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How To Install Wynncraft Enhanced Without Curse

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Vitridax, Jun 11, 2017.

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  1. Vitridax

    Vitridax Travelled Adventurer

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    Ok first thread but here goes...

    This is a guide on how to install the Wynncraft Enhanced modpack without curse. I think I will start with the warnings. This is a rather complicated procedure and even involves a bit of borderline hacking. It is much easier to download and install Curse/Twitch, create an account there, and then download/install the modpack. Installing without curse is definitely not supported by the modpack creators and upon loading the mod without it you get a nice surprise:

    Don't worry, I show how to remove this, but it will still block you for having an out dated version. The reason I am doing this guide is because there is no official curse/twitch client for linux distros, and I happen to be a fan of linux. I thought this could be a fun challenge to see if I could do it. This guide is directed towards linux users, but if you are using Windows/Mac it may point you in the right direction.

    I will split this up into two sections: The quick guide for those who want a simple, no nonsense, step by step instructions without all the explanations. This is for people who know what they're doing. Next will be the detailed guide: a lengthy, detailed guide that will help people if they don't know what to do in the quick guide, and may also allow people to solve their own problems. I'm not planning to help individual people if they get stuck in the installation, but I might make an FAQ if there are common problems.

    Quick Guide (WEv1.21)
    1. Download the following:
      1. Forge 1.10-
      2. Optifine 1.10 HD U D8
      3. Wynncraft Enhanced Modpack 1.21
      4. Wynncraft Enhanced Mod 1.19
      5. Wynncraft Worldmap 1.0
      6. Custom Main Menu 2.0.1
      7. Resource Loader 1.5.1
      8. BetterFps 1.4.5
    2. Create a new Minecraft directory 2 levels down from the home folder (eg ~/WE/minecraft/)
    3. Install Forge into that directory
    4. Place all the mods (not the modpack!) into the mods folder
    5. Extract the modpack somewhere and move all the files from overrides/ into the minecraft directory
    6. Create a new folder named "a\AppData\Roaming\Curse Client\" without quotes in the same folder as the minecraft directory (eg ~/WE/a\AppData\Roaming\Curse Client\/)
    7. Inside that folder create a file called LocalStorage.json
    8. Edit LocalStorage.json and paste the following text:
      1. Code:
        "minecraftRoot":lol I can put whatever I want between these colons:"\home\"
    9. In the Minecraft Launcher create a new profile (using forge 1.10) and point it to the minecraft directory
    10. Edit the profile and add the JVM argument -Duser.home={absolute path to mc parent folder + /a} (eg -Duser.home=/home/user/WE/a)
    11. Run Wynncraft Enhanced!

    Detailed Guide (latest version)
    1. Download modpack

    In order to install the modpack, we need to follow the curse client as closely as possible. First (obviously) we need the modpack itself. I will get most of the download links from the curseforge website because that is where curse finds them. The modpack can be found here. In order to get the right versions, you need to be able to see all the versions available. This is done by clicking the bars in the top left corner, and then "files". Go ahead and download the latest version.

    Once you've done that, extract the zip's contents with an archive manager. Inside there are two files and a folder: overrides/, manifest.json, and modlist.html. Open up manifest.json and modlist.html with a text editor/browser to see the rest of the downloads. Don't lose the overrides folder because we'll need it in step 3.

    2. Download mods
    Manifest.json contains lots of text, but the important parts are the "modLoaders" and "files" sections. Under modLoaders there should be a key called "id" with a value of a forge version. For me it's "forge-". All these versions could change with future updates, so always do the version your file says.
    The Forge download page is here. Find the correct forge version and download the installer. Once you have it, run it and install the forge client.

    Next, in manifest.json there are several groups in the file section. Each group has "projectID", "fileID", and "required" keys. Take a look at the first one. For me it has projectID 226406 with fileID 2309178. These point to specific files on the curseforge website. Conveniently, the modlist.html file has links to them all in order. The first one for me is Custom Main Menu. You can check to see if this is the right mod by clicking the triple bars again and clicking Project Info. This brings up a panel with information about the project, including its project ID. Custom Main Menu has an id of 226406, so it is the correct one listed in manifest.json. Next, to get the right version, go up to the url, add /files/{fileID} to the end, and press enter. For me the fileID was 2309178 so I would go to https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/custom-main-menu/files/2405622.

