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Build Steampunk-y Flying Boat

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by mothwolf, Mar 6, 2017.


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  1. mothwolf

    mothwolf Member of the Octovon build team

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    Hey guys, I haven't posted a build in ages but I was pretty proud of this one and haven't seen anything like it on the forums before, so I thought I'd show you guys.

    All of this is for a much bigger projects I'm working on, not sure if I'll post it here, I guess if you guys like this one I will. In the meantime, enjoy this one!



    Side view of the boat

    Back view of the boat with the engines


    View from the sky

    Back end of the boat and the structures + a small flying lifeboat

    A nice view from the deck of the boat


    The Tweet
  2. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    not steampunk. Steampunk would be iron and wood and steam and engines. this is a hodgepodge of modern and old and chaos.
    DJBorbo likes this.
  3. memethyl

    memethyl the king of shitposting VIP+

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    serious question: why does the boat look like a dozen people played a game of splatoon on it?
    AetherArising likes this.
  4. Misty

    Misty Chimera VIP+

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    Most likely algae and slime kind of thing
  5. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    This fits under the definition. The idea that steampunk has to be all wood and shit is just false. It's implying it is set in a fictional universe in which steam power remains the mainstream form of energy. Airships or lighter-than-air-transport isn't even a must have in the genre. This build is taking a specifically steam powered ship and making it fly. It's quite perfectly steam punk.
    Thomka, sorae, Ryuu and 6 others like this.
  6. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I wouldn't classify a yacht as a steamboat, though i do see the funnels

    The hull and the thrusters and the big flaggy-shit that really whacks you in the face when you first look at the picture really need a rework.
  7. RicochetfromtheD

    RicochetfromtheD 赵二

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    Steampunk is a universe that is derived off the Victorian Era, hence carrying onward with all architectural forms of structures and machinery with overly fantasized industrialization. If you'd looked up a ship in Victorian Era and acknowledge the fictional character of the build in this thread, you'd realize it's actually pretty accurately steampunk :p
  8. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    When i think steampunk:


    I think of that.

    When i think of "crappy steamboat with the-squids-from-splatoon's diarrhea splattered on the hull" i think of the original post.
    AndriX3S likes this.
  9. RicochetfromtheD

    RicochetfromtheD 赵二

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    Which is why having some historical knowledge helps with your perspectives and appreciation about architecture, while the lack thereof will most likely keep you in the stage of looking at pretty pictures and going "wooo me likey"
  10. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    You're just being straight mean at this point.
    Ryuu and AetherArising like this.
  11. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I do know that yes, the steamboat WAS much like that, though i doubt it was as modern as that looks (Semi-pristine white metal with tinted windows), but the fictional archetype of "steampunk" is usually MUCH more in the form of the picture i linked. Its not usually realistic. I hear steampunk and think cogs and brass and steam and wood, I dont think "sleek modern cruise liner that, for no LOGICAL reason, is flying

    (PS: Curve the "wings" because, like that, you arent getting ANY lift, and i dont see any flaps on that thing.)

    Yes i know its HISTORICALLY accurate, but just because its accurate and realistic doesnt mean it fits well into the genre.
    A lot of fiction is way blown out of the water. You need to be CREATIVE to make truly beautiful things, you cant just make a cruise liner, slap some rust onto the bottom, add 6 wings and rocket thrusters and call it "steampunk" in my book.

    I by no means meant that its a horrid build, though i dislike the hull's stained clay (it looks like straightup unicorn vomit), but i dont think it classifies as steampunky. Had it been titled something more fitting, simply just "Flying ship", i wouldn't have been so harsh. I think of Letvus Airbase as steampunky. Its just MY OPINION.

    See the above paragraph.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
  12. Phurple

    Phurple The Plebian VIP+

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    Could be cyberpunk? People toss around so many terms that it might just not be a single term anymore.

    It looks really cool though :D It's got a really messy but organized palette that it does end up looking strangely nice

    Edit: Spitting fire CallOfTheVoid

    Edit: Cyberpunk I think is extremely different never mind then. It's more of an abstract build then anything.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
    AetherArising likes this.
  13. mothwolf

    mothwolf Member of the Octovon build team

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    I wasn't originally going to respond to any of this but since it seems I'm being insulted over what I named my post I guess I might as well.

    The metal is white because I didn't intend the metal to be the main focus of the build, I tried a few different blocks but I felt white looked best, plus there's a large amount of white stuff to work with (iron trapdoors, end rods, ect.) so using white would make it easier for the larger boats in the future that may have more complex structures on them. The windows are not tinted, I didn't make an interior and just needed a placeholder block for the windows, black wool seemed like the best one.

