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Serious Does Saitama Really Have Limitless Power?

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Hoshi no Kaabii, Jun 4, 2017.


Do you think he's THAT powerful?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Hoshi no Kaabii

    Hoshi no Kaabii poyo HERO

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    Before saying anything, no I did NOT put the serious tag for the One-Punch Man pun. And my grammar on the title is incorrect, I'm not that good, I just want to jump straight to my discussion.

    Small Wall of Text
    Bald is the main question.
    Ever since I watched one of my favorite anime One-Punch Man, I thought of myself that he has extremely limitless power and I thought he could be quickly among the most power anime character of 2010 or even the whole anime (Yes, I was a die-hard fan. I was always thinking he is a ruthless hero that nothing can kill him. Not even Goku or Superman can kill him. I even watched this video that Saitama is tougher than Superman).

    However, it kinda changed my thoughts when I went to a wikia called VS Battle Wiki and I see Saitama is pretty much losing to other characters and no one else (I even replied a discussion of Captain Underpants and Yosemite Sam going to win over Saitama), due to circumstances. Because of this, I began to think of a question it popped in my thoughts.

    Is Saitama really that powerful, compared to other extremely power characters from other anime and superhero comics like SSGSS Goku/Vegeta, Superman, and Hulk and is he limitless in terms of power and stats (Like true physical invulnerability like he can't feel a single hit or his body parts cannot be taken off by any circumstances, immeasurable strength that even the most powerful characters are punched to the sun, he can run at speeds like twice, twenty-times, or even hundred times faster than the speed of light)?

    I apologize if I lack on research. I still curious on Saitama's true power/potential.
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Well... There's this big problem with comparing strengths in any kind of fiction, because they're just that; fictitious. They're parts of a story, written to do things.

    In Saitama's case, he was written to be literally impossibly powerful, completely unbeatable. No matter how crazy the opponent, he's written to always be stronger. He's got the one-up from the get-go, just because of the story he's from. In the examples stated (Dragon Ball, DC, Marvel), the stories are written so that heroes and villains have real conflict, as opposed to the steamrolling battles of Saitama. Of course, that's part of One Punch Man's draw, but that's an entirely different topic.

    So basically, yes. He has unlimited power; the power of storytelling. Nothing can change this unless ONE decides it so.
  3. Hoshi no Kaabii

    Hoshi no Kaabii poyo HERO

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    Added a poll.
  4. Blackfall

    Blackfall One punch to rule them all VIP+

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    Yes, no doubt!
    You're reading the manga? (if not, do it !!)
    But yeah until the author proves otherwise - He has limitless powers and easily the strongest fictional character EVER.
    I really like him xD
  5. Tepgam

    Tepgam Tepgam the explorer VIP+

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    Saitama is really strong and would probably win against most characters that use abilities that do physical damage but there are also some characters that fight in other ways.
    Tatsuya from "The Irregular at Magic High School" could probably have a chance of beating him since he can deconstruct atoms (Or something like that, I'm not exactly sure how it works) + he can bring himself back to life.
  6. Toasted Asian

    Toasted Asian Toasty VIP+

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    I wonder how physics of "unlimited power" would apply to the real world...

    Would gravity collapse under their own weight?

    Could muscles become stiff after being harder than stone?

    Would a mans flesh tear apart by inhumane speeds?
  7. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I'm assuming you're referring to this, because if so, I can't believe I'm not the only one here who knows that place exists, I've known that wiki for a while, I think it's designed pretty well for what it is, also, I just like the tiering system I guess.
    As one of the mods there once pointed out, it's more of an index for Character strength, the actual "battles" are on the forums for each character.

    There's also 2 other versions of the wiki, Joke battles wiki and FC/OC VS Battles wiki

    The first one is obvious. As for the second one, it's more of a version for OCs and/or anything that uses resources from an established universe but is still made by fans.

    I know the second one sounds really fucking stupid on paper, and it kind of is, but with the way FC/OC wiki works, stuff from Wynncraft are perfectly applicable for that wiki! In the end, Wynn still takes place in the entire Minecraft "multiverse", and is something fanmade, so it would fit. There are already pages on mobs from Minecraft mods, that are perfectly applicable for the wiki, someone here should make pages for Wynn characters if they're up to it.

    Doubtful, trust me, there are far higher ones.

    Also, in the end, anyone can make a character unlimited, some people just prefer to play fair. I think One Punch Man was made as a parody of manga/anime with stupidly OP stuff, now, if only the fans realized the satire.

    I'm going to stop here, as I don't wish to trivialize myself by arguing with someone over stuff like this.
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