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Will Help New Players Move Around And Get Aquainted With Wynn!

Discussion in 'Your Services' started by iampfaff, May 4, 2017.


What could I do to improve this?

  1. Add dungeon/quest help

    4 vote(s)
  2. Not do this

    0 vote(s)
  3. Kill myself

    3 vote(s)
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  1. iampfaff

    iampfaff Truckin' along HERO

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    I was playing the other day and was heading to Ragni to wait for my friend who would be logging on shortly, when I saw these two new players on the Emerald Trail. One of them had a name that started with an F and went on and on with a bunch of letters and numbers. The other one had a more coherent name, but I still coulden't figure out what it meant. I forget both of their names but that isn't really that important. Anyway, I felt sorry for them and led them to a Teir IV loot chest and I swear, when the F guy closed out of it, he looked right at me and asked, "Ruby, do you know what powders are for?" I was overcome with this weird instinct to help them, so I escorted them through Nilva Forest to Detlas and left them there with a "Good luck! You'll need it" sort've good bye. I was pretty happy that entire evening and so I'm proposing this: I can help new players out by traveling with them and teaching them and hopefully helping them in the process.

    I can do it about an hour each day between 4-6 PM Central time(2-4 Pacific, 3-5 Mountain, 5-7 Eastern), if anyone's interested. Also, I'll take whatever you can spare for payment, as I understand how new players can't afford to pay me a constant fee.
    Rixium and PikaLegend like this.
  2. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    nice i guess..
  3. Zarathaen

    Zarathaen [Soldier of Wynn] VIP+

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    Mo'in, friend.
    It makes me happy to see people doing things like this. When I started a few weeks ago, I was playing solo and had no help. Now I'm playing solo and I have no help unless I buy it because my guild is fairly inactive. The difference is that now I'm level 80. But not every new player is able to figure stuff out, or they're new to minecraft, etc. I try to help people too, to figure out the basics of the game so it doesn't overwhelm them. Keep up the great work. :)
    Rixium likes this.
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