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The Story Behind The Game

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Livid Bishop, Jan 14, 2017.

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  1. Livid Bishop

    Livid Bishop Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    Wynncraft is fascinating.

    What is the story about this game, its history, founders and development?
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    The original team and owners started with a servet called crafted movie and a youtube channel under the same name.
    Around 2013 (?) they announced thru ate gonna open an rpg server and that's how Wynn wad born.
  3. Potateau

    Potateau Big Teeth HERO

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    Some people got together and put some blocks down.
    SpadenadeZ1, Enduh, Argon and 3 others like this.
  4. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    Salted was taking a shit and the idea for an MMO came to him instantly.
  5. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    Oh if you wanna know more about the behind the scenes on the Wynn twitter every Tuesday there is a tweet about something that happened while developing the game. Like little stories or secrets that are kind of unknown. You should really check it out if you're interested in that kind of thing.
    Ackro, SpadenadeZ1, Enduh and 7 others like this.
  6. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    images (8).jpg
    Ackro and Stag2001 like this.
  7. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    As the community manager that manages wynncraft's twitter, nice plug right there
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
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  8. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    The story began, being told through the ages, gathered around flickering fires and under the stars. The story of a land, a history, a dimension, or simply, an idea. Gather round, gather all, as we sit here today, to hear about the story of a game.

    Back in 2012, the owners of the CraftedMovie server(Grian, Salted, Jumla) and CraftedMovie YouTube channel got together with some trusted people from their server to work on a secret project called "Project W"(Wynn being the Old English word for 'W'). They built the very first map of Wynncraft back then, with only Ragni, Detlas, Almuj and Nemract as the main cities. Salted was in charge of adding mobs while Grian led the people to build the map, while Jumla coded everything. The Wynncraft server beta opened around April 2013. The trailer was released around July 2013 which started attracting players to the server. What started from a small idea is soon seen to be growing into one of the most popular MMORPG servers ever.

    The first official update was the Quest Update of September 2013, which obviously, added quests. The level cap was also raised to 70. Then around October the Ocean was expanded, Reincarnation and the Bob boss fight was added, level cap increased to 75, bringing forth the Ocean Update. The first blocks of Gavel(Gavel meaning 'Greed', one of the prime elements of Villager nature) were placed shortly after this period. The very first glimpses of Gavel's beginnings were seen when players travelled to the other side of the map, where Llevigar stands today. They saw the original Gavel door and some unfinished things, before the whole area was blocked off so Gavel could be worked on. The third big update, the 1.12 Mob Update(aka Wynn Revamp), brought revolutionary changes to the landscape of Wynn. Entire cities were redone, new biomes were added, styles were improved, detail was emphasised. And of course, due to the notorious EULA, donators were sad to see the VIP Town(and its popular 1le-per-black-horse merchant), and their 2x XP perks get deleted. Around this time should I mention, "forum guilds" were increasing in popularity on the Wynncraft Forums, where players joined one of these "forum guilds" and made their mark on community involvement. Some of these guilds included The Nether's Ascension, Knights of Valor and more.

    Then came 1.13, the Wynnter Update. The Wynnter Update added the Ice Canyon and the Dernel Jungle to the map(with the Tower of Ascension of course, one of the greatest builds on Wynncraft). The Wynnter Update also bought the much wanted Guilds to the game, which finally made "forum guilds" become reality. However, Guilds is, until now, regarded by some people as a very bad move.

    As small guilds rivalled for territory, a lone goliath was rising in the horizon. Legio Praetoria was an ultimate alliance formed between the leaders of Kangronomicon(Fuq), Knights of Valor(KnV), The Nether's Ascension(TNA), and Imperial(Imp). Legio Praetoria was simply a shockwave. Small guilds soon saw them being at mercy of the larger predator, slowly swallowing their territories away. Those who tried to reclaim their lost territories were brutally beaten by the mobs guarding each territory belonging to Legio. The Wynn Province territories were split into 4 parts, each guild of Legio Praetoria managing their part. The only known exception was the territory of "Lone Tree Island" which has been mercifully given to the guild The Chroniclers(for reasons unknown). This soon led to one of the most bitter days seen by the Wynncraft community. Cries of outrage were let out on the forums, and a new flame war about Legio was seen every single day. Moderators and Legio leaders themselves tried to extinguish the raging fires, but their efforts were in vain. At long last, be it a blessing or a curse, everything comes to an end eventually. Inactivity in the Legio guilds soon led to other guilds slowly reclaiming back their lands since they can no longer fight back as quickly as before. Some players simply quit, never to return. This called for the fate of Legio Praetoria and on one day, Legio Praetoria collapsed and was disbanded.

    Over the course of the next few months, numerous events and unofficial events were made to keep the interest of the players alive while the Content Team were busy whipping up the biggest update known to Wynncraft to date. Teasers were released, offering sneak-peeks of the magical, mysterious, decayed, greed-ridden Gavel Province. The Official Gavel Content Competition was also held during this period, where the staff called for players to unleash their skills and talents to compete in various categories of the Competition-all for the grand prize, where the winning entry will get to see their entry put into the Gavel Update. In the end, the much-loved community moderator and YouTuber IgbarVonSquid won, with his entry of "Improved Boss Fights" which called for better crafted bosses, with them using various spells and more. (This was of course eventually put into the game) The developers also promised Gavel to be released on the fall of 2015, but sadly the promise was not kept as bugs kept appearing left and right and they simply needed more time to perfect everything. But everyone on the Hype Train was patient, because a perfect product released slowly is better than a rushed product with numerous problems.

