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Guild ⚔☠ Blacklisted | Lv. 52 | Recruiting Lv. 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Naraka00, Jun 18, 2016.

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  1. Heyword

    Heyword I dont want to die twice ;-; HERO

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    Pirate's bump!
    Naraka00 likes this.
  2. Si55

    Si55 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: CommanderCorn1
    Highest class and level: Warrior level 81
    How active are you: I'm on a lot on the weekends, and sometimes on weekdays
    An estimate of how long you have been playing: Around 6 months
    Why would you like to join: My guild Crucia is currently inactive besides me, and I am kind of lonely when I play
    How would you like to help the guild: mostly contribute emeralds and XP, if I can I would like to do wars
    Previous guilds you were in: Crucia
    Why did you leave/ got kicked: my guild is inactive
    About me: I really like sports, soccer the most. Also my favorite band is Relient k. My favorite food is pizza and lasagna, I do like hamburgers too.
    I'm 14 years old. I am really sorry but I don't have Skype or Discord.
    Sincerely: CommanderCorn1
    Heyword likes this.
  3. Si55

    Si55 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    if you want to recruit me i might be on Wednesday! Thanks!
  4. DarkMaster98

    DarkMaster98 Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: Dark_Master_98
    Highest class and level: Mage, Level 82
    Timezone: MDT
    How active are you: Usually play about 4-5 days a week in the evenings
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: First started sometime around the Ocean Update, became more active after the Mob Update
    Why you would like to join: I want to get more involved with other players in Wynncraft, playing alone gets boring after a while
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): I could help with guild wars when I'm available, give about 25% of my exp to the guild, and donate emeralds and/or any spare items I get while grinding/exploring
    Previous guilds you were in: N/A
    Why did you leave/got kicked: N/A
    Tell us something about you: I like to write, my favorite food is green onion cakes, and I'm a Canadian.
  5. Power :3

    Power :3 Drowned in projects VIP+

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    You still haven't added me to the guild thread amirite ;)
    01100110111 likes this.
  6. Assassin4Lyfe

    Assassin4Lyfe That guy who somehow got into Hax, Lir, and Eco. VIP

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    IGN: BobbyTaylor
    Highest class and level: 100 Assassin & 93 Mage.
    Timezone: Est
    How active are you: On everyday for 2+ hours
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: Hours in total or when I started playing? Started late August of 2016 and have around 300+ hours.
    Why you would like to join: I want to be in a guild that has good people but isn't 100% focused on world domination.
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): I would like to contribute xp and possibly loot.
    Previous guilds you were in: Hax, Lir, Eco.
    Why did you leave/got kicked: I'm really really really poor (I have 4 le) and I can't afford a decent horse or build to use so I die within 10 seconds of pretty much every war, and since I have no horse it takes me a while to get between wars and once Leader (higher up person in hax) and Dark (owner of hax) figured that out, leader basically told me that he was talking to dark about whether or not I belonged in HAX, so instead of waiting for them to kick me, I left.
    Tell us something about you: I'm completely useless in terms of pvp, pve, and in earning money.
  7. Leor1

    Leor1 Found 2 Mythics VIP+

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    IGN: Leor1
    Highest class and level: Archer 96 as of now
    Timezone: UTC +02:00 Jerusalem
    How active are you: a hour a day
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: 3 years
    Why you would like to join: I want to make new friends really
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): I would contribute often and occasionally do wars
    Previous guilds you were in: The Legends Wynn
    Why did you leave/got kicked: well I didn't leave yet but when I get home (tomorrow) I will, everyone is inactive in the guild
    Tell us something about you: uhhhh i play the trumpet, for about 6 years now, I live in Israel annnd thats it
  8. Power :3

    Power :3 Drowned in projects VIP+

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    Bump char!
    Naraka00 likes this.
  9. Naraka00

    Naraka00 Warrior of the Revolution Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    Guild thread updated! x3

