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Art Nighttime's Divine

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Fox, Dec 5, 2016.

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  1. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    6 months ago I posted this "teaser"—Much of a teaser when it's been six months lmao—Frankly, I wasn't going to post anything else evermore on these forums. But, I ceded in and thought I'd might as well show what has happened with Tabatha. Have had this project left on the drawer getting dusty for a while by now, so here it is:

    Here's a bit of a description about it:

    It just reminds me of New York: Seems like every building is an advert and the streets are the inexplicable noise their streets emit. It’s kinda like what you want to see when you live on a big city like that. You just want to see crazy shit: People fucking on the Helicopter plots; people raving on trucks; people camping at wall-mart; COACHELLA AT THE COSTCO ROOF. like that’s the kind of shit you want to see if you live in a big city...

    You want see the nighttime’s divine.


    So yeah. That's what tabby is up to. Had to post this at 1 am too, since it's only appropriate.

    So yeah. Comments/feedback are always nice, even if I don't expatiate that I want it. At the end of the day, having a conversation is always nice, so don't be discouraged to say whatever that is that you're evoked.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
    Kuroi, Chino, Trebark and 12 others like this.
  2. Killerfish

    Killerfish Procrastinating Artist HERO

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    tbh yea, but it also makes me think of either how I imagine power grids are set up, or fiber optics. The colors really add up to a nice contribution to that theme, especially the first one with the blinds.
    TheFireFox, Plasma~ and Fox like this.
  3. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Contrasts a pretty cool. Tbe blinds make this contrast happen, as well as it blends the picture together.
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  4. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    @Victrix Securis

    Come on, y'all. I dare y'all to leave a comment. Didn't post in months just for another dead thread like all art threads. I want to hear you out. Why did you like it? If you didn't like it, but you're supporting me, why so?
  5. Procrast

    Procrast Schmoovin' VIP+

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    Oh, so it's a dare is it? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
    I like the contrast of the pixels against the other colours, especially from the figure. It's really good, how long did this take?
    Fox likes this.
  6. Victrix Securis

    Victrix Securis Spanish, not Mexican | History nerd | Doodler VIP

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    I like the color selection and the effect given by them is lovely.
    And the guy's pose, yeah! Rock 'n' Roll!
    Fox likes this.
  7. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Contrasting colors would be certain colors that are together, say, blue and red, or magenta and yellow. So, are you talking about that you like the stereoscopic effects on the long exposure car trails on the streets? :P

    Doubt it.

    It didn't take me long. What took me long was getting to it. I left it untouched for literally months and finished it in 2 days.

    So, I'll show you the progress I have recorded from making Tabatha. My view always remained the same, and in fact, it's still is the same even if I've finished it and it doesn't looks like my vision at all. But, regardless, I didn't mind it not looking like my vision because of the technique restrains and because of, that at the end of the day, if it looks good, it just looks good, and that is the purpose of designing something.


    This is the earliest I have. As you can see, this has no proportion at all. Almost as if Tabatha was looking down from heaven. It's a play of perspectives. However, not what I wanted. Which is ironic since this draft is closer to my vision than the final result.

    Here is where I changed the perspective into a more naturalistic one. As you can see, this looks more like the final result than the last draft, but this one is still stubborn on the idea of capturing the vision of a giant city.

    And this was the final draft I did and left untouched for months until a few weeks ago. As you can see, this is the formalized version of the prior sketch even more established that I wanted a big city, and in here I had achieved it.

    So, I finished it on 2 days a few weeks ago, but it took months in retrospective. And, frankly, all visions are valid. All of the ones I just showed you are all very valid. In fact I could even use them and make complete different art from them.

    This is one of the process screenshots I took once I polished this last draft I showed above and pretty much did an entirely different vision off of it:


    So, yeah. That's the process. Pretty complete answer :p

    As far as Tabatha herself, she has quite the process too, but that's a lot of backtracking.

    But, I will touch on one of the cool things about Tabatha. When I originally posted her on the forums as a teaser, I had said on the thread that Tabatha was the name I use for my clients ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) If you wanted to become my client, inbox me.

    The teaser was covering Tabatha's booty, but if you were to inbox me, you could see her booty, which was a spoiler of the soon-to-be of Tabby's frosted 7/11 ass. So, yeah, lovely marketing lmao.

