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Shop ˙·٠•●« Tнє Fσяgє »●•٠·˙ | Lvl. 5-100 Prices Falling W/ The Leaves Of The Season! (100+ Legendaries)

Discussion in 'Trade Market' started by HappyLanding, Jun 23, 2017.


What can I do to build a better shop?

  1. Refurnish the place! There is always room for improvement.

  2. Include prices.

  3. Update your catalog and offer newer things.

  4. Nothing can save it! Abandon ship!

  5. Other (message)...

  6. NOTE: Item prices have been included!

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  1. RandomVideoGamer

    RandomVideoGamer Well-Known Adventurer

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    Free Bump By Me! =)
    HappyLanding likes this.
  2. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Smiling at the familiar face, Erin offers them a slight bow while letting out a short laugh.

    "You have my thanks, friend!"
  3. Erythen

    Erythen Elf of Haelun'or

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    Putting aside the other weapons, the elf puts Sage and Disco in front of the shopkeeper.

    "Perhaps we could move to a more private location. We wouldn't want the rest of your costumers knowing what a great profit you are making off these items now would we. I have started a conversation where we can discuss price."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  4. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Nodding in understanding, Erin stands to lead the adventurer to the recieving room of the forge's personal wing.

    "Ah, yes. I suppose you're right!"
  5. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    With a gleam of determination glinting in the eyes of the merchant, she then sets out to complete her next task: updating the catalog prices. So, to start things off, she saunters over to a certain drawer of her desk to pull out balls of twine and blank tags to adorn each sellable ware, before moving back over to her big, comfy chair by the hearth to handprint the prices by firelight.

    After what seemed like hours, she finally finishes, letting out the breath it seemed she had been holding since the beginning of the task.

    *Various wares have been re-priced to fit current market value!

    Vanward likes this.
  6. Vanward

    Vanward All Around Creepy Guy; Cringy Comedian

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    After noticing the entrance of the Blacksmith in his shop last night, the Old Keeper decides to repay the favor. Strolling down the sun-cleaned road to the Forge, he finally arrives at the Forge. Smoke billows out from the top, and its windows shine with a blinding light. The Old Keeper admires the productivity of the shop, as well as its unique decor. Even though the place blooms with activity, the Forge's door is closed.

    "Has the Blacksmith opened the shop yet? Perhaps she could use my assistance opening up."

    The Old Keeper opens the Forge's door and strolls inside. The clanking of metal on metal was almost deafening, as well as the smell of smoke in the air. Sharpened weapons and plated armor pieces neatly line the walls. It is a sure display of cleanliness. The Blacksmith busily walks about the shop, changing the pricing of several of her goods, she does not seem to notice the newcomer. The Old Keeper does not seem to mind.

    "I shouldn't bother her, maybe I should just open up the shop anonymously. She wouldn't mind... right?"

    The Old Keeper walks to the entrance of the shop and carefully brims the door open.

    "Blessings be with your business, friend."

    *Morning bump.
    Erythen and HappyLanding like this.
  7. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    The man walked towards a small forge elaborately decorated with armor pieces and weapons sitting on stone and quartz pedestals, the items glistening in the sunlight. He wasn't always an advocate for bargaining, let alone social confrontations, but the praise he had heard of this establishment from several conversations he eavesdropped on was enough for him to finally take a look. Upon opening the creaky wooden door, his eyes fixated on a woman dressed in a mixture of leather and chain garbs. Tightening his scarf, he wanted to remain silent for now and decided to browse through the wares, stopping in front of an item he thought would suit his much needed growth...

    A dark black cloud in the shape of protective trousers floated before him, an engraving upon a plaque reading "Dark Shroud". Reading the potential this item could bring to its user as well as the price it was set on, he lowered his grey scarf and called out to the merchant as she began to tally her inventory at the counter,

    "Pardon me madame, but are these trousers available? I've been searching for a new substitute in several shops located across the provinces and I have yet to find something that satisfies me. I think I've caught my lucky break, as some would say, and found something I can be satisfied with."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  8. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Turning fully to face the scarf-clad individual, the merchant sets down a ware in hand to properly attend to this visitor, before lifting the gleaming metal goggles from her eyes. The Smith immediately recognizes them as a good friend over the years that have passed, and a bright smile then edges across her lips to greet them. Though, no subject elicits a warmer interest or genuine narration than the thrum of emotions flowing through the pin-striped marketeer in the moments passing. But finally, she answers,

    "Hu-oh! Look who wandered into the forge!"

