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Forgotten Features

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Enderman1234, Apr 25, 2017.

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  1. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Bosses, in their current state, are absolutely awful. This has always been a complaint of mine, but because of one fact, I feel it makes it worse. The GM's said bosses are going to be improved coming with Gavel. But it hasn't happened, what gives?

    Before the ranting, I just want to say I love this server and everything they do, but I want it to be better, for the good of everyone.

    Before Gavel a contest was held that whatever won, would be implemented in Gavel. The winner was Igbarvonsquid with the heavily detailed suggestion of how to make bosses better. It wasn't just one skill bosses with a metric ton of stats, but a skill based encounter that felt satisfying to beat.

    Bosses in their current states
    The current state of bosses are bland encounters with little to no personality that cast a singular spell (which isn't original to the boss!) with just altered stats. They aren't fun to fight, at all. Over a year ago I posted a thread asking about this, and got a response stating that this was in progress (ie that worm boss in the trailer) I haven't seen any improvement what so ever, and I'm starting to get annoyed.

    I haven't seen a statement about this, nor any showing of improved bosses, but bosses aren't the only culprit of being forgotten.

    Main quest
    What happened to a main quest line? Ages ago they teased a main quest line, and the community was super hyped for this. But... there's not a single sign of it? There also seems to be almost entire zones devoid of quests, like the sky islands, with little content. And corkus having 2-3 quests.

    A statement notifying us on stuff would be very useful but, currently we are left in the dark

    Tldr: Improve bosses, what happened to make quests, and tell us what's happening
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2017
  2. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    The main storyline is supposed to come in the near future.
    I think Selvut said somewhere that the GMs would love to make better bosses, but they're very limited with what they can do. It's all up to Jumjum to do all the code!
  3. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    Actually there's about a total of 42 mob spells... They just have a limit as to how many they can put on each boss.
    I'm not saying boss fights are very fun- We've pretty much developed from tons of health and 1 spell on each boss to 2-3 spells and tons of health on each boss, A slight improvement, But probably not enough.

    Remember this is Minecraft, They have a lot of limits for making AI that aren't even up to them.
    Not to forget that AI is one of the least important things in an RPG, Unlike world design & dialogues which Wynncraft has obviously nailed.

    And the main story line still is being worked on and has been for quite a long time now, They just didn't really give us any teasers about it yet because I'm assuming it's one of the biggest scale projects they've had and they want to keep it secret.

    P.S - They're currently rewriting the entire game code, So adding anything new that involves coding such as- Uhm... Boss spells, Would be a waste of time.

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2017

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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  5. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Okay didn't know abou the main quest part, but yes the part with the bosses is true, but it's been over a year now
    I was wrong about the main quest but the bosses still are lot left to be desired, and yes I know there are limitations but the problems are the code base they have needs to be changed to support better bosses
    i eat bees likes this.
  6. kolleden

    kolleden Bop Bop VIP+

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    I 100% agree, one of the reasons I remember being hyped for gavel was in that teaser, you could see a very cool armor stand worm battle, something with a "unique MMORPG" feel to it, you know?
    + In that teaser you get cutscenes, amazing cutscenes, We got some of them but nothing like what we saw on the trailer.
    Honestly my biggest complaint was they promised features that we're not added at the time.
    Enderman1234 and AetherArising like this.
  7. Nerd_Phantom

    Nerd_Phantom Hey CHAMPION

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    4-5 months ago, GlitchSlayer interviewed Jumla on his channel. In that interview Glitched ask Jumla what are they working on right now, and Jumla said that they're improving the code, to allow for more, and better content to be out faster. In the Corkus changelog Salted said that there will be a beta soon(tm) for the new code. I'm guessing that with this new code they'll be able to improve the bosses, make the quests more in depth, all while making it easier to make new to content for both the GMs, and the devs.
    As @Ackro said, the new code is also to make it easier/possible for other people to help, since Jumla's code is so messy(Idk if this the right term). There were other coders on the team, but because of how Jumla made it, they left the team. Currently, Jumla is the only person working on the main game, while the rest of the devs work on the website and the servers. *Insert a Jumla's coffee joke*
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2017
  8. Tantibus

    Tantibus Chairman of the Wynnviet Union, God of Dern CT Manager HERO GM CMD

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    Bosses are currently limited by our old systems. We're well aware of the issue but until we can get new systems and spells we're doing what we can. But Jumla has a lot to deal with so it's not a problem that can be fixed immediately.

    And while the main storyline is very overdue, we definitely haven't forgotten about it. Soon(TM).
  9. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    I feel like you're a little outdated on this, as mobs can cast multiple spells since the Gameplay update, yes, they're still flawed, but just saying they still cast 1 spell is completely false.

    And at least give them credit for trying to make bosses unique with the limited amount of resources they currently have, most of the Dungeon bosses offer a much more unique fight than the rest of the game.

    Again, this is slightly outdated, Sky Islands has like 3 or so quests now, the reason Molten heights has no quests is because they're planning a mini-storyline with Molten Heights.

    As for storyline:
    Stag2001 and boykisser like this.
  10. T-Flex

    T-Flex At the gym HERO

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    I think we all like this server, otherwise we wouldn't bother creating constructive criticism. Not sure where the "everything negative is a rant" attitude comes from, which was always a pet peeve of mine, but no, a negative feedback isn't necessary a rant. If you want a perfect example of a rant, look at SomeRandy's posts...going off topic, I apologize.