    To the players who have applied recently: we are currently full, so reviewing apps will take a bit longer, please be patient or go check out other guilds you might be interested in :)
    Tisaun, Power :3 and NeonRider like this.
  10. Billybobjoemon

    Billybobjoemon Mayonnaise is A Gender VIP+

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    Highest class and level: assassin lvl 92
    Timezone: pst/california time
    How active are you: took a huge break, coming back for corkus update
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: probably over 1 year
    Why you would like to join: I used to be in this and I had lots of fun and I would like to experience being in a guild again
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): Wars, I like guild wars alot
    Previous guilds you were in: none, used to be in this one
    Why did you leave/got kicked: I was inactive for a long period
    Tell us something about you: I like photography
  11. Fishy7

    Fishy7 Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: nimbus353
    Highest class and level: Warrior Lvl100
    Timezone: east coast U.S.
    How active are you: Play everyday though mostly on weekends
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: Have been on wynn since 2014 but took like a 2 year break
    Why you would like to join: being lvl 100 is boring
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): Wars and contributing
    Previous guilds you were in: The Hell Raisers
    Why did you leave/got kicked: Because I was from the U.S. not sure if that was a joke though but they kicked me
    Tell us something about you: School just ended so i should be more active
  12. Assassin4Lyfe

    Assassin4Lyfe That guy who somehow got into Hax, Lir, and Eco. VIP

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    Highest class and level: 100 Assassin, 100 Warrior, 93 Mage.
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you: 3 hours a day
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: In total, probably 400 hours.
    Why you would like to join: I was to be a part of an active community.
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): I'd help Blacklisted by doing anything and everything that I can (to a reasonable extent).
    Previous guilds you were in: Lir, Eco, and Hax.
    Why did you left/were kicked: I was having trouble with warring.
    Tell us something about you: I'm going for a total of 340 levels by the end of this weekend.
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
  13. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    IGN: LobsterTrap
    Highest class and level: Archer 100
    Timezone: Est
    How active are you: I can rack up a few hours on saturdays, around 1 and a half on weekdays, Tuesday gets an extra few.
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: Since august with 54 Hours
    Why you would like to join: Well, I began in Hax and left due to innactivity (I left, I wasn't kicked) because I was starting to work on a project. I am starting to take casual breaks and my firned started helping me so I have some free time. Since I was rejected I decided I might help out some allies
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): Contributing, helping people out.
    Previous guilds you were in: Hax
    Why did you leave/got kicked: I left because of inactivity.
    Tell us something about you: I try to cheer people up if they are depressed, but then on the other hand I try to give people bullshit if they are full of them self.
  14. ActualAnthonino

    ActualAnthonino SkyBlock Prisoner

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    I'm never gonna get THIS good at running a guild! I clap to you on the shore! *claps*
  15. SpiritualFox

    SpiritualFox Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    IGN: SpiritualFoxYT
    Highest class and level: Level 82 Archer
    Timezone: UTC +08:00
    How active are you: 1-2 hours a day. Might be lesser cuz I have exams coming soon.
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: Started playing this server 2 years ago but then I quit because didn't like it this much that time. But I just got back recently and leveled up from 50+.
    Why you would like to join: Because my previous guild is dead and I need a guild with friendly players.
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): I will try to donate and fight in wars (if you guys allow)
    Previous guilds you were in: WeirdoSquad, and some others that I've forgotten. It's been quite some time.
    Why did you leave/got kicked: Like I've said, they're practically dead. :(
    Tell us something about you: I love to play Basketball :D <3 and I'm Asian :o XD
  16. Chaw