    The Smith then widens her arms, making an embrace accessible to her friend.

    "It has been some time since our last encounter. Would you mind giving a hug to an old friend?"

    Erin then chuckles before remembering the standing question held by @Katoshii.

    "The Dark Shroud, eh? It is a solicitous piece of armament, indeed. Some say it even causes the wearer to fade into the refuge of the shadows! But, of course, I have not had the privelige of experiencing such an instance myself. The forge still carries the item. Perhaps they were waiting for the perfect warrior?"
  9. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    The man gave a small breath of laughter and went to the merchant, giving her a fierce and tight hug. He had forgotten the adventures they had experienced in the past and a flood of memories overwhelmed him, causing a stray tear to fall across his left cheek. Erin was always a profound friend and he had doubted that he would never see her again. The man was glad he was wrong. Wiping it away, he faced the merchant and gave a small smile as he crossed his arms,

    "I had always thought you would make a name for yourself here. Of course, I was right again. These trousers caught my attention and I hope to acquire the prowess they offer."

    He gave a sophisticated wave of his hand and a small pouch dropped into his palm, the small cries of emeralds dancing on top of each other rang inside. He dug around the pouch and instead of pulling out the mere liquid emerald, the man took out another one with it. He was sure he could feel Erin's surprised expression and he held out the twin bottles to her,

    "I suppose making a small donation wouldn't hurt the cause? If you ever need a runner or someone else to find anymore suitable additions to your collections, you'll know where I am."

    HappyLanding likes this.
  10. Exoria

    Exoria The Ceaseless Hunger

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    The adventurer previously interested in the hard stone-hewn Mesa bow turns, and studies a magical bow with a drawstring of Thunder. Glancing between the two, he seems to be making a decision.

    Madame, could I possible rescind my interest in the Mesa Bow? I would much rather obtain the Thunderbolt."

    The man smiles, and with a flourish, protrudes a pair of leggings, and what looks to be a sacrificial mask.

    "But in true fashion of an adventurer, I am plagued by debt. Perhaps a barter would be acceptable? You can choose between either, as well as a small sum of Emeralds if it'll sweeten the deal."
    HappyLanding likes this.
  11. TeunH2406

    TeunH2406 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    The link of the last 3 wands don't work, just letting you know. Have a nice day!
    HappyLanding likes this.
  12. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    The gray eyes of the blacksmith widen at the presented bottles of shimmering emeralds whilst her pupils noticibly search for the appropriate answer for the man. Eventually, after a few long seconds, she smiles widely at her friend, offering him a slight bow,

    "Your patronage is greatly appreciated, Cato. This act of kindness has filled me with gratitide."

    She then offers another smile to the man.

    "I had always wondered in times away from the provine if you had remained the same kind, wonderful individual that relayed in a special place in my mind, and without a doubt, you have."

    Suddenly, sentiments of the many grand battles fought alongside her friend stream back into her mind, reminding Erin of the joyful recollections that included Cato, as well as a few other old friends, in them. From construct to theatre, her friend Cato stood at a place nearby her many years ago. The blacksmith then breaks her period of lamenting to clear her throat,

    "I am proud of the person you have become. You are good of heart-- one of the great qualities that is of invaluable worth in recent tidings."

    Realizing she had yet again gotten sidetracked, she raises a hand to rub the back of her neck.

    "It seems that I have lost the aim of this encounter in praise! Haha. Well, anyway, I will have the Dark Shroud polished and available for pick-up tomorrow!"
    After listening to the words of the bow-seeking ranger, the merchant glances down at the items being presented by him. Quickly, her eyes flicker back up to this adventurer, offering him a kind smile while holding his hands together, pressing the thundering bow into them,

    "I am no man of greed, or even a man at all. And would gladly part with this item for the price of 1 eb, without the comprisal of the leggings and mask, of course."

    The pin-striped marketeer then drops her hands, nodding her head to the archer.

    "All I ask of you is to put forth another act of kindness to someone in the future when able, and that you promise to take the Thunderbolt with you on many grand adventures to come."
    After completing several encounters with a couple of visitors, Erin then turns her attention to the adventurer garbed in a rich suit of red, politely hearkening to his words, before flashing him a grateful smile,

    "There seems to be a case of playful sprites robbing the forge blind of several identification tags! I will have this fixed straight away, and I thank you for mentioning it!"

