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Flarrow: Upsurge (tvm/mafia)

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Kiraric, Jan 14, 2017.

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  1. Kiraric

    Kiraric Legion of Ice

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    I was gonna post my other setup but it had a lot of characters and I thought it might get confusing for the new players. This one has lesser characters but is fun nonetheless.

    What is Mafia?
    Before we start playing, let's know what it is, right? Some of you may be aware of Mafia. It's also called Werewolf, TvM (town vs mafia) and VvT (village vs mafia).

    The basic idea of Mafia is that out of all the people playing, there's a small group of betrayers trying to bring everyone else down. The betrayers are the Mafia, sometimes called "scum" or other unpleasant names. Everyone else is in the Town, and are referred to as “townies.” The Town's goal is to get rid of all the scum players. They do this by taking a majority vote each game Day for who they want to get rid of. The Mafia's goal is to outlast all of the Townies until they control the majority vote, at which time there's nothing the Town can do to stop the scum from completely taking over. They can do this by avoiding being voted out and killing players during the Night phases following each game Day. The crowd that starts the game gets whittled down until eventually only one faction remains in the game. So strategically, the game comes down to Townies finding and voting out the Mafia as often as possible. The Mafia tries to avoid getting voted out and kill off the players who threaten them at Night.

    The role assignments - Town or Mafia - are randomized at the beginning of each game. Players are told their alignment via private message. It is against the rules to show a copy of your Role PM to the other players - what happens ingame is based on how the other players perceive you. Most games start during the Day. Players vote amongst themselves for who should be removed from the group. The player who receives a majority vote is killed and their role is revealed for everyone to see. After that, the game goes to Night. The Mafia is able to talk amongst themselves via a secure chat (usually a Chatzy) and may as a group murder one player of their choice. In addition, some special roles may have actions they may take during the Night. The cycle of Day and Night continues until either all of the Mafia have been removed from the game or all of the Townies have been removed from the game. In most cases, the game can be called when the Mafia gains veto power over the Day's vote - that is, when all of the Mafia voting together can prevent a majority from ever sentencing one of their own.

    So, yeah, that's it. Now let's get to the game!



    Oliver Queen (Vigilante) - Oliver Queen is a former billionaire playboy-turned-vigilante archer. He now leads Star City on two fronts, one as its Mayor and other under the identity of Green Arrow.
    Each night, you can choose to shot one player. You only have 2 shots.

    John Dingle (Bodyguard) - John Dingle is a former solider, former bodyguard and a member of Team Arrow under the name Spartan.
    Each night, you can choose to guard a person. If your target is attacked, both you and your attacker will die instead.

    Felicity Smoak (Tracker) - Technologically gifted, especially in the field of computer science, Felicity is a member of Team Arrow and former CEO of Palmer Technologies.
    Each night, you can choose to track a person. You'll know whom the person visited.

    Barry Allen (Jailer) - Barry Allen is a scientist in the Criminal and Forensic Science Division of CCPD. After being struck by lightning, Barry became a meta-human with incredible speed, known as the Flash.
    Each night, you can choose to jail a person. That person will be safe from any night kills but also, won't be able to use his night ability (if any).

    Cisco Ramon (Lookout) - Cisco Ramon is a mechanical engineering genius and a meta-human, the Vibe, with an ability to see through vibrations. He's a member of Team Flash.
    Each night, you can choose to look after someone. You'll know who visited the person that night.

    Caitlin Snow (Doctor) - Caitlin is a former scientist at Mercury Labs and a bio-engineer at S.T.A.R. Labs. She provides medical support to Team Flash.
    Each night, you can choose to heal someone. You can't self heal more than once in a row (i.e., consecutive nights).

    Harrison Wells E-19 (Crier) - HR Wells is the former face of S.T.A.R. Labs on Earth Nineteen. He is very charismatic, becoming the face of his S.T.A.R. Labs corporation, and organizing the team together.
    Each day, you may send town a message. You've to private message me that message and I'll post it on the thread. You can't reveal yourself (claim) in that message.

