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Community Event Giveaway 64le + Decent Legendaries

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kir, May 14, 2017.

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  1. LarzLapiz

    LarzLapiz Avos Air Pen HERO

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    coolname2034 likes this.
  2. ubershaften

    ubershaften Well-Known Adventurer

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    I was taken to a country where a group of masked men wanted to kill me.


    just kill me

    edit: I forgot to state why I want this
    I'm poor and don't have time to dedicate to grinding, so I have to take what I can
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  3. Tato

    Tato Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Being banned for 'abusing' a dungeon glitch
    (no Im not crying coz Im salty - I didn't get banned or rly know anyone who did)

    Why are a majority of the jokes racist? Do you have to be offensive to be funny?

    Anyway, I'm interested in winning as I just like... see people and I can't help giving my money away. So I don't have much anymore.
    Also, its money - I love shopping.
    someone is mad at me for not having a proper build so I need to finance it ;-;
  4. LTMS

    LTMS Ninja Water Frog

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    Eurovision's Jury.

    (I need da money)
  5. Ragersgottagame

    Ragersgottagame 2 Mythics as of 3/2/23 :) CHAMPION

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    Safely memeing your cat.jpg
    :joy: :joy: :joy: WHO DID THIS :joy: :joy: :joy:
    Meekio, coolname2034 and LarzLapiz like this.
  6. TimThaKing

    TimThaKing Skilled Adventurer

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    So I recently moved into a new neighborhood and it's a pretty nice area. After a couple of weeks, a moving truck pulls up and I realize there's a new girl living in the house next to me. So I walk out and I notice that she's all by herself.

    Being the good neighbor I am, I go up and ask, "Hey, I see you don't have any help. Do you need any help with moving your boxes inside?"

    And keep this in mind, I'm like a 6/10 on good day while this girl is an easy 9/10. Like this girl can easily be a supermodel.

    So I ask if she needs any help and she looks me dead in the eye with the nastiest grimace on her face and says, "Uh... No thanks, I'm good."

    "Well ok. No problem. If you need anything, just give a little knock on the door and I'll come out."

    So a couple days go by after that failed attempt and this girl's dumb, small chihuahua jumps over the fence and gets into my yard. So I'm thinking, "Ok cranky girl. Round 2, let's go, we got this."

    So I take the dumb dog and I bring it over to her house and give the door a knock. She opens the door and with the biggest smile says, "OH MY GOD thank you SO MUCH! I don't know what I would do without him. He's like family to me. I'm so sorry that I was so mean to you the other day. I was having a bad day and took it out on you and I'm so sorry. Please let me make it up to you and take you out to dinner."

    So I humbly accept and we end up going out to dinner that night. Now, we don't have much in common. Like, I'm into video games and anime and she's into all this white girl stuff like makeup, Starbucks, and all that other shit. But, we have a good time. And I mean, this girl is WAY out of my league so who am I to complain? So then we hang out more frequently, I visit her and she visits me and now I'm in a good relationship with this extremely hot chick.

    A couple weeks go by, we continue this, and I see a moving truck come in from the other direction. I go out to greet the new neighbor and I see a cute girl come out of the moving truck. Now this girl is cute. She isn't supermodel hot, but she's cute. I would say she's like a 7/10. So I go up to her and say, "Hey, I see you don't have any help with moving your stuff in. Is it ok if I help?" Luckily, she says, "Yeah, sure. Um, take this box and put it in the living room. It's the first room to the right, you can't miss it."

    So I go to pick up the box and I realize that it's labeled "Video Games." The box wasn't taped very well, so I peek into the box and I'm seeing some serious video games. I'm seeing Final Fantasy 7-9 black label, a mint copy of Illusion of Gaia. Like, what girl even knows what that game is!? So I ask, "Hey, is this a box of your boyfriend's stuff?" and she responds with, "No, I don't have a boyfriend. That stuff's mine so make sure not to drop it." So now I know this girl is actually the coolest girl ever.

    So I help the girl move her stuff in and we hang out afterwards. We go out to lunch and we hit it off. We ended up just talking about video games the whole time and it was amazing. Now I have a friend to talk nerd shit with and don't forget, she's a cute as hell 7/10. And I also have this 9/10 girlfriend with me. And again, I'm just a 6/10 so right now, I'm living the dream.

    So a couple weeks go by and my girlfriend comes up to me and says, "Hey, so this may sound weird, but I don't want you to hang out with that girl anymore. You're spending a lot of time with her and I'm honestly a little jealous and I want you to spend more time with me."

    I tell her, "Well listen, why don't you try to talk to her. If you like me, then you'll like her and then we can all hang out and it'll be great." She says, "Well...alright. I guess I'll give it a shot. I'll try to talk to her tomorrow

    So next day, my girlfriend comes up to me and says, "Uh, yeah you can't see that girl ever again."

    "Wait, what? Why not? What happened?"

    "Yeah she told me that you're hers now and if I ever go near you again, she is going to kill me."