    She then gives him a slight bow to display her gratitude towards the watchful visitor,

    "Have yourself a fine day as well, good sir, and you are always welcome in the forge!"
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2017
    blasterdud97, TeunH2406 and Vanward like this.
  13. Demonknight24

    Demonknight24 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Ill take iron string#2
    HappyLanding likes this.
  14. ItzJustAPrankBro

    ItzJustAPrankBro Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    As the corkian continues his journey onward he stops by the trading town of detlas and sees Erin doing some deals with other customers

    Hello Erin nice to see you! i was wondering if you had the weapons and armor i bought from you ready?"
    HappyLanding likes this.
  15. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    While sitting at her big oaken desk absorbed in a good old fashioned game of Napoleon at St. Helena, an adventurer costumed in a thin, black cloth around their mouth and nose approaches the merchant, inquirying about a certain one of her bows. Erin then looks up to meet this traveller's gaze, smiling at his enthusiasm for the item.

    "The Iron String is a fine item for fledging adventurers of Wynn! The weapon powerful to the point where it could piece even the hardiest of rock."

    The Smith then adds with a wink.

    "And that is a narrative told from personal experience!"
    Looking to meet the eyes of the Corkian adventurer, Erin then swiftly walks over to greet him, listening carefully to the words he had to say. An apologetic smile soon tugging onto her lips,

    "Unfortunately, a sprite has taken the items I had reserved for you and hid them in an unknown hideout somewhere in the forge! I am currently in the works of tracking both the items, and the sprite down. Surely, I will have found the items tomorrow. Would a meeting then be sufficient? (I am only available to trade in the shop hours of 7 AM to 1 PM Pacific Standard Time.)"
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2017
    ItzJustAPrankBro likes this.
  16. Demonknight24

    Demonknight24 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    As the adventurer continues his travels, he inquires about the location of the merchant he once met.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  17. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Soon, the markeeter turns back to where the adventurer interested in the iron-strung bow once stood, only to find him in his absense. Raising a confused eyebrow, the blacksmith then looks to the floor, where a small note is laid, containing the inquiry of her whereabouts. Deciding to pen him a letter, Erin then makes her way back over to her desk in order to start such an act.

    Dear Adventurer,

    I am writing with the regard to the inquiry you had left me upon leaving the shop. It seems that your person had walked out before I could properly attend to your person, haha! Well, in all honesty, I do not mind and am here to answer your question; currently, I am stocking the shop with new wares and am unable to attend a trade session with forge visitors.

    So, instead, I would like to pose the question of whether a meeting tomorrow would be sufficient enough for you?

    Hoping to hear back from you soon,
  18. andydreww

    andydreww Tea Fanatic | Complex Persona Specialist HERO

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    The man gave a simple nod and grinned at Erin's remark, glad to know that she still kept his presence in her mind. The idea of the merchant still remembering him brought a soft flutter to his heart, a feeling of joy he hadn't expected. Seeing several other adventurers bustling around the blacksmith with their own inquiries, he began to make his leave. As he approached the wooden door, he swung it open and turned back to face the merchant woman, a smile playing on his face.

    "I'm glad you think so highly of our past, it truly was marvelous. I shall let you get back to your own accords, it seems you've got quite the crowd? Hah, take care and happy trading, Miss Erin. May our paths cross again very soon."

    He then took out a scroll to Cinfras and unraveled it, giving a final grandiose bow and snap of his fingers before disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke. As the smoke faded, the door to her forge was closed and a small puff of the purple smoke crept underneath the door, slowly dissipating in the air.
    HappyLanding likes this.
  19. HappyLanding

    HappyLanding Makeshift Marketeer | Forgery's Smith VIP+

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    Even in the absense of her scarf-swaded friend, Erin waves at the vanishing fumes, chuckling at the impressive exit. She then walks back over to her desk chair, seating herself in it while sending @Katoshii well wishes of fortunate tidings and the favor of luck to follow him throughout his 'ventures.

    "Luck be with you, my friend. Luck be with you."
    andydreww likes this.
  20. Demonknight24

    Demonknight24 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    As the adventurers continues his travels, he stumbles upon an unidentified bow of legendary quality. He is surprised to find out it is the Iron String bow a merchant once spoke of. As the adventurer has already found his desired item, it is regretful that he no longer needs the merchant's goods. Although the stories say; every time the adventurer wielded the mighty bow, he had thoughts of a passing merchant who told him of its greatness.
    HappyLanding likes this.
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