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Video Let's Play Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by KaiserSpass, Mar 19, 2017.

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  1. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 75 "WynnExcavation Site D"

    We find and talk to the king, who is controlled by the WynnExcavation Company. He declares me a traitor and we have to flee from Troms. On our way out we meet this mysterious man who gives us the coordinates to a traitor hideout. We make our way there and now have to prove that we are trust worthy. We have to find three missing map fragments that will lead us to the last crystal.
  2. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 76 "WynnExcavation Site D Part 2"

    We are on our way to the last crystal at excavation site D. On our way to the crystal we solve some puzzles and meet Excavator Admin Uci who send us to talk to their leader. This leader turns out to be our old friend Amadel. He tells us that all we've done was his plan. He teleports us to an ancient city where we have to fight Corrupted Amadel.
  3. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    But a land of corruption.... "that sounds nice!"

  4. Rabbit Roars

    Rabbit Roars Travelled Adventurer

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    I went looking for playthrough's and found this thread...nicely done, sir, nicely done
  5. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    thank you very much
    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 77 "Searching for Immortality"

    We start by ranting about a little issue on Wynncraft that annoys me greatly.
    We make our way to Gelibord to talk to Burtur who is dying and want's us to rescue him with water from a special pond. So we are off to search for looks and hints.
  6. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 78 "Time Traveling Once Again"

    We make our way into the pit where we search for the healing water. Down there we find Sesad who lives in the pit, he gives us the water we are looking for and we are off back to Burtur.
    We then go to Dead Island and talk to Cinfras who want's us to find out what happened to this island, and that we set out to do.
  7. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 79 "Trippin' Balls"

    We continue to explore what happened to dead island. After returning to Old Siwel he tells us that all we have gone through was a trap set by him to hide the truth. We tell Cinfras what has happened and we are off to Efilim. There we talk to Likeru who sends us to make a quick delivery and with this the biggest trip of our life starts. We are Trippin' Balls.
  8. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 80 "Still High As A Kite"

    Our trip continues and we are getting higher and higher. The high point of our trip is when we meet our old friend Yahya whose level is OVER 9000. After beating Yahya the trip is finally over and we can deliver the mushrooms to Elder Berusia and get our reward from Likeru.
    We then trespass onto prison grounds and after getting arrested we now have to escape the prison.
  9. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 81 "Prison Escape"

    We are still in prison. After finding a secret passage in our cell our first task is to sneak past the guards into the locker room. In the locker room, we disguise us as a guard. We now have to get past the badly trained guard dogs. After being done with all that we have to do a little parkour and we are out of prison.
    Some traveling later we make our way to the Guardian of The Forest where we after some trouble start the Finding The Light quest.
  10. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 82 "Getting Glasses"

    We make our way to Cinfras where we have to find someone who can help us see. After a quick search, we find the optometrist Ollie, we take an eye exam which we ace. In his book Magical Sight, we find out what we need to make magical glasses. Before we leave he tells us to shut up the man screaming in front of his shop. We talk to the screaming man who is missing his boy Jack, so we help him search for Jack. When we find Jack he wants us to help him help Damien. Damien needs his medicine so we are off to the medicine job. Here we have to help Sasha get back her diary from the gardener. After all that we got the ingredients for the magical glasses, which Ollie then makes for us.
  11. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 83 "Dying Light"

    After getting the glasses we again talk to the Guardian of The Forest, who sends us back to the archway. This archway is an entrance to the Light Realm. Upon entering the realm we meet Aluxander an inhabitant of the realm, he informs us that the realm is plagued with corruption. He sends us to investigate the corruption in a cave near by. In the cave, we find a seed of corruption, when we exit the cave we get attacked by a light dog and we wake up in the city of the inhabitants of the realm. We talk to some of the citizens who send us to talk to their leader Heliorion. He sends us to get material so he can make us the helmet of light so we can fight the corruption and save the dying light.
  12. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 84 "Eye of the Storm"