    Would you mind providing an example of a boss that is awful to fight? Or, are all of them awful to fight?
    I see you joined in 2014, do you remember the old corrupter of worlds and bob? I fought them again not so long ago, and I can say they improved them. By how much, I do not know, as I fought them with my level 97 archer, so my gear is way beyond the level they should be fought at.
    Was it fun? I mean, yes and no, it wasn't exactly a challenge, but I did help someone with lower level who had problems with them, that part was fun.
    About end game Gavel/LI bosses, sorry, I didn't reach that level yet so I can't comment, I can only repeat what others told me, which I don't plan to do, but to my understanding, LI should provide a decent challenge, tho here is a catch. LI isn't THAT difficult unless you are an archer. Yes, I know I sound like a parrot, bear with me for a moment. If someone read the recent archer mythic thread and the one posted by roflmao, it appears that the LI is harder with an archer than other class. I assume soloing LI with archer gives you better sense of accomplishment than other classes. Does that make bosses less bland or? The increasement in difficulty? One could argue that harder bosses provide a more rewarding feeling, however, it appears there is a lack of class balance. If you can easily beat one area with 3 classes, I simply can't see how any of the boss fights can be enjoyable as you just rush trough it while putting minimal though into your build and fighting strategy. Also, if there are class imbalances, how are boss fights gonna be fun/balanced when it's either going to be too hard for one class or too easy for others.

    To conclude, are bosses bland/awful, as you state it, because they are simply programmed that way, or is it because of the significant class imbalances which gives no sense of accomplishment? Or both perhaps?
    I mean, mage can heal 70% with a spell. How is that balanced? I fought bob yesterday with my 97 archer, and he dealt around 2k a hit, and I was fully healed by a mage in my party every few seconds. To put it in a perspective, Ignis, a mythic weapon, heals you 100-400 each 4 seconds. That's just ridiculous. One single class shouldn't be a supportive, defensive and attacking one. He ain't Gandalf.
    I understand this is MMO, you should play in a group, but this shouldn't be possible, especially considering how hard Wynncraft penalizes health regen builds. It just makes things insanely easier which, imo, takes a lot away from the boss battles.

    This is a thing I'd love to see more. More posts on threads from admins themselves.
    I understand they do codding/building and have a life outside of Wynn, but more frequent, non jokish/sarcastic posts in Wynncraft section would be nice. Too see them participate in debates/discussions, not just lurking the forums. Talk to us, we don't bite.
    Then again, FIFA developers don't talk to community at all, so I guess it could be worse.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2017
    Kaelan~ and Enderman1234 like this.
  11. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Okay yes, 2-3 spells can be castes now, but my point still stands, and what quests are in the sky island? I'm actually very curious because I've done almost all quests for my level minus fantastic journey and I only have one locked quest.
    I personally play an archer, and it's the only class I primarily play, and I find bosses just boring to fight, I just don't feel bosses are on par to the rest of the games high quality content.
  12. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    the reason of this is because we need first to complete the full map, then we will be able to make it
    i agree, we definetly need bosses more interesting
    for example, CoW is one of the few ones who has something special, and its his speed and low damage, yet compensated with a very high attack speed
    Qira... well it is Sand-Witch but more tanky and with arakadicus spell
    Witherhead is even easier than before, now you get some walls to protect yourself whenever you want and health isnt that high
    for now i only saw 1 boss that is really fun to fight: Charon
    Why charon?
    I love the style they gave it, a kinda cards clash royale styled boss fight, where you are the tower and the minions are the cards
    The only problem here is... well... Charon is easy and General Grakken is too OP...
    But its probably the only battle that is totally different from others
    Arakadicus changed pretty much nothing, Hashr is just a CoW wannabe, Witherhead is the same as before but with better tecnology, Ice barrows its just annoying yet a bit interesting, Slykaar is a 5 weak forms and 1 over tanky form, Galleon's graveyard... i never tried i always got bugged before the boss...
    Bob is too tanky and damaging... Qira nothing interesting... CoW... at least he has his sanic build... etc
    Bosses definetly need to get something better, they are too boring and tanky
    trailers always lies
    i never trust them :P
    Kaelan~ and AetherArising like this.
  13. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    tbh I'm just glad the bosses aren't bitch slapping me across the province
  14. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    I mean. If we're lucky we should be getting some "armor stand" bosses
    AetherArising likes this.
  15. RedstoneLogic

    RedstoneLogic Has a neato shop haha please buy my stuff HERO

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    Has nobody seriously offered to help the guy? Heck, I'd write it all myself if it gave Jumla a break.
    CookedPelvis and AetherArising like this.
  16. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    he isn't working alone but I heard his code is messy so they are working on a code update to recode everything
  17. RedstoneLogic

    RedstoneLogic Has a neato shop haha please buy my stuff HERO

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    Dang, I'd love to help if they needed it but obviously here is not the place.
  18. TheHipster

    TheHipster Famous Adventurer

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    fuck thats adorable
  19. del fire spear

    del fire spear summitsun

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    The main reason why the mods haven't started working on it is that they are busy being addicted to overwatch... someone go steal jumla's tea and spill it on michael morhaime's router please, then the storyline will only come out in 2142!!!
  20. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Yeah he said that in a reply to my thread about better bosses.

    The reason they cant give bosses more peronality is because theyre limited to what bosses can be given. I gave an example of an amadel that a level 70 could kill in 45 seconds but the level 70 is probably going to die in 15 seconds (opposed to a 10 minute fight where an archer camps)

    The boss had a lot of lifesteal, poison, exploding, etc and the concept was a fast paced fight (The player has to fight fast or else they'll just let him heal)

    Selvut said the idea was somewhat good but they cant have it added due to restrictions. Its all up to Salted/Jumla whether or not its added, not up to the GMs
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