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Fruma-gavel Discussion

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Gigavern, Apr 1, 2017.

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  1. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    The 2 superpowers in Wynncraft are Fruma and Gavel. Both have significant spheres of influence that extend to Wynn. Traditionally, Fruma has held influence over Wynn, having settled the land as a colony. When the portal opened and the Corruption rose, Fruma abandoned Wynn, using it as a buffer state to defend against the Corruption. During this time, Villagers from Gavel traveled to Wynn and established influence through trade and inhabitance in Wynn. As the Corruption was steadily held back further and further with the help of the Villagers, the Frumans gradually re-extended their influence in Wynn. Relatively recently, Gavel had controlled Wynn's governments as puppet governments through Wynn Excavation. This was an intrusion gone too far, having threatened Fruman influence in Wynn. As a result, Fruma will likely confront Gavel. Such a confrontation could lead to a war.

    In the event of such a war, would Gavel or Fruma be more likely to win?

    Gavel Pros:
    Gavel is an economic powerhouse, having extended trade routes and alliances across the world. A powerful ally it has is Corkus, which will be able to supply it machines for battle against Fruma, once Corkus gets control of the rampant machines and deals with the Avos. Gavel has been in Wynn for the longest continuous amount of time, allowing them to more easily set up base there and gain the alliance of Wynn when Wynn has to pick between Gavel and Fruma.

    Fruma Pros:
    Fruma is a military powerhouse, having a strong army and well guarded border. Fruma has 1 nationality, humans, making it much more unified than Gavel. Fruma is much closer to Wynn, the likely battleground, making its transport costs significantly lower than Gavel's in this war. Fruma does not have to face the Decay through this war as well.

    Gavel Cons:
    Gavel is very divided between races, such as the Villagers, Dwarves, Elves, Doguns, Orcs/Ogres, and Gerts. This makes it much harder for Gavel to muster its full strength to fight Fruma. Gavel is much further from Wynn than Fruma, making its transports cost higher, as it likely have to send troops to Wynn. Gavel also has to face unknown forces like the Decay throughout this war.

    Fruma Cons:
    Fruma is ruled by a monarchy that is likely opposed by many rebel groups, who will likely spark rebellions during the war against Gavel, making it harder for Fruma to fight Gavel. Fruma left Wynn long back, making it harder for them to set up bases there for war and harder for them to gain the alliance with Wynn when Wynn has to pick between Gavel and Fruma.

    In my opinion, I could see Fruma winning this war. If you think otherwise, explain below but do not let this devolve into a flame war.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
    ThomAnn100, Rawb, Trash and 4 others like this.
  2. CRE2525

    CRE2525 The trade market is a cruel place VIP

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    I think we will get a better picture of what power fruma has once it comes out in 2025
    dead zeffe, Rawb, Gigavern and 4 others like this.
  3. Kaelan~

    Kaelan~ RIP VIP

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    Nice thread!
    good to see that you have researched quite a bit into the lore of this game!

    But this thread is all 'what if'.
    I think before we think in that fashion we should consider 'will it actually happen'.

    Fruma abandoned all of the other provinces in there most dire time of need, which would obviously leave the other people miffed, but that was thousands of years ago. Since then the Fruma province had dealt with there own problems, without interfering with the other provinces; be it for good or bad.
    Fruma obviously has power, judging by how aptly they have closed there borders, so Gavel, who has next to no reason to start war against Fruma will be even more reluctant to battle due to the power of Fruma
    Gigavern likes this.
  4. Imaxelius

    Imaxelius Content Team Manager CT Manager QA Modeler HERO GM Builder

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    Imagine what the Gavelians can do with their magic.
    Also, maybe Ozoth can help...
    XavierEXE, dead zeffe, Aya and 2 others like this.
  5. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    I personally don't see it happening for the following reasons.
    • Neither side can afford a war and neither side is nearly as nationalistic as the European countries were before WW1.
    • Gavel has no reason to fight unless Fruma confronts it.
    • Such a war would have frequent map changes, which can't be made well in this MMORPG.
  6. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    After reading the first paragraph I concluded that you do not know the current storylnie and that the next wall of text is most likely false.
    TheOneImmortal likes this.
  7. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    Eh Ozoth wouldn't help the dwarves or villagers.