    "I think you're overreacting a little bit. She doesn't seem like that type of person"

    "She told me, and I quote, that she is going to fucking murder me."

    "I can't imagine that it's that serious. I'll try to straighten this out and go talk to her tomorrow."

    I go up to 7/10's house the next day and give it a little knock on the door but nobody answers. I try the doorbell, nothing. Give her a call, text her, no answer. So then I call my girlfriend, try to tell her that she wasn't there and I'll try again tomorrow. But again, no answer. So I go over to her house, knock on the door and still no answer. Next day knock* knock* no answer and I don't know what's going on.

    So day after day goes by and eventually, week after week and I'm getting nothing. I put in the missing persons but nothing turns up. I call their family and friends and they know nothing. And after weeks of all this, I just give up.

    Then I turn the news on one day, and I see the 7/10 girl getting carried away in handcuffs. And, she's covered in blood from head to toe. She's screaming and yelling at the camera saying, "She's dead, you're next." A couple days go by and the autopsy reports are coming in, and its all over the internet. Apparently, not only did she kill my gorgeous 9/10 girlfriend, but parts of her were missing. Chunks of her arms and legs were gone and it seems that the 7/10 girl ate parts of my girlfriend. Bit and chewed into her.

    Now I'm thinking to myself that I had the two most amazing girls in my life. And I'm here, 6/10, just worried out of my mind because I can't get the image out of my head of her screaming into the cameras saying, "She's dead, you're next. She's dead you're next." And I'm going crazy, I'm screaming and writing it in blood on the walls, "She's dead, you're next. She's dead you're next." AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT DO DO ANYMORE.

    And it raises the question: Why is 6 afraid of 7?

    7 8 9

    I want to win because I'm broke
    DrakeM1, PikaLegend, Kir and 4 others like this.
  7. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    Praise wall of text \o/
  8. samsungplay

    samsungplay Cataclysm Warchief Ninja VIP+

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    A guy who loaned 46 le fails to pay back .. and as the lender turns furious about it, he messages him..
    Lender-> Loaner : Ill report you if you wont pay back
    Loaner-> Lender: pls, its the fault of economy that have failed me
    Lender-> Loaner: idc
    Loaner -> Lender: Sorry bro
    Lender -> Loaner: A mere 'Sorry' isn't enough
    Loaner -> Lender: How about an 'Accesorry'

    Reason for le: You just read the story of my life after being disqualified in this giveaway.
    Last edited: May 14, 2017
  9. xKar

    xKar hello wants up CHAMPION

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    I was offered an intercourse with a 21 year old woman, in exchange, I was supposed to advertise some bathroom cleaner.
    Which of course, I denied, because I am a person with high moral standards and strong willpower. Just as strong as Ajax, the super strong bathroom cleaner.
    Now available with scented lemon or vanilla.

    I wanna win because I am really working hard on improving myself on the trading scene, and this would help a lot I guess.
    Good luck everyone!
  10. DutchSpruceRun

    DutchSpruceRun Adventurer VIP+

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    Three guys stranded on a desert island find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish. The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home. The second guy wishes the same. The third guy says: ā€˜Iā€™m lonely. I wish my friends were back here.ā€™

    I want to win because money = good items.
  11. Heyword

    Heyword I dont want to die twice ;-; HERO

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    Help ppl,my grandma is smashing my head aganist the key-beifh e hyqvDieb 68, hsho
  12. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    Braunsleeve likes this.
  13. Foxey

    Foxey Just a human VIP

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    kazumeep likes this.
  14. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    Guy 1 : Do you want a backwards joke ?
    Guy 2 : Yes.
    Guy 1 : Starts laughing then ...

    (I want to win because I want to win.)
    Last edited: May 14, 2017
  15. Reti

    Reti Marquis of the Foxes, King of Memes VIP+

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    A man arrived at the doctors office with 7 horses up his ass.

    However, the doctor described his condition as stable

    I wanna win cuz monie
    gadfskhj and Dohdo like this.
  16. WolfPack64

    WolfPack64 Skilled Adventurer

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    Why did the couple not go to the gym?
    Because their relationships wouldn't work out.

    And I entered because i got nothing else to do on these forums. Minus well try my luck at make some people laugh in the process.
  17. ferricles

    ferricles Rhyming is fun HERO

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    3 Guys in a room:

    Guy 1 (to guy 2): Did you know that one in three people are gay?
    Guy 2 (to guy 1): Im not gay
    Guy 1: me neither
    Guy 2: RUN!
    (Both Guys 1 and 2 run off)
  18. and 17 others

    and 17 others Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I just deleted all German names of my phone, now its Hans free

    Id like to get some great classbuilds
    coolname2034 and AscendedZombie like this.
  19. munky

    munky Famous Adventurer HERO

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    What's white, sticky, and falls from the sky?

    The coming of the lord

    I want to win cause I'm saving for a grimtrap
  20. Geno

    Geno I enjoy chicken. VIP+

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    Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
    Because it was dead.

    I want to win cause I'm a jew.
    Love likes this.
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