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Wynncraft Survey About Reseting.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by MinerDwarf222, Apr 18, 2017.

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  1. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    No make a Beta Zone that only experienced players can access, that they can reset and test new mechanics all they like
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    that's a donor feature tho
  3. Argagaes

    Argagaes Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I just used it as an example.... Obviously you get way more than 5le from quests. Anyways why the heck would you grind ??????? You could just trade to get rich.

    Idk I feel like you missed my point. My point is that now you have to trade/work/whatever for lets say (NOT LITERALLY ACCURATE, JUST AN EXAMPLE) 2 weeks for a mythic. That mythic cost you 8 stacks so for 2 weeks worth you got 8 stacks.

    Now new economy: You STILL need to work 2 weeks for that mythic. The value doesn't suddenly drop, only the value of the currency has increased. Instead of having to work 2 weeks for 8 stacks of le,
    you now work 2 weeks for 2 stacks of le and pay that for the mythic.

    I don't understand at all what you're after? Do you think it's magically easier to get expensive items if you just increase the value of the currency? If you haven't noticed, that just doesn't work in the real life or games. That just means you get the same value out of your work, but in less amount of the currency since the currency is now worth more.

    And the main flaw in trying to "fix" the economy is the community itself. There'd always be people willing to pay more than others, making prices rise and seem unfair for certain items. It wouldn't take long to get these huge gaps in item values again due to the players noticing you can sell that item for 10 le instead of 5 le and that's what they demand after that.

    Or maybe I'm missing your point in what you're trying to achieve with your changes. Idk. I just can't see any way to make economy fair in any possible way no matter what you do, because sadly it's always dependent on the community.
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    It's harder to simply trade to get rich because there won't be as much money coming from trades. Keeping relatively stable prices is key, but it can be done.
    Using a stabilized currency value, this won't happen. Using economy moderation, this won't happen. Using solutions I've already provided, this won't happen.
    That's not what I'm suggesting. Using price stabilization, the currency won't be worth much more than it is now. People will have to work towards being able to afford good items, not be able to use super low amounts to buy them. What I've detailed is by no means the 100% perfect solution, nor is it fully fleshed out, but is simply ideas as to what could be done.
    With the advent of less money from grinding, there will be less people willing to pay much more than anyone else. More than that, though, is the fact that people won't be able to vary the price by that much, certainly not doubling it. I already stated this. The economy needs people controlling it, monitoring it, as well as every other feature.
    The community won't risk a ban for a few LE. Anyone can easily call somebody out for over-pricing or low-balling. It's not dependent on the community when you have outside forces in control.

    If you don't think economy moderation via people/players/staff would work, then instead create and implement a new trade system. One that's better than being able to get scammed via a bit of smooth-talking. One that doesn't let you overprice or under-price. One that tells you the item's approximate value without you having to wait a few days on the forums. One that allows you to buy and sell items remotely.

    Now's not really the time to get into that, and this discussion should be winding down, if not ending, at this point, for the same reasons.
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  5. Argagaes

    Argagaes Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Fair enough. I still have 1 question though.
    Wait wait wait what??? Now we are magically shifting the relative value of the currency?? How??? I guess the relative value of items could crash, but why would they? I don't understand how you can see some way to just magically reduce the relative value of things? It doesn't matter how rare your currency is if it takes you a month to get a mythic. Then you gotta pay as much of your currency as the community agrees that time is worth. You can't dictate values in a free market. Sure you can tell "Yeah your max run speed Stratiformis is worth 1 stack of le now, let's all just accept this as the value" but who is going to believe that when they know a item like that will probably not appear in the next year or 2? Also that part you quoted and said "this won't happen" literally meant that the value is still relatively the same. I don't even understand why you said it won't happen?? What won't happen? Item values won't stay relatively the same? Guess I'm just repeating the start of this msg tho.

    Also I do agree that it would at the very least fix the issue of people just doubling item values with no effort.

    Oh damn I just realized you meant that we'd have outside forces forcing the market values?? Dude that's kinda messed up imo. That makes marketing items pointless if you can literally get BANNED for trying to get a little profit lol. If that ever happened I'd leave wynn in that instant. Call it scamming if you want, but imo it's a fair tactic, although morally questionable. I guess forcing the values could fix the issues you said it'd fix hahah, just a pretty awful way to go about it and not worth the time it'd take to regulate everything....
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2017
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    I don't know if this paragraph is still relevant after the second one, since it mainly explains it. Prices in the new system will be based off of rarity, requirements, and stats, not just however long it took you to get it. Mythics will still be expensive, they're supposed to be. People will be forced to lower prices, due to less money in circulation. Which is fine, since that same money will still be able to buy items, due to all prices being lowered.

    Compare it to old Wynn, where a full endgame set would cost you around 15 LE, which was considered a lot. But it still didn't take that much time to get 15 LE, it's just that these days it's a dozen times easier. Reducing the amount of currency in circulation and increasing the worth of each bit of currency means it's easier to get to those higher prices. Items will still have the same value, as relative to other items, it's just that you'll need to collect less currency.
    I understand that the concept is strange, and that getting banned is extreme. Which is why I wrote this paragraph;
    After a bit of thinking, I believe that you've got some good points. So, rather than have the staff moderate the economy, best to just have a system that "suggests" prices for items, using the aforementioned calculations based on item stats. Buyers could sell it for whatever they want and sellers could buy it for whichever price is fair (depending on IDs, mainly). Compare it to the Steam Market, but far simpler and less complicated.
    Unless you're buying and re-selling, which is a bit sketchy in the first place, then you'll be getting profit from your item no matter what. Players will still be able to overprice it, to an extent, if they so choose, but it'll be far less likely that anyone pays for it.
    Argagaes likes this.
  7. Argagaes

    Argagaes Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    K now I get what you mean ^^ Yeah I was mostly just thinking about mythics and stuff like that, but you're right that most still good items are really cheap in a way nowadays.
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