    So, yeah, there u go.
    Tabatha is a very interesting name for a guy, don't you think? :P

    I mean, those legs are godlike to chibi-harems. Petite and curvy, with a bubble-butt ass. Her weave is 28 long inches and a very nice mix of green with phosphorescent yellow details to add dimension to it.

    Tabby is not the biggest fan on rock and roll, but she's a bad bitch. She's more a fan of power ballads, the actual cool part of rock and roll, which would become the anthem of what we know was legendary concerts. Other than that, rock sucks a lot of endocrine teenage fumes, and most of it doesn't even rhymes—Like, literally, most rock and roll sounds nice but doesn't even have actually harmony(literally Summer of 69 by Bruce is good example).

    Most rock and roll is just sound and that's just it. not music.

    But, that's really only talking about rock and roll. It makes for great concerts, but doesn't have any harmony at all. However, rock and roll is not to be confused with rock. they're very different intentions and genres.

    So yea. Rock and roll Rock

    On the other hand, Tabby likes rock. She's a lot into heavy rock more like, some modern examples as Flipside by Lana del rey, Skin by Sixx:A.M. or Nymphetamine Fix by Cradle of Filth or Sidewalks by The Weeknd (even though that one by the weeknd is more psychedelic rock than heavy, but it's a darn ass good guitar).

    Oh, she's also very diverse when it comes to music, so literally the bitch could talk for hours, so because of that that if you want any thoughts of her in specific, you'll have to ask her personally. Though, just because I mince the conversation to rock only doesn't means, once again, that she only likes rock.
  8. Plasma~

    Plasma~ Antishitposter

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    The blinds and colors made me think of the nightlife chaos of such cities.
  9. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    If you had read my description, that this "chaos" you refer to is what I call nighttime's divine.

    And, frankly, that's probably because you didn't choose to live in a city.

    Tabatha choose to live in a city, and this is exactly what she wanted, as well as the peepers staring at her from the blinds. To achieve what was wanted, or even to believe that is desire, that achievement is itself the nighttime's divine.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
  10. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Your turn, mate ^^^^^^ I don't want your pitiful likes. I want to know what YOU think, and why, if you liked it, why you liked it.
  11. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    @The One-eyed Guy

    Your turn guys!

    What does it evoke on you? Why do you like it? What is your story behind your like? I want to hear you out like all the others :P

    Oh, also @The One-eyed Guy been a while since I've seen you due to my absence. Thanks for the support like always.
  12. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    I see you too @Ryuu

    u gotta join the line of people who im interested to tell to me what do they think bout what they gave a like to :P

  13. Ryuu

    Ryuu bamboozle insurance VIP+ ✎ Artist

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    I mean, I don't stop to contemplate every piece of art I stumble by. I see good art- I like it.

    If you gotta ask, I think the palette choice really makes this piece for me. The colors are honestly beautiful and sets the mood. Aside from that I really have no technical advice to give since pixel art isn't up my alley. The proportions seem a tiny bit off on the person though.

    Keep up the good work ^^
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016
    TheFireFox likes this.
  14. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Ye, someone noticed. It's the left arm that's wonky. Maybe the back a little, specially on the drafts. But on the final piece it looks not so bad.
    Because of the small scale, there are limitations in shapes, so the best way to look at pixel art is from far away to mimick how vectors look—sharp.

    Pixel art is basically just digital art but doing it in very small scales. It's a misconception that pixel art has to have very specific aesthetics, but that is because of the technological limitations color-wise that there used to be back in the late 80s.

    But, since there aren't any limitations any longer, these aesthetics we associate pixel art with pretty much have become tasteful/stylistic at this point.

    A good historic background of pixel art is checking the art from the Final Fantasy series.

    So, yeah lol. People seem to think of pixel art as some esoteric, a difficult thing, but this is not necessarily true. It just depends how much the designer limits themselves, which is exactly how all arts perform.
  15. Ryuu

    Ryuu bamboozle insurance VIP+ ✎ Artist

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    I didn't say I don't know how pixel art works. I said that it's not up my alley, meaning I've actually tried to do it before and deemed it pretty god damn hard.

    I respect pixel artists a lot and they are often underestimated. Godspeed friendo, keep doin cool shit '3
  16. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Up my alley only really means "don't know/not familiar", thus that's what you actually said :p

    Because of what you said was twofold, that that was the reason why I explained pixel art because I understood by "up my alley" that you didn't know how to judge it properly, so by knowing the concept now you could.

