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Coming Back - Some Questions

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Zujio, Dec 22, 2016.

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  1. Zujio

    Zujio Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    I'm coming back from a Wynncraft break. (I have a Assassin lvl ~46.)
    But I want to start a new character, an archer/hunter.

    First of all, there were a lot of changes with the elements. And the skill points are based on this a bit too.
    What is important as an archer? Which is a good allrounder build? I dont see any detailed guides.

    And will the archer be a strong class ingame which can 2-or 3 shot enemies with the bow?
    Can I somehow delete old characters and start a new one or do I need to buy the VIP+ slots for it?

    Thanks for answering the questions :)

    Have a good day,
  2. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    go to the class selection
    right click the one u want to delete and there will be a timer when u hover it with ur mouse
    just wait and it will be deleted
  3. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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    First of all, welcome back!
    If you ever want to delete/create a new character just do /class and there will be black glass panes. If not, you have filled all your class slots. To delete a class, simply right click on it and select the green checkmark. A timer will appear below the class' stats, which may vary between your class' level. If you ever want more class slots, buy either VIP or VIP+ (Hero doesn't give any extra class slots).

    If you're just starting off, don't try to aim for any build. Chances are you'll be leveling up quickly and your previous armor will become weak. It's better to start build making once you get to level 90 or higher (as most good items are that level). As you're just starting off, I recommend going water (intelligence) and air (agility) for spell casting and dodging attacks. As for the 2-3 shot kill thing; Archer may deal lots of damage, but its defense is very low. The amount of hits it takes to kill a mob varies.
    I hope you enjoy Wynncraft! ...Again.
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  4. Triverr

    Triverr Cool Cat Adventurer HERO

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    To your questions about skill points and elements...

    Skill points determine what kind of gear you can use. Strength enables gear with melee damage, Agilty enables walk speed, etc. If you want to start with all around build, invest evenly in everything. You won't be able to use the strongest specialized gear, but most everything else will be an option. If you like a skill more than others, invest a little more in that. Around level 70-80 specialization becomes more important.

    To your question about how strong archer is...

    It all depends on how you use skill points! How you specialize later will determine how hard it is to kill mobs and how hard it is to die.
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  5. griffinlovato

    griffinlovato Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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  6. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    1. Now a days people use any build, but speed could be your no. 1 best friend as it makes you harder to hit+ the fact you can spam arrow bomb

    2. Any build that you feel suits your play style.
    Air = scout
    Water =Spell
    Fire = Tank
    Earth = Brute
    Thunder = Assassin
    You can mix them up if you so wish

    3. Archer can be very deadly if you use the right build for the right job

    4. You can now delete characters by right clicking on any class and it will come up with a menu to delete the class. Press the X to cancel the deletion and the ☑ to start deletion. Deletion of a character may take time depending on the progress done.

    If there are anymore questions feel free to ask
    Zujio likes this.
  7. Zujio

    Zujio Skilled Adventurer VIP

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    Well thank you very much^^ I think Im starting with a damage build with Strength to get more damage and later I will go indepth with the skills.
    I saw a youtube video of a speed archer (had about+280% mov. speed). Looked really funny. I think I will build that when Im max level.

    I hope reskilling is not a problem later on and not so expsensive.
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