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In the News Gpu Inflation

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Hoshi no Kaabii, Jun 21, 2017.


Should you buy PC Parts Now? Or go for gaming laptops with similar specs for gaming?

  1. Buying PC Parts, because building a PC is cheaper and I will find the GPU in its MSRP.

    2 vote(s)
  2. Buying a Laptop, because the GTX 1060s and 1070s are sold out and selling for higher profit.

    0 vote(s)
  3. I have plans to buy a pre-built PC right now or some time ago.

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Hoshi no Kaabii

    Hoshi no Kaabii poyo HERO

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    Before replying, I'm a tech person, mostly for PC components like CPU, GPU, and all other components and peripherals for PC. I like to chat with PC technology or games, so no worries if you want to chat with specs or game benchmarks for each game you want to talk about. If you don't want to chat about PC technology, just don't.

    and excuse for my poor grammar, if there are some.

    From the past couple weeks, the bitcoin mining has ryzen from nowhere (From what I know) and it's gets annoying how online stores are selling them for like over the MSRP of the specific GPU (GTX 1070 = $379, now to around or over $500). The First GPUs that are used on mining and then sold out to online stores around is the RX 470/570 & RX 480/580.

    The first time I saw the cryptocurrency mining was where in Computex 2017 in Taiwan where a company had like 8 RX 470s for ethereum mining. Though I was wondering why someone would need 8 RX 470s, I didn't bother the mining at first, until this article appeared and many other spawned than just that article. It bothers me how it's selling out extremely higher prices of the mid-range AMD GPUs. If you're going to look on Amazon or Newegg, they're like usually 2x-3x the price

    Not only it's inflating prices on AMD's, the inflation is now also targeting to NVIDIA's GTX 1060 and GTX 1070. I saw about this inflation discussion on a livestream of BitWit and Paul's Hardware, there was a comment left on a livestream where GTX 1070's prices are jumping up high. When I looked up news of the GTX 1070's price inflation and saw that happening now, it affected my future PC build that I want to build. I'm pissed, extremely pissed of how GPU's are exploited for something else and not for what they're made for (PC Gaming). Now I have to get a GTX 1080 to do so, but at least benchmarks with the Ryzen 5 1600 and GTX 1080 are great at 1080p gaming (I play at 144hz for most games like CS:GO and Overwatch, but AAA titles would go for around 60hz-75hz, like probably games released in around this year. I don't think GTA V is worth to get anymore, mods are banned).

    You MIGHT be asking why mining is targeting on GPUs. There are two answers. The first & simple reason is GPU Mining is drastically faster than CPU Mining. Reasons are here on this link. But the main reason is the ever rising difficulty to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. (Thanks! @ShadowCraft95)

    Why is this needed to discussed? The first is obviously that something I want to share and talk about, but the second is to warn PC builders that the mid-range GPU, GTX 1070s, and most GTX 1080s are going out of stock because of ethereum/bitcoin mining (Which I only know who is planning to build a PC is me).

    I hope Pre-built PC are not affected by the GPU inflation and even the upcoming AMD Vega GPU and the GTX 1080/ Ti version of that. Good thing that the GTX 1050 and the Ti version of that and the RX 460/560 are not really exploited in GPU mining. I doubt someone will get a GTX 1060/1070 gaming laptop just to exploit on mining, they're obviously more expensive than built PCs.

    To conclude this, If you're going to build a PC, good luck trying to find the GPU around the prices of their MSRP. Who knows how long the cryptocurrency mining is going to last, we'll just wait and see when it's going to end.

    TL;DR. AMD's mid-range RX 570 & 580, as well as NVIDIA's GTX 1060 and 1070 are sold out and inflated prices, due to surges of cryptocurrency mining.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
    SpadenadeZ1 and Thunder like this.
  2. memethyl

    memethyl the king of shitposting VIP+

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    tbh bitcoin mining is shit and nobody should be doing it cause the mining difficulty is too damn high and you're always in the red with the expensive-as-fuck hardware required for it

    actually you know what bitcoin in general is a meme and shouldn't be taken seriously
  3. Thunder

    Thunder Chief Thunder HERO

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    TL;DR. Only the rich can get richer.
    FAZu and Hoshi no Kaabii like this.
  4. ShadowCraft95

    ShadowCraft95 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    GPU mining has been pretty much dead since 2013... Most mining today is done on ASICs or illegally on botnets.
    This is mainly because of the ever rising difficulty to mine bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
  5. Hoshi no Kaabii

    Hoshi no Kaabii poyo HERO

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    Added a little poll.

    Dead? I thought it was still ongoing on a stable position. Last time I heard about this was somewhere mentioned once in some website I don't know where in around 3 years ago. And the mining today, I have seen one tech youtuber, who's not really that popular comparing to Bitwit or TechSource, who has done the ASICs method. And for the main reason, I could add that to the thread.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  6. Hoshi no Kaabii

    Hoshi no Kaabii poyo HERO

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    UPDATE: GTX 1080 prices are now jumped up. FML
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