    But what you meant was that you didn't know how to do it properly/was very complicated to you and both meanings, yours and mine, are valid.

    Furthermore you had said before this phrase in question ("up my alley") that you couldn't advice me technically, which is different from what you clarified you meant, which is something practical.

    So, thanks for clarifying, but I also clarify since I don't want you to think I put words in your mouth. So, yeah, no a diatribe nor a harangue, semantics just sound pretty serious.

    Regardless, I do consider what I had said applicable in both contexts (the ones clarified on the paragraphs above) so what I can hope for is that it encourages you to perhaps try at it again with pixels.

    Either way, thanks for your good wishes, and the multiple compliments you gave me. Glad you liked it, even more glad that you gave me the opportunity to hear your explanation towards your support.
  17. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    It's... interesting. Odd texture pattern on the building-like objects and the colors themselves make a really neat harsh chaotic-looking light.
    Also looking at anyone's design process interests me, and looking at yours... Well, that's a fuck ton of work. Since I never really do high-res things anyway, I usually go right to the pixels instead of blending and then pixelizing. I also have no planning whatsoever, so it's cool to have a noticeable difference between each stage of work.
    Besides, it's good work that looks like it took a lot of effort, and to me that deserves a like. I'm also kind of questioning why she's naked and how this even turned out as an idea in your head, but it's art, and I won't question it.
    Fox likes this.
  18. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Good comment. Finally a comment that isn't neither conceited, arrogant or reserved.

    Cities are so contrasting even stars disappear. Which is in fact what Tabatha is staring at in the horizon, the scarce stars, behind the buildings she wanted to badly.

    If only you saw my photoshop files lol. It's at least 500 layers. Not that I did all those layers manually, but I work very technically, so it took a while. The buildings are composed out of 70 squares which I did layer by layer so I could apply on photoshop a gradient effect to mimic panels.

    I love panels, that was why I did it square by square.

    Then I added detail and dimension to the building:

    Way better... yes. Giving me Dolce & Gabanna and Play Station 2 vibes.

    It's interesting, isn't? How my buildings actually truly look serene. It's what Tabatha wanted, an what she chose, but compared to the stars they look like limitations.

    Nothing matters, if the end result doesn't looks good.Even if it's not what you wanted, even if you worked "too hard", whichever excuse, if it looks nice and has meaning, it is worthwhile and that lasts forever. So, time-lapses or not, high-res or not, nothing matters if it looks good. Planing only works for drafts, and if you're going to base yourself out of something imaginary, then drafts are very important. If you're going to use references and morph them into your own work, then drafting can be skipped.

    Bad standards to judge art; good standards to appreciate and to considerate people's feelings and experience. So, since you're considering my feelings and performance, I'mma thank you for that.

    1 phrase: Nighttime's Divine.
    Freedom of the night, the duds be popping but its just a design, it's not a part of her, even if she loves fashion too much, freedom is what she is meant to be doing right there, right now.

    So, there's no questioning to do, I explained why on the description and on some comments on this thread already :P
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
  19. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Bump bump bump
  20. TheFireFox


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    Mfw I come back from being dead and saw myself tagged
    I didnt even remember liking this post but there it is

    Anyways heres my reply:
    I'm a huge sucker for pixel related art, but myself, I'm not very good at it, which is prolly why I liked it. also i thought your typed bit was interesting, and i liked it to show support for the work you did.

    What does it invoke in me?
    The colors bring to mind memories of when i was a small child- i have memory issues so sometimes all i can see in my mind's eye are flashes and bars of colors from neon signs lining city streets and buildings long past. but thats cheesy and no one cares about that
    it also invokes a feeling of absolute freedom, esp when i read the passage again.

    I cant provide much artistic feedback bc all i'm good for is shitposting, but i do love the effect the version w/ the blinds have.

    so uh yeah

    yo edit: i read through the entire thread and this is a p crappy reply so bash me as hard as you want thanks : thumbsup :
    i really just honestly didnt know how to reply to such a demanded request for an asnwer and got really nervous so i rushed this
    sorry dude- its p obvious you wanted actual substance filled replies and im not really your dude for that
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
    Chimeric likes this.
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