    Chaw Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: Chaw
    Highest class and level: lvl 87 Dark Wizard
    Timezone: GMT + 6
    How active are you: 2-3 hours per day
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: 3 years.
    Why you would like to join: I was already in this guild, being kicked out because I was inactive for a few months due to schooling. This guild is fun, has active and nice members and a great community as well as being strong.
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): Donating exp, I already proved I could do it when I was in this guild before donating thousands of exp points.
    Previous guilds you were in: This one, TheStarbucks.
    Why did you leave/got kicked: Left TheStarbucks because it was inactive.
    Tell us something about you: I turn 15 next month, live in Thailand(but not Thai.) And that's about it.
  17. Nat-Ruto

    Nat-Ruto COPPER is the new GOLD

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    IGN: NaatRuto

    Highest class and level: Mage lvl 80 but growing quickly [20 levels in 11 days (I really wanted to be part of this guild)].

    Timezone: Mountain Central - U.S.A

    How active are you: I am on 2-4 hours a day / 6 days / week.

    An estimate of how long you've been playing: I have been playing since February of 2016 and took a short break at level 60 from December to March.

    Why you would like to join: I have wanted so bad, since the time I was level 50, to be part of a community like this one. After hours of looking through different guilds I landed on this one; and I knew, almost instantly, that this is the guild I want to join. This guild is one of society, trust, and fun. And, I think, one that I can really learn from, and grow in, and contribute to. That is why want so greatly to join this guild.

    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): My goals are to help my guildmates with quests, contribute as much as possible in guild wars, and donate tons of experience points to the guild.

    Previous guilds you were in: I was previously in a small guild called Bunnies

    Why did you leave/got kicked: I left very shortly after a fellow guild member quit. The guild member had been very kind and was being treated unfairly so quit in anger. I, in "honor of her," left with a brief message of "FOR (HER NAME)." (I don't feel at liberty to mention her name.)

    Tell us something about you: I view myself as loyal and kind person, willing to contribute to a worthy cause/group. I am empathetic and always consider strongly before forming an opinion. I, although not sure if this is a good trait, am very nerdy and think very mathematically. But although I have many great traits, it would be unfair to the recruiters not to mention a few of my bad traits. I, unfortunately, can be very defensive of myself and others when I am passionate about an idea; but I do try to always keep my cool. i can also be overwhelmingly opinionated and sometimes serious without realizing it (another symptom of passion). After learning as much as you did about me, I hope you can make the best choice regarding my application, whatever it may be. :)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2017
  18. td193616

    td193616 Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: TD19
    Highest class and level: Archer lv 91
    Timezone: CTS
    How active are you: i try to play about 10hours a week
    An estimate of how long you've been playing: 3 years
    Why you would like to join: To play with others and to experience what guilds in wynn do.
    How would you like to help the guild (wars, contributing, etc): I dont mind grinding (xp/Em),I like to try wars
    Previous guilds you were in: Tonks (only player there)
    Why did you leave/got kicked: To join a guild that was not just myself in it
    Tell us something about you: I am a 22 year old gamer that has been playing games for 10-12 years, Iv player every type of game for mmo's to horror games, The game that i call my main game is World of Tanks,its an mmo pvp game based on tanks of the early 20th century, I have played that game on and off for 4-5 years,but minecraft is my chill game,i come to mc just to have fun and not to get stressed out,wynn craft is about the only thing I play when it come to vanilla mc but i do play some modded,but thats rarely.
  19. jesseleurink

    jesseleurink Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    hey naraka i was on the guild for nearly a year but i became dismoted and didn't play anymore i play again and i want to get in a guild again so i ask u can i join blacklisted again?
  20. Cosmokey1

    Cosmokey1 Cosmokey VIP+

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    Best Class:Mage level 93
    3-4 hours a day unless I am going on vacation
    Reason I want to join: to help out I never actually got to help out in any of the guilds I joined and I want to change that
    How long I have been playing: a year
    How do I want to help: farming ect
    Anything we should know about you:I am a 19 year old gamer I belive in strategy looking before leaping and thinking it through
    Previous guild I was in: Titan valor
    Why I was kicked/left:I left because of the inactivity nobody was on
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
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