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Art Happy Hallowynn: Neo Build Spider

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Cosomos, Oct 31, 2016.


Should I Animate Wooly?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    After seeing the animated corpse in the well at the Hallowynn Quest. I was inspired to make this Neo Build. But before you look at it let me tell you a story.
    Back in early summer I applied to be a Command Blocker twice, the rejections were not bad the were mainly saying that I did not show enough proof of me being skilled in a certain area. I was getting ready to make a third one when I got a crazy idea to animate boss attacks, so I made a boss out of leather dyed armor and then I Picked up Mr. Crayfishes Model Maker and learned how to use it. But set backs made it so I never finished it(I was trying to use a 2 Giants to hold 2 parts of a sword, but the passive arm animation of the Giant made it imposible).
    After that I started to think of another way to impress the Command Blockers, so then I got the crazy idea of not only animating the boss attacks and instead animating the mob itself, I realized doing it with command blocks would be laggy and not efficient. However I knew if the server was ever updated to 1.9+ there would be a chance it was possible, but it would take code and not command blocks. So until that day arrived I planned to wait on my third app. Then show them the true potential of 1.9 with it's 12k item textures(you can have a texture for each durablity of an item).
    That is when Hallowynn came and I realized that Wynn was close to being able to fully animating a boss battle with a custom boss. By combining 3D Textures with Animation you technically would be able to make giant mind-blowing boss. So because of that demonstration that code can add passive animation without causing lag, that means my 3 month old idea acually is possible so now I want to pass on my idea and offer my assistance in what Wynncraft could have in the future. Although this is little more than a statue I plan to make my third app of me animating this with command blocks.
    XavierEXE, Coolfood, Icy and 6 others like this.
  2. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    well I named it, it shall now be know as Wooly, Wooly the spider
    wait... no no no I feel.... song coming on

    Wooly the Spider
    was a very nasty soul
    It poisons your veins
    with it's obsidian fangs
    and glare of redstone

    @Pretzule help me...
    Shamos200 likes this.
  3. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    Spooky Bump
    Would people want to see Wooly Exposed?
  4. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    o damn thats awesome
    Grantdrew likes this.
  5. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    I asked a CMB and found out that they are not interested in wooly being animated as an app
    so unless I get 50 votes to do it I Wooly will forever be a statue(unless I wake up one day and feeling like doing it)
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