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Guild |knights Of War| Recruiting And Info

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by DestroyYouAll, Aug 3, 2017.


What do you want different in this guild

  1. Lower levels accepted

  2. Less work for promotions (Probably not going to happen)

    0 vote(s)
  3. More promotions

  4. Less lower levels accepted

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. DestroyYouAll

    DestroyYouAll Guild Master VIP+

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    Knights of War
    Level 22
    War Guild
    Recruiting levels 65+

    Leader: DestroyYouAll
    Chief: potatopvpmaster
    Captains: Waffoh, GamerBoy2236,Wierdoness
    Recruiters: BeHappy3000, Odesey

    If you have the desire to join our guild you must abide by these rules. You cannot be active for more than 5 days without telling a chief or leader. Don't spam lie or ask for promotions right away. You cannot donate less than 10 percent xp to the guild 20 is what gets you up in the guild. Yes we have ways to check all of this stuff. Use this format if you apply
    Highest level class:
    Are you a war person or a quest/farming person?
    Are you interesting in taking a leadership role in the guild?

    If you are wanting to rank up in the guild you must do 1 or 2 things on this list
    Recruiter=Donate 5 million xp or 5le
    Captain=Donate 10 million xp or 10le
    Chief=Handpicked but it really helps if you donate 20 le or more and 20 million xp this will almost definitely get you a spot on the chiefs list.

    Info about our guild
    Discord: https://discord.gg/nQ9ydeZ

    We have a non-aggression pact with the alliance The Emporium of Wynn
    We are a war guild and don't take it personally if we attack you, this game was created for fun.
    If you have a question about why so and so was promoted or what not ask me. I'm mostly in charge of the promotions. If you want to see our stats and what not click HERE. While we are a guild war and take some stuff seriously this is more of a guild for helping each other out with quests/dungeons. We just want to have some fun. If you have read this far thank you for reading this and I hope you consider applying.

    Thanks for reading,
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2017
  2. DestroyYouAll

    DestroyYouAll Guild Master VIP+

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    bump this chat
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