had plenty of memory available.
      • yosteric5 stated that the server was crashing. Crashing is almost always due to a software issue - whether that be a plugin or world corruption. Typically the only time software isn't causing the crash is if the server runs out of memory.
      • After investigating the issue, I quickly found that the server console was ridden with errors which stemmed primarily from a Parkour plugin. On top of this, the console was being spammed with NullPointerExceptions (do keep in mind that errors like this are all software based - this has absolutely nothing to do with our service). Whenever a server is experiencing issues, the first step should always be to resolve any errors in the console and we are available and willing to assist with issue like this. The issues I've stated here were almost certainly the cause of the crashing.
      • As the server host, we are not responsible for resolving software issues on a server. However, we are able to offer our expertise and experience to diagnose the issue and find a resolution - which we did in this case.
    • We offered solutions, but received no cooperation from the client/server owner
      • After pointing out the possible causes, we also looked further into the service to see if there was anything else that could be improved/fixed.
      • Lag was never an issue that was reported to us, however there has been comments of this in this thread. At the time of my investigation, the server was hovering around 18 TPS (down from 20 TPS). TPS issues are also usually software related - typically caused by poorly developed plugins or other issues such as a very large amount of entities (however I don't believe entities were the issue).
      • Even though lag was not reported, I saw the server was running at 18 TPS so I began offering assistance in that area as well so we could bring this back up to 20. I do want to make it clear that we are always able to find what's causing a TPS drop - there has never been an instance where we have been unable to.
      • To find what's causing a TPS drop, we can use Spigot timings. However, the server was running an outdated Spigot 1.9.2 build which did not support Spigot timings, despite us having the latest 1.9.2 build already available on our control panel.
      • I requested that the client update to the newer version that supports Spigot timings, however they did not. Without the client's cooperation, it was not possible for us to use Spigot timings. (I want to mention again, the required version was already available on our panel and would only take 2 clicks to switch over. If you're wondering why we didn't switch the version ourselves - we cannot make changes like this without the client's permission as it is a major security risk. If we are to perform any action on a service, the client must explicitly request it from their verified client account - we cannot verify ownership of a service through Discord).
      • This is where the client stopped communicating with us - the solutions we offered were not taken and the client did not work with us to resolve the issue. Had these solutions not worked, we would have continued working with the client to resolve the issue (and did actually have other options available that we didn't reach as the client stopped communicating).
      • Rather than working to resolve the issue, at this point the client requested a refund and opened a dispute on their payment.
    Ultimately, the point I'm trying to get across is that we are here to help and did offer our assistance regarding this issue. However, it simply isn't possible for us to solve some issues like this if the server owner isn't willing to work with us. With that being said - our team are still of course available to help if the client chooses to accept our help.

    P.S. We don't appreciate the spam and hate mail being sent through our support system at all. This is absolutely unwarranted and isn't beneficial to anyone in this situation. I hope this will allow you to form a better opinion on the situation.
    P.P.S. The new Wynncon server that claims to have fixed the issues is no longer using the Parkour plugin that was throwing hundreds of errors. Coincidence? This was the very first issue I pointed out when investigating the problem.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
    D7, AnĂ¡rion, i eat bees and 4 others like this.
  9. Nesaak

    Nesaak Good boy HERO

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    I love this man
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  10. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    It was on the first day, but it was cancelled cause of the lag some minutes after it started. I arrived first at the end ;(
  11. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Could you send me a pm about all the people that are sending you hate mail?
    Aradia Megido and Kaelan~ like this.
  12. Nesaak

    Nesaak Good boy HERO

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    Ban them pretz
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