    We make our way to where the first seed of darkness is and find that a dark creature the devourer of light has hatched. We fight and destroy him and then make our way to the second seed of darkness which thankfully has not hatched so we destroy it.
    We bring the seeds of darkness to Heliorion who then tells us about Orphion the light beast who has been corrupted and sends us to talk to Gaclux and finish the quest for now.
    Back in Gavel we talk to Arwes in the ruins of a cathedral we hear who someone gets kidnapped and we set off to rescue him.
  13. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 85 "Eye of the Storm Part II"

    After rescuing Talos and talking to Arwes last episode we make our way into Lexdale to talk to Ceyquin. He tells us about the plans of the cultist and send us to talk to the mage Rismor. On the way to
    Rismor we have to solve a cheeky puzzle. Rismor just got robbed by the cult and we have to retrieve his magical scroll. After getting the scroll he cast a spell on us so we can go into the Pit of Despair.
  14. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 86 "Eye of the Storm Part III"

    Show This Video Some Love Leave A Like, A Comment, And A Sub

    We make our way into the Pit of Despair where we meet up with Harker. We have to hasten our step and quickly get to the ritual chamber where the cultists are performing their ritual to summon Naragath. We have to get 5 Icons of Naragath for Harker so he can weaken Naragath. We fight and kill Naragath(to skip the speed up the fight with him go to minute 15:58). We make our way back to Rismor and finish the quest.
  15. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 87 "We Are Sherlock Holmes"

    We talk to Captain Lorias who we find in the Cinfras Suburbs. He is investigating a murder mystery and needs our help.
    We start by looking around the crime scene where we find a trail of blood which leads us to a letter sending us to house Nr. 09 in Cinfras. In the house, we find Rohem who points us in directiuon of an underground gambling place. After finding the gambling place Valimare the owner gives us a clue that implicates Rohem as the murderer. We go and talk to Rohem who denies it all but after a quick search of his room brings up a bloody ax and with that it's clear who the murderer was.
  16. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 88 "We Found A Lost Passport"

    We explore the Letvus Airbase and meet Doan who has lost his passport. Doan ask's us to look for it as he suspects it might have gotten stolen. We start by talking to bystanders who inform us of strange things going on in the Bird Bar so we are on our way to investigate it. Under the bar we find the black market. After getting a lost flight ticket for a Peculiar Old Man to get the password, we meet the Document Merchant. He sends us to steal some important documents in exchange for the passport.
    After getting the passport and returning it to Doan it turns out the passport we found is our's and Doan had his the whole time.
  17. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 89 "Skypirates Of Gavel"

    We start our new quest by entering the airship, where we hear an announcement about a missing person and that volunteers should go talk to the captain.
    On our way to Captain Ackbar we talk to a passenger and get an important piece of information about the missing person.
    Upon talking to Ackbar we search for and find the missing boy on the outside of the ship. We report back to the captain and take a rest in our cabin.
    After a few hours of rest, we have to help out again by restarting the engine. We then again go to rest a few hours.
    We get woken up by pirates attacking the ship, so we decide to help out once more by fighting the pirates.
  18. KaiserSpass

    KaiserSpass Well-Known Adventurer

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    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 90 "The Pirate Queen"

    We finish the key to the queen's quarters and make our way there to fight here. After an intense fight, we beat the pirate queen and steal her treasure. Back on our ship, we talk to Captain Ackbar who tells us to go to Calos once we arrive in Deltas. We now enjoy free flights from Deltas to Cinfras and vice versa.
    We then finally beat the Tribal Sanctuary and open up the passage from Troms into the Pigman Ravine.
    We then make our way into Dernel Jungle to help the jungle tribe and their holy tree.
  19. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    i think you may be enjoying this a bit too much calm down sir
    KaiserSpass likes this.
  20. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    When a lvl 76 has trouble killing tribal sanc

    how da heck are you supposed to kill it at the recommended level
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