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Unread Wynncon 2017 Speach

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by modern, Aug 14, 2017.

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  1. modern

    modern The irony is that I love the future

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    I was one of the presenters for Wynncon 2017, however, I was not able to read my speech, due to internet issues. here is the script for that speech!


    Here is a little story of one strange encounter I had on this server.
    It's post 9/7.
    I'm in the cave connecting Lusuco and Nesaak, farming zombies from a spot they can't reach. Then comes two players, levels 11 and 13.
    One of them heads up towards me, gets onto the same block I'm on, and types this into the chat
    *licks the inside of your ear* "SLUUUURP"
    The other one then types:
    "This is what you deserve"
    They then left.
    I never saw them again.

    So, I'm willing to assume that everyone here loves Wynncraft.
    It's probably your favorite server, maybe your favorite game.
    It certainly is mine.
    But why?
    There is a multitude of reasons, but for me, it's that Wynncraft is an exceedingly unique game. I dare say there is no other game like it.
    You see, while the website might say it is "a Minecraft MMO", and it might look superficially like Minecraft, it has none of the mechanics.
    And while it might look like an MMO, in what other MMO will you have a player walk up to you as slurp in your ear?

    Everything in Wynncraft is a little off.
    Yes, you level up and gain new abilities, but you only get four.
    There are quests, but many of them feel more like stories.
    And yes, there are dungeons, but explore and you can find other locations with no such attachment.
    All of these seem to go against normal gaming convention. The limitations Minecraft have imposed on us have become Wynncraft's greatest strengths.
    It's such an original environment that it attracts people like itself. Unique.

    Wait, wait, woah, get off your high horses for a moment.
    "Unique" could mean you go up to people minding their own business and slurp the inside of their ears.
    However, this community has something very few others have.
    We're not here because of a fanatical devotion to the game.
    Hell, I haven't played in months.
    What we are here for, is a fanatical devotion to Wynncraft.
    To what it stands for.
    That even inside the constraints of a blocky game you can create a universe.
    That this game has become part of us, even if we haven't realized it yet.
    That telling someone they deserve to have their ear slurped isn't weird, but kind of charming.
    SpadenadeZ1, Plasma~, Kaelan~ and 4 others like this.
  2. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    add a plugin where we can actually slurp ears

    impulsellama here i come
    hmtn likes this.
  3. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    i actually made a spech and grin gran said it was cringe
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