    Thea Queen (Escort) - Thea is the half-sister of Oliver Queen and the Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Star City. After learning how to fight from Malcolm, she became a vigilante and member of Team Arrow using her half-brother's nickname for her, Speedy, as her code-name.
    Each night, you can distract a person. The distracted person won't be able to perform their night action.

    Quentin Lance (Detective) - Quentin Lance is the Deputy Mayor of Star City and former police captain of SCPD.
    Each night, you may investigate a person and know their alignment.

    Wally West (Medium) - Wally is the brother of Iris and was the Flash is alternative timeline, Flashpoint. He later regained his speed in the post-Flashpoint timeline, donning the name Kid Flash.
    You can talk to dead players each night by going back in time.

    Prometheus (Godfather) - Prometheus is driven by revenge, having harbored a deep hate for the Green Arrow. Although the reasons for this are yet unknown, it is implied that Oliver Queen's actions in the past are responsible for Prometheus' creation.
    Each night, you can choose to kill a town member. You're immune to night kills.

    Savitar (Roleblocker) - Savitar is an ancient and unimaginably powerful speedster with a metallic appearance, dubbing himself as the God of Speed.
    Each night, you may choose to roleblock a person. That person won't be able to use his night ability.

    Alchemy (Framer) - Alchemy is the leader of a cult worshipping Savitar, the Hindu God of Motion. Furthermore, he is the medium of Savitar. Taking over the bodies of his mediums, they themselves have no idea what Savitar is doing to and through them.
    Each night, you can choose to frame a person. If your target is investigated they will appear to be a member of the Mafia.

    #1 - Any communication about the game, while you're alive, must be done on this thread except for mafia. Mafia will be provided a chatzy.
    #2 - There is no death post on this game, I'll be using a will system, which you can put ANY information you want -- PM me to create/update a will (try not to spam, please?)
    #3 - You must play to win the game - a gamethrowing will result in a possible modkill and a buff to the other factions (a playing changing his aligment is not discarded)
    #4 - You are not allowed to give away your mafia teammates - this will result in a modkill and a possible ban from any future games I'll be hosting
    #5 - You cannot delete your replies - any sign of a deleted reply will be dealed individually and can result in a modkill
    #6 - You can edit your replies as many times as you want, but those edits must be done within the first hour after the original reply was made
    #7 - You must post on the thread at least once every phase (Day/Night) - First time is a warning, second is a replacement/modkill
    #8 - Lynch votes MUST be bolded, or they will not be considered valid
    #9 - There is no claim limit, but avoid a mass claim if possible. I'm letting you guys decide how many claims does not equal a mass claim, but stay warned. If I see a mass claim, I'm crazily buffing the mafia.
    #10 - There is no replacement spot for those who died already
    #11 - You can change your night actions ONCE every night, so think before sending them to me
    #12 - You are not allowed to paste your role PM as sent to you, but you can paraphrase it.
    #13 - If you have any problems in-game with a player, other than the normal game behavior, you can send your complaints to me directly, and I'll deal with it as I think it's the best way to.
    #14 - I think that's all, but it is up to my decision whether something is right or something is modkill worthy. Modkills are not limited to just the above rules, but that does not mean I will go on a modkill spree without just cause.

    Sign Ups:-
    To sign up, simply say '/in'.

    1. Celsonic
    2. stlast
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2017
  2. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    /in k.... bai.
    Lot's of us are good at photoshop kekbai
  3. Kiraric

    Kiraric Legion of Ice

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    Lmao don't photoshop xD
    What's kekbai?
  4. stlast

    stlast Wybel on a Raft CHAMPION

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    Here goes my life nothing...
  5. Kiraric

    Kiraric Legion of Ice

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  6. Kiraric

    Kiraric Legion of Ice

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    I thought that people will like mafia... I was wrong I guess :(
  7. Malkavian

    Malkavian Formerly known as SansWolf ^^ VIP+

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    Yeah :/
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