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Any Class Help Item Spotlight #1 - Breakdown

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Hephaestus, Jun 22, 2017.

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  1. Hephaestus

    Hephaestus Hypothetical Build Maker | Avos Air Arceus VIP+

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    Hi, this is my new "Item Spotlight" series, in this I'll be making builds centered around certain items that are rarely if ever used as to try to stray away from "tank items all the time" builds

    This time we're looking at Breakdown, an item that's very unique but is almost never used. The defenses on it are pretty bad, the ungodly intel requirement and subsequent negative is just shit, and the item is a unique which by itself reduces the odds of people finding it. I believe, however, that I've created the best possible usage of it. (I've also posted this build before so :/)

    Breakdown - This is a Breakdown build, what did you expect? Seriously, though, this nets you a total of 72% damage which is great for something with not-awful health and some nice skill points.

    Boreal-Patterned Aegis - So I know what you're probably thinking. "this is a melee build wtf do you have this" but in reality this is amazing for defenses (particularly countering Breakdown's negative ones) and health and has some nice side buffs too, such as walk speed. 15% thunder damage is great too.

    Vaward - Super skill point heavy build needs a really good skill point pair of leggings. This also has some great health and melee damage.

    Scorpio - A nice finisher. Very good thunder damage, some fire and earth damage to cover up for the lack of it, and free walk speed and poison. Health isn't bad either.

    Summa - Skill points and mana regen. 'nuff said. (Originally had Moon Pool Circlet in this slot.)

    Prism - More skill points. Defenses are nice too.

    Gigabyte - Skill points, health, health regen, melee. All around great. (Except for the method of obtainment D:)

    Prowess - Skill points, health.

    Thrundacrack/any standard thunder endgame item. (Thrunda's just the first one that came to mind.) I don't think I need to explain this one, just get any good thunder item that works for melee.

    Skill points are just whatever makes it and then excess in thunder. Perfect ID's give you X/X/X/X/X as a base (my previous calculation was wrong and I'm too lazy to fix it right now), and your room for error is 14. (Less if your error is in earth.) It's quite a skill point-heavy build if you use Thrunda, but not nearly if you use an item like Fatal.

    So this build has quite a bit of melee bonus which allows for the quick --> quick melee playstyle to be actually usable. It's also a mini-tank with reasonable rainbow defenses, a mini-cactus, and a poison build. I don't think this kind of build is viable right now with heavy --> quick being so overpowered, but it could certainly see some use once elemental defense is fixed and tier gets nerfed.

    Let me know what you think, and comment if you have any suggestions on what items you want me to do in the future.
    LarzLapiz and CoolVictor2002 like this.
  2. Artifax

    Artifax Eltom Rainbow Archer | Build Maker VIP+

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    so true; nice pun
    Hephaestus and Pokextreme like this.
  3. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Potentially infidel
    Hephaestus likes this.
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