    This is the mod that matches the file field in manifest.json. download it, and follow the above instructions to download the rest of the files. For me they are Resource Loader, BetterFps, WynncraftEnhanced (the mod), and Wynncraft Worldmap.

    One last thing we need is optifine. It can be found here. Download the latest 1.10 version.

    3. Set up minecraft directory/profile
    Now we need to create a new folder so that wynncraft enhanced doesn't start interfering with normal minecraft. In order to do a little tricking later, it needs to be at least two folders down from your home folder. I decided to make it /home/vitridax/Wynncraft_Enhanced/minecraft/, but you can do whatever you want. Make sure you use your home folder, not vitridax. Try not to put any spaces in the names of folders because that can confuse the computer later.

    Inside the minecraft directory create a new folder called mods and put all the mods you downloaded into it. This means Optifine, Custom Main Menu, ... and those other files. There are also some additional files specific to the WE modpack. They are in the overrides folder that was in the WE modpack zip file you extracted in step 1. They should be things like config/, oresources/, resources/, ... . Move them all into the minecraft folder that you made the mods folder in.

    Now open up the minecraft launcher. Click new profile, name it whatever you want (like SUPERAWESOMESAUCE, or just Wynncraft Enhanced). Check the game directory box, and paste in the absolute path to the minecraft directory (/home/vitridax/Wynncraft_Enhanced/minecraft). Change "use version" to the forge version you installed. Check "JVM arguments" and add -Duser.home=/home/vitridax/Wynncraft_Enhanced/a at the end. Notice it is /a, not /minecraft. This is used in tricking the mod to thinking curse is installed.

    Save the profile. You should be able to run it now, but it will tell you curse is not installed. You can remove the Wynncraft Enhanced mod to fix that, or you can trick it in the next step.

    4. Create fake curse client
    This part might be a little confusing. Go to the same folder that the minecraft folder is in (/home/vitridax/Wynncraft_Enhanced) and create a new folder named "a\AppData\Roaming\Curse Client\" without the quotes. Inside this folder create a file called LocalStorage.json and open it in a text editor. Paste the following code in it (yes you can change whatever is in between the colons :) but if you change anything else it won't work).
    "minecraftRoot":lol I can put whatever I want between these colons:"\home\"

    Well that's it! It should work now. Here is a screenshot of me using it
    on Xubuntu (an Ubuntu branch that uses xfce as the desktop environment)
    Screenshot from 2017-06-11 11-16-46.png

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  2. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    there`s already something better then this kek
  3. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    0/10 Not Dark Theme Friendly.
    Aya, ThaUnknown_ and Moss like this.
  4. Trash

    Trash Add earth dagger VIP

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    wowza thats complicated but effective
  5. Vitridax

    Vitridax Travelled Adventurer

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    Really? Could you be more specific or provide a link?

    1. I don't even know how to enable dark theme, let alone make posts compatible with it. Maybe you could tell me through a pm?
    2. It's my first thread, give me a break!
    3. If your score is like golf, I just made a hole in zero :blush:.

    Just be glad I didn't try using the bytecode editor! That would really give people a headache, although It may be less steps and I would be able to fix the outdated blocking too.
  6. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    At the very bottom of the page to the left is a way to change the theme.
  7. Vitridax

    Vitridax Travelled Adventurer

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    Ok thanks! I fixed it.
    surenzo and Thunder like this.
  8. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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  9. StealWonders

    StealWonders Are you a wizzard?

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    Didn't work for me :/
    Might it be the "/home" in the "LocalStorage.json" file? My pc isn't in english.
  10. surenzo

    surenzo Travelled Adventurer

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    hello linux fan :p ,
    To begin , GG to this guid and thanks too but same Steelwonders it didn't work for me , when I launch minecraft it crash ... Don't understund why ( I'm french , maybe I don't understund something important ), can you help me if you can ?
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