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Art Minecraft Blocks

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Fox, Dec 28, 2016.

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  1. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    FOX'S WOOLPACK and 1 brick block

    Made some block textures a while ago to help my friend with one of his projects, but his project never surfaced so I'mma just show them here.
    I'll also show some back story to it and whatnot.

    that's 17 wool and 1 brick block, 2 bricks if we count the same block twice just for the color difference.


    here's a timeline of how the brick blocks became what they are:


    As you can see it went from very realistic, to not so realistic, but way better for the size limitations. I love it how the final brick shows the sun and the moon together. Really loved that for the project this was for too.

    Oh, also, I re-used the first block and the second block (in order of left to right) to make the red header above :P Might as well put them to use.

    For the wool, most wool designs in most texture packs for the block are ugly, so I wanted something iconic but still with detail, that's why I did a plaid pattern with cloudy details as my wool.

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
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