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Assassin/Ninja Melee Earth Assassin: Wallbreaker

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by Xhat, Apr 10, 2017.

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  1. Xhat

    Xhat Ex-Collectorator HERO

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    Hey guys. First of all, before I start this guide, I'd like to thank @Putrid for helping me put together this build and telling me Wallbreaker exists.
    I'd like to make this abundantly clear, this is my first build I put together (mostly) myself, and one of my few forum posts I actually ever put on here. I have never made any kind of build thread, but I've always wanted to. This build is always up for improvement and I'd love to hear some feedback.

    I'm going to be honest with you Wynn forums, I really, really, really, despise Assassin. It is my least favourite class, but this build is actually sort of fun. I've been playing since the beginning on here, and I've seen Assassin go from this beastly of a class, that can solo anything in the game, to this pathetic thing it is today, in my eyes.
    With this build, I can see some PvE and PvP potential, maybe not as much as Cataclysm, but certainly up there with a good, stable, no mythic build.

    The Build:
    Alright, enough stalling, let's get into this build:

    We're going to start off with an easy helmet to obtain, a Thanos Legionnaire Helm

    This helmet is actually pretty good overall and it's super simple to get. All you have to do is go to Thanos with 12LE and 24 gold ingots and buy it from the armour merchant. Anyways, this helmet is going to give you a bit of health, quite a bit of melee and earth damage, which is great, and what we're looking for. The thorns, earth defense, and strength are also amazing perks to this helmet.

    For the chestplate, it's an obvious one: Chestplate of Ineptitude.

    This is obviously a pretty crappy one, but the main thing you're looking for here is the +2 tier attack speed, to counteract the Super Slow on Wallbreaker. Some % melee damage would be great too, the negative raw spell damage and the negative % spell damage doesn't matter whatsoever, you're going to be doing next to no spell damage no matter what you do with this build.

    Leggings are next, and the leggings I chose are: Earth Breaker
    Now, Earth Breaker's are great for any melee build. It gives quite a bit of earth damage and melee damage, while giving you some strength. It lacks in health, and takes away some air defense, but that's okay. Obviously, you can choose Earth Sanctuary's if you wish to be even more squishy with this build, but I don't recommend it.

    Finally, for the boots, we went with yet another rare: Humbark Moccasins

    Woo, these are the weirdest choice of armours I've ever made in a build. But, nonetheless, it actually goes well with this build. So, this gives us life steal, which is what we desperately need to even have a chance of surviving anywhere with this build. We got -106/4s from Earth Breaker, so this negates it, and gives us some more. It also gives us poison, which we will build off of in the jewelry, which is an added bonus. It takes away some air and fire damage, which is fine, we don't use it whatsoever, and adds some defense, which is ALWAYS appreciated!
    NOTE: This does require you to do Qira. These are near essential.

    Alright, now we're diving into the jewelry, and we're going straight in with two Acids!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This is pretty self-explanatory. These will just build off of the boots we use, giving us some extra poison, letting us feel like we're rich and using Grimtrap, I mean, sorry, let us be little shits in the nether. :)

    Alright, for the bracelet, I like to use: Bovine Cuff.

    This is another self-explanatory one, giving us some extra melee damage and strength, along with a little earth defense and a very, very, small health bonus of +50.

    Finally, another earth Qira item.. Golemlus Core.

    Seriously, what's up with me and rares? Jesus Christ. Anyways, this is gonna help us counteract the negative health regen we get from our boots (yes, it is actually enough). The earth damage helps us a bit, and the +550 health is so useful from a necklace!

    Nearing the end to our build.. We come upon our weapons! Finally, not a goddamn rare! This, of course, is Wallbreaker.

    What a weird Assassin weapon.. This weapon focuses on pure melee damage with slow attack speeds, just like Warrior. It breaks all rules that an Assassin weapons usually follows... And that's why I like it :). Anyways, the first few things I see here is the insane +65% melee damage we got going on. Pairing with that, we got the +10 strength and the insane +100% exploding. If you put 2 tier 6 earth powders, I couldn't imagine how much damage this beast of a weapon would do.

    We are ending our build with a simple, easy, choice to balance out some stuff that comes with using this build. It is... Slider.
    Wew, finally the last item in this build! Anyways, this is gonna give us some high mana steal (not like you'll need it), some spell damage (again, same problem as before, you won't use it), and walk speed (that's what you're using). This is just gonna help you travel in between fights. Hold it when you're not holding Wallbreaker.

    Wow, when I started making this thread I didn't think it'd be this long, but uh, there ya go. Wallbreaker! So this build can really be devastating. It can land up to 5k melees, but down to 1.2k melees (thats the lowest I got). Average for me is somewhere in 3k-3.5k damage. Your spells do next to nothing, I will tell you that now. Sliders has a bit better chance of doing some spell damage, but, mainly, you're relying on your insane melee damage you're getting from Wallbreaker.

    Alright guys, that wraps up my first build! Thank you to @Putrid for helping me with finding the Wallbreaker and to @Madib00 for some inspiration on this thread itself.
    Have a good day, happy Wynning :)
    - Xhat / OmgLook :)​
  2. BloodLad

    BloodLad Bloodiest of Lads HERO

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    Siiick dude! Probably gonna make this build tbh, looks pretty damn amazing.
    Xhat likes this.
  3. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Just a suggestion: Try Burnout for the boots. They're a new pair of rare boots from this update that can add another 2 tiers of attack speed. Of course, you sacrifice lifesteal and poison, but the boost to your DPS is substantial. You will need some points in agility to use it, but, as your build doesn't seem very skill-point intensive, you can probably afford it. You should be able to find the full stats in the thread listing all the new items that have been found.
    Stag2001, Xhat and Pokextreme like this.
  4. Xhat

    Xhat Ex-Collectorator HERO

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    Haha thanks! Took me a bit to come up with it.
    Well here's the thing, I'm fine with losing the poison, but the lifesteal is the whole reason I chose the boots that I chose, to counteract Earth Breaker's. If I decided to use Burnout, I would have to use a necklace called Dive (I think?) found in Corrupted Zombie dungeon. But, I'd be sacrificing my health regen that I so desperately need with Assassin. It's a tough choice.
    BloodLad likes this.
  5. Sku

    Sku § HERO

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    Hey that's a really nice and unique build, +1 from me! c:
    LarzLapiz, Stag2001 and Xhat like this.
  6. Xhat

    Xhat Ex-Collectorator HERO

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    Thank you! <3
    Sku likes this.
  7. Gogeta

    Gogeta Super Saiyan HERO

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    I would say it's a rare build xd
  8. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    You could use Hellion for lifesteal
    Czg likes this.
  9. SturerElch

    SturerElch Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I really like this build, it is good for people who can't afford a grimtrap. +1
  10. Xhat

    Xhat Ex-Collectorator HERO

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    Ye. Main reason I put acids in there. I figured out recently that Legendary Island is actually good for some jewelry. If you could get it, the fusion bracelet would be amazing on this build :p
  11. Lelobrine

    Lelobrine Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Use centipede with wall breaker for better attack speed
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