    And then, on December 21st 2015, 4 days before Christmas Day, the big day came.

    The Gavel Expansion, Update Version 1.14.

    Over 1000 new items were added, the new accessories, along with the elusive Mythic weapons. The Official Wynncraft Resource Pack was also made, offering state-of-the-art 3D reskinned blocks to make them looked like custom weapons. Countless of new quests, mysterious lore, whole new element system, redone identification system, the "???" quest, new mob AIs, boss fights, and of course, Gavel. Gavel was simply the biggest project Wynn has ever done, with more than 10 different biomes, cities, towns. Following Gavel, many thought Wynn won't see another update for the next year, but oh boy, is something big stirring up...

    In the early months of 2016, Salted released a teaser on what looks like a different bit of the Decrepit Sewers dungeon. This again led to a build-up of hype where many thought dungeons are getting revamped. They were correct-revamped dungeons were indeed what the Content Team had planned, but there is more than what meets the eye. On August 28th 2016, the next major update after the Gavel Expansion-The 1.14.1 Gameplay Update, went live. Powders are added. Skiens Island, Jungle Village, Pirate Cove and many old quests were revamped, making them look a hundred times more magnificent. The V.S.S Seaskipper was also added, offering much needed fast ocean travel, making quests like Zhight Island less torturous. The Soul Point system was also changed, and this brought a slight series of unhappiness among the community. But what makes this update shine the most, is-of course, revamped Dungeons, but also the new "Ultimate" rank, HERO. Costing a hundred dollars(USD duh, definitely not North Korean money), it offers amazing perks such as the new Mob Totems, new bombs, Tier 2 Crates, and more! VIP and VIP+ were also reconfigured and stocked up with lesser of the new perks. The Hallowynn Update followed shortly, offering you to take a walk around the Twain Mansion Graveyard, uncovering lost secrets of one of the masters of the arts.

    Admist all of the new changes, celebrations, new things and everything, there was one last project to be done. Back in the days before the unfortunate "9/7 Forums Wipe", sat a glorious, radiant meme that defines the Wynncraft community till today.


    The very first suggestion that suggests adding a new province, MrCoffeeTime went through great efforts to convince everyone that his idea was the best. Laughed and scorned at, it seemed that the very idea of Corkus, Relos and Legendary Island was fading away, just to become a joke. But somewhere deep down, there was a spark. A flame. Ignited into a fire of passion. Some time after Gavel was out, work began. The first blocks were placed. The theme was set. The terrain was made. The long-lost idea of Corkus, is to be made into reality.

    On March 9 2016, Head Builder Grian created a thread titled "The First General Suggestion To Make It In Game!". People guessed left and right, wondering what it would be. Some thought about the well-supported suggestions: Item Locks, Better Quest Book, or even the soon-to-be-added Fast Ocean Travel, but none didn't seem to make the cut. Of course, there were a handful of people suggesting it may be Corkus, but no one knows. They just don't know it yet.

    Almost a year after the Gavel Expansion, The 1.15 Wynnter Update is live! The temporary Wynnter Fair offered exciting festive games to play, new items to buy, and noticeably, new places to explore...
    The east ocean border was revamped, now offering heaps of extra content for players to explore. Lo and behold, sitting in the pristine waters, was the mighty industrial nation of Corkus. What originally started as a joke has now been placed into the actual game, leaving many players stunned and in awe. However, problems arise from within the industrial island, as Corkus officials forbade anyone to enter until their "problems" are resolved. While disappointed, everyone did not give up hope. Some continued to venture into the new border, and found something new...

    A solid, grim, leviathan fortress wall.

    And guarding it, are soldiers from your homeland, all under the command of what appears to be a tyrannical ruler.

    We have come a long way, weaved together so many stories, tales, and legends, all to be told down the generations and the generations that follow. With Corkus on the horizon, and on the other side-Fruma and possibly, Dern-the ever-changing Wynncraft will definitely continue to bring forth amazement and the unexpected. And eventually, will set a profound legacy.
  9. SizzlingBacon

    SizzlingBacon Enlightened Adventurer CHAMPION

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    this wall of text is bigger than fruma's wall jesus
  10. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    1. did you just type this or have you copy-pasted it?
    2. we knew about corkus before 1.15 thanks to the llevigar library
  11. RamonaFlowers

    RamonaFlowers Subspace Delivery Girl CHAMPION

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    Typed out everything
    SpadenadeZ1 and kazumeep like this.
  12. Academyfail

    Academyfail That one vet that still doesn't have a level 100 CHAMPION

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    Powders were there before the update, they were just temp taken out
  13. TheHipster

    TheHipster Famous Adventurer

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    what a shit story grandpa trump
  14. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    Actually, Gavel came out on December 20th, which was one day before Winter officially began, thus the Content Team kept their promise of the update being released in Fall of 2015.
    SpadenadeZ1, Stag2001 and kazumeep like this.
  15. Livid Bishop

    Livid Bishop Travelled Adventurer HERO

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    Keep this somewhere and build on it. It is really interesting.

  16. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    It was for the lulz and because we keft the ocean territories open for a ffa (its too bothersome going island skipping)
    You should post a thread
  17. e!

    e! ⁣e HERO

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    Lord Trump is known to create biggest and strongest walls. No matter if they made out of text or anything else.
    Nukewarmachine likes this.
  18. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    70 was always the original level cap. December 21st is still technically Fall so I mean we kinda made it.
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  19. X_TBGamer_X

    X_TBGamer_X The guy who threw his wallet to a roof

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    i dont belive i just read that
  20. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    December 21st is the start of Winter. Gavel released on the 20th. Do you even calendar?
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