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Im Noob, Pls Help

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Benjamin Puskas, Jan 11, 2017.

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  1. Benjamin Puskas

    Benjamin Puskas Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey guys, i have just started playing on this server, and i dont have any clue what to do, what stats to max etc. and how to get some good equiment. Can you help? :)
    Yeah and im playing as an arrcher class
    i eat bees, Arkade and Happy New Year like this.
  2. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    1st off, welcome, always glad to see new players =D. In order to really help you out, we would need to know your class/classes and your level. At the beginning, it's not a ad idea to just put your skill points into whatever you need to use the equipment you have, but as you level, this is generally a bad idea. In general, however, here are how classes play well early game...

    Warrior: focus Defence and Strength
    Archer: Focus agility, with some dexterity
    Mage: Right now, get the skill points to equip your gear, then dump into intelligence
    Assasain: Main Dexterity with a little agility

    If you have any questions, feel free to ask, we have a very helpful community that can likely help with anything you need.
  3. Tobulance

    Tobulance Famous Adventurer Media HERO

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    welcome, wynns kinda a "learn as you play" game, so id suggest making sure to do ALL of the quests. if you get lost, use the wynncraft map. and if you are ever needing to grind but you dont know where, look up "wynncraft grinding spots" on youtube, you will always find a video or two about it. good luck!
  4. Benjamin Puskas

    Benjamin Puskas Well-Known Adventurer

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    I was wondering what is the best PvE class, i can only find PvP list. And isnt it like mage/archer will have low dmg if you focus your skill points into mana and defense?
  5. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Mage is the lowest damage class. They won't hit very hard, but they have the most powerful damage spell in the game, meteor. This means that to get a good DPS with mage, you want to focus on mana, Soto up can get more meteors out. Intelligence is also good for mage because it lets you spam heal, making you immortal. Archer, on the other hand, has the highest normal damage in the game, so it doesn't need boosts as much, but archers have a very low defense rating* at 60% which means they take 40% more damage then usual. This means that if you don't have much in the way of defensive skill points, even a small hit can be fatal.

    The reason why you can't find a clear PvE class list, is because it really depends on what your doing. Mage is the best, in my opinion, because it has heal, which can be spammed to never really die. Archers are very strong if you have terrain to climb on and snipe, but in a flat boss fight room, you will have huge issues. Warrior has a very high defense rating at 120%, so they only take 80% of the normal damage, which makes them tanky, they deal decent damage st range, but have trouble with fast enemy's, or ones that rapidly fire shots. Assasain is generally thought to be the hardest class to play, as you need to combo it's spells, but when used right, you can get a completely INSANE DOS, making them best for boss fights.

    *Defence rating list:
    Warrior: 120%
    Assassin: 100%
    Mage: 80%
    Archer: 60%
    Benjamin Puskas likes this.
  6. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Warrior tends to have slow weapons, but there are still fast ones. Strength is going to be more slow but powerful, and Dexterity will be more fast, but weaker. In general:
    Assassin: fastest
    Archer: faster
    Mage: normal
    Warrior: slower
    But not always. For move speed however...
    Archer: very very fast
    Assassin: fast
    Mage: slowish
    Warrior: slowish
    Benjamin Puskas likes this.
  7. Benjamin Puskas

    Benjamin Puskas Well-Known Adventurer

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    I thought mage is very fast because of teleport
  8. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Teleport diesnt help as much as you think. Unless you have endgame levels of mana Regen, it won't really speed you up. With high levels of mana, it will however allow temporary flight. In general charge is a lot more useful, as you can steer better. Escape gives a lot of distance, no matter which way you want to go. It also gives you a 60% walk speed boost. Vanish also gives the speed, and gives you a slight charge too. I was more basing that list off the max walk speed of each class. Archer has a mythic bow called Stratiformis that can give up to a 91% walk speed boost. This is by far the highest walk speed on any item, and makes archer the fastest class. Assassin has the dagger Slider that gives 52% walk speed, and the fastest warrior and Mage weapons hover arround 30%
    Benjamin Puskas likes this.
  9. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    As a guy who's very experienced in the game itself, I would reccomend you'd go full "Glass-cannon" archer because it's one of the easiest kind of archers to make/master.
    "Glass-cannon" means an archer with very low defense yet extremely high damage.

    Try to focus on the stats "Agility & Dexterity" since they're the most commonly used among archers and best used for Glass-cannons.

    Use mostly thunder damage weapons since they are normaly the ones who do the most damage, And try to get armor/accessories with a lot of damage boosts (For example +elemental damage% +spell damage% and more).

    Leveling up in your level is simple- Just do quests, And if you ever find yourself having trouble finishing one be sure to look out for some quest guides on the internet or the wiki.

    I hope I helped, And have fun in your adventure in the world of Wynncraft!

    Benjamin Puskas and Pokextreme like this.
  10. Silverspy01

    Silverspy01 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Um... yeah. Basically, do your quests. They help A LOT. When i started playing, I didn't like quests because you needed to travel a lot. As a result, I mostly grinded for xp. Bad idea. At low levels you can get away with it, but at higher levels quests are a must-do. They give tons of experience. On average, a quest = level up. So do your quests.

    Archers are nice if you stay back and know what you're doing. If you aren't very far in, I would suggest starting a mage as they are probably the easiest to use. They have some very powerful spells, including probably the best spell in assistance, Heal. Other classes have to rely on HP potions or life steal weapons to heal themselves, but mage has the heal spell which you can use as long as you have mana. It's a HUGE help in any situation. There's a reason that mages are the most asked for class when doing dungeons. Heal is invaluable.

    As an archer, you want to stay back from enemies. You have the best range, so you can usually shoot enemies from outside of aggro range. Escape is good for getting to high places where you can't be reached and snipe at will. Stay away from melee range at all costs, you really suffer if enemies get close. You really have two options, put points into damage skills to increase your long range advantage even more, or put it into agility or defense to try to cover your weaknesses.

    As for what to do, like i said, do quests. Follow your quest book. But a good starting point is to make your way to Detlas, as it's basically the hub city in Wynn. It also has any merchant or building you require, such as IDs, a bank, and item sellers. I know Ragni has those now, but Detlas is still better.

    A good recourse to use is the wynncraft map found here. Very helpful, especially when you don't know where towns are. Identify any identifiable items before you sell them, you will always get more money from selling IDed items than it took to ID them. If you can, join a guild so you have people to help you. Um... that's all I can think of, if you have more questions feel free to ask.
    Benjamin Puskas and Pokextreme like this.
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