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Mellontikós Visio (rp) [full]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Bailwolf, Mar 24, 2017.


Should I go on to the next roleplay now or later? ALso should it be dice based or not?

  1. Yes move

    1 vote(s)
  2. No move

    3 vote(s)
  3. No dice

    3 vote(s)
  4. Yes dice

    3 vote(s)
  5. This is an invalid response.

    5 vote(s)
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  1. MadKingRises

    MadKingRises Travelled Adventurer

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    I walk up to the girl, trying my best to keep my distance from the man as I do so. I wave at her timidly and say hi, but the word comes out as more of a question than a statement.
  2. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    No, please let there be peperoni on. What I was planning was a situation where she told that she'd never eaten meat before. Then she was gonna say that it actually didn't taste that bad.
  3. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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  4. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    Am I being a burden because I keep asking to continue my story.
    Sorry, it's because I'm on vacation and am bored every now and then
  5. Tisaun

    Tisaun Lad HERO

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    Soo heres my app :

    Name: Noah Hahn

    Age/gender: 15 , Male

    Race: Human/Demon Hybrid

    Backstory: Son of a demon with a poor woman of Thaedal , Noah has always lived within the gangs of the city , mainly the one his father was in . He grew up in a small house , helping the family the way he could . After following his dad to a meeting when he was 12 , he saw the gang accuse his father of betrayal , killing him with three shots to the head . Noah screamed through his covered mouth in horror , seeing his dad corpse falling in the cold floor of the room . The gang members get up , startled , looking around for someone who wasnt from the group . Noah was sure he would end up like his dad when a gang member looked straight at where he was at , just to turn away and poke his dad , saying that the person who screamed should be away from there already . They then started packing up guns , and in that moment he knew they were going to his house soo they could leave no proof that the demon even existed . He ran to his house , hoping for the gangsters not to be there yet , and found his mom washing the dishes . He hugged her , saying that they had to leave in that moment , that he would explain in the way . After leaving the house and making sure they were in a safe place , Noah and his mother started working on diverse jobs soo they could buy a house . After living of nothing more then a ridiculously small house in Reswaiton and some stolen goods for three years , Noah decides that he must take down the gangs of Thaedal , soo no one else should be through what he has happened to him . He has stolen an ancient sword from an museum , a golf club from a sportist to his deeds , as well as finding dumped defective weapons which he upgraded with his knowledge and equipment he acquired throughout the years . He is currently on his forth mission to kill gang leaders , the other three being successful .

    Appearance: Currently using a black tuxedo with a hat , light grey skin , slightly pointy ears , black eyes and shoulder length black hair .

    Class: Somewhat a mix between a ranger and a speedster , as he combines fast speed with different guns and his sword's slashes .

    Weapon(ranged): A plasma rifle , modified to be able to reach longer ranges , yet the cost is a even slower reload ; Two pistols recallibrated to shoot at running speed without creating momentum

    Weapon(melee): Currently using a reinforced golf club for a more ... "natural" approach , other then that , sword below , which he summons at will , tho it costs some energy to do soo
    [​IMG] Its from Hypixel's Warlords if yall wondering

    Technological upgrades: None

    Magic abilities:
    • Too slow : Noah concentrates , causing the time to appear to him to be twice as slower as it is , even tho his its only his movements and mind that are working twice as fast . Costs a ton of energy to do , since he isnt used to it
    • Vanish : Something controled by emotions , he doesnt quite know this was the reason he was why he escaped the night his dad died .
    Starting city: In a party of a Thaedal gang in Kachiesal
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2017
  6. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    Time for depressing stuff.
    Soo, school starts for me next week. I'll do my best to continue the roleplay but knowing me, it'll be very slow progress. That said, if you dont mind that then the roleplay will continue. Anyways. Thanks for all your patience and support, this is one of my favorite activities and its been great getting to know all of you.
    Ok. Time jump past getting to outside a large school and labratory building Elise has led you to. You find Jesse there. He's sitting on the ground and doesnt seem to notice you.
    (@NinjaWizard are you alive? Do you want to play?)
  7. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Morning Jesse."
    I wave in Jesse's direction.
  8. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Don't worry man, we're used to it by now ;P
  9. NinjaWizard

    NinjaWizard Wynn Protector, Master of Shadows & YouTuber CHAMPION

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    I AM HERE! (and ya sorry. haven't been on the forums in a while cause the headphone jack broke inside, tried to get it fixed, ended up not getting fixed. AKA a bunch of stuff happened and nothing came of it xD But ya if your still willing to do the RP I'd love to keep playing.)
  10. NinjaWizard

    NinjaWizard Wynn Protector, Master of Shadows & YouTuber CHAMPION

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    BTW here's the last reply I found of my part:

    He creates one and says "here keep this for the next few days, you'll need it." and then suddenly vanishes ( <---- That was Jesse )


    I do a little smile and say "thanks" into the open air hoping he heard as I jump onto the horse and start heading for the lab.