    Considering how the Orcs are immune to a Villager's regular spells, I don't see their magic as too threatening. Source: https://wiki.wynncraft.com/index.php?title=A_Fighting_Species
  8. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Yay to more shot down arguments!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    i may help gavel
    i dont like fruma's monarchy
    ya know... i dont think they can defeat a lvl 3 lazer starship
  10. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Ozoth is lazier than me on a Saturday morning, so I doubt it
    XavierEXE, colin350 and Imaxelius like this.
  11. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    stop trying to shit on his thread, your arguments do not make sense/are just your opinion
  12. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Literally all my arguments aare based on the trailers/teasers
  13. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    In my opinion, if it were Fruma vs just the general Gavel government (aka villagers), gavel wouldn't stand a chance. However, the dwarfs, for instance, are shown to have have very good military capabilities. First of all, they've basically wiped almost an entire species, the doguns, off the face off the planet, which is a pretty big achievement, considering the doguns had fire shooting swords (flameshot hilt's lore if i'm not mistaken). They've also got some pretty pwerful war machines including cannons, a giant ballista and a seige ram. And last but not least they're shown to have some pretty amazing equipment, including the thanos legionnaire gear (the helmet is one of the best earth helmets in the game), but also the MYTHICS ignis and inferno.

    Gavel would also have another ally, the Corkians. If gavel and corkus were to make an alliance, gavel would no doubt be backing corkus economically, to fix the factory. If they manage to achieve this the alliance would have an entire army of robots at their disposal, no doubt giving them a huge advantage. Also fruma isn't shown to have any ships or sea travel, at it's only access point to the ocean, the fruma gate. The corkians, however, do as they're clearly shown to have some pretty big ships which could easily be modified into warships. And even if that doesn't work, both gavel and corkus have airships, and although we don't know if fruma has an air force, an aerial assault could do some big damage.

    Then we have the elves, which will probably not join the war unless they're directly threatened. But if they are, they are shown to be excellent weaponsmiths.

    And last but definately not least we have the humans (the players). Gavel has a pretty good relation to them, and they're probably the strongest military force in the wynncraft world if they work together. And if the player doesn't have particularly warm feeling for gavel, gavel could basically just offer them 10 stacks le and bam, you've got an unstoppable army.

    Welp, anyway, that was my opinion.
    ThomAnn100 and Gigavern like this.
  14. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    Villagers came 10 years ago corruption started 1000 what your saying sounds innacurate: what do you mean
    Fruma never stopped sending soldiers: they had nobody left when the villagers came
    Do you think fruma has a clue of WynnEx?: probably, the queen has spies n shit
    Gavel acknowledges that the Avos are the originals, as confirmed by Grian, meaning that Gavel wont be as strong as an ally with Corkus after this: who cares, gavel just wants money
    no they didnt: they retreated when they saw the corruption was kicking their asses
    They have a strong alliance with wynn you know almost nothing about the timeline: how is sending a few soldiers every now and then an alliance? theyre just doing this so theres no revolĂșcion
    With corkus against them? corkus isnt everything ya know
    if they can get wynn with them they can win
  15. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    Your arguments:
    1. The Villagers came 10 years ago.
    2. Fruma did not abandon Wynn.
    3. Gavel acknowledges the Avos as the original inhabitants rather than the Corkians, so they wouldn't ally easily.
    4. Gavel and Fruma are already both allied with Wynn.
    My Counter-Arguments
    1. This is outdated information. To accommodate for the amount of events that were added to the storyline, it was changed so the Villagers arrived 100 years ago instead of 10. They also changed the opening of the portal to 1000 years ago instead of 100.
    2. In Llevigar Library (Wynn Chapter 1 and 2), it says "Fruma initially abandoned all ties with the province and closed its doors to the undead, and its migrants." and "Fruma, weary of the fact that they boarded (sealed away in this case) an abandoned province of warriors, reopened their borders to offer their support in the form of fresh recruits. Too little, too late for many. The villagers from Gavel had already established their money driven society into the war-torn province." As you can see, Fruma abandoned Wynn and later came back but only after the villagers. Source: https://wiki.wynncraft.com/index.php?title=Llevigar's_Library
    3. The Corkians hate the Fruman monarchy much more than they might resent lack of international recognition as leaders of the island. If Gavel fights against Fruma, they are going to be behind Gavel 100%, for "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".
    4. If a war were to erupt between Gavel and Fruma, Wynn or parts of Wynn would likely have to choose sides. The most likely scenario is that Wynn becomes embroiled in a civil war. Based on the establishment of Gavel and Fruma, different areas would pick different sides. However, as Gavel has stayed in the area for a more continuous period of time, most areas will side with Gavel.
    Things That You Pointed Out that I agree With:
    1. Nobody has to "win" and nobody truly "wins" in war.
    And so I conclude my counter-arguments, proceed to provide yours. Additionally, do fact-check anything you do say and contextualize it.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
    Poiu429 likes this.
  16. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Wait what? my goodness what I thought was outdated.....
  17. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    Don't sweat it, I used to think the same.
  18. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    The smd part was a joke that whoever wins has to *****

    Dont google it I just realized I shouldnt have said the joke
  19. Warcries

    Warcries Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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  20. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    If there was a civil war, I think this would happen:

    Ragni: Would ally with Fruma. Since the Ragni Outskirts are the most direct way into Wynn. Of course, you could go across the ocean, but I think the ocean will be controlled by Gavel (more on that later).
    Detlas: Would ally with Gavel. It's a trade hub, and thus wealthy. Wealth -> Gavel.
    Almuj: Same thing with Detlas.
    Nemract: Would be contested. I think Gavel would originally control it but Fruma would definitely try to capture it, as it is Wynn's only port.
    Maltic: A town full of villagers would side with Gavel. It's possible that they would build another port.
    Rymek: A town full of bandits and brigands. It wouldn't choose a side. Fruma might try to capture it, as it contains a route into the abandoned mines, close to Ternaves, Detlas, and Almuj.
    Ternaves: Since it is very close to cities that would side with Gavel, I imagine it would side with Gavel as well and supply horses. Fruma would try to capture this point (possible rymek -> abandoned mines thing), as it is the source for horses (possibly cavalry, as well as just transport).
    Elkurn: Might get ignored. It's not particularly close to any city (maybe Nesaak?).
    Troms: Since it is deep into Wynn, it will probably side with Fruma (as its sister city, Ragni, has also sided with Fruma). Also, moving an army through the pigman ravines would be hard, and thus troms might not be the best place to conquer (for gavel).
    Jungle Village: would stay out of it.
    Nesaak: Either way. Has a direct path to Troms, which would be beneficial to Gavel. It is also close to Troms, and thus, Troms would control it.

    Why Gavel will control the ocean: Since Gavel will side with Corkus (and corkus does have a port), they will control the ocean. Since Fruma is closed off from the rest of the world, there is no reason why they will have a good navy (of course, it is possible). Wynn is already in civil war, so it can't really do anything with the ocean.
    Gavel will also control the skies. It already has airships, and so does Corkus (as well as hot air balloons).

    This is all based on assumption though. We don't know whether Fruma will have a navy, or an air force. It's possible, but we JUST DON'T KNOW.
    The siding of the cities is also based on the fact that they don't care about Fruma's monarchy.
    Gigavern and ThomAnn100 like this.
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