    I don't care that much. It's a wing, get over it.

    Through all of this you make very little sense. You want "creative" things and yet earlier you said it doesn't fit what you usually think of as steampunk and that you know its historically accurate and realistic. What do you want? Isn't creativity by definition doing things in new ways? If every steampunk build looks just like the picture you posted and Letvus airbase then that's not "creative", it's actually the complete opposite - it's doing the same things over and over.

    The boat I made was inspired by an artist named Ian McQue (https://twitter.com/ianmcque - his twitter in case your interested) and various other boats I found online, both in Minecraft and real life ones. I wanted to combine these to make something a bit different for what you expect. I think I did a good job of this, and from what I can tell, you do too - even if you don't like the idea.

    So basically your triggered because I named something steampunk that you don't think fits into your perfect picture of steampunk? So far everywhere else I've posted this (Twitter and r/Minecraft) its gotten a great amount of support. On twitter most of the people who liked/re-tweeted it are even professional builders or in some way involved with the professional building community. The server that I made this on is the Octovon build team server - A professional build team that I'm part of, and its gotten a ton of support from other team members on there as well.

    At this point I'm pretty inclined to believe your taste in builds is simply horrible due to the fact everyone else so far has liked it.

    Sorry you hate it. - Moth
    Sharubii, Marco and XavierEXE like this.
  14. chichun2002

    chichun2002 BLUE VIP+

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    the hull of the boat is blue so I like it. Its like as if the hull was painted teal but its all rusted off and there is only patches reaming love it <3 #ignorethehatters
  15. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    -it's called criticism mate jfc

    Though i find it skeptical you specifically used those 2 because 'placeholder' i'll let that slide.

    The issue with having the black wool interior is that, when i see the front of a ship and see black blocks, i think of black tinted windows such as on larger boats, (COUGH LIKE THIS ONE COUGH), which makes it seem quite a bit more modern than i would assume intended. This is a bit of a moot point, and if i didnt stress enough last post, these are my INCREDIBLY CRITICAL OPINIONS. I'm a bit of a perfectionist myself and if something is even a bit off, i notice. Maybe its just my >OPINION<, Ever think of that?

    Little tiny interjection, this was just a small tip because its not accurate. It was a tip, not a flaw. hurrrr.

    "Creativity springs from reality, and transforms it into something else" -me
    Yes and no, i feel like this is creative in ONE sense, its something someone's probably never done before, but that doesnt mean its good in my book. Being unique is only so good as having some other trait as a backbone.

    You could call a mentally unstable child "creative" because he's not like most others, but you don't. Same case here.
    It just looks like you bashed 2 themes together, put them in a blender with a sprinkle of originality, and just let it run wild.

    This takes "doing things in new ways" into "i slapped 2 things together and now its a new thing".
    It's what my 8 years old cousin would make if he had worldedit, and the power to download 2 maps onto the same world.

    I'd be fine with this comment except for "i think i did a good job of it, and from what i can tell, you do to, even if you dont like the idea"
    I thought i made myself clear enough there that the hull alone is a large turnoff, let alone the rest of the 'boat'

    Ohhhh boy. Here comes the "WELL UR JUST TRIGGERED AND IM RIGHT" card. EVERY counterargument has one these days. Yes, it's TECHNICALLY STEAMPUNK because its steam powered. That does not mean that it would fit into a movie or book based off of steampunk, let alone my high-fucking-standards.

    Just because you get resounding support from random strangers doesnt mean that someone being critical is wrong because 'well u just hav bad tastez'

    If you walked down the street to your neighbor's house with a slightly burned roast turkey, on thanksgiving, that otherwise looked on-par, you might get a passing thumbs up or something. But if you put that slightly burned on-par turkey on the table with chef ramsey, your ass would get a talking to.

    If you put a build that most normal minecrafters couldn't do, because of the detail and scale alone, they'll commend you with flying colors. And of course your team will commend it for the above reason. Its big and its detailed, and if their tastes are for any large-and-above-par build they'll fucking shower you with love, but if you want me to commend it, it needs to be top notch. I have yet to see a build made on the forums that TRULY is worth commending.

    Ohh boy another "well its YOUR horrible tastes and i got a compliment from mrs. petunia next door so my argument needs no logic and reasoning."
    I'm not even going to justify this one with a real argument. This is another thing every person does when they feel like they need a point and they have none left, so they just throw a jab from the peanut gallery.