    Also forgot to tag ya @Bailwolf xD
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
  11. samurott321

    samurott321 That One Pokemon Nerd Playing Minecraft

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    Here's a question: Are we able to have weapons that can be found in medieval times, like a plain sword or axe? And are we allowed to use items that aren't usually used as weapons(I want my character to wield a scythe). If this was already mentioned before, I'm sorry. I'm too lazy to look through 30 pages.
    Also, here's a noob question. How do you do that thing with the thing that you quote someone else? That --> "Player said ↑"
  12. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    You can use whatever weapons you want, and at the bottom right of a post theres a replay button and the quotes that post in your post
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  13. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Name: Karma
    Age/gender: 567 years old. Female.
    Race: Angel
    Backstory: Karma grew to hate the world soon after her conception. From the corruption of political leaders to the manipulation of those behind the scenes, she despised it all. An evil man die in their sleep? Karma. Someone took an accidental plunge off a cliff? Drowned? Karma as well. Her name has come to mean "to get what is deserved" as an inside joke for the few who know her.

    Appearance: 5'8, appears to be around the early twenties in age. She's basically all silver, even having silver hair, eyes, and wings. Her skin is almost white. You wouldn't want to look at her on a sunny day because she glints so much.

    Class: Ah... rogue? (Fly around kill stuff)
    Weapon(ranged): A silver sniper rifle with a silencer that leaves it almost soundless and a silver automatic rifle.
    Weapon(melee): Two light silver swords made for ease of movement.
    Technological upgrades: Angels have wings, yes? Well, my wings are coated with flexible metal alloys capable of slicing through things at high speeds.
    Magic abilities:
    - Healing magic, that does exactly what it says.
    - Holy light, that sears corrupt beings like demons and monsters but is incapable of harming humans.
    - The air tends to bend around her, allowing her to run/fly faster.
    - She has wings. Just in case that isn't included with the race.

    Starting city: Thaedal
    NinjaWizard and samurott321 like this.
  14. samurott321

    samurott321 That One Pokemon Nerd Playing Minecraft

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    Name: Gale Amity

    Age/gender: 109/Male

    Race: Fairy

    Appearance: 6 feet tall. Wears a gray cloak that conceals his body. Under the cloak, he wears ragged clothes (a blue shirt and beige pants). He also has a bracelet on each hand that carries his weapons.

    Backstory: Gale's birthplace is unknown, but he has memories his father doing great evil in Gleydan when Gale was a child. Despite having an evil father, Gale has never been influenced by evil. He prefers to reason his way through problems before resorting to violence. Once he became of age (by humans standards), he found a note from his late mother. It listed secret stashes of weapons all around the world. So far, he has found 1 of them. In that stash, Gale found his scythe and two scrolls, showing him how to use his Size Manipulation and his Spirit Summoning. Armed with these, he set out for Thaedal. Once he arrived there, he started making a futile attempt to rid the city of evil. He is continuing to do this today.

    Class: Reasoning. If needed, use of his magic and scythe.

    Weapon(ranged): Gale uses a magical harp that can calm down enemies. He uses this to reason with them. If that doesn't work, then he will use it to temporarily stun his opponent and attack with his other weapon and magic. He keeps it concealed on a bracelet. (His magic abilities lets him do this)

    Weapon(melee): He wields a large metal scythe. He keeps it concealed on a different bracelet. (His magic abilities lets him do this)

    Technological upgrades: He doesn't really like to use the newer technology, but his scythe has an implant that can discharge electricity.

    Magic abilities:
    1) Pixie Dust: He creates a weightless/yellow dust that can be used to levitate almost anything. He can control if the item levitates and how high it goes. It can even be used to make items lighter.
    2) Disguise: He can change his look, smell, and voice for a short period of time. Perfect for sneaking around or undercover missions.
    3) Size Manipulation: He can change the size and weight of objects and himself.
    4) Spirit Summoning: This power is usually used to summon the spirits of the dead. These spirits cannot do any harm and cannot be seen by anyone else. This power also allows him to summon elemental spirits (water spirits, fire spirits, etc.) that protect him. He rarely uses this power because he can only use it 9 more times.

    Starting city: Thaedal.

    Side Note: If the race "Fairy" isn't allowed, I will make another one of these. Also, if I don't reply soon after you say something, that's probably because I'm busy.
    Eirika & Ephraim likes this.
  15. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    Wow, ok. Closing applications.
  16. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    "Uhh, yes?"
    No response.
    Here ya go.
    Time jumping....Okke. You walk out of the lab to meet Jesse and see two other people walking up.
    She looks up and back down when the man looks over. From the brief moment you saw her face you can tell she's afraid of him.
    Lets see
    an angel
    a fairy
    a rock monster thing
    Two half celestials
    several humans
    two half demons
    and a an inter-universal being
    Did I miss anyone?
    You're standing in the back of a ball room, even though the people here are dressed nicely you easily recognize most of them are criminals. You haven't located the leader yet.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2017
    NinjaWizard likes this.
  17. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    *Alright* he thinks to himself.
    "You feeling any better, Elise?"
  18. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    You're walking down a street in lower Theadal, looking for something to do, but you just cant find anything. As you keep walking however you sense a large gathering of evil nearby but nothing to indicate where.
    "Yeah. Thanks."
  19. Linwood Welheart

    Linwood Welheart RPGing Teenager.

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    "Why didn't you tell me about the physical backlash of your magic? You had me worried back there."
  20. Bailwolf

    Bailwolf Resident Skeleton

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    "Its a rare side effect. Sorry. But thanks for taking care of me."
    For all you guys (@SansWolf) who like to plan for roleplays. The next one is gonna be something special, the entire setting is going to be defined by you guys! I will set up a thread soon with more information so we can transition right into it after this one.
    NinjaWizard likes this.
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