    Sorry you couldnt take criticism. -Void
    Also gonna quickly disprove this thread once and for all.

    1: Since when did the victorian era have fuckin THRUSTERS
    2: Its not an "accurate steampunk" on second look. Look at the back. Thrusters. What do thrusters need? Fuel.
    Steam is the main, if not only, form of energy in most steampunk universes. Since when did fucking rocket fuel or jet fuel become steam?
  16. mothwolf

    mothwolf Member of the Octovon build team

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    We'll simply pretend that your the most passionate critic of all time, partly for sarcasm and partly because this won't be the focus of my argument.

    Here's my focus. I honestly love you for saying this because it's hilarious to see how little you did too look into who it was that liked my build. I'll link a few here so you can see what I mean.

    http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/cjrainbolt2/ - CJRainbolt, one of my main inspirations in this project and building in general. He's part of the Blockworks build team (by far the best build team), and arguably the best builder ever.

    http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/mrsheep74/ - Sheepster, another big inspiration of mine. Also part of Blockworks, I recommend checking out his twitter for more of his amazing work.

    https://twitter.com/Guavacado_ - Guavacado, a friend of mine and very talented builder, I believe he is also on Blockworks although I may be wrong, I do know he was on goCreative and Everbloom Studios.

    https://twitter.com/Bionicsmc - Bionics, another friend of mine, again a very talented builder, Former member of goCreative and current manager of Octovon.

    The list could go on but I think I've made my point.

    These ARE NOT 'mrs. petunia' next door. These are not random strangers. These are some of the best and most experienced professional builders currently out there. They are, for this metaphor, Gordon Ramsey.

    I value these peoples opinion FAR above yours. What do you think is more likely : Members of Blockworks and other experienced members of the professional building community, from teams such as Everbloom and goCreative - All just HAPPEN to like this despite it being sub-par.


    Random guy from Wynn forums, who clearly has no idea what the building community is or how talented some of it's builders are, has horrible tastes.

    You tell me.


    EDIT : As far as taking criticism goes, I take it fine, I don't however like people insulting my builds or telling me I'm not creative. It's even more annoying when they clearly have no clue what they're talking about.
    Flubby, Marco and XavierEXE like this.
  17. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Mate your boat looks more like it'd fit on the hive as a TIMV map than on a professional build team.
    And no, i dont need your childhood heroes of minecraft. They are impressive, but they are not relevant to this. Power of association does nothing to impress me. You could be buddy-buddy with every political figure and celebrity and block-game-builder ever but it wouldnt change the fact that
    >I< think its only par.
    Infact, in showing these "amazing builders" who "liked your build" just makes me LESS impressed with what's already there. It's like bringing an instant jell-o pie to a cook-off with professional pastry bakers. You just make yourself look MORE average

    Stillll no proof they even know you exist, let alone adore your build.
    And infact i doubt the list goes on. I think you pulled 4 names out and have none other.
    If you want to prove anything, then prove it. Words aren't all that's needed. Liars DO exist.

    STILLLLLLLLL 0 evidence.

    Who am i more likely to believe commended your "totally not sucky build"
    Professionals who are likely to busy with their agendas to even notice you? Or some random guy with cheetos dust on his fingers and a triple chin

    As far as taking criticism goes, you seem to be taking this hard. You've made 2 counterarguments with no backbone to them.

    I said your build was okay, but that it doesnt get my praise because i have high standards. If you can't deal with that then go take your artwork to these professionals whom are your "Friends"
  18. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    And you're ignoring that fact that you could have offered constructive criticism but instead opted to blatantly insult the build, using the fact that, in your eyes, the boat wasn't steampunk enough, as your main argument.

    Remember when you said this?
    I'd say you're also in the wrong here.
    mothwolf likes this.
  19. Ryuu

    Ryuu bamboozle insurance VIP+ ✎ Artist

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    Needlessly harsh, aren't we?
    Anyways, this is a thread where a builder decided to share their work with us and really warrants no controversy whatsoever. Let's all be kind.

    Great job mothwolf. The underside of the hull is very unique and I think you indeed captured the effect you were going for ^^ I hope you'll post more of your work in the future.
    XavierEXE and mothwolf like this.
  20. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    Hey, mothwolf, ignoring all of the junk arguments, here, your post caught my attention. Dude, if this is a sample of your builds, you are freaking amazing. That's just a really cool flying steampunk boat. I'll second what wrxryuu said, I too hope that you'll post more